tangerine52 · 3 years
Member: Park Jimin
Contains: Familial arguments, criticism.
Jimin and I had been married for a little over a month now and my parents insisted we meet every sunday evening for some family time. I was overjoyed when they first asked him to join because my parents aren't that 'enthusiastic' about me or my life, per se.
Currently, I was getting ready in front of the vanity mirror. Sunday family nights were always casual so I opted for a simple outfit. I was combing my hair when Jimin stepped fresh out of the shower. I looked over at him and we smiled at each other. He only had a towel around his waist and his wet hair fell over his forehead.
"Enjoying the view?" He asked making that creepy pervert face. I snorted and walked over to him. His arms reflexively pulled me flush against him.
"Ooo, you smell so clean and nice. I could just devour you." I purred.
"Okay! Give me a second!"
I gasped as he picked me up and threw me on the bed. I shook my head as I watched him wiggle into his jeans. "You really are something else!" I laughed as he climbed on top of me. His face hovering inches over mine. Giving me that heart melting eye smile, he started peppering my neck with kisses.
"No, stop! We have to go to my parent's!" I squealed trying to push him away.
"What is parents?" He pretended in order to stay back. Grabbing his face, I pulled him back up so I could look at him. I gave him a fake stern expression and smushed his face.
"We really need to go." I kissed him on his pouty lips. He rolled his eyes in response as he got off me. "Fine! But you're still devouring me when we get back." He murmured as he put on a t-shirt. I stayed rooted to the bed as I watched his muscles flex before being covered by that shirt blocking my view.
Ugh, someone should burn all his shirts...Gosh I love him so much.
To continue:
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tangerine52 · 3 years
Barking Dogs
Member: Kim Taehyung
Victorian Era.
Outside, thunder clapped. It had been pouring cats and dogs since the break of day. However, I was relieved that the duke had ensured that the manor was well heated. As the flames flickered in the fireplace, the room became rather warm. Even so, I was still chilly. This morning, I awoke alone in the huge chamber. The duke, my husband, had to leave early for a meeting with the rebels. The kingdom was under a king who was not worthy of his title and power. To keep it brief, he was a tyrant and he had his followers as well. But a considerate amount of people were dissatisfied, my husband, Taehyung included. So when he heard of the rebel alliance, he offered his power and resources towards our freedom.
But even so, I was particularly iffy about him leaving me alone this morning. But instead of brooding about it I shut myself up in the library and focused only on my novels. 
I was engrossed in the storyline so I was startled when the door of the library slammed open unexpectedly. "Duchess! Where have you gone?!" Taehyung yelled angrily as he approached where I was lounging. He already knew where I'd be, but the way he was making a commotion in the library suggested he was in a terrible mood.
I looked up to see him turn the corner of the book racks. He looked absolutely breathtaking in his black uniform. An ivory shirt peeking through his overcoat. His curly hair was partly made up and partly sticking about his head, which I surmise occurred due to him stressfully running his fingers through them. "There you are!" Taehyung exclaimed. With a pout on his lovely face, he strode towards me. I stood up and extended my arms to him, he put his arms around me and buried his face in my neck. 
"They say I am a coward. They think I'm a fool for brown-nosing the Duke of the West. Tell me, my treasure, am I a fool?" He asked softly, as if he was afraid to break the silence even though he was the one who was roaring about like a lion in the library.
Truly, as time went on, the town-folk were becoming grating. The duke is certainly plagued with illiterate subjects. Well, the vast majority of them. I grabbed the sides of his face and forced him to look at me. "How can you keep looking that good even when you're angry?"
"Don't sway me, Duchess," he warned, his ears turning red.
"Alright. Pay no heed to the flies, in my opinion. Haven't I told you not to believe anyone but me?" As I stroked his cheek, I asked. "What has the rebel coalition to say about the people?"
He groaned and pulled away from me. He settled on the larger couch with a sigh. "They're instructing me not to pay attention to anything. But how can I ignore when insulting remarks are boldly written on posters of me all around town?" In fatigue, he massaged his eyes. I gave a sigh. I wanted to attack the royal family right then. But we have been working hard to overthrow that cruel pig who dares to call himself king.
I sat down alongside Taehyung and took his hand in mine. His long fingers instantly connected with mine, as if by reflex. "I have faith in the rebels. I don't trust everyone, but I do trust Al, Freddie, Audrey, Irene, and Henry. They're a good bunch. I hope they stick by you through this difficult period."
He pouted once again. "Why would I need them at my side? I've got you. And you only mentioned Henry because he serves delicious meals for you whenever you request them. I don't agree. He is just trying to kiss up to you to spite me." He huffed. I laughed, which made his eyes sparkle as he gazed at me. "Oh my goodness! I can't believe you're envious of Henry, the chef! But he does prepare delicious cuisine..." My thoughts wandered back to all the times Henry's food had me drooling in an unladylike manner. But I couldn't help myself; if I had to name the finest cook in the land, it would, in my view, be him.
"Beloved, I do not find it humorous how easy soothing your husband has evolved into a conversation about the chef." His deep voice jolted me out of my reverie. His face was getting closer to mine. I smiled and gently kissed his lips. He was mistaken. This time, my husband did not need to be consoled. He needed to be reminded of who he was. How he is admired by the rebels and me. He needed a reminder of why he chose this road in the first place. He needed vindication for his choices. And it was my responsibility as the Duchess and his wife to provide for him. He and I both knew that without each other, we couldn't build the better society we were fighting for. It was hard for us to continue without love for we were each other's source of strength. 
I held both of his hands and kissed his knuckles. As I ran my fingers through his unruly hair, he sat there calmly the entire time. Finally, I looked him in the eyes. "Lupus does not have a canem latrantem." 
I watched the shift in his demeanor. His eyes revealed comprehension, and his stance gradually altered to that of the confident Duke of the East. I smirked as his fiery eyes turned to me, "You are a wonder, My duchess." He breathed. I hadn't realized it at first but Irene and Al had pointed out to me how often he called me Duchess. But since I started noticing, I didn't want to mention it to him. I like him calling me that. It was something about the way he said it that made butterflies dance in my stomach. I gasped as he drew me into his lap, my skirts flying all sorts of way. With one arm securely gripping my waist and a hand holding my chin, discreetly ordering me to look at him and only him. He gazed at me with pride for a moment. Then he pulled him down into a passionate kiss. It would be very impolite and un-ladylike to disclose what happened following.
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tangerine52 · 3 years
Member : Jung Hoseok
There's a woman. There's this woman who's been bugging me. She's there when I visit Hoseok at his studio, she's there in the practice room, she's there before I get to him. She's been getting on my nerves long enough.
Currently, everyone including the staff and boys are in the cafeteria as a lunch was arranged for the guys' latest win. She's right across the room obnoxiously laughing at his lame joke. It's not that funny, why is she laughing so much? I watched as her hand raised and lightly smacked him on the chest.
Ooo Mun Soo-Yun this is your last waking day on earth.
I started getting up, ready to harvest her limbs but I was pulled back on the couch I was sulking on. "Woah there tiger! It's a public place." Yoongi chuckled.
"What do you mean?"
"There's too many witnesses around, murder is not an option here." He smirked at me with a knowing look in his eyes. I gasped and flicked him on the forehead.
"YA! What was that for?!" He whispered- yelled rubbing the spot I flicked.
I leaned in and whispered, "You knew what's going on and you didn't do anything about it!"
"What do you expect me to do?!" I flicked him again. "Ow! Would you stop hitting me?!"
"You should've talked to him! Go do it right now, go!" I ordered as I nudged him. Yoongi looked at me incredulously, "Why can't you do it?"
"I have something else to do." My gaze snapped back at that irritating pest still shamelessly flirting with my Hobi. I scowled. "Okay but you know murder is a crime right?"
"OH for goodness sake, I'm not going to kill her! I'm just going to talk to her." I snapped as he flinched away. I heard him mumble a 'fine' as he grudgingly got up and made his way towards Hoseok.
As soon as he managed to pull him away, I made a beeline towards that woman. "Hey Soo Yun! Can I talk to you for a second? Outside?"
"Oh hey! Sure!" She smiled sickly sweet at me. I caught the subtle look of contempt though. Ugh, I could just punch her face in, right now.
We walked outside and I closed the door behind me. "So what did you want to talk about?"
I analysed her ugly face for a second and took a deep breath. "Okay, look, I think you're a nice person and you've got a friendly personality but maybe, just, sometimes it gets a little too friendly..." my sentence faded as I tried to scrutinize whether she understood my underlying statement.
But the dumb egg only looked back at me confused, "Um, is that a problem?"
I sighed, exasperated. I'm trying really hard not to hit you right now, work with me.
"Okay, I'm just going to say it. I feel like you're being very," I cleared my throat, "flirty. Towards Hoseok and I-"
"What? How dare you!" She started to walk away.
"He-hear me out for a moment, okay?" I gritted trying to internalize my rage but she was making it very hard with her snake face. "Look, I think maybe you don't realize it," I let out a forced laugh, "or you're just friendly but can you please not touch him? You can have a nice conversation without being all touchy feely you know. And maybe it's a habit for you to touch people when talking to them but as his girlfriend, I'm asking you. Woman to woman. Lay off please." I was so proud of myself for not losing myself and politely putting my thoughts forward.
"Just because you're his girlfriend, you can't be jealous over something like this okay? He's a celebrity, it's his industry. Plus, he's a grown man, if hes uncomfortable he'll tell me. He doesn't need you to do it for him. Don't be so toxic."
Murder is a crime. Murder is a crime. "Soo Yun, I'm not saying you can'ttalk to him, I'm not locking him up somewhere. I'm just asking you not to touch him and just reduce the overall flirting. I know hes a grown man but he's just too polite and nice to ask you to back off. I mean I think he doesn'teven know you're flirting with him. I might be wrong but that's just his personality."
She sneered. My blood boiled at her audacity. She stepped closer, "Its funny, I've always thought the same thing. Why is he with her? What does she bring to the relationship? Is she good in bed? Maybe she has something on him? And lastly," She moved closer to my ears, "What if he doesn't know how to disentangle himself without hurting her? He's stuck."
I stood there frozen. Processing everything she just said. What?
"You see," she stepped back and smiled at me, "I'm just trying to show him something different. Something like...an upgrade?" She laughed and walked back into the room leaving me rooted to my spot.
I decided to leave for a walk. I needed to reassess some things. I left my coat in the meeting room because I could not bear to go in and face her or Hoseok.
After the half an hour walk I had come back in. I had thought a lot. The meeting room was about empty. Just some staff and the boys.
When I stepped in, Hoseok jumped up from the couch and rushed towards me, "Baby! Where were you? I've been trying to look for you everywhere. I even called you!" He wrapped me in a bone crushing hug.
"Ugh clingy much?" I pretended to push him away. He gasped in mock offence. Grabbing my face he started leaving kisses all over. He does this all the time, but this time, I felt guilty. Am I tying him down?
"Ew we do not want to see that!" We heard Jungkook exclaim from his seat. He had a plate full of food in front of him. Probably his third serving.
"I'm sorry, I forgot you were still a kid." Hoseok replied rolling his eyes as the other guys burst out laughing.
Hoseok turned back to me and started caressing my face, "Have you eaten yet? I'm so hungry, people won't stop talking to me!"
I smiled and patted on his chest, "I'm not in the mood to eat, you can go eat before someone else steals you away!" He giggled and pecked me on the nose before breaking away and hurrying towards the buffet table.
I sighed and flopped down on the couch, coincidentally next to Yoongi. "So about your half an hour disappearance,  I'm not going to ask because I don'twant to be an accomplish but I did talk to him."
I hummed.
"There's nothing to worry about. He's a loyal guy, even if she makes a move he won't do anything about it." Yoongi's hand slowly grasped mine as a sign on comfort.
After a few moments, he pulled his hand away, "What did she tell you?"
"We talked."
"That doesn't sound right."
"Its fine. Just I need some time to think."
"So she got in your head-"
"Just let it be. Okay?"
"Okay but talk to him before you get in your head too deep."
For Part 2 :
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tangerine52 · 3 years
Member : Kim Namjoon
My day had been going amazing. If you know what I mean. I spilled my hot coffee all over the kitchen platform and then had to clean it up in my work clothes. Somehow my sleeve came in contact with the spilt coffee and the whole day it was in the back of my mind, my fingers frequently feeling sticky even though they weren't.
The presentation that I had been working on the whole night was labeled, 'subpar' by my boss while the barely put together idea of my colleague was blessed with praises. I don't know whether my boss favors people intentionally or unknowingly but today it really got on my nerves.
"Unclench your jaw, baby," I jumped at the voice behind me. "You'll drive your teeth into your gums at this point." 
A smiling Namjoon appeared from behind me. As I stopped, he towered over me as his gentle gaze swept over my face. "You look like you've had a bad day," His stroked my head and then offered me his hand.
"Let's get you home and all burrito-ed up in the covers, come on! Monnie's been missing his mum." He pulled me along with him towards his car. Well, his company car that comes with a chauffeur.
"You really don't need to come pick me up in the middle of work." I murmured as we settled in the backseat.
"Of course I do." He intertwined our fingers and kissed my knuckles.
As soon as we stepped in, Monnie came running up to me. I scooped him up and started babying him. For a brief second I forgot everything that went wrong earlier. "Helloooo mah lil cloud baby! Who's mommy's cloud baby? You are yes you are!"
"Hey how come I never get greeted like that?!" Namjoon complained scowling at the two of us. I giggled and let Monnie down. I opened my arms towards Namjoon, "Come to mommy!" But as soon as I got closer he pushed away my face,"Not a chance, little lady." He said lowering his voice at the last part, making me pause and look away  blushing.
I felt him staring at me and then he chuckled and went on his way towards our bedroom. I scowled and followed with Monnie on my heels, "Monnie isn't daddy being unfair? He always does that when he wants to win!" At that Namjoon's laughter filled the apartment.
Hmm, this day isn't that bad after all.
"Hey babe, what're you planning on doing now?" Joon asked as he walked into the kitchen. I was chilling on the counter, scrolling through pinterest.
"I don't know maybe I'll sketch for awhile. Why?"
"Oh good, because I have a few tracks to go over, so I'll be locked up in the studio tonight. Sorry, I was looking forward to reading together." He looked  like Monnie when we ask him to wait for food.
I gave him a smile and a wave, "Its okay, I guess I'll be accompanied by Chandler and Monica and the others."
"Alright." He kissed my forehead and rushed up the stairs. A few seconds later I heard the studio door close. Monnie waddled up to me and rubbed against my legs, "I think we lost him to the music for the night. Such a shame, he was so young too..." I dramatically sighed and headed towards the couch.
It had been an hour or so and I was hanging by a thread. My sketches weren't coming out the way they were supposed to. The eraser kept smudging the strokes and the paper kept getting irritating to the touch for some reason. I had switched off the TV show I had been watching thinking that it was the thing distracting me but everything was quiet and yet I couldn't seem to get it right.
The stroke I was making got a bit off course and ended up changing the whole shape of the sketch. That was the last straw. I slammed my book down and fell back on the couch. It wasn't like I had anger issues.
It was just I needed things to go according to what I visualize, I didn't know whether it was perfectionism but I was especially particular about mistakes when it came to things I liked, for example, art.
The frustrations from earlier in the day came flooding back to me. The presentation I had not slept the whole night for, I couldnt even make the stupid coffee without spilling it. And now I'm making mistakes at something I'm supposed to be good at.
Tears blurred my vision. What do I do?
I sat there, curled up on the couch, feeling silly for crying over little things. I hated how quickly I got frustrated. I hated how I cried when I got frustrated.
"Oh no...why is there a sad baby on the couch?"
I quickly wiped my eyes and sat up. Joon had come down, I assumed to get some beer, but I think he heard me sniffling. Seeing him made me break down all over again.
"I can't do it!" I exclaimed loudly startling him. "What, what? Can't do what, babe?" He asked kneeling in front of me and checking me for any injuries.
I pointed at all the messed up sketches on the coffee table. He turned around and looked at them. I felt so embarrassed because he knows I can do better than those untidy drawings. He must feel so disappointed being with such a failure I can't do stuff right.
I couldn't take all these heavy thoughts anymore. I slowly put my arms around his neck and pulled him towards me. He understood the gesture and sat down beside me. As I buried my face in his neck, he pulled me onto his lap and wrapped his arms around me.
His warmth felt good. His smell calmed me down. After a brief period of silence and of him rubbing my back and stroking my hair, he let out a loud sigh. "I'm sorry. I had a feeling your day wasn't going so well. I just...I just thought you looked fine earlier and well...I'm sorry I should've paid more attention."
Speechless, all I could do was stare at him. He looked really disappointed, I'm pretty sure he was blaming himself internally. He stared back at me as one of his hands rested on the back of my neck and the other around my waist.
"I'm so-"
"You don't have anything to be sorry about. I really was fine after you came to pick me up. But just you know," I tried to form my vexation into words, "I just- its like- Cuz Joon if I'm not good at what im supposed to be good at then what am I supposed to do?! Like am I really good at anything then?" I started to relate everything that was bugging me that week. Everything that pushed me to snap tonight, I told him. And I knew he'd listen patiently and understand. Because that's Namjoon.
"Basically that's it. I feel silly and better after saying all that out loud." I concluded. We had changed our previous position. My head was now on his lap, while he combed his fingers through my hair.
"Okay, so first of all, everything you were feeling wasn't silly. Next, I'm glad that you feel better and that I could help. So I was thinking, how about I blow off the company work-"
"No no! You know Yoongi already has a lot on him. You can't do that, I-"
"Relax, love! I was going to give half the work to Jungkook anyway. That little brat has been pestering me to give him some work or he'll and I quote — Start a wattpad account about me." The fed-up look on his face along with Kook's antics made me laugh.
"I'm pretty sure he already has fan accounts of you on social platforms." I stated as I sat up and dug my hand under the coffee table.
"Oh! Please don't start."
I pulled out the book we had been reading together and settled back in the same position again. I handed him the book, "Start reading, IQ 148." He gave me a disapproving look as he opened up the book. I smiled smugly at him and gave him a kiss on his thigh. He immediately averted his eyes, pretending to search for a page trying to hide his bashful smile.
He started reading. His deep voice and his fingers that were combing though my hair, made me release a sigh of relief. I felt light after venting and my mind was clear. At some point, Monnie joined us to cuddle on the couch.
I guess it doesn't matter how bad things go. I just need him beside me and we'll be fine.
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tangerine52 · 3 years
Why can't I find this incredibly specific fic that I want to read??
Oh no... I'm going to have to write it aren't I?
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tangerine52 · 3 years
Follow me on Wattpad for more fluff!
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tangerine52 · 3 years
"What's up, babe?" A cheery voice asked me, breaking me out of a trance. Jin flopped down on the couch beside me with chewing on a pack of gummies. I just noticed the noise of the movie playing and the rustle of the bag of gummies.
"Why are you watching the news?" He asked, incredulously widening his eyes at me.
I don't know. Please hug me. I really need it. "Just because."
He put down the pack of gummies and adjusted himself so he was sitting sideways, facing me. I couldn't meet his eyes, afraid if I did, I'd start crying.
"Are you okay?" He asked. After being with him for so long, I was still surprised that he caught on so fast. "Yeah I'm fine" I didn't know what to tell him. What can I say? I'm just very sad but also dont feel anything at all? That I'm going through a depressive episode right now?
Snap out of it. It happens to everyone. If I tell him I'll feel like I'm asking for attention. I just have to deal with it.
"Please tell me," Jin broke the brief silence. He had turned down the volume of the tv. His eyes landed on my fidgeting hands. I hadn't realized I was showing my distress. He put his warm hand on mine, patiently waiting for me to talk.
I think I have depression. I can't say it. What if you dont believe me either, Jinnie? No one has believed me. What do I say? What will I do?
Same thing I've always done of course. Move on. I'll know what he thinks and we won't ever have to speak of it again. Just say it.
"I think I might have depression." I said in a very small voice. As soon as I said I I felt silly. Like I was just making a big deal of things.
Oh no, here it comes. Just take a walk it'll be fine. You need to go out more. Don't disguise your laziness as depression. Someone out there has it much harder than you so be grateful. What are you depressed about? You have food, clothes and a roof over your head. Nonse-
"Honey, please look at me," He held my chin and gently turned my face towards him, "Thank you for telling me. I'm so proud of you for being so strong, okay?"
I nodded but my mind was blank. I couldn't think of what to say. I had never been this far in this conversation with anyone else before. I looked at him but his eyes showed nothing but honesty.
He chuckled lightly, "Why do you look so surprised?"
"You...believe me?"
"Well, I don't know if you have depression but-"
There it is. I knew it. It's fine. It's happened before. Yeah but it hurts more because its him.
"Um, Its fine. I need to sleep now, you can, uh, continue watching the um, movie." I stood up and rushed to our bedroom. I closed the door and headed towards the bathroom, locking myself in. I was in a daze and soon the waterworks started.
I knew he wasn't going to hear me cry. I had mastered silently sobbing over the years. Gosh the way I fled, it was so obvious that I was upset. But my heart had started clenching and hurting. I had to get out of there.
I heard the bedroom door open. I listened closely to the footsteps coming towards the bathroom, he tried to open the door but I had locked it by habit. I heard him sigh heavily and then knock on the door.
"Sugar, you didn't hear everything I wanted to say," a brief paused "I was going to say that I don't believe you have depression but I could see that you were having a hard time just to tell me that, so I thought we could go to a therapist maybe? Get you some help. Only if you want to though."
What? This has never happened before. I was so shocked that my tears had stopped flowing. I stared at the door unable to think of the next step.
"Can I please see you?"
I slowly stood up and turned the knob with a trembling hand. He softly pushed the door open. "Come here, you." He said gently pulling my into his chest. He slid his hands under my shirt, caressing my waist. The touch was so tender that it made me feel so fortunate to have someone like him.
"I'm sorry I jumped to conclusions." I tightened my arms around him as I thought of how hurt he might've felt.
"Its okay, it's kind of my fault. I didnt form the sentence correctly, I'm funny like that." He answered making me to smile a little. "But seriously though, we'll go to the therapist together, okay? I'll be beside you every step of the way."
"Thank you." It made me so happy to know that someone is going to be there for me. I don't know what the future brings but at least I have someone who I can trust.
We stood there for a few moments, just warm in each others embrace plus he smelt so good. "Babe?"
"Your hands are still sticky from the gummies you were eating."
He pulled back abruptly and glared at me, "I was here trying to be a good human and partner and this is what you're focusing on? I'm offended." He said in a fake hurt voice making me giggle uncontrollably.
He rolled his eyes. "Whatever! I'm still the cleaner one in this relationship." He sassed and started to walk away.
"Cleaner is not a word." I said clinging to his back as we walked to the living room.
He gasped dramatically, "IT SO IS! Read a dictionary, jeez!" And It was my turn to gasp, "Hey that's not fair! I know you put that dictionary on the top shelf deliberately!"
He burst out laughing, his face getting red, "I'm literally so hilarious! There's no way you'd let this treasure go."
"You're right I won't. NEVER! BACK OFF LADIES!"
With a few more movies, kisses and cuddles the night ended making me feel like the luckiest person alive.
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tangerine52 · 3 years
Chocolate Chip Pancakes:
The day hadn't even started and yet here I was unable to get out of bed. It was half past eight in the morning, which was usually around the time I would be making breakfast. While my husband, Yoongi would come home from his late nights in the studio; the one at home or at the office.
Right about now, I'd be making some delicious chocolate chip pancakes like I had decided to yesterday. I would be barely awake because I liked to wait for Yoongi to join me, so we could have breakfast together. Most days, he would sneak in noiseless, like a cat, and creep up behind me.
"You think you're being discreet?" I giggled, without looking behind me as I heard a small huff.
"How do you always know?" Yoongi whines, or rather mumbles in his gruff voice, as he wraps his arms around my waist and his chin rests on my shoulder. He sometimes took a while to cuddle up to me but the most days he comes back from work, hes like a clingy lil kitten. Almost purring when I run my hand through his hair.
I turn my head to give him a kiss on his cheek, "You smell." I scrunch up my nose as I wriggle away from his grasp.
He'd catch me though, pull me up close and start attacking my face with kisses. Little moments like these made me feel so happy. And I thought I was getting better.
Then why am I here, in bed, not able to will myself to do anything. Existing in itself seemed like such a big task for today. It was like a heavyweight blanket on me. It was just...there. And my quest to find 'why' starts as usual.
At some point, I thought that perhaps it's because of what one of my best friends said yesterday, or rather did.
We were just hanging out at the mall, a group of us. I was telling her about an inside joke so that she could get in on it too but she kept walking faster than me and looking around distracted. I didnt mind that though, or I think I didnt want to. So I kept going on. I should have known she was bored.
Maybe I'm not that interesting anymore. Maybe my voice irritated her. No wonder, she interrupted me and started talking about a new dish she had learnt from the internet. She has a really nice voice and who wouldnt want to know about such a worthwhile hobby. Of course, she deserves to interrupt me...what was I contributing to anyway. I was just rambling on non-sense anywa-
"Baby!" I snapped out of my spiral. Yoongi was kneeling beside the bed, his face was right in front of mine. He looked tired and I'm sure I was only adding on to his concerns. What an annoying and unhelpful girlfriend. He must be so hungry from the long night of work and you arent even out of the bed. He's probably going to take care of you now, he's going to ignore his exhaustion. Are you happy now?
"Love." His gentle voice breaks through my thoughts. "Let's go out today, hmm?"
His hand sneaks under the covers to intertwine our fingers but I pushed away.
"But you're tired, I'm not doing that. You need to rest and-"
He interrupted my rant "I'll be fine for a day, babe. I'm a big boy." He says puffing out his chest in an attempt to show me his muscles.
"I'm serious. I'm so incompetent as a human I don't even understand why you're here." I pull my hand away from his. He groans dramatically. Then he gets up and walks towards the closet.
A few minutes later he comes out changed into a black sweatshirt and some sweats. He smiled at me as he held up our identical black caps in one hand and one of his hoodies in another.
Dropping those items on the bed, he falls on top of me, "I'm here because I was promised chocolate chip pancakes." He gives me a peck on the nose. "Now come on get up."
"Right. The pancakes..."
"Don't worry, even though I love cooking for you I know it'll send you into a mental breakdown if I cook when I'm tired," He pulls me up into a sitting position "Even though I really want to." He drags my legs over the side of the bed. I let him change me into my hoodie as I sit there trying to understand why this man is doing stuff for me while I practically malfunction every week. How come he knows so much? Am I that transparent?
I feel cool hands cupping my cheeks. Startled, I look up at Yoongi to find him kneeling in front of me. The way he gazed at me made me feel like crying. "You know I love you right? Even when you're a little sad baby and even when you ugly-cry. I know you're having a hard time, so just let me take care of you, okay? I might go crazy if I don't, please."
I looked at him, tears threatening to spill. "Okay." I replied, trying not to cry. We looked at each other for a few moments; I sniffled. Pouting, he pulled me into his chest, "I'm here." He whispered, his rough voice calming me and refraining my spiralling thoughts.
"Can we go to that pancake place near the river?" I spoke up after a few seconds of stillness.
I felt his chest vibrate as he laughed silently, "Yes, of course. Where else would we go baby?" He kissed my forehead.
It's okay. I'm not fine but it's okay. He's here. Just don't think too much. I'm not alone anymore. I'm so lucky to have someone like him by my side.
Before we walked out the door, I stopped, "Yoonie..."
He stopped and turned to me, "Hmm?"
I grabbed his sweatshirt and pulled him in for a kiss. "Thank you. I love you." He grinned and kissed me once again, "I love you too. Now let's go get some pancakes!"
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