grimoireology · 8 years
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Potion ingredients from Gail’s private stock.
((Note:  Photos are not mine and are being used for RP purposes only.  The awesome bottle labels which have been used in the above pictures can be purchased from Angie’s Etsy shop, Dead Spider.))
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grimoireology · 8 years
I’ve needed this, This can really help with my blog so I’m keeping this
A Note on Magical Word Structure
While scanning through a lot of magic posts on tumblr, I’ve seen a lot of tags misusing suffixes. In particular “-mancy” gets used as a general term for magic works, I guess because it just sounds mystical in nature. As someone deeply in love with facts and the English language, such misappropriations van be a little off putting. With one simple search, it would be immediately and obviously revealed that -mancy specifically refers to forms of divination; i.e. cartomancy, the use of cards in divination.
The obvious exception is of course, ‘necromancy’. The term actual literally means ‘conferring with the dead as a mean to divine answers’, but modern media has bastardized the word into encompassing a strange hodgepodge of dark arts involving corspes. This is wholey inaccurate, and probably is the single reason for that abuse of -mancy. However, the fact that we study eclectic wisdom not typically included in modern academia, is no excuse to abandon higher study practices and formal education. And so, I present a brief list of suffixes and how they can and are applied to magic.
-Mancy: A form of divination.
(CRYSTALLOMANCY: Divination by crystal gazing.)
-Graphy: Writing or feild of study.
(TASSEOGRAPHY: Study of tea leaves)
-Tion: Action of.
(INCANTATION: Act of chanting.)
-Ology: Study of.
(NUMEROLOGY: Study of numbers.)
-Ism: Practice or system of.
(MYSTICISM: Practising mystic arts.)
-Ry: Occupation of.
(PALMISTRY: Work of reading palms.)
-Ic: Having characteristics of.
-Scopy/Scope: Examination of.
(HOROSCOPE: Examination of a time.)
-Sis: Action, state, condition, or process of.
(TELEKINESIS: Process of long distance psychic interaction.)
-Magy: A form of magic.
The suffix -Magy would be a much more logical end to a custom word describing a practice of magic, and far better than the overused -mancy. For instance, magic with technology would become ‘technomagy’. Magic involving thoughtforns would become ‘tulpamagy’. It’s a slight change in spelling and pronunciation, but a huge shift in meaning.
I hope this will clear up some confusion on not only naming of magic practises, but also understanding the meaning of names of existing practices. As always, I’ll update this post as I find more useful ideas, and I’ll probably also make an extensive list of magic related studies and words for reference purposes.
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grimoireology · 8 years
I don’t...wait what?
i see a lot of discussion about reverse mermaids, but what about reverse harpies 
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grimoireology · 8 years
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Kiki’s Delivery Service (1989)
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grimoireology · 8 years
Noun | Day·MON·oh·ma·jik |\dēməno,majik\
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Simple Definition of Deamonomagic
: The magic that deals with the beings of a higher existence.
Full Definition of Deamonomagic
: The magic that deals with the communication and/or control of beings of a greater existence.
: The manipulation of magic by use of dark spirits, devils or demons.
: The use of magical contracts with higher magical beings.
Personal notes:
A kind of magic that deals with higher beings, typically dark spirits, devils or even demons, from here on called Deamonomorphs. This kind of magic is related to Theomagic with it’s use of contacting and/or controlling higher beings like deamonomophs, yet the only clear distinction is whether a higher being is benevolent or malevolent.
Angels, or Theomorphs, are just like Deamonomorphs, though the practice to summon and deal with them can very drastically.
Deamonomorphs tend to be Malevolent to mischievous to indifferent. Their concerns are mainly selfish, and they like to toy with nature and destiny for their amusement.
Deamonomagic can be very dangerous as deamonomorphs may only be summoned out of benign interest or curiosity. Deamonomorphs differ from Theomorphs only by their interests and intent. As theromorphs act to maintain the balance and well-being of the world and more, deamonomorphs act off their own interests and amusement. A demonomage must be cautious in the act of communing, summoning or contracting with demonomorphs. An accomplished demonomage is normally contracted with a sympathetic demonomorph, this contract can allow them to do many things such as deamonomancy, deamononjury and if a deamonomage is brave or powerful enough, weredeamoncy. Daemonomagic is easier to cast than Theomagic, however results very from being simply ignored to being completely destroyed.
Complete control over a deamonomorph is extraordinarily rare occurrence as a contract must be made for a deamonomorph to be completely subservient to the deamanomage, such contracts tend to have a heavy price that must be paid either beforehand or after it’s service is complete.
Deamonomorphs may sometimes intervene with the acts and art of Theomagic, mostly out of self interest.
Deamonomorphs are not strictly evil however, just selfish. Some deamonomages are normal people or mages who have caught the interest of a demonomorph, some may have even befriended a demonomorph. With such interests and friendships a deamonomorph may become a dark guardian over a particular person, a subtle one will work to act in such a way to protect their charges that those they protect will never even know they needed protection; others might only act when danger is near and immediate.
It is possible to change the nature of a Demonomorph into that of a Theomorph, though such instances so rare that in all known history, it has happened  maybe enough times to count on a single hand.
Deamonomagic, is among the strongest forms of magic there is, on par with Theomagic, however, it is so dangerous that many who attempt to practice it, do not survive.
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grimoireology · 8 years
Angels and Demons
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Angels and Demons or Theomorphs and Deamonomorphs are in actuality the same creatures. The key difference is their motivation. While Angels will work towards a greater goal in maintaining balance and peace, Demons are only interested in themselves and entertainment, which often revolves around chaos.
Angels and demons may vary in appearance, but it is said that they all are both beautiful and terrible to behold. Angels, when meeting mortals will often tell them “Fear not” or “Do not fear me” Demons on the other hand will revel in your fear for their own amusement. Meeting one of these beings itself is dangerous as those who gaze upon them risk blindness or insanity. There are simple methods to protect yourself from this, by either closing one’s eyes or gazing into a mirror instead of directly at them. Closing one’s eyes shuts out all the light they cast leaving one with only their auras to see and mirrors are unable to completely reflect their true image, reflecting only the light they cast but leaving out their auras. The difference between their light and aura is unclear, and might only be understood by those who have met an angel or demon.
In art, the distinction between angels and demons is mainly how artists decide to depict what these creatures invoked most, beauty or terror. It is also safe to say that no current depiction of angels or demons is accurate, as either their positive or negative traits are reduced to better show if they are “Good” or “Evil” It may even be impossible to accurately depict one of these beings because of the contradiction of how they look.
It is very possible that a theomorph or a deamonomorph may switch rolls, an Angel can become a Demon just as easily as a Demon can become an Angel. It is more common however, for angels to become demons than the other way around, though it has happened. The reasons vary, but Angels may tire of their self appointed tasks and abandon them, or they become unable to continue those tasks due to outside influence and become frustrated.
There are records of demons becoming angels by acquiring an interest in a mortal and becoming their personal guardians of their own free will. Sometimes this interest grows into affection similar to a person and their pet. Should this affection continue to grow, a guardian demon for a single person might later become a guardian angel for an entire family line.
Contracts with these beings can be risky and dangerous. A contract with an Angel is rare as they do not often require a mortal to complete their tasks. However, angels tend to take exception for those who have a great destiny before them. Contracts with Demons are far more common and worth serious scrutiny, as demons will tend to manipulate the contract to their own favor and use any loophole to refrain from keeping their end of a contract.
Overall, Angels and Demons are among the most powerful of beings a mortal can meet, and there is no clear way to know which one you’ve met. It is strongly advised to ignore them if possible as demons will grow board and soon move on, while angels will be persistent. If one of these beings sticks around for more than a month, then it’s likely an angel that requires your aid, and it’s safe to assume that they truly mean you no harm.
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grimoireology · 8 years
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grimoireology · 8 years
Noun | Thee·OH·ma·jik | \thēəˌmajik\
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Simple Definition of Theomagic
: The magic that deals with the beings of a higher existence.
Full Definition of Theomagic
: The magic that deals with the communication and/or control of beings of a greater existence.
: The manipulation of magic by use of greater spirits, angels or gods.
: The use of magical contracts with higher magical beings.
Personal notes:
A kind of magic that deals with higher beings, typically great spirits, angels or even gods, from here on called Theomorphs. This kind of magic is related to deamonomagic with it’s use of contacting and/or controlling higher beings like theomophs, yet the only clear distinction is whether a higher being is benevolent or malevolent.
Demons, or Demonomorphs, are just like Theomorphs, though the practice to summon and deal with them can very drastically.
Theomorphs tend to be benevolent to indifferent. Their concerns are often far beyond our understanding, and they deal with the maintenance and balance of the workings of existence.
Theomagic is very tricky as it can be a hit or miss with theomorphs. There are many ways to summon them, but command over them is only done by their consent. An accomplished theomage might be able to divine future events through a theomorph or even summon a theomorph as a guardian. This might be achieved by a contract or pact made between the theomage and the theomorph. Pacts and contracts with theomorphs are a very rare occurrence, and are normally formed only those whom have a destiny to effect their entire world. People who have such contracts are, by design or accident often have cults or religions after them because of this.
Common forms of theomagic practiced are theomancy, where a theomorph with prior knowledge will converse with their mage and tell them of relevant events to come. There is also theonjury, the art of summoning a theomorph, normally to act as a guardian entity.
Theomagic is one of the strongest and rarest forms of magic that exists. Practitioners aren’t typically learned but chosen, though any mage may try, attempts are likely to fail unless you complete part of a greater design or are destined for greatness.
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grimoireology · 8 years
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grimoireology · 8 years
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A doppelganer is an unknown kind creature. Their vary nature makes them hard to study and even dangerous to do so. Little is known about them as a doppelganger is a duplicate of another person, and it would be hard to tell them apart from identical twins. You would also be unaware that you’ve met a doppelganger until you’ve met the person that they are a double of.
Key differences said to be in a doppeler is that they are not identical but look very similar to a person where you could confuse a doppeler for their double, but this is only speculation.
The main danger with doppelgangers is that you could never introduce them to those they are doubled from, to do so would result in one or both of their deaths. It is also unknown as to why this occurs when they meet.
Doppelgangers many not actually be copies but similar people linked by an unknown connection living their own individual and separate lives. Like the study of matter and antimatter, when these two opposing forms of matter meet, they destroy each other.
It it currently unknown as to why doppelers exist, or even if there is one for everyone in the world. It is also unknown if twins are doppelganers of each other in a stable relationship, or if twins have their own doppelers or even if they share a single doppeler.
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grimoireology · 8 years
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Also shared by a friend on Facebook. Original source unknown.
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grimoireology · 8 years
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“Tooth Fairy” Necklace
(more information, more gold)
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grimoireology · 8 years
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Werewolves aren’t practitioners of magic, though they can be. They are more often than not the unwilling victims of a curse or even a hereditary spell. A werewolf is a specific victim of a combination of magic. These magics are Lunarmagic and Weremagic. The curse itself is particularly malevolent as it dose not simply remain with a single victim, but can be spread by bite or even passed on during conception.
It is unknown how old the spell actually is, as the first records of a werewolf can be traced back to the bronze age in human history but is speculated to be older still. There may have possibly even been multiple versions of the spell cast as there are various types of Were that can be encountered. An area of note is in the Southern United States in and around the state of Louisiana, where a more recent version of the spell cast has created Weregators.
A victim of a werewolf attack, should they survive, is often subject to a near identical curse as the one whom attacked them. Some werewolves are forced to turn into complete wolves during the single night of the full moon. Others however whom transform into a hybrid version of a man and wolf typically must do so for the three nights of the fullest moon.
This curse is slowly evolving however, it may be hard to discern any difference between a werewolf forebearer and his victims and offspring, but with each passing of the curse, it changes. Werewolves have been noted to have become more tame, whereas before, earlier records show that they were universally violent and dangerous. More recent afflicted weres have been seen acting calmly, even intelligently while in their second form. Some have been noted to be able to repress the transformation during a full moon, and others have been noted to be able to change at will regardless of how full the moon is.
There have been noted families of werewolves, often springing from a single forebearer. Werewolf families or “Packs” form very strong and very close bonds with their members, and resemble a large, loving family clans. Packs are surprisingly far less dangerous to encounter than a lone werewolf, as packs will focus on community and cooperation. Packs will often be lead by a single patriarch or matriarch, though a dominate couple is not out of the question if they are both werewolves. The patriarch and/or matriarch will normally be the actual father and/or mother of their entire packs.
It should also be noted that many lone werewolves are neither rouges or outcasts but are simply strays, and they are alone because of circumstances and not by decision or banishment, some are even out to find a pack to adopt them. Packs tend to pick up strays often, so it’s not likely that a person will encounter a stray werewolf themselves.
Other lone werewolves, whether they be rouges or outcasts, often have a violent and dangerous personalities to begin with, and do not work well in groups. It is from these few wolves that we have our stereotypical depiction of werewolves. As they will roam freely and many do not even take precaution as a full moon nears.
There have been many werewolf “cures” said to exist, but most if not all of them end with the werewolf’s death. Common wards against werewolves have been noted as: Silver, Moonstone, Wolfsbane and Mercury. The former two don’t actually do anything as told to me by my local werewolf expert, and the latter two are effective because they are a poison regardless if you’re a human or a werewolf.
It is difficult to study werewolves as packs tend to shy away from normal people and mages, and lone werewolves are entirely too dangerous to attempt. Then there is the fact that there are so many kinds and that the curse is slowly changing as it is passed on, resulting in many different breeds of werewolf.
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grimoireology · 8 years
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Cherry Blossom Faery by orafaerygirl
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grimoireology · 8 years
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art by MĂ©lanie Delon
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grimoireology · 8 years
Noun | KAR·tow·ma·jik | \kĂ€rdəˌmajik\
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Simple Definition of Cartomagic
: The use of magic via cards
Full Definition of Cartomagic
: The magic that deals with the production of spells by use of cards
: The divination of events via the reading of cards [see Cartomancy]
Personal notes:
Cartomagic, is the practice of magic by use of cards, often in the form of Cartomancy or more commonly known as Tarot reading. Cartomancy is a popular form of divination and one of the easiest to access. Cartomancy is not limited only by use of a tarot deck as a regular playing deck can be used as well.
Cartomagic is also unique in that it deals with no spirits or gods as what they intend for you, but rather deals with fate itself to discover events past or to come. It’s drawbacks however is that this form of magic is limited by the meanings of the cards and the one whom interprets them.
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grimoireology · 8 years
If you enjoy reading about magic or you love werewolves or both then I suggest you check out this blog!
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The author of this blog writes a fantastic comic about a normal girl who must now come to terms with becoming a werewolf.
The author is also an awesome cryptozoologist who focuses on the study of werewolves. She is also in part, an inspiration for this very blog.
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