#i like noco too much for that
tdnoco · 2 years
Noco and Me
noco scratches a particular itch in my brain see, when i was in higschool i had a gay crush on my straight best friend. and even though we had been friends for Years, because of my crush, i would never hug her. it felt like i’d be... imposing myself on her. i was always worried i’d make her uncomfortable. that it’d be predatory or smth. i was so worried about being rejected and also so sure that i was stupid for even having these feelings for someone who was Straight, and yet also desperately hoping that i’d be wrong, and she Wasn’t straight after all. and that’s a big reason i like noco. if we look at that sleeping kiss scene, yes it’s a joke, but it was also one of my worst nightmares. that i’d accidentally let myself go, that i’d do something horrid and unconsensual. (i never did, and i also don’t believe that noah had any longing for cody before that scene.) but still, the scene represents that fear. A gay accident that feels like being Outed, that affects somebody “Straight.” i still can’t watch that scene without skipping it, without cringing, without feeling embarassed. but if you look at what happened to noah afterwards - he wasn’t punished. Cody didn’t treat him with fear or anger or anything. In fact, Cody doesn’t say anything. He doesn’t bring it up, he doesn’t demand apologies (though it would be in his right too). It seems like he genuinely doesn’t mind, that he understood it was an accident. He holds no ill will...and i don’t know. To me that feels so... kind. Maybe this betrays my lack of standards, but for this guy to just effortly brush off noah’s gay mistake and not be mean about it... feels so generous.  Noah is not barred from hanging out with Cody, he’s not ostracized. Nothing happens. In fact, Cody minds so little about this incident, that he falls asleep near/with Noah again. Like Cody just cares so little. Like - Noah isn’t uninvited from the sleepover even after the incident. And that just feels so welcoming. I don’t know - noco just really assauges my gay fears. Also because Cody like... looks/feels straight, I can project my own conflicted feelings of pining for someone I can’t have onto Noah. (who is just very easy to project onto in general)
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nocofamilyau · 8 months
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man how messed up is he? (3/24)
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starryluminary · 4 months
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If Noco were a canon couple’s stereotypes: The Juvie and The Goth Girl Guy
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With Noah’s sketch cause I fell in love with the punk design I came up with for him
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Sweden Sour and Aftermath III (which will be posted together) are getting worked on, but it’s going extreeeemely slow for reasons I won’t disclose. I swear I haven’t forgotten about this lovely project, and I promise progress is being made! In the meantime, here are out of context bullet points from the episodes:
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sleepykoi · 7 months
Happy Valentine’s Day! To commemorate this slightly forgettable holiday, I decided to draw some ships! I’ve been working on these for the past 3-4 days and I am BURNT. OUT.
Anyways enjoy!
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Lumity! Tbh this one’s a staple you can’t do a ship comp without including them
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Catradora! I haven’t watched She-ra in a hot second but Ik a lot of people like this one (me included)
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Seamoon but it’s my college au yoooooo I don’t have much to say abt this one?? It’s nice tho (even tho I HATE moonlights dress :( )
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Noco! The reason this one looks awful is because I was doing it at like 11pm and it was rushed af sooooo yeah sorry Noco fans I did u dirty
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Sashannarcy! I rlly like how this one turned out! The reason the outfits are so simple is because I was focusing more on poses, hair and faces
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Dipcifica! I ADORE this ship and I also rlly love this piece! Probably one of my favs
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Amamatsu <333 one of (if not) my all time favorite ships :’) I also rlly like how this piece came out
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Firesand! The only non-human ship here :0 basic ship but they are very dear to me <3
I loved working on this and I hope you guys love it too! Dropping a like or even a follow means the world to me and it’s greatly appreciated!
love you guys!
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(Bad tv anon take incoming)
Cody’s honestly a teeeny bit overhated imo
Just a bit
From what I know of the Gen 1 characters he’s one of the only ones who’s behaviour matches up with their given background of the few with any background at all
He was so emotionally neglected by his parents and essentially forgotten that he ended up craving attention from anybody, women in particular. And because he’s never really been shown what is appropriate when it comes to trying to get that attention he comes off too strong and makes a bad impression to most people, Gwen especially. He never really takes a hint until Gwen tells him proper that she’s not interested but afterwards he does genuinely back off and doesn’t even get that jealous of Trent, going so far as to help him and befriend him later on.
(Not defending his weird creepy behaviour at all he is in the wrong for that but what we do know of the environment he grew up in it’s sort of understandable why he’d act that way)
You’re perfectly allowed to still dislike him I don’t care. Call him a creep as much as you’d like but to call him a nothing character is strange as he’s one of the very few with a decently fleshed out backstory, full name, etc.
I think we’ve overcorrected when it comes to “bouncing back” from the Cody/Noco craze because from what I remember a lot of people used to love him myself included. I still like him and Noco if I’m being honest.
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scepterno · 1 year
do you think you could put your favorite ships in a post? i think it’d be interesting to see what your thoughts and opinions are :3
for Total Drama?
my two biggest are alenoah and trustin, but i also like to pass noah around like a baton. he's fun with trent, duncan, gwen, owen, izzy, kitty, and emma. (sometimes cody if i ship it in my own way and NOT the fanon noco way that's been around for a decade. never was a fan of how people characterized noco)
aletyler is cute but i prefer them as friends with like... a one-sided crush on alejandro's part (he just really likes his emotional support himbo). aleheather is iconic although i prefer heather as a lesbian and alejandro as a gay man. tbh i think aletrent could be good too since theyre both so mentally ill and physically fucked from the show.
owen/izzy where izzy is dating eva separately is kino (im all about polyamory)
gwourtney is awesome but i also really love gwent and duncney. those four together being in a super queer not-quite relationship foursome is soooo peak to me.
geoff/brody/bridgette is fun af. harold/leshawna is iconic altho i dont think they'd last much longer after the show, instead becoming like indestructible best friends. lindsey/tyler is canon forever to me.
also i really like mike/zoe/cameron. mike/scott is good too. sam and dakota are cute. bowrajwayne is my fav new gen ship. scary girl/damien could be soooooooo funny next season if they go for it. zombie guy and australian girl are also a good canon couple. i like spud and rock together. the guy from the daters team and the girl from the best friends team would be a nice couple too.
chref is canon
and i think those are all my thoughts!
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canonically47 · 8 months
hey, what total drama ships are you into, reboot and original?
right now i’m really into rajbow, ripaxel, and mkulia from reboot.
those same three for the reboot for me! i also like some other ships but i have conflicting headcanons. i hc nichelle, damien, wayne, emma and scary girl as aroace, but i like certain ships with them, like damichelle, emmayne, scarmien etc. i think the fandom does a really good job with pairs lol
from the original seasons, aleheather is probably my top one ship, and nowen a very close second. aleheather make me go crazy /pos. i also like courtheather, evizzy, kasadie, justzeke, trustin, harzeke, lesharold, h-bomb and many others. and also, a specific thing about harold is, i usually hc him as bisexual transmasc in gay ships, but in 'straight' ships, i hc him as a transfem lesbian. so it's either yaoi or yuri for the guy which love that for him.
there's definitely more pairs... season one duncney and gwent are awesome but not beyond those seasons. funnily enough i can't see the vision for popular ships like alenoah or noco but i like some fanart and fic i see of them, a really good noco-centric fic was one based on the IOTS AU, "death cast" on ao3 by nocopops, highly recommend checking it out if you're a fan.
i also like some of the other canon pairs, lyler is my religion, also gidgette is adorable. recently started shipping aletyler unironically and i feel amazing, they are the cutest. and tbh? aleowen and justowen are cute as hell too. and other rarepairs, courtgette is sooo cute you guys i love them so much, also bridj and djeoff... bridjeoff polycule is real to me...
there's probably so many others. TDI has so many shippable characters
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natalynsie · 1 month
The Noah Plan (Noco Oneshot)
“I can’t believe I’m saying this, but everything Duncan’s saying is true.”
Gwen dropped into her chair next to Cody in French. It was a typical Wednesday, and Cody and Gwen just came from their History class.
Gwen didn’t like Cody at first. At all. Cody knew that. But he persevered (he didn’t leave her alone) and eventually she grew to tolerate him. And then be kind-of friends with him. Now Cody got to listen to her complaints about… everyone.
“Courtney has a major stick up her butt.”
Yup, there it was.
“Why do you say that?” Cody asked.
“She’s just so controlling about, well, everything! I can’t stand being her history partner. It’s all ‘Gwen we have to do our project on Jacques Cartier’, ‘Gwen, you have to indent exactly 1.25 centimeters so we’re all on the same page’, ‘Gwen, you have terrible handwriting’. Ugh, everything is her way or the highway.”
Cody and Gwen had the same History class, but seats were assigned. Their teacher promised to change them every quarter, and thankfully, it was close to ending. Cody was a social guy, but Ezekiel was impossible to talk to. And impossible to work with. His denial of everything related to prejudice of the early settlers meant they couldn’t do reports on 75% of events. And also, he had an eye on a classmate of his that he was hoping to sit next to.
“Settle down students,” the teacher called to the students.
Gwen lowered her voice. “And the worst part? She complains about how stuck up Noah is.”
Cody perked up. “Yeah?”
“She apparently shares every club with him. Model UN, Debate, Student Government, National Honor Society. I think that’s too many clubs, but whatever. Anyways, she’s always saying that he’s prudish abt fucking like… I don’t know nerd stuff. And she celebrates whenever he skips out on Student Gov. for Book Club.”
“What day is Book Club?”
“Uh, Wednesdays, why?”
“Do you think they’ll let me join?”
“Why wouldn’t they?”
“I mean if they’re halfway through the book.”
“Right. Well, I’m in Book Club and we’re not. You’re welcome to join, but since when did you read?”
“I like reading,” Cody dragged his eyes from the board to Gwen. “Always have.”
“...Right. I just joined for something to put on my college applications.”
“So mind if I join?”
“I guess not.”
“Sweet!” Cody exclaimed, a little loudly.
The teacher whipped her head around to face Cody, with a stern frown on her face.
Cody grinned sheepishly. “Désolé.”
That afternoon, Cody entered an English classroom where the Book Club met. There were probably 7 people in the room, not including the teacher. Cody took his seat next to Gwen. No sign of Noah.
After he sat down, the club began to discuss the first chapter of the book they started reading. The teacher had given Cody a copy to catch him up to speed, and Cody read the first three pages before he got bored. How did people read this boring junk for fun? Once he hit the fourth page, he blankly stared at the words and counted down the minutes until he would leave. He probably wouldn’t come back. Noah didn’t even show up.
Cody took a glance at the clock- 3:29.
Then the door creaked open.
Cody turned his gaze towards the door to see Noah slipping in. He sat himself in an empty chair next to some Grade 9 kid that Cody didn’t know.
Noah didn’t say much for the last 30 minutes. But at least he was there! Next week, Cody was going to talk with him.
But that did mean he had to read the book.
Noah wasn’t there next week.
Cody had read up to chapter seven, just for Noah to not show up. He felt annoyed, betrayed even. By a boy he didn’t even know.
He had spent his entire week thinking about what he would say and his strategies on how he would talk to Noah specifically. Well he didn’t actually know much about Noah. He knew that he was friends with Owen, and that he liked books, and that he was sarcastic. Cody had been working on his humor. It was going… well, maybe it’s good that Noah didn’t show up.
Cody walked out to meet Tyler, his ride to the mall. He pulled out his phone- as expected, no texts or calls.
“Hey, Cody!”
Cody looked up to see Owen running straight at him.
“Oh, hey Owen!” Cody waved as Owen approached. “It’s been too long man.”
Owen gave Cody a fist bump. “Yeah! We should totally hang out sometime. I don’t think we’ve properly hung out since summer.”
“Sure! I’m free-”
“Move it along, Lunchbox.”
Cody shot his head up. Owen was the one, the only, Noah.
“Noah! What do you think about Cody taking a ride with us?”
Noah cupped a hand around his ear. “Huh?”
“Would you mind-”
“I actually already have a ride,” Cody told Owen. But really, he wished he didn’t. “And I’m going to the mall, I have work today.”
“Oh, Noah too! He works at that bookstore on the third floor on weekdays, except for Thursday. I was going to drop him off and then go home. You can tell whoever’s driving you that you don’t need a ride.”
“I’m going with Tyler and he’s going to the same place, so I can’t tell him no now. I’ll see you later Owen.”
“Totally! Text me when you get off work, we can make plans.”
“Sounds good. See you man!”
Owen waved Cody as he walked over to Noah and away.
He works at that bookstore on the third floor on weekdays, except for Thursday.
New plan.
Cody decided he would stay at Book Club one more time before quitting for good. He couldn’t keep up with the reading anymore. And Noah wasn’t even there most of the time. He thinks.
And maybe Noah would show up if he stayed one more time.
Lucky for Cody, he was right.
This time, Cody made sure to make a few comments on the book. He got too nervous to make any jokes, but Noah nodded in agreement to one of his opinions.
That counted as a win.
That Friday, Cody was ready. He knew Noah had work that afternoon. He was going to go straight up to him and start a conversation. About books. Because Noah liked books.
In History, Cody gazed from his seat in the middle to Noah in the front. He had nice hair. It looked soft and sleek. He took really good care of it. In STEM, he took occasional glances backwards to see Noah staring boredly at the screen, eyes blinking slowly. And in English (where he sat next to Noah) he actually got to talk to him! It was rare that anyone was allowed to say a word in English, but peer review came in handy. He got to comment on Noah’s work, but it was kind of hard to find anything to comment on. It was too good.
Noah handed Cody his essay, margins filled with edits and suggestions. “Cool topic. But you have syntax issues.”
Cody’s eyes glanced over Noah’s edits and chuckled. But he did make the essay more readable.
Oh, to be an English person.
Before he knew it, school was over, and Cody was yet again bumming a ride with Tyler to the mall. He took a quick trip to visit Trent at his job at the record store, and after a while left to the bookstore.
He first stepped in, and scanned the cash register. Noah was behind the counter. He quickly averted his vision and decided to browse the selection.
First of all, he decided that he needed a nice book. One that would impress Noah. But one that he would still enjoy.
Then he was reminded that he didn’t like to read.
He moved from the Thriller section to the Non-Fiction section, and picked up a book on the history of Physics. He wanted to get a headstart since he planned on taking Physics for his last year. Plus, it would make him seem smart. He really needed that after what happened in English.
He went to the counter and placed the book down. Noah scanned it.
“Oh, hey Noah!” Cody said, acting like he hadn’t seen him earlier. “I didn’t know you worked here.”
Noah glanced up. “Yeah, hey. That’ll be $20.99.”
“Do you take Physics this year?”
“Uh, yeah.”
“Cool, cool, I take Chemistry. I’m just trying to get a headstart for next year.”
“Good for you.”
Cody chuckled awkwardly. “Okay, I guess I’ll see you later Noah.”
“See you…” Noah snapped his finger in silence for a moment, “dude.”
Cody waved and left.
Well that was awkward.
It now hit Cody- Noah didn’t even know his name.
However, Cody was dedicated. Maybe going straight up to Noah wasn’t his greatest plan. He was going to find another way, and it was going to be through Owen.
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footemoji · 10 months
okay so since you hate noco and love alenoah I’m curious how you feel about alenoco?
i hate cody too much to ship him with anyone.😁
(also looks and acts too much like a 12 year old boy to be shipped with any of these people who look older than my textbooks)
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misiahasahardname · 1 year
>:) give me your opinions
(sorry if anything doesn’t make sense or if things are worded poorly)
cody -
cody is SUCH a fun character. he’s a clever guy, he puts others before himself, he’s silly, and he can be really funny! i loved him in island, i loved him in world tour, and if he ever shows up anywhere again, i’ll probably love him there too. he’s also my classic silly-guy-who-i-love-to-put-in-angsty-situations character (every hyperfixation i’ve ever had, there’s always one. except for the alphabet. there is no angst silly guy in the alphabet.). he’s also probably one of my favourite guys to ship (alongside geoff who doesn’t have a single bad ship). he’s so pathetic with romance. a guy is nice to him for one second and he melts. what a pathetic wet cat of a man. (for the amount of content i make of him, you’d think he’s one of my favourite characters, but surprisingly he isn’t!!)
izzy -
THERE IS SOMETHING INCREDIBLY WRONG WITH THIS WOMAN. i love it when characters are completely unhinged because of the comedic potential. izzy is a joy to watch (and make content of!!), she’s just a crazy girl who has committed several crimes against humanity. she’s also really funny in dramarama! i see a little bit of my past self in her. only a little bit though. i wasn’t that crazy (i think…). she’s got great dynamics with a lot of my favourite characters, her dynamic with eva and noah being my favourite. anyways i love this violent woman. i’d let her stab me, probably. just as a treat.
noah -
one of the funniest characters of the series, hands down. every joke with him is SPOT ON, this man is loaded with some fantastic quips and sarcastic remarks. one of the best parts of world tour, 100%. usually i have a lot more to say about him but right now i’m struggling to think of anything so i’m just going to say we need more transfem noah content in this world.
gwent -
the POTENTIAL this ship had! of the canon ships, this one is probably one of the best. they were great in season one, i love how they got along, how they interacted, and how their relationship changed overtime. unfortunately, action had to derail their relationship, which really sucked because they were so good together! they had great chemistry, and they were two of the saner characters of the series (not saying much, but hey). i will never be able to get over the fact they replaced this wholesome couple with gwuncan. :(
nizzy -
i’m assuming this is noah and izzy?? their dynamic has potential to be good, noah would be like the straight man to izzy (ironic), but i definetly prefer them as friends. not much else to say.
nocowen -
a ship containing three of my favourite characters AND is related to my favourite ship?! sign me up! i’m not the biggest fan of noco, but the nowen and cowen parts are something i could definetly enjoy. they’re dynamic would be really interest — cody and owen are mostly positive people filled with energy, and noah is a pessimist who just wants to lay on the ground and wait for the world to end. also, i love the fact that because noah is super smart, most of his ships are of him and some guy who will die if you don’t pay enough attention to what they’re doing!!
i hope these answers are good enough for you! again, i’m sorry if anything is worded weird.
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the-total-drama-world · 3 months
I like him - A NoCo fanfic: pt 2
Noah's pov:
I can't believe it only took me 2 minutes and 48 seconds to fall in love here; I hate it so much, it makes me weaker than I already am. Soon as this guys boat shows up my brain switches to hyper-focus mode. He has pale skin, His hair-short and messy, eyes like my golden lab, short and scrawny all complete with an inlet nose. Uh, why does love target me now when there's serious cash on the line. I was subtly happy to be on the same team as him. Walking to the cabins I was already bored. I was only doing this for the money. On the boys half of our cabin - wait, cabin is an exaggeration; its more like a pile of wood with a door. Anyways it had 6 beds, 3 sets of bunks. Regardless of the beds the people were... well there's this self absorbed male model named Justin, Then there's also a big guy with a blue maple leaf on his shirt and scruffy blond hair they call "Owen". Also a musical lovesick random "Trent", He's got black hair, tea skin, and a concerningly large forehead. Then there's ...him. It turns out his name is Cody. Everyone except for me and Cody scrambled for a decent bed. "I'll take the top bed" Cody said while pointing to the only set of beds left. His voice was childish and wavery. I honestly hated my deep half cracked voice. As an attempt to reach out I said "Yay, stuck in a crappy hell for a whole week at least" with a sarcastic tone. Sarcasm, it's my gift... and my curse. Cody chuckled and stared at me for a while. Good, I haven't screwed up. I wanted the moment to last but then he just put his stuff away. Uh, I was so stupid to think he could ever like someone like me but how could I expect others to love me when not even I love myself. I went outside to observe the scenery of this dumpy island. There was this huge cliff-I planned to never go anywhere near that. "Campers meet me at the top of the cliff for your very first challenge!" This Chris guy really sucks. When I finally got up there I met the female side of our team. The first person to catch my eye was an emo punk wannabe-Gwen. Then I saw a silver haired pale girl they were calling Heather, she looked...evil. There was also a dark skinned curvy girl with a pony tail- LeShawna, a blonde idiot with boobs bigger than a brain and a blue bandanna named Lindsay (i think i saw Chris eyeing her up) with a nerdy brunette (Beth) right by her side. Last and probably psychotic, a bubbly red head green eyed girl named Izzy. When she got off her boat at the start she tripped and her head smashed sickly on the dock. As Chris walked past our team I muttered "narcissist" to him. Cody must have heard me because he started to giggle. "For your challenge today you will jump into the lake below, There are two rings- one provides safety so you don't get too injured for part two" Chris said. He continued with " and the outer ring is...SHARK INFESTED." Chris cant really kill us-right?
Another fairly long one but We're getting there...Slowley Thanks for making it here Don't die anytime soon Byeeee
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nocofamilyau · 10 months
not related to noco at all but what is katie and sadie’s relationship like now?
pretty good all things considered! while they're both married to two sweet guys and have separate families (none of their kids are other td characters, unfortunately...) they're still really close, and still live next to each other at that same beach town they grew up in, now both running that successful 80s themed ice cream business they've been dreaming of! its safe to say they probably suffered the least on Total Drama, only leaving with a couple of minor scars, good god were they lucky..
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starryluminary · 7 months
hi, sorry, love your au! its really. really good, and i admire the fact that you have drawn a whole comic, especially one so good, thats incredible!
don't know if this has been asked before or if you have answered this already, but how does the afterparty (I don't remember the name exactly, but the eliminated contestants plus the contestants that didn't get in) feel about this whole situation between cody, noah and sierra, are they being being stupid like duncan or mean and malicious like alejandro, are they on noahs and codys side or sierras? how do the rest of team e-scope feel about it (eva and izzy), are they ready to fight sierra for hurting noah and cody?
also, how do their families? specifically noahs, since codys mother and father are implied to be neglectful and likely wouldn't care to watch a show their son was on and I don't know if its the same in your au, sierras we don't know (I can't remember if we ever met her family members), and noah we know to have 8 sisters and a mom and since noahs like. the baby - I think their reactions are going to be very interesting if they are even established at all
sorry, that's a lot. thank you for making your comic. it's kind of fascinating seeing how things progress over time in this new narrative and how different things are from canon. you're doing a great job. - 🍓 anon
Oooooo this is a long one! Uuuhhh let's go one block of text at a time
Thank you so much!! I'm really glad you like my au!! It always wows me that this impulsive decision I made turned into something people really like and even anticipate. That's so cool
This ask actually made me pause and seriously think about the Peanut Gallery. So I made a bullet list of all the contestants in the Peanut Gallery and their (mostly) individual opinions on the situation. I'll let you decide if they're stupid or not
Katie and Sadie: Sympathize with Sierra. All she is is a girl in love, who's Noah to ruin that?! Like, soooo not cool!
DJ: Doesn't sympathize with Sierra, but doesn't agree with how noco kissed without setting her straight. Isn't really on anyone's side.
Leshawna: Does not like Sierra's persistence. Completely understands Noah and Cody doing what they do behind her back.
Harold: Compelled to agree with Leshawna. Also likes Cody, therefore feels bad he has to deal with Sierra. He's happy Noah makes him happy.
Beth: Thinks Noco's "forbidden love" situation is super sweet and sappy. She's on their side.
Justin: Cannot fathom why Cody would want to be with Noah when Sierra is so much prettier and treats him like a God. Also doesn't like Noah in general.
Trent: Is happy Cody's happy with Noah, but feels bad Sierra's heartbroken, regardless of what she's done. Mostly neutral.
Izzy: Noticed Noah had a crush during her time on the game, but only found out it was on Cody when she watched the London episode. She's proud he went after who he wanted. Got a pit in her stomach when Sierra attacked Noah in Greece.
Eva: Finds the whole situation incredibly stupid. Cannot understand how love makes Sierra so obsessed. Would maim her if she had the chance. Someone put them in the ring, actually.
Lindsay: Is not paying attention. Sees Tyler is friends with Noah (more on that later) so she likes Noah too!
Gwen: Made friends with Cody in the first half of the season and helped him out with his feelings for Noah where she could. Understands Sierra's insane and feels bad for Cody.
Owen: Feels awful about ever doubting Noah after watching Alejandro try to manipulate Cody by flirting with Noah. Plans to apologize to Noah as soon as he sees him again.
Now about their families (which I also had not thought too much about before this ask). They're on a scale to me. Cody's parents are on the "Not watching the show at all" extreme of the scale, Sierra's mom (cause I don't think she has a dad?) is on the "Obsessively watching the show" extreme of the scale, and Noah's family is somewhere in the middle, tuning in and out. Cody will come home, have his parents ask "How was the trip?", he'll answer an empty "fine" and they'll move on. Sierra's mom is loudly cheering her daughter on, cause she knows if she was there instead of her daughter, she'd be doing the same thing to Chris. She's proud of her for going after Cody and has an unhealthy hatred for Noah for getting in the way. For the first half of the season, Noah's family would watch the episodes as they aired if they could catch them. Most of them were there for London though. After that they started putting in more effort to catch the episodes. His parents are mostly worried for his well being, but his siblings are mostly cheering for him and Cody with every episode. They're gonna jump him (with affection) when he gets home.
You don't have to apologize Strawberry. (Can I call you Strawberry?) I'm always happy to receive asks about this au! And I'm glad you're having your fun with it. It's what I strive for. The fun
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zombifiedheartg · 10 months
May I please request poly yandere total drama cody and Noah throughout the seasons? Or just a general story when/how they kidnapped their darling and when the darling wakes up?
of course! <3 thanks so much for requesting ! not too proud of this, i really hope you liked it though! i'm so sorry if it isn't exactly what you asked for :(
yandere poly!noco x reader . .
song⤹˚ ; pretty boy by tv girl
cw : un-consensual drug use, kidnapping, gaslighting, manipulation, guilt-tripping, basic yandere behaviour.
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cody and noah are kind of different as yanderes, noah gaslights you, and cody guilt-trips you. they do argue like an old married couple about you though, cody thinks you need space, and noah thinks that'd just give you a chance to run off.
cody's paranoid, but noah is much more paranoid than he'd like to admit.
but they love eachother, and their love for you is stronger than any other feeling they've had. you're a need to them.
and they'd do anything to keep you close by them.
୭ 🧷 ✧ ˚. ᵎᵎ 🎀
geoff had been hosting a reunion party for the contestants, and noah and cody thought this was the perfect chance! you were a sweetheart, of course you were gonna attend. even if you didn't have too.
you looked amazing as usual.
noah and cody were the only few people that you really talked with after the show, so you immediately went to them. you three talked for a bit, well you mainly talked. the two boys looked at you with dreamy stares the entire time along with occasional nods to make it seem like they were listening.
''oh, watch my drink for a sec?'' you handed noah the red solo cup, before turning to lindsay who was waving you over.
it was just too easy, the pill he slipped in wasn't harmful, you were just gonna pass out for a bit, and land directly into their arms..
after lindsay, bless her heart, talked your ear off for a little bit, you walked back to the boys with that smile they've grown too fond of. almost immediately, you took a sip of your now dosed drink.
of course it took a few moments to kick in, you started to see black spots surround your vision after maybe, five minutes? and before you knew it, you dropped. thankfully, cody catching you.
''oh my god, are they okay?'' bridgette spoke worriedly, ''probably just had a bit too much to drink, right, noah?'' cody slightly stumbled over his words, looking at noah for help.
''yeah. don't worry, we'll drive them home.'' noah reassured, putting your limp arm around his shoulder. ''are you two sober enough, though?'' bridgette felt a weird stir in her stomach, something about this wasn't right.
''we're fine.'' cody said with a bit of harshness in his tone.
''..okay.'' she sighed defeatedly.
after what felt like hours, you started to wake up, your vision starting to unblur as you looked around your unfamiliar surroundings, were you dosed? god, who could've done such a thing? were you gonna get murdered?
panicked thoughts ran through your mind as you became more aware.
the more you started to get conscious, the more you realized how much your wrists were hurting.
you blinked a few times trying to see clearer before realizing your wrists were bound by a zip-tie, digging painfully into your skin, it'll probably leave a mark.
''oh, they're finally awake! cody!'' you recognized that montoned voice. it was unusually cheery and you didn't expect to hear that voice at all.
cody had fallen asleep against noah's shoulder waiting for you to wake up, the two were sitting on the floor infront of you.
cody rubbed the sleep away from his eyes before looking at you with a bright smile.
''took you long enough.'' noah smirked, ''noah? cody?'' you were dumbfounded. these were your friends, the two people you trusted with your life.
you grimaced as your head started to pound, ''um, sorry, one of the side effects were headaches..'' cody apologized with a sheepish grin. ''should go away soon, though!'' he said quickly afterwards.
''god, i'm so glad you're here though! my two favorite people in the same room, wow.'' he beamed, hugging you and noah close. you stood completely still in shock, not know how to respond, it was moving so fast. so many things you were questioning in your head, going over habits you looked past with them.
''you should get comfy though, you're probably gonna be here for a bit..'' noah reminded.
''it'll be easy though, three lovebirds finally all together.''
˖°🌷📎⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
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wanna know the mods most unpopular and controversial opinions... cmon give us the scoop!!!
alright, idk how controversial they are but here goes
While TDWT is very good, it's kind of overrated
TDPI is NOT that bad y'all are being dramatic
Cody is such a nothing character, it actually fascinates me how he's so popular. he's alright I guess? sometimes he is funny? idk I feel so little about him it's insane
on that note I don't rlly care for Noco (though that's becoming more of a common take)
More of a fandom take but people care way too much about what ships and characters other people do and don't like. whatever happened to like and let like, guys
While All-Stars is bad imo, it's still enjoyable for me. mostly because Mal is so ridiculous it's funny. also TDAS likers/defenders I salute you
Sky. Is. Not. Zoey. They are not the same. Like even slightly.
While it is true that TD is a parody, that doesn't mean it's exempt from things like shitty writing and character derailment
I would say something about Duncan here but my opinion of him changes so frequently that whatever I said would be outdated in like five minutes
okay that was a lot of negativity, let's have some more positive stuff
Max is the funniest character alive, like I do not agree with the idea of him being 'annoying'. he's such a gremlin and he ruined the word Wyoming for me /pos
Katie and Sadie deserve the world actually
Beth is my pick for canon winner of TDA
I have changed my mind about Sugar and Leonard, I love them actually I have been stupid this whole time
Nemma isn't my favourite but it does not deserve the hate, it's a fine ship
I LOVE the Zeke episode of TDAS (though I am very biased)
The reboot cast is probably my favourite TD cast, I like literally all of them
Tbf I don't?? think there's a single TD character I hate??
hope this doesn't disappoint, lol
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