tcoti-archives · 2 years
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Redraw for something I made years ago! Both characters belong to @blogverse-rewritten !!!
Also taking this opportunity to show u guys the new bv fan blog @blogverse-fanblog
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tcoti-archives · 2 years
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tcoti-archives · 2 years
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Local librarian finally gets to relax on his birthday
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tcoti-archives · 2 years
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Been waiting for days to post this
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tcoti-archives · 3 years
Archive, did you know that Hollow has found his ‘special someone’?
Due to Blogverse no longer being active, this will be answered OOC! Apologies if you were expecting me to not do so.
Also, my memory on BV isn't the greatest. So keep that in mind as I try to answer!
The very short and simple answer to this is: I don't think he's aware of his son being in a relationship with Oleander? So no.
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tcoti-archives · 3 years
Not even gonna explain
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Ebil archive au ebil archive au
It’s been awhile since I’ve posted bv stuff, y’all can thank a certain discord rat for this one
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tcoti-archives · 3 years
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tcoti-archives · 3 years
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Instagram: ichmiles
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tcoti-archives · 4 years
I'm excited to see the cryptids next chapter!
cryptidverse chapter two
the boxes are a pain to move, and it’s even worse Hollow has to do it alone.
the apartment room is dull and boring, stacked to the ceilings are so many BOXES. Archive left him all alone to heave them up and down the stairs (theres a short staircase up to a little overhang where their rooms are, right over the kitchen. he left the bigger ones alone for the most part, swearing at the architect for nOT GIVING THE GODDAMN STAIRS ANY RAILING!! like, that’s a really big safety hazard!! he nearly died pushing a big one up the stairs!! so he just left it on the stairs and decided that was enough for today. 
Hollow decided it would be fine to leave, and since he had reconnected with his friends briefly before moving. the four settled a meeting place (some random park). Hollow just walked there since it was right across from his apartment. Oleander was there, waiting. she perked up when she saw him. they talked while waiting for the other two.
Oleander seemed fine with talking to Hollow like the disappearance never happened. Hollow was a little hesitant the first half of the conversation but eventually they were just best friends again.
Java darted up to them. “We’re here!” he said, skidding to a stop. Tourma slid to a halt next to him only a few moments after, panting.
They caught up.
and soon everything was the same from when they were all little.
Oleander as a peacekeeper, stern but sweet to everyone in their arrangement of misfits. Java, protective and always making half-hearted mean jokes. Tourma, stubborn and determined. and Hollow. not quite fitting in, but none of them truly did anyway. 
They ended up milling around the empty city, stopping in arcades, stores, and cafes, joking and laughing and making a ruckus nobody cared to interfere with. now that the last crooked puzzle piece lied with them, it was all the same. they reunited.
Hollow got back home late, after Java and Tourma had to go and he insisted to Oleander he saw something move. a person.
“I’ll explain tomorrow.”Oleander had murmured, apologetic. Hollow couldn’t get the thought out of his head. 
the sky already darkened. He stepped into the apartment. Archive looked up. “oh, youre back.” he said in relief. “yeah.” Hollow said. his soul felt faintly crushed as he remembered right. he was back. no longer with his friends, where he could at least partially feel like he belonged, but back to this stuffy apartment and awkward interactions with his father. 
“you were with your friends?” Archive guessed, smiling. it seemed fake, obviously not a genuine grin, but Hollow didn’t say much. it was weird enough as is. “yeah. sorry I just left.” Hollow said. but he wasn’t really sorry. he had been thrilled to be back with them rather than holed up here. Archive just nodded. “I assume you already ate?” he changed the subject. Hollow might’ve smiled if it didn’t feel so underwhelming in general. “mhm. the food here’s good.” he said. and it was true. back where he had been transitioning between cities in the area, the food had always been meh or borderline revolting. it was new for his taste buds to experience Hopes Dawn’s food, and even more surprising since he thought a gloomy town like this would have some uninteresting or awful dishes.
“alright.” Archive turned back to watching some guy talk in a monotone voice on the TV screen, which was new because Hollow didn’t remember that there. in fact, all the boxes were gone. Archive must’ve moved them after he came back from inspecting the old Library.
Hollow sighed and took a quick shower and brushed his teeth, typical hygiene, before flopping into his bed. that day’s adventures were enough to knock him out in minutes, falling into a slumber of forgotten dreams and a few nightmares. 
maybe it wouldn’t be so bad.
staying here.
maybe it wouldnt.
written mostly at unreasonable hours November 30 - Dec 3 bc for some reason it takes me longer to write at daytime than at like 3am.
@tales-of-the-heartless Hollow
@tcoti-archives Archive
@chouette-de-la-flore Oleander
@blogverse-mori-but-hotter Java
My writing obviously
BV is pretty much just one big thing run (for the most part) by
@tcoti-archives (run by Pen) and @crackerqueen-ineedsleep (Queeny) and accidentally created by @onlyplatonicirl (and Lorl)
also thanks for the positive feedback bc thats pretty much all my motivation :3
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tcoti-archives · 4 years
some background info on the version of hopes dawn from cryptidverse
the place is full to the brim with urban legends and ghost stories. if only there was a campfire to tell them at. but if you die and you were well known enough, chances are you’re a ghost story. this comes to play a big part.
nobody really moves away from Hopes Dawn. most people who live there were born and raised there or some random ghost hunting youtuber.
when Hollow was little it was mostly fields and shit. now it’s just a big city thats generally off.
later chapters will probably contain body horror (the cryptids n stuff) so I’ll just cut those short and give a quick summary if ya dont wanna see it btw-
Java, Tourma, Oleander, and Hollow are childhood friends. some of them (COUGH COUGH JAVA AND TOURMA WITH HOLLOW COUGH COUGH) have more of a frienemies thing but still.
in this they’re all pretty much the same age group because I couldnt be bothered
morning glory becomes canon later on fuck off
everyone who canonically died is dead, but I threw some other people into the fire bc why not
they moved to Hopes Dawn (after the “dissapearance” Achive lived somewhere in the country doing shit) so they could
1. recoonnect
2. let archive get the depresses-ass local library which is abbandoned and even before it was it was low quality.
3. “remember the good days” 
also did i mention there’s like 7 ghosts who like to vibe in the library???
but yeah that’s it most of the other stuff is a problem for later chapters.
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tcoti-archives · 4 years
Don't believe everything Angel said. Slime is fine, they just can't be able to see you in a long time.
They're alive and well, just the way they came to you has been,,, a bit of a challenge now.
And then Archive bursted into tears.*
I d-don't kn...know wh-what to b-believe anymore..!
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tcoti-archives · 4 years
That's awesome! :D
I'm glad to hear things are going moderately
This didn't age well.
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tcoti-archives · 4 years
ooooooooo archive wants to open a library? owo
I.... Don't know....
Right now I'm just trying to get over some things...
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tcoti-archives · 4 years
Is the roomba named jesus
Doesn't matter..
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tcoti-archives · 4 years
cryptidverse chapter one
a blogverse au
Hollow stepped out of the car. the sky was dreary and frostbitten, dark sluggish clouds crawling across it's cold depths.
He inhaled, slowly. the city felt so unfamilar, no matter how long he spent his childhood here. Archive rested a hand on his shoulder, and he stiffened. Archive inhaled slowly. he didn't seem to know what to say for a long while.
"son." Archive said, slowly. unsurely. "I'm glad you're here."
a long pause drifted slowly through the still, stiff air, clogged with dark grey and choking freeze. Archive stepped forward, beginning to walk towards the apartment. Hollow felt a shudder creep up his spine. he looked around where he spent half his life until the disappearance, during his return he was feeling more unsure than ever. he saw Archive giving him a beckoning nod of his head at the edge of his vision where the archivist stood underneath the door's automatic sensory.
Hollow puffed out an exhale and walked into the lobby of the apartment. "It'll be nice." Archive tried to make conversation. the silence was far too choking. "we can rekindle. you can reunite with your old friends. Oleander misses you." Archive said gently. Hollow grimaced. he had two memories of Oleander. in one they were making daisy chains in what used to be a field and was now a maze of looming buildings. he had told Oleander she was a princess. this started a game. Java and Tourma pretended to be scary dragons, and Hollow had to "kill" them to get to Oleander. The second was of Hollow showing Oleander his pet rat, Gary.
too bad Gary wasn't here to get him through this. the plane didn't allow rats, so he had to hand Gary over to an old friend, which was when he started to get extreme doubts about moving to Hopes Dawn to "rekindle" with his father, Archive. but the plane flight was booked, and he'd feel dumb to run away from it now.
there was a soft ding that made him nearly jump out of his skin. Archive laughed, and Hollow sighed, stepping into the now open elevator as he realized it was just that. he realized it was the first time Archive laughed -really laughed- since seeing Hollow again.the archivist had been just as lost in his thoughts as Hollow.
the elevator lurched sickeningly upwards and Hollow gripped the railing on the sides of the boxy thing. he was relieved when it shuddered open so he could step out into the hallway.
he and Archive's apartment room was all the way at the back of the hallway. he inserted the room key and hesitantly twisted it in the lock....
this was it.
this was hopes dawn.
characters featured / mentioned:
Hollow @tales-of-the-heartless
Archive @tcoti-archives
Oleander @chouette-de-la-flore
Java @blogverse-mori-but-hotter
Tourma @blogverse-mori
and of course, writing by me, Simon :>
Nov 1, 2020 - Nov 30, 2020 (ik such a long time for such a short chapter ;w;)
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tcoti-archives · 4 years
lmao look at the rat cry. Dumb bitch.
This is very nice uwu
Archive from BV & Hella Sad! >:)
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This was sitting as a WIP for a while becuase my drawing tablet sorta(?) broke but I finally finished it!! :DD
Uhhh ay uh @tcoti-archives it’s a you, but sad
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tcoti-archives · 4 years
*Archive went quiet. Did he really want to listen to this person?*
... Alright.
*They decided to hear them out.*
Tell me where my friend is, and give me proof.
*They came towards someone.
With some very, very.... Interesting news.*
You are wondering where your friend is, correct, @tcoti-archives?
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