tejaswrites · 3 years
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Honore de Sardet by @artevalentinapaz
Thank you so much for the amazing art!
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tejaswrites · 3 years
WIP Wednesday
Thank you for the tag @noire-pandora @morganlefaye79 & @samuraisaucefrites , much appreciated 💓
I'm still going through a rough patch creatively, and finding it really hard to motivate myself with, well, anything really. So nothing very new to share, but I did start a short piece for a prompt.
For context, this is Loryen and Cullen facing one of Fiona's mages, made allies of the Inquisition, as she recognized the Gallows' former Knight-Captain , and didn't take kindly to having to work with him, threatening him with her weapon, while Loryen placed herself between them.
This needs editing, btw, so it's definitely a WIP lol.
"I will ask  you again to lower your staff," Loryen demanded, trying her hardest to make herself sound authoritative. "I will not stand for this. I'm the Herald of Andraste, for crying out loud, and this is the Commander of the Inquisition. We do not raise our weapons against our allies around here."
This seemed to make the mage reconsider, and her arms finally came to rest by her side. But her white-knuckled fist remained clenched around her staff. Behind her, Loryen heard the Commander exhale in relief. 
"Why is he here?" the woman snarled, "the Seeker's presence is bad enough, but him? After what he did in the Gallows? He should be rotting in a cell, and not at the head of an army."
Loryen flinched at the hatred in the woman's voice -was that really what some people thought of Cullen?- but she stood her ground nonetheless. Her loyalty and respect was something Cullen had earned, and she wasn't about to let him hang out to dry. 
Just as she opened her mouth to respond, Cullen's voice rose behind her, soft-spoken but determined. 
"Herald, if you please, I may address the accusations myself."
The mage facing them all but spat at his words.
"There is nothing you can say that will appease me."
"I don't intend to," Cullen replied, and his tone had returned to one of suppressed anger, "Everything you think about me is true. I am a murderer. I killed mages in the exercise of my duties. I am scum. I let things happen in Kirkwall under my command, things I should have condemned. Believe me, there is nothing you can throw at me I haven't accused myself of. And you're right. Under different circumstances, I should probably face trial."
Stunned as she was by his response, Loryen tried to interject at this. No point giving his opponent more ammunition. But he gave her a sad smile before he continued.
"But here we are. In a war. And instead of being brought to justice, I was given a job to do. I pledged my allegiance to the Inquisition, to carry out my duties and offer my expertise in order to end this war we're all responsible for. I'm not here to atone. I'm beyond that.  But I'm not here to be judged either. Not by you. Not by anyone. When the time comes, the Maker will decide my fate. In the meantime I don't intend to explain myself to anyone. Except perhaps to this woman here."
And Cullen pointed to Loryen as he spoke.  "As a mage, and a Circle survivor, if she has no issues with my presence here, then neither should you."
Tagging the following (with no obligation): @winterwolfwitch @melisusthewee @fandomn00blr @serenpedac @molliehaswords @girlwondersteph @tejaswrites @roguelioness
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tejaswrites · 3 years
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Here are 10 illustrations depicting my Avvar Inquisitor, Vatna of Two Falcon Hold, that I have received over the last two years. She's the protagonist of my fic Watch the Skies.
A big thank you to each artist, you're all super talented and awesome! It was an honour to have my girl brought to life by you!
List of credits, from left to right, top to bottom:
1. Vatna with her arm tattoos on display by @hanatsuki89
2. Winter-themed icon by @codenameyan
3. Vatna and the falcon hold-beast, Himnar by Tobio Fish (this was a gift from a wonderful friend @tejaswrites)
4. Illustration by @singuminklarity
5. Icon featuring Vatna and her Winter Palace look (she applies face paint to serve as a distraction at one point) that I received from a giveaway organized by Paisleybees
6. Illustration that I received from a giveaway organized by Phlantasmagoria
7. Inktober 2019 piece by KittyBiscuits
8. Illustration that I received from a giveaway organized by @luinquesse
9. Vatna on the day of the Summer Solstice, before leaving her hold by @didiher
10. Vatna after officially becoming the Sky Watcher in her hold by @sabiartrin
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tejaswrites · 3 years
DA:I OC codex prompts
(based off of excellent ideas in THIS post)
Have fun!
something written about your OC by the cook
something written about your OC by a shop keeper
writing found in your OC’s trash can
something written on a statue dedicated to your OC
a note/letter found in your OC’s pocket
something written by your OC in response to an honor they’re being awarded
something written by a diplomat who has stayed at Skyhold
something written about one of your OC’s regrets
something written about one of your OC’s proudest accomplishments
something written by one of the advisors about your OC
slander written about your OC
propaganda written in support of your OC
something written about your OC in the two years between defeating Corypheus and the beginning of Trespasser
something written about your OC, post-Trespasser
something written to your OC by a younger member of their family 
something written to your OC by an older member of their family
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tejaswrites · 3 years
URL Music Meme
Thank you for the tag @cleverblackcat! This one was a lot of fun. I also had the problem of songs I love not working with the letters, but it was fun to dig through and find forgotten treasures :)
Pick a song for each letter of your url and tag the same number of people as there are letters.
T - Time Frame by Fractures
E - ELOJE by AYA, Falle Nioke
J - Just a Little Longer by SHY Martin
A - Auld Wives by Bear’s Den
S - Six Feet Under by Billie Eilish
W - Wind Turns Cold by SAENS
R - Ricochet by Haux
I - In My Arms (feat. Jamie N. Commons) by Grizfolk
T - Through Your Eyes by Jordan Critz, Birdtalker
E - Eyes Closed by Halsey
S - Shameless by The Weeknd
I definitely don’t have enough people to tag as letters in my url so... I’ll tag @samuraisaucefrites @ohmypawsandwhiskers​ if y’all want to participate!
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tejaswrites · 3 years
Awwww this is so sweet ❤️ I love seeing Cullen and Loryen being happy after all they’ve been through
Last Line Monday
Thanks so much for the tag @morganlefaye79, much appreciated!
I’m still working on editing my fic [insert disgusted noise] but I am doing a little bit of writing here and there, when I get bored, and well, it all comes out as fluff/smut at the moment so who am I to fight that, right? This is a line from a piece I wrote a long time ago, which I am expanding on, and it takes place during the Inquisition, when Cullen has taken his Inquisitor on a two-week break to Honnleath. As you can tell, they’re having a great time lol
The usual flutter in his stomach, the one he gets every time she tells him she loves him, breaks free in a soft chuckle of happiness, and he tilts her head away from the crook of his neck to look at her.
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tejaswrites · 3 years
Hey Seren! Lovely to see Alistair and Neria again 🥰 
Six Sentence Sunday
Thank you for the tag @cleverblackcat! I’m kind of cheating here and counting each dialogue line as one sentence. It takes place right before Neria leaves on her quest to find the Cure.
“We could get married,” Alistair said and at Neria’s stunned silence, he continued, “It’s this thing people do where they promise to love each other, even when they get old and wrinkly or when other person snores.” “I do not– Regardless of that, we are Wardens.” “Wardens. Right, how could I forget? No marrying and always wear a pointy hat on Tuesdays.” A comment about unwritten rules and duty waited on the tip of her tongue, but those unwritten rules, they’d broken time and again, and duty… Duty she had abandoned the moment she’d started her search for the Cure.
Tagging: @ejunkiet @ammocharis @winterwolfwitch @evilbunnyking @tejaswrites
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tejaswrites · 3 years
Six Sentence Sunday
Tagged by @melisusthewee Thanks so much!
This is an excerpt from a fic I had started a few weeks ago and that I reworked yesterday to fit a prompt. You can read the piece in its entirety here, should you feel like it.
Damned Chuckles. But in fairness to him, Solas had done his very best to ensure Loryen had only lost as little of her limb as possible.
Varric shuddered at the grim memory of a white-faced Curly, supporting his wounded wife as she held her arm against her chest, after she had emerged from the Eluvian, during the whole mess of the Exalted Council.
An unwelcome recollection, and Varric shook it off as he pulled out a chair for her to sit on.
“Well, Comtesse, now that you have seen it, how do you like your new abode?” Varric said when he returned to the table, placing a glass of whiskey in front of Loryen before he settled in the seat opposite hers with his own drink.
For context, this takes place post-Trespasser, in early 9:45 Dragon, and Loryen is travelling alone, struggling to come to terms with the aftermath of the Exalted Council. She has stopped in Kirkwall, on her way to Ostwick, where her feet are inexorably taking her, and where she’s hoping a visit to her beloved former home, now in ruins, will help her find purpose and meaning once more.
Tagging: @tejaswrites @samuraisaucefrites @ammocharis @molliehaswords  @winterwolfwitch @hoochieblues @fandomn00blr @roguelioness @serenpedac @looking-at-art-and-stuff (no pressure, and only if you feel like  sharing something. And doesn’t have to be DA or anything!) 
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tejaswrites · 3 years
URL Music Meme
Tagged by @hoochieblues Thanks so much <3<3
This was a lot of fun, but it was so tricky too! A lot of the songs I love didn’t work with my letters :-(
Pick a song for each letter of your url and tag the same number of people as there are letters.
C - Cosmic Love, by Florence + the Machine
L - (the) Lobster, by The Gloaming (instrumental)
E - Everybody Hurts, by REM
V - (La) valse d'Amélie, by Yann Tiersen (instrumental)
E - Exile, by Taylor Swift (featuring Bon Iver)
R - Rebellions (lies), by Arcade Fire
B- Black Horse and The Cherry Tree, by KT Tunstall
L- Light of the Seven, by Ramin Djawadi (instrumental)
A - Anyone’s Ghost , by The National
C - (the) Curse, by Agnes Obel
K - Keep On Walking, by Passenger
C - Cat people (putting out fire), by David Bowie
A - Above The Clouds Of Pompeii, by Bear’s Den
T - Tomorrow, by U2
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tejaswrites · 3 years
Avvar symbolism and the parallels between Korth the Mountain-Father and the Titans
Here’s the Avvar Stained Glass that can be installed as a part of Skyhold’s decor. It consists of four panels, one in the center and three on the outside, each depicting a distinct figure.
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Some of its elements are pretty easy to interpret. The bird atop is the symbol of the Lady of the Skies, the Avvar goddess of the afterlife. The center piece depicts the Frostback Mountains, the home of the Avvar people. What about the figures on either side of the Mountains? They’re probably the two other members of the main pantheon: Hakkon Wintersbreath and Korth the Mountain-Father.
The image on the left consists mostly of white and red glass panels, evocative of ice and blood that are Hakkon’s domains. He’s the Avvar god of winter and war. In the eyes of the Avvar people, Hakkon is not evil - there are times when one needs to fight. Still, Hakkon Wintersbreath oversees the violent aspects of life, so it’s fitting that his depiction would include those elements.
The panel on the right shows a grey creature, as if made of stone. It seems to be carrying or supporting a large object - something also made of stone. I’m convinced it’s supposed to portray Korth the Mountain-Father, the Avvar god who rules over mountains and underground caves.
In the following write-up, I’d like to explain why I think so, and show the other examples of Avvar symbols that most likely relate to Korth.
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tejaswrites · 3 years
WIP Wednesday
Thanks for the mentions @cleverblackcat @rakshadow @samuraisaucefrites! And thanks for all the tags I received in the past… however many weeks that was since I last participated in the WIP Wednesday. It’s been a while and I’m still at the same point - or rather, my poor Vatna is. She almost has Tyrdda’s staff in her grasp - alas! not yet.
“These lands… the Avvar no longer live down here,” Vatna explained. “The trail-markers leading to the vault have been forgotten, and Lowlanders never knew they existed.”
“Ah, yes, the divide between the Lowlands and the Highlands. It wasn’t always so steep,” the woman remarked wistfully.
“It wouldn’t be there at all if Thelm Gold-Handed hadn’t tried to steal the tribes by feeding them lies. It wouldn’t be so steep if Luthias Dwarfson hadn’t deceived Morrighan’nan, promising a union between them. And it wouldn’t get even steeper if Calenhad offered us equal rights without being forced to join the Chantry,” Vatna said in a more sour tone.
“Mayhap, mayhap not,” the guardian sighed, her expression somber. Gazing into Vatna’s eyes, perhaps glimpsing her thoughts through them, she said softly: “So much has happened since I greeted the last visitor… My mother said there would always be quarrel. It started when the first two creatures met, and it will continue until the last two creatures still breathe. Yet a quarrel needn’t end in bloodshed.”
“Your mother… You are the reflection of Heidrun, Tyrdda’s daughter?” Vatna guessed, eyeing up the woman from head to toe. Like many spirits, her visage preserved her in prime years, but her stature didn’t quite match that of an adult human nor a dwarf. Instead, she remained somewhere halfway between the two. She was wearing a dwarven-style armour, but the ornaments on her shield and sword looked undeniably Avvar.
“I had a father, too.” Heidrun raised an eyebrow.
“Prince Hendir.” Vatna added, embarrassed that she failed to mention him. The dwarven prince deserved recognition, just as much as the Avvar-Mother.
“The children-giver himself.” His daughter’s ghost smiled unexpectedly. “Hendir sent his best stonemasons to build this vault and erect the stelae, for Tyrdda’s gifts to be preserved. My heritage, though I couldn’t use its power to the fullest. Others might need it in time, I thought.” The woman turned slightly to the side and touched the doorway. The runes inscribed in the stone lit up. “I… Heidrun asked the augurs to perform the rituals. Moons, many moons passed before the preparations were complete. I watched her in the dream-mirror, and I watched myself, until our reflections laughed and cried the same. And then, it was done. I stayed here to oversee the gifts of Sky and Stone my mother had received, so that other worthy warriors could wield them once more.”
Oh, and also I’m drafting a theory on Avvar symbolism, here’s a sneak peek of the visuals.
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Tagging @tejaswrites @dreadfutures @winterwolfwitch @molliehaswords @crackinglamb @a11sha11fade​ (no pressure)
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tejaswrites · 3 years
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Stunning artwork by the amazing fish_tobio of my Persephone Hawke and Knight-Captain Rylen !
Little did they know, they perfectly captured a scene from an upcoming chapter of One for Sorrow. It’s one of my favorites scenes and the art goes together with it so perfectly. And because I’m in need of a little joy this week, here it is!
When they were together, time lost all meaning. Whether minutes had passed or hours, Persephone rarely knew. All she cared about was how everything seemed to come down to the feeling she had when she was wrapped in him. 
Tonight had been no different as they lay intertwined together in the afterglow, and Persephone listened to the gentle beating of Rylen’s heart. She spread her fingers wide, flattening her palm against his chest as it unfalteringly pulsed beneath her. It was such an odd thing: the beating of a heart. The very lifeblood of another, steady and sure, thrumming in an unending rhythm.
It was extraordinary what a heart could bear. Joys and pain, happiness and sorrow. No matter what it had seen, how much it had borne, still it continued on as sure as the sun would rise tomorrow. She’d often wondered if hers even worked after all that she’d endured and all the sorrow she’d wrought; if there was even a space, hidden away in its deep recesses, that still had the capacity to be filled so completely by another.
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tejaswrites · 3 years
Hey fellow artists and patrons,
This is a doc I put together so peeps can find an artist or artists in the Cyberpunk 2077 fandom that are commissionable.
I don’t gain anything from this, I just want to streamline the process of finding peeps to commission. 
If you are an artist and you want to be included on the list or know an artist that would like to be included, please contact me via Twitter as that I am not too active on here. I’ll do my best to check here as much as I can.
If you are an artist and you want to be removed, please contact me as well.
I am doing my best to update as much as I can. I apologize the doc is a bit messy, but I’ll alphabetize at some point.
Thank you! 
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tejaswrites · 3 years
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Persephone Hawke and Knight-Captain Rylen in their private moment ♥ Commission for incredible @tejaswrites.
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tejaswrites · 3 years
Last Line Monday
Tagged by @melisusthewee Thank you!
Could it be?? Am I really on revision 3 (and last) of the next chapter of my fic?? Yes. Yes I am. It’s been 84 years months, but I think (I think?) I’m nearing completion of it. So here’s a line from it:
Reluctantly, she followed him, squeezing through the grid, her heart pounding in her chest, and her malaise only increased when she found herself on the other side of the rampart that had always stood between her and the world.
tagging (with no obligation whatsoever, and sorry to the Europe folks because there’s barely any of Monday left) @winterwolfwitch @samuraisaucefrites @tejaswrites @roguelioness @fandomn00blr @molliehaswords @noire-pandora
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tejaswrites · 3 years
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Commission for @tejaswrites - Persephone Hawke and Knight-Captain Rylen enjoying a little oasis picnic.
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tejaswrites · 3 years
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Commission of Persephone Hawke and Knight Captain Rylen for @tejaswrites
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