talesofalushie · 8 years
You guys miss me yet? 😘
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talesofalushie · 9 years
Just a little video update for you so you can actually see how I'm doing lol. I get a little rambly so I apologize, but I would appreciate it if you watched, as some questions are answered and I need your help!
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talesofalushie · 9 years
Please Read **IMPORTANT**
Effective yesterday, I no longer work for Lush Cosmetics.  I won’t go into details of my leaving, but there were lots of tears and lots of heartache and hurt feelings.  While I still support and adore Lush Cosmetics and the morals & ethics they carry, I don’t think I can devote an entire blog to them at the moment, and as a result, will be putting this blog on temporary hiatus until I figure something out.  I’m still open to talking about Lush, but at the moment wounds are still fresh and I’d rather not douse them with salt. I just want to say all of you are wonderful, beautiful people, and I adore and appreciate each and every one of you with my very heart and soul.  I know I wasn’t always able to answer some of your questions or help you all out, and for that I apologize.  I know I’ll probably lose some followers over this, and for that I apologize for not giving you what you were looking for.  I’m not doing well, so words of encouragement are greatly appreciated. I love you all.  Really, I do, and I hope you know that every single day Kisses & hugs ~Robyn, aka The Artist Formerly Known as Talesofalushie
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talesofalushie · 9 years
Kind of a silly question but are there any benefits of Lullaby to those that don't have sensitive scalps? I love lavender scents and I recently switched from Copperhead due to getting too much moisture from it. (I use American cream too)
I’ve used Lullaby before and it does!  Lush’s stance on everything is that it’s non-prescriptive, but if you have a certain issue like oily hair or dry scalps, you could benefit more from a certain product.  Lullaby’s really nice and gentle, so I’d try it out!
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talesofalushie · 9 years
Hi Robyn! I'm currently on the search for a good shampoo for permed hair! Blousey looks like it would be a good option, but I'm worried that it will weigh my hair down and make it greasy( my hair is fine and thin, have to wash everyother day) I'm also thinking about getting Braziliant as well, good decision, or bad decision? Thanks, feel better!!
Feeling MUCH better, thank you dear!  And Brazilliant would be a lot for your hair type imo.  It’s one of the richest shampoo bars Lush carries.  Blousey’s quite rich too, so I’d stay away from that as well.  I’d look into Cynthia Sylvia Stout or even Godiva (you most likely won’t need a conditioner after using Godiva since it’s a 2 in 1 as well).
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talesofalushie · 9 years
Hi! So I just bought Dark Angels a couple days ago after to talking to an employee about my skin(pretty mild, no bad breakouts ever) and lack of a skin care routine. I loved it in the store( and still love it) but I noticed my forehead is covered in little bumps that definitely weren't there before and my chin where I was breaking out is perfectly smooth. Is this typical when starting a new cleanser and how long should that last if so? Thank you for your time and I love your blog😍
It can be typical yes.  I broke out the first week I used Full of Grace.  Two years later, haven’t broken out from it since.  I’d keep with it for a few weeks and if it gets worse, I’d look into an alternative
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talesofalushie · 9 years
I have a lot of skin problems. Rosacea, eczema and psoriasis. It's not fun at all, and while I want to start using cruelty free products but I'm nervous that my skin is too sensitive for lush products. I don't use anything with soap, scrubs or fragrance. Mostly I use soapless cream wash on my skin like cetaphil, Vaseline for a body moisturizer and a special sensitive skin formula for my face. Do you have any recommendations, or should I not bother?
I totally get being nervous.  It’s kind of a gamble for people with sensitive skin, and I always recommend going into a store and trying something on your skin first, maybe picking up a few samples.  There’s a ton of great sensitive skin options at Lush, and I’d try switching out vaseline for Dream Cream (since vaseline is a gross fossil fuel and when you look at the big picture, does nothing for the skin, since it just sits on the top layer).  Ultrabland cleansing cream, Eau Roma Water, and Celestial or Cosmetic Lad moisturizers I think would work well for you, so you could always try them out and see!
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talesofalushie · 9 years
Hey Robyn, hope your day is going well! I just finished a pot of R&B and I'd been using that about every other time I wash my hair as a leave in conditioner, with no other conditioners, and it worked well. But I was interested in maybe trying Big Solid again? the first time I got it it was like my first time buying anything from lush, and I hated the application. because I didn't know what I was doing. Do you know how to use it properly? my hair is pretty thin and normal/dry at the ends.
Some people just run the bar through their hair and find that a good way to apply it, but you can also mush a piece off, emulsify with water, and apply like a liquid.  You could always try Big Solid again, but Veganese is also a good liquid alternative for your hair type too!
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talesofalushie · 9 years
How It’s Made: Golden Egg Bath Bomb Melt
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talesofalushie · 9 years
I think you've said in the past that you love skin care. Do you have any skin care tips for us? :)
OH MY GOD DO I YES...sorry, I’m a skincare nerd ^^.  I basically chalk up my love for skincare to my mom teaching me how to take care of my skin when puberty reared its ugly head (it gets better, I promise).  So I have to give her a lot of credit (because she looks good for her age!)I think one of my tips is get a basic routine down, and it’s NEVER too early to start!  Cleanser, toner, moisturizer, wash when you wake up and before you go to bed.  DON’T use body products on your face!  The skin on your face is thinner, has more nerve endings, and is exposed to the elements more than the skin on your body.  Do NOT treat it the same as the skin on your body please!  Also please don’t buy anything for your skin just because it smells nice.  It could be the total opposite of what your skin needs.  Scent should be the least common denominator when you’re choosing skincare, whether it’s Lush or another brand.  I have more customers than I’d like buy stuff just because “it smells nice.”  Great if you’re looking for shower care or bath bombs, not so much applicable to skin & hair.  Never been too rough on your skin when applying product, especially around the eyes.  If it burns, stings, or makes your skin feel overall uncomfortable, rinse said product off immediately, as those are signs of a reaction and it’s not good to tough something out like that.Staying out of the sun is soooo important too!  Skin cancer is a very real thing and can happen to anyone of ANY skin color (in fact, those with darker skin might have lower chances of getting it, but if they do, it’s a lot more serious and most likely a more deadly form of it!).  So stay out of the sun, use SPF if you choose, and don’t go to tanning beds or slather yourself in baby oil and lay out!  
And finally, diet!  Lots of fresh fruits and veggies as well as slugging back TONS of water will do wonders for your skin.  I notice that when my diet suffers, I tend to break out on my forehead, and when I don’t drink as much water, my skin looks quite sallow and dull.  What you put into your body reflects on the outside!  
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talesofalushie · 9 years
hey so I just bought two bath bombs on a whim, since the store was really busy and I didn't have a lot of time to wait to talk to anyone. I bought Frozen and The Experimenter (Intergalactic wasn't there :( ) and I was wondering if you knew how moisturising those were? My skin has been really dry this year (dry winter up here in Canada), so should I add in a piece of Butterbear to help moisturise or do you think those bombs by themselves would be okay? Thank you so much!
Those two really aren’t that moisturizing on their own.  You could always add a bath melt to it though!
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talesofalushie · 9 years
Based on what you know from the sales do you think rose jam shower gel will return next year? It's my absolute fave lush product but I only got 1 small bottle this year :((((
We literally never know what will be returning for the holidays until probably a few weeks beforehand, but I would say it’s highly likely it’ll be coming back.  I feel like there would be riots if it didn’t lol
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talesofalushie · 9 years
I was wondering if you could tell me if I just had a bad batch of shower jelly or what because I was disappointed because I really wanted to like it! Or maybe I've just been using it wrong. I try rubbing it straight on my body and it doesn't really lather at all so I have a hard time telling if it was cleaning or not, and it often ends up flaking/falling apart. If it makes any difference, it's nightwing!
I feel like it’s kind of hard to get shower jellies to lather, but if you work at it (and you believe in yourself) you can get a decent lather.  Shower jellies do tend to break apart though, so I tend to use mine whole until it starts to crumble, then I just break off chunks and smoosh it into my loofah, lather between my hands, and wash!  So no, you didn’t get a bad batch!
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talesofalushie · 9 years
What is the best Lush shower product in your opinion?
Lol i always get so conflicted when people ask me “what the best _____ is” because I do have a ton of favorites!  Shower gels I’ve been loving lately (I honest to god have tried all of them and I don’t really hate any of them at all) are Beautiful & Happy Hippy.  Another shower product I love that I feel doesn’t get enough love (due to the hefty price tag is what I’m thinking) is African Paradise.  It smells so good and it reminds me of when I first started at Lush because it came out a few months after my store open, so it holds a nostalgic sort of value to me ^^
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talesofalushie · 9 years
Mini Update!
Hey guys! I just wanted to apologize for not being active the past few days. I've been battling a very bad stomach flu that's left me in bed the past few days home from work (no lie, I almost threw up on one of my employees. Not one of my finer moments...). Anyways, I should be up and about in a day or two. I hope you guys understand! Love you bunches! ~Robyn, aka Talesofalushie
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talesofalushie · 9 years
so my herbalism went mouldy because someone got water in it so I've been just washing my face with water when I shower and putting moisturiser on and I actually think my face is nicer because my cheeks don't dry out between washes, although it's a bit shiny. I think I have normal/combo skin with some blackheads and the occasional forehead breakout, which face cleanser would be good to go to?
Grooooooss!  Moldy cleansing rolls are so nasty, and they smell quite rank (we’ve had to clean a few out...it’s gross!).  I’d check out Angels on Bare Skin, and remember to keep it out of the water!
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talesofalushie · 9 years
Is it true that Godiva can be used without conditioner?
It can if it’s enough moisture for your hair!  Some people need additional conditioner, but if Godiva’s all you need, that’s just fine!
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