talontheacedragon · 2 days
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talontheacedragon · 2 days
contrary to popular belief not everyone has an innate sense of internal gender or care to have one or seek a name for it, some people go their whole lives without questioning their occupation in one of two gender roles, but for some people, if pressed, they don’t feel that internal sense of ‘i am a woman’ or ‘i am a man’, and in that case i feel the switch over to transgender vs cisgender relies on active identification of a gender other than the one they were assigned. if someone’s like ‘idk dude I just work here’ then that’s valid
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talontheacedragon · 2 days
I've decided not enough autistic people on the internet know about bell ringing (change ringing, full circle ringing, whatever you want to call it)
This is deeply wrong to me because I have a running theory that all bell ringers are, in fact, on the spectrum (especially the good ones, nobody who can ring surprise methods is typical)
So I'm putting my intense interest in this hobby to use by rambling hysterically about it like the pathetic nerd I am.
Apologies in advance for any poor writing and factual weirdness, the alphabet is my enemy and grammar a much larger foe.
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talontheacedragon · 3 days
hey neurodivergent people
wanna know what i do to regulate my nervous system sometimes?
find rain. heavy. rain so hard it kinda hurts. rain so hard your car's windscreen wipers can't keep up. rain that has you soaked through in 30 seconds flat and doesn't last more than 10-15 minutes. it doesn't come often where i live so you gotta take the chance when it shows up.
make sure you have a way to warm up after
wear a swimming costume or other clothes you don't mind getting soaked
then stand in it. walk around. do it in bare feet. don't think about it at all, just throw yourself into it.
idk why it works. like, all of it should be sensory icky no no. but it's just... not.
i think it's just a little reminder in my brain that i am in fact a real person. like i can feel the ground, and the dampness of the water, smell the petrichor in the air...
tbh it may work with a shower if you have an overhead one with high enough pressure on a low enough temperature.
i kinda end up either really awake or really sleepy after, but it always makes me laugh and it's very fun
where i live it doesn't happen very often. we had some last year that was fucking incredible. was the middle of the afternoon. sky went from blue to dark grey in about two minutes, dumped A Lot of water on the town, and then returned to stunning blue within about 15 minutes.
i was in london a little while ago and there was another bout. i'd gone to the opera with my partner and was beginning to deal with some bad overstimulation because i was wearing fancy opera clothes (a cute lil suit) and wearing heels (ew, why) and the buses were being sub-optimal and our seats at the opera were not ideal for someone with spinal issues and it was Bad. and then the road the bus was supposed to go down was closed so we had to walk up it. like a quarter, maybe half a mile. i was like 30 seconds from having a meltdown when the rain got really heavy. took my shoes off and vibed the whole way down. fuckin soaked. but the cold stone and the rain soothed my feet (i have a *thing*), and once all my clothes were soaked they were kinda like a weighted blanket. it was like 11 at night.
so anyways. probs won't work for every neurodivergent person. but try it some time. pretty sure it works whether you're under or over stimulated, don't think it matters which. it's heckin great.
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talontheacedragon · 3 days
context: so i'm in the Process Of Moving House™. i'm selling my current house and looking to move in with my girlfriend
while i'm thinking about it, here's a non-exhaustive list of things i want to do
i wanna have a fully-stocked fridge and freezer so guests can take snacks and meals whenever they want (provided the meals aren't planned for a specific thing)
in the same vein, i wanna have a microwave and airfryer and oven and other kitchen appliances that guests can use whenever they want (within reason), even if it's just the main one that we the owners also use
i want teenagers and young people, especially queer teenagers and young people, to feel comfortable to come in and take food and crash on the sofa for an hour or two or seven or however long they need after an exhausting day of school or work or fight with their parents
i want those same kids to be able to call me at 2am and say 'hey i'm really drunk/high, please come pick me up'
i want those same kids to feel comfortable to ask to run their D&D game out of my living room
i want those same kids to be able to say 'hey my parents kicked me out, can i crash here until i figure something else out' (and i wanna be able to say 'yes absolutely, the blankets and pillows are in the cupboard, there's stuffed animals there too, the shower/bath is free to use, grab all the snacks you need, and if you want, i'll try and help you get your stuff/get you new stuff')
i want those same kids to say 'hey! can you teach me to sew?!' or 'can you show me how to start DMing?' or 'can you help me get into cosplay?' or 'please would you braid my hair?' or 'would you help me plan a coming out party?'
i want those same kids to be able to come into my house rain or shine, in good or bad mental and physical health
if i happen to be out when they come round, i want there to be a porch, or even just a shed that they can chill in if it's raining, or a nice garden with wildflowers and butterflies and bees and birds if it's sunny
i wanna be the person i needed when i was 19 and moving out for the first time, feeling lonely and touch-starved. when i was 17 and discovering i was ace and non-binary on top of spending 23 hours a day in my room amid a pandemic. when i was 13 and struggling with puberty and secondary school and feeling like a square peg in a round hole. when i was 11 and struggling with having been forcibly moved 600 miles away from everything i knew against my will.
a safe space. a safe person. someone kind. a shoulder to cry on. a sounding board for crazy ideas. someone who doesn't write teenagers and young people off, who listens to them, helps how they can, and who can be relied upon.
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talontheacedragon · 3 days
“Let me get this straight. I, a Fae, have spent LITERAL CENTURIES studying the subtle arts of deception, glamour, deceit, and misdirection, and you, a mere human, can just stand there and say things that are untrue?!” “Yeah, that’s about right.”
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talontheacedragon · 5 days
I’m going to save up for a new motorcycle by running a scam where I bet straight dudes at bars twenty bucks that I can get a girl’s number in under five minutes and then politely walk up her and say, “I just bet that asshole twenty bucks that I could get your number. I’ll split it with you if you pretend to laugh like I just said a good pick up line and then write a fake number on my hand.”
Like, I never understood those kind of bets in those shitty teen movies. Everybody loves being part of a scheme, man. Use your head.
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talontheacedragon · 7 days
loudly going "YOU'RE GOOD YOU'RE GOOD" to myself to ward off the memory of every embarrassing thing i've ever done
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talontheacedragon · 8 days
Heres the thing you gotta understand about statistics. 
“Increases your chances by 80%” does not mean “there is now an 80% chance”. 
If your chances were previously 10%, your chances are now 18%, not 90%. 
if your chances were roughly 1%, they’re now just slightly less than 2%. 
thats how that works. 
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talontheacedragon · 8 days
a few years back my car insurance company offered me a discount if i stuck a dongle in my car that would tell them how i drive (specifically reporting hard accelerations and stops), with a base discount of 10% even if i drive like a madman up to 40%ish if i drive like a grandma. and of course naturally my first thought was "huh i bet i could make something running off an Arduino that filters hard brakes and accelerations out of the incoming data stream to get that 40% discount" and i got as far as looking up OBD2 protocols before realizing that that would just be insurance fraud. yes im an engineer raised by two engineers how could you tell
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talontheacedragon · 8 days
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talontheacedragon · 8 days
hi what are the prices for your sketch commissions? I wasn’t able to find any info about that and the style is super gorgeous !!
Sorry! That's on me, I got so many requests before I even had time to update my price sheet - I will do that soon. Prices for the sketch commissions are usually around $60-85 per character but vary a little depending on complexity and color choices. Sketch pages are $200 and will typically have at least five scenes, complexity dependent on number of characters. (More different characters might mean two halfbodies instead of a fullbody etc) Commissions at this moment are closed, however, due to work starting up and illness in the family - but at least that gives me time to update the sheet!
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talontheacedragon · 8 days
hi what are the prices for your sketch commissions? I wasn’t able to find any info about that and the style is super gorgeous !!
Sorry! That's on me, I got so many requests before I even had time to update my price sheet - I will do that soon. Prices for the sketch commissions are usually around $60-85 per character but vary a little depending on complexity and color choices. Sketch pages are $200 and will typically have at least five scenes, complexity dependent on number of characters. (More different characters might mean two halfbodies instead of a fullbody etc) Commissions at this moment are closed, however, due to work starting up and illness in the family - but at least that gives me time to update the sheet!
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talontheacedragon · 8 days
A while back my pharmacist saw my deadname on my profile and accidentially called it out, he corrected and deleted my deadname from the system so only my preferred name shows up now. There was a crowd of people behind me, so as he hands over the pills he apologized, in equal tone and volume as when he called my deadname and lied saying it's been a long day and he didn't mean to call out -his own- name. I quietly told him it was fine and he didn't need to do that for my sake.
His response: "No, it's my name now."
I went to the pharmacist yesterday, his nametag is my deadname. He informed me he's immigrating and in the process he's changed his first name to my deadname to have an English sounding name. That's why he's now able to get a reprint of his nametag to be my deadname. And repeated, with the intense seriousness of someone who is going to die on this hill: "It's mine now. Not yours. I'm taking." His tone indicated that decision is final.
Bro literally deadnamed me once, and has committed to flat out stealing my deadname. It's his now. Legally. Officially. I over heard his co-workers call him by the name.
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talontheacedragon · 9 days
Here's a useless thought my head just supplied me with that I absolutely can't use.
Co-op game where if one player sees another, they die.
Both die? Just the one who does the seeing? Just the one who is seen? All players or just one crucial character? Do reflections count?
"Don't turn around. I'm right behind you. I'm going to put the mcguffin down behind you and go around the corner, I'll tell you when it's safe to turn around; let me know when you're looking away again."
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talontheacedragon · 9 days
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talontheacedragon · 10 days
Whenever I see a queer invalidate another queer's relationship with god, I just get disappointed. "We need more complex queers!" You can't even handle religious queer people.
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