tdnoco · 2 years
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i smell gay people………
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tdnoco · 2 years
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Hey wait a minute
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tdnoco · 2 years
ust going to add to this - another reason why noco - specifically cody fits this idea very well, is because of Sierra - she is the predator/the person who forces their affection on others - and if we decide Noah likes Cody but doesn’t want to initiate for Fear of being Wrong and Unwelcome, then Sierra is a perfect foil, she’s the monster in the mirror.  But as a foil, i think she does get smth right. She goes after the guy she wants (in a terrible way), but she makes her feelings clear. She puts herself out there. While Noah is completely ready to Settle for nothing, would rather not risk rejection (let’s just forget about RR here). And so while Noah is in the moral right, he’s doing himself an extreme disservice. And Sierra while Very Wrong is displaying some good qualities - perseverance & optimism. I’ve had a lot of fun imagining a confrontation between them during World Tour, Sierra accusing him of wanting her man, and Noah saying unlike her, he’s not delusional enough to try. Noah calls her a creep, she calls him a coward. Noah responds that Cody will still prefer him to her, and Sierra responds that Noah isn’t even competition, because he’s not even playing the game.
Noco and Me
noco scratches a particular itch in my brain see, when i was in higschool i had a gay crush on my straight best friend. and even though we had been friends for Years, because of my crush, i would never hug her. it felt like i’d be… imposing myself on her. i was always worried i’d make her uncomfortable. that it’d be predatory or smth. i was so worried about being rejected and also so sure that i was stupid for even having these feelings for someone who was Straight, and yet also desperately hoping that i’d be wrong, and she Wasn’t straight after all. and that’s a big reason i like noco. if we look at that sleeping kiss scene, yes it’s a joke, but it was also one of my worst nightmares. that i’d accidentally let myself go, that i’d do something horrid and unconsensual. (i never did, and i also don’t believe that noah had any longing for cody before that scene.) but still, the scene represents that fear. A gay accident that feels like being Outed, that affects somebody “Straight.” i still can’t watch that scene without skipping it, without cringing, without feeling embarassed. but if you look at what happened to noah afterwards - he wasn’t punished. Cody didn’t treat him with fear or anger or anything. In fact, Cody doesn’t say anything. He doesn’t bring it up, he doesn’t demand apologies (though it would be in his right too). It seems like he genuinely doesn’t mind, that he understood it was an accident. He holds no ill will…and i don’t know. To me that feels so… kind. Maybe this betrays my lack of standards, but for this guy to just effortly brush off noah’s gay mistake and not be mean about it… feels so generous.  Noah is not barred from hanging out with Cody, he’s not ostracized. Nothing happens. In fact, Cody minds so little about this incident, that he falls asleep near/with Noah again. Like Cody just cares so little. Like - Noah isn’t uninvited from the sleepover even after the incident. And that just feels so welcoming. I don’t know - noco just really assauges my gay fears. Also because Cody like… looks/feels straight, I can project my own conflicted feelings of pining for someone I can’t have onto Noah. (who is just very easy to project onto in general)
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tdnoco · 2 years
Noco and Me
noco scratches a particular itch in my brain see, when i was in higschool i had a gay crush on my straight best friend. and even though we had been friends for Years, because of my crush, i would never hug her. it felt like i’d be... imposing myself on her. i was always worried i’d make her uncomfortable. that it’d be predatory or smth. i was so worried about being rejected and also so sure that i was stupid for even having these feelings for someone who was Straight, and yet also desperately hoping that i’d be wrong, and she Wasn’t straight after all. and that’s a big reason i like noco. if we look at that sleeping kiss scene, yes it’s a joke, but it was also one of my worst nightmares. that i’d accidentally let myself go, that i’d do something horrid and unconsensual. (i never did, and i also don’t believe that noah had any longing for cody before that scene.) but still, the scene represents that fear. A gay accident that feels like being Outed, that affects somebody “Straight.” i still can’t watch that scene without skipping it, without cringing, without feeling embarassed. but if you look at what happened to noah afterwards - he wasn’t punished. Cody didn’t treat him with fear or anger or anything. In fact, Cody doesn’t say anything. He doesn’t bring it up, he doesn’t demand apologies (though it would be in his right too). It seems like he genuinely doesn’t mind, that he understood it was an accident. He holds no ill will...and i don’t know. To me that feels so... kind. Maybe this betrays my lack of standards, but for this guy to just effortly brush off noah’s gay mistake and not be mean about it... feels so generous.  Noah is not barred from hanging out with Cody, he’s not ostracized. Nothing happens. In fact, Cody minds so little about this incident, that he falls asleep near/with Noah again. Like Cody just cares so little. Like - Noah isn’t uninvited from the sleepover even after the incident. And that just feels so welcoming. I don’t know - noco just really assauges my gay fears. Also because Cody like... looks/feels straight, I can project my own conflicted feelings of pining for someone I can’t have onto Noah. (who is just very easy to project onto in general)
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tdnoco · 2 years
draw noco...
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They adopted a baby.
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tdnoco · 2 years
Question why do you ship Noah x Scott (if you do and it said in your oldest post) and do you have any headcannons for them
Hello! Yeah I do sorta ship them, I ship them on and off. And really, I ship them when I think about what would happen if Noah ended up in ROTI.
If you think back to World Tour, Noah's downfall was talking shit about the main villain. If you think back to Island, Noah's downfall was being useless. Now, let's think about Scott. Scott's plan in ROTI was to get rid of anyone powerful before the merge happened. If Noah picked up on this, he could use this to his advantage easily. Scott would overlook Noah, and Noah would basically coast. Scott takes care of any eliminations, and Noah could just. Be there lmao. And if Noah is proactive, he could perhaps point Scott into other contestant's directions. Unlike Dawn, Noah doesn't have a conscious, lol, so it's not like he'd ever be a threat to Scott. On Scott's side, Noah is both not a threat, and also entertaining. Snide remarks and all. I could see Scott having a "fond spot" for Noah perhaps, and letting other people get eliminated instead. They could be friends, and if they got close... Scott is kinda bi, you know? "Do you want to be my boyfriend?" And I don't think it'd be hard for Noah to catch feelings for Scott as well. But things must come to an end, because Scott realizes Noah was using him the whole time. And that's sucky. Noah makes it up to him somehow, idk. Maybe he saves Scott from Fang.  It's really more about the story potential: Noah getting to be a capable villain, and Scott being able to have the best bits of his ROTI + All Stars characterization, without sacrificing his intelligence completely. For hcs, I don't have much but I like to imagine that Scott can easily pick Noah up, that Scott shows off his farm to Noah, and urban Noah is very out of his element, but enjoying himself nonetheless. Also that Scott is.. very unexperienced in like. Homosexuality? That sounds weird but what I mean is that he has no idea about gay culture, genuinely wonders who's supposed to pay, things like that. And that's where Noah's expertise shines. Oh, and they both hate Britain. Just some City X Rural goodness.
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tdnoco · 3 years
Made up some dialogue for noco
*watching a horror movie together* Noah: "And she's dead. Finally." Cody: "Babe, how can you be so cruel?" Noah: "She was too dumb to live. The dumb ones always go first. That's why Lindsay was eliminated first in All Stars" Cody: laughs "Hey hey hey, Lindsay wanted to be eliminated, that doesn't count. And you're saying this like you weren't voted out in the 4th episode." Cody: "Come to think of it, you've never gotten past the merge. So I wouldn't talk if I were you." Noah: "That's because I wasn't trying" Cody: "Oh, I can believe that." Noah: "Shut uppp! I don't know why I go out with you sometimes." Cody: leans into Noah’s shoulder and smirks  "Because of my dashing good looks and piercing blue eyes?"  Noah: takes a long look at Cody  "Well. You aren't the worst looking guy on Total Drama." Cody: sitting up "Who's the worst?" Noah: "Harold." Cody: "Nooo-" laughing "That's my bro!!! You can't just insult him like that." Noah: "I just did. And it's true, is it not?" Cody: "Noahhh." Noah: "I don't hear a denial." Cody: "You have to be nicer to my friends." Noah: "Have friends that aren't so easy to pick on." Cody: "You pick on everyone!" Noah: "You're friends with everyone!" Cody: "No, I'm not friends with everyone. I'm not friends with Duncan.  I'm not Owen, now that's a guy who makes friends with everyone. Even people who don't deserve it. No offense." Noah: "None taken, I know better than anyone how friendly Owen is" Noah: "..." Noah: in a low voice "I'm only going to tell you this because you're my boyfriend, but-" Noah: "I'm pretty sure the only reason Owen hangs out with me is he's too nice and he knows I have nobody else-" Cody: "No-" Noah: "It's true. He has so many other friends but he only hangs out with me, because he knows I'd be alone otherwise. Like a baby bird fallen out of the nest." Noah: "He was happier than ME when he found out we were dating. Jumping for joy! He was like 'I don't have to supervise him anymore!!!'" Cody: laughing  "Noooo, that's not true Noah. That's not true." Cody: "He likes you babe. Serious. Don’t be ridiculous." Noah: "I don't know. I mean - look. You get voted out first out of your team, TWICE, you get trust issues. All I'm saying." Cody: "Noah. Noah. I love you. I truly do, cross my heart and hope to die, BUT-" Cody: "People didn't vote you out because they hated you, they did it because you did nothing. And also you kinda shit talked your team the entire time. Like of course they disliked you." Noah: "Not helping." Cody: "Look. If you want people to like you, you have to be nice first. That's just how the world works." Noah: "Yeah because that worked out so well with you and Gwen." Cody: chokes Cody: "That was in the past! Anyway  - YOU were the person who told me I should get with a person that actually liked me back.  Someone that would actually treat me well." Cody: "Right?" Noah: "Yeah..." Cody: "So.. you understand the importantance of mutual kindness. And if you’re kind and they still don't like you - well at least you'll be like a little brother to them." Noah: snorts Cody: "I'm serious! Just remember the saying - 'If you don't have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all'" Noah: opens his mouth, then closes it Cody: smiles at him, then turns back to the movie Noah: "..." Noah: "But what if it's like, really funny though?"
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tdnoco · 3 years
noah and courtney
total dramarama giving me the noah and courtney interactions i crave... my god do i love pushing noah and courtney together.. the do nothing and the do everything... the girl who needs to stop and the boy who won’t even start. i don’t ship them but tbh they seem like two sides of the same perfectionist coin to me - where courtney tries her best to make things perfect and noah is jaded and thinks perfection will never happen - so why bother. with anything rlly.  and they both think they’re “better” than the other, but nah. their methods might be different but they both lead to failure in the long term. honestly perfect foils Fresh fumbled the bag by not making them team up and compromise and character develop. but thankfully total dramarama giving me some crumbs of interaction. 
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tdnoco · 3 years
5 Reasons I love Noco
(some of these reasons may overlap with other ships - but that’s okay) 1. Noah and Cody have a fun relationship! Sure they talk to each other like three times, but when they do it’s fun teasing dialogue! “Cody’s got a tiny sausage!” “At least my team HAS a sausage!” It’s a back-and-forth! It’s not one-sided teasing. Cody can handle Noah’s insults and throw one back and that is fun to me! 2. But we don’t only see them bickering - we also get to see them in a more soft way, intimate - the sleeping scene, the kiss scene (kinda). We know that they can be sweet together. And what gets me too is that Noah either starts it, or is fine with it. It’s not forced from Noah, and Cody doesn’t mind! It’s cute! 3. They fit my preferred dynamic - grumpy x happy, cat x dog. And I think it makes sense for both of them. Noah hangs out with positive people, and honest people. And Cody is pretty honest - maybe too honest. On Cody’s side, he likes Gwen and .. TDI Gwen is a lot like Noah - judgemental and closed off. One of the first things Cody compliments Gwen is that she’s smart. So there’s also that.
4. They don’t have much in canon. I know a lot of people would see that as a negative - but look at Fresh’s ship history. Duncney, Gwuncan. Both ruined. They almost got to Lyler, but thank god that didn’t happen. I prefer that there is less given by Fresh because that means the potential is still there, and paradoxically I have more to work with. I can create the relationship the way I want.  5. And I’ve done that. My main idea with Noco is that Noah helps Cody realize he needs to raise his standards, and to stop being okay with how he’s treated 0 to stop being a doormat for the first person who’s kind to him. And Cody helps Noah meet those standards, to realize how his words can have consequences and take accountability, and that it’s okay to be vulnerable. It’s okay to take risks, and be wrong, and say I love you. It’s better to try than to do nothing.  This allows me to fix what I think is their biggest character flaws in a way that I think makes sense for both characters (tho if I were to write out this story, Noah and Cody wouldn’t be the only actors - there are people who help them learn like Sierra and Owen, but you know. Still mostly noco).  I wouldn’t say Noco completes each other, but I think that they have natural chemistry, immense fluff potential, immense creative potential, and just lots of character development payoff, if done right.
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tdnoco · 3 years
okay but noah def thought cody looked cute in this outfit. it was cute seeing him be more playful too tbh.
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tdnoco · 3 years
a noah headcanon
Noah’s favorite pokemon is Mewtwo because as a kid he watched the mewtwo movie and related a little too much. Like in a real way but also in pretentious edgy way lol.  “i’m so much smarter than everyone else but im alone and it’s me against the world” and hoped that someone would come up to him like Ash, and show him that friendship was real and whatnot. Insert Owen. :)
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tdnoco · 3 years
rlly rlly unwanted hc
you may have heard of mike and noco - but have you heard of  Dave and noco? Dave is .. noco’s kid. He combines their biggest character flaws  - Noah’s judgementalism and Cody’s simping. He even has Noah’s fashion and a bit of Cody’s color scheme if you squint.
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tdnoco · 3 years
Unwanted HC
Cody smells like axe body spray and failure
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tdnoco · 3 years
Noco Drabble #1
Tags: Noco. Hospital. Hurt/Comfort.  A naughty joke at the end but no actual naughtiness. 
It’s too comfortable for a hospital bed. Noah doesn’t want to be here, doesn’t even want to be in the room - but Cody’s injured and Noah can’t just leave him alone. And when Cody had asked him to come to bed, Noah couldn’t say no. Or he could, could come up with any number of excuses - had even - but they had all died on his tongue when he realized it wouldn’t be fair to Cody to hurt him even more than he already was. So he crawled up the hospital bed slowly, ruffling the blankets and gingerly, oh ever so gingerly, placing his body on the bed, as if putting pressure on the bed would put pressure on Cody and break him. He didn’t want to go too close to Cody either, and gave himself as much of a gap as he could. But hospital beds were small, so the gap was basically non-existent. Cody whined and Noah couldn’t tell if it was in want or in pain. “Do you want me to call the nurse?” Noah whispered, in case talking loudly would hurt too. “No, it’s fine.” Cody said. They fell into soft silence, with only the muted whir of hospital equipment to fill the void. Cody was looking at him, but Noah averted his eyes and stared at the ceiling. It was plain white, hospital white, and empty except for the usual assortment of lights and smoke detectors. It really wasn’t interesting, but it was better than looking at Cody and looking at bandage white and pale skin white and needles and tubes white. Noah hadn’t cried yet, but he knew if he looked at Cody directly, he certainly would. So instead he looked at the safe white of the ceiling, scrutinizing it in an effort to not have to scrutinize anything else. He could hear a soft sigh from Cody. And then the slow sound of duvets being pushed aside, over the sharp creaks of the bed. Cody was moving. Noah turned around quickly, in case Cody was trying to get out of bed, in some bizarre attempt to walk around and only injure himself further. Instead, Cody had only come closer, and wrapped his arms around Noah, being stupidly un-careful about it. “Ow!” “Idiot!” Noah shot back, instantly. But Cody only laughed, and the whole room felt brighter. “You’re the idiot! I invited you into bed to snuggle, not to awkwardly stare at the ceiling and act like I have cooties!” “Well excuse me, if I didn’t want to bother the injured!” Cody was behind him, so Noah could feel Cody’s head shake along his back. “Just be quiet and hold me.” “I’ll try.” Noah blinked a few times in preparation before slowly turning to face Cody, who smiled at him. Then there was the hard part, the task of getting Noah’s arms around Cody while avoiding the IV equipment and whatever the other wires were - Noah wasn’t a doctor, but he knew he shouldn’t mess with those. He settled somewhat awkwardly, with one hand on Cody’s back and the other snaking underneath Cody to hold him close. Cody had always been soft, warm to the touch and easy to hold. Easy to squeeze close, and too comfortable for his own good. That’s why he was so easy to fall asleep with, and Noah would despair that Cody was still so tempting, if he wasn’t too busy just enjoying it. He had missed this so much. “That’s better.” Cody said, and Noah snorted at the boldness of it. “Aren’t you worried about the fact that I might mess up your bandages? Or did the shark bite affect more than just your leg?” “The bandages aren’t going to come off that easily Noah.” Cody chided. “But if you don’t want to be here, you don’t have to be.” Well then. Noah looked into Cody’s eyes for the first time that night, and only saw clear resolve. “Well. Can’t just leave you alone here.” Noah said, shrugging away from Cody’s laughter. Cody tugged him back. “That’s what I thought you’d say.” Another silence, but it felt good this time. It was impossible to stay upset when you had Cody in your arms, Noah decided. Cody was still paler than Noah would have liked, and the bandages covering his right arm and leg were a grim reminder of that bloody day on the beach, the worst day of Noah’s life. But Cody was alive, wasn't he? And still grinning like a cheeky idiot. Still as much of a brat as before. He was going to be fine, they were going to be fine. Noah sunk down in the bed, ignoring Cody’s noises of displeasure, to rest his head on Cody’s chest. He could hear his heartbeat loud and clear, and everything was fine. “Oh you’re just listening to my heart.” Cody said, somewhat disappointed. “What else would I be doing?” “Giving me a blowjob?” Cody said, and Noah didn’t have to look to know Cody’s eyebrows were wagging. “Maybe when you’re out of the hospital.” “Yes!”
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tdnoco · 3 years
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now these two were actually a little too straight so i added a little bit of wonk
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tdnoco · 3 years
Think Topher should’ve been allowed to have more relationships. Like he and Rodney could’ve been friends because Rodney’s desperate a strong player and Topher could start by trying to use him but eventually grow to like him and be charmed by his romance shtick, Shawn and Topher would have the funniest rivalry because Topher’s dramatic and Shawn’s a survivalist and all of Topher’s ridiculous monologues end in Shawn pretty much going “yo someone come get your twink” and climbing a tree, since Ella and Topher are both definitely theatre kids I could see Topher trying to rival with her and her just being oblivious (which could lead to a Sugar and Topher team up), Amy and he would be an awesome villain duo and also I think it would give us more insight into why and how Amy is so manipulative, exc. Basically my favorite dynamic is Topher trying to theatre kid his way into a threat and everyone being done with it or mildly amused. His interactions with Chris and Jasmine were really funny to me I’d love to see him have dialogue with other characters
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tdnoco · 3 years
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I did it again. I am a menace. I cannot be stopped
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Original screenshot!!
Also fun fact: the next kiss on the list was supposed to be Trent and Gwen's but it already exists. Isn't that fucking bonkers
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