#honore de sardet
ragingbookdragon · 1 year
Still Life To Live
Vasco x De Sardet
Word Count: 2.1K Warnings: Explicit Language, Wee-bit of Angst
Author's Note: Legit this is the first female De Sardet I've written besides the one with Kurt -Thorne
She wakes with a sadness still ever-present in her chest as she stares out the window, at a bird-less, sunless sky. The sheets smell like Constantin’s soap, and she can’t help but feel tears come to her eyes. She hasn’t been able to leave his room since they returned from his burial. She misses her cousin, no, her brother. Constantin was all she had in the world other than her mother. The two young cousins growing up, thick as thieves, only for it to end in such a poetic yet so tragic way. She missed him so. Missed laughing with him. Missed being around him. And she missed the moments where she wasn’t plagued with knowing his blood was on her hands, even if in the end it wasn’t his fault but the madness.
“If you know, why do you continue to blame yourself?”
She blinks a few times, coming to realize that her dear cousin is kneeling beside her; her lips wobble as she reaches out, taking his hand. “I miss you.”
“Oh, I miss you, dear cousin,” he murmurs. “But you cannot spend the rest of your life here.” His smile is so soft. “I may not be here in flesh, but I am always with you in spirit.”
“I’m sorry.”
He shakes his head. “I will not accept something you needn’t apologize for. Cousin, you saved me. You set me free.” His hand gently leaves hers, resting on her head. “If you want to honor my memory, don’t sit here and wallow while the ones you love worry for you. If that is not enough, then you must remember who you are and what you are called to do here. You have responsibility and it isn’t going away simply because I am gone.” He pats her head. “Promise me, you will get up and go. That this pain will not hold you down. I may be gone, but you have gained the world in terms of family. That old man, Kurt, the girls.” His eyes hold a shimmer of humor as he jabs, “And that Naut.”
Her laugh is watery, tears slipping down her cheeks and he’s quick to wipe them away.
“Dear cousin, there is more life to live. Promise me.”
She swallowed thickly and nodded her head. “I promise.” As he pulls away, she grabs his hand and stares into his eyes. “I love you, brother.”
Constantin, in all his spirit, simply smiles and leans over, kissing her head. “I love you, dear sister.”
She blinks once and he’s gone, the place where he was kneeling empty, all that remains of him is merely a feeling in her chest, but something in the air has changed and she rises from the bed for the first time in almost three weeks.
Her entire body aches from not moving and her stomach grumbles like there is no tomorrow. She can tell there is loss around her body, a gauntness where muscle and fat should be, but the mind and such strong emotion could always play with the body, suppressing hunger. She pulls a dress on, tightens the fabric of the corset to fit her frame as she ties various lines of linen and silk to appear somewhat appropriate.
A quick facial wash in the basin of water is all that can suffice for now, as she follows Constantin’s orders of moving on. She has so much to do, so many people to check in with, to greet, lives to maintain, rules to enforce, treaties to sign now that she is essentially acting governor before a new one is assigned.
She inhales deeply, readying herself for the surprised faces of the people as she opens the doors and steps out. Surprisingly, there are no servants, and she takes it as a small mercy, escaping the upper floor to the stairs where she walks down quietly, thinking of how she will explain her absence.
It is only when she hits the ground and walks out into the throne room that she sees her first companion speaking with another emissary; they look up at the doors and the old man smiles at her.
“Child,” he simply greets, and she smiles back at him, a little weak but one, nonetheless.
“Petrus.” She walks over as the emissary bows and leaves them.
“It is good to see you out of your room.”
She nods. “Forgive me, for—”
“There is no need to apologize for how your grief affects you.” He looks at her. “Your cousin was the only friend you had growing up. To lose that so fast…grief is merely an understatement to what you felt.” He reaches up, brushing a stray tear. “We have simply bided our time before you came out.”
“Where are the others?” she asks, looking around curiously.
“Kurt is at the barracks training, Aphra is more than likely returning from Hikmet with new supplies, and Síora went to visit her clan.”
“And what of Vasco?” she inquires, feeling something awfully funny in her chest.
Petrus frowns. “Ah, yes, Vasco…”
“What? Is he alright?”
“Oh, he’s fine, but he is leaving port right now.”
Her eyes widen, heart breaking and panicking at the same time. “He’s leaving port right now? Like this moment now?”
“B-but he—but we!” she runs to the window, stares out to see the top of the Seahorse and she feels her chest erupting. She never meant to push him away in her grief and cause him to leave. “Oh no…”
“I have to stop him!” she shouts, already hiking her dress up to sprint for the doors.
Petrus’ calls fall on deaf ears as she runs down the steps to the grand doors, yelling for the guards to open them and they do, just in time for her to burst down the front steps for all of New Sérène to see. It takes her all of three minutes to run like hell is at her heels to get to the docks and she passes Admiral Cabral who only looks up because a sailor gets her attention.
“Lady De Sardet?!” she calls in shock, rising from her desk to run after her. “What on earth are you doing so frenzied!”
She doesn’t answer but runs to the edge of the dock where sailors are busy moving cargo that didn’t get packed into the Seahorse; it hasn’t even made it twenty feet from the port, so she isn’t too late, but she is late.
“Vasco!” she yells, cupping her hands to her mouth for better reach. “Vasco! Wait!”
She hears something from the ship before he appears at the stern, his confusion giving way to shock but a gladness is in it. “De Sardet! What are you doing here!”
Her hands come to her chest, massaging the ache growing as tears fill her eyes. “Please, don’t leave without me,” she begs. “If you’re leaving, let me come with you. I’ll sail with you, please, don’t—”
“De Sardet! Look out!”
Her turning is too slow, and she is barreled into by a sailor carrying far too many boxes at once. And for all her balance training, she loses it all as she is knocked backwards, foot caught in her dress as she screeches, trying to catch something or someone before she falls down into the frigid water.
The world ripples above her and she tries to fight for the surface but the weight of her dress and undergarments are too heavy and she sinks despite her struggle. Water invades her lungs, and she feels like stone as darkness and cold seep into her body, even as hands reach for her.
“She still hasn’t come out?” he asks softly, glancing up towards the third floor.
Petrus sighs. “Of course not. She lost the last remaining family she ever had.”
Vasco bristles, as if he isn’t aware of such a thing. “I know she did.”
“Then why assume she has come out of her grief.”
“I didn’t mean it like that, I merely meant that…” he falls silent, scuffing his foot; something about being around Petrus made him feel like a child again. “I just miss her.”
The old man smiles sadly, laying a hand on his shoulder. “I know you do. Even though we all do, you do much more.” He squeezes before letting go. “Believe me, if she comes out, I will be the first to send her your way.”
Vasco nods, inhaling deeply as he puts the tricorn back on his head. “I’ll be back in a few days.”
“Safe travels to San Matheus, Captain.”
His heart stops in his chest the second that De Sardet hits the water and comes up once before the dress pulls her back down and Vasco is cussing a storm as he strips from his belts and coat down to his tunic, pants, and socks before diving overboard for her.
The water is freezing, shocking him to his core but the sun shines enough to lead him to the woman sinking down; he grasps her waist, pulling hard as he kicks his legs with fervor until they break the surface, and he sucks in air as a rope lands near him. He wraps it around his arm and tugs, waiting for the sailors to yank them aboard and when they do, his feet hit the ground, letting go of the rope as he lays De Sardet down on the deck.
She’s unmoving, cold, and unconscious, and Vasco yanks a sailor’s knife from his belt, cutting up the front laces of her corset, ripping it open, and she snaps awake, rolling onto her side with harsh coughs as water makes its way up her esophagus. He rubs at her back, taking the blanket from Jonas who’d gone into his cabin to get it from his bed, and lays it over her shoulders as she rests on her side, breathing heavily.
“De Sardet,” he calls softly. “Are you okay?” She nods, swallowing salt as she nods and shuts her eyes, feeling a shiver run down her body from the chill of the air on her thoroughly drenched body. Vasco gets the hint and picks her up with ease, barking, “Get us back to dock!” the sailors are in a frenzy as he makes his way to his cabin and shuts the door behind him, sitting her down on his trunk at the end of his bed.
He moves methodically, stripping her out of her wet dress and undergarments to her bareness before she can even stop him; he wraps her tight in the blanket before he goes over to his chest of drawers and changes from his own wet clothes before he returns with a long tunic and a pair of cotton pants. This time, he looks up towards the ceiling as she dresses herself, or at least tries to before she mutters, “I need help.”
Vasco looks down, sees her shaking hands, and gently helps her into the shirt and laces the pants so she’s dressed. He then takes her to the bed and situates her before he crawls in beside her, wrapping his arms and legs around her, warming her as best he can.
She breathes deeply and turns in his grip, nose brushing the column of his throat as she tries to practically get in his skin. “I’m sorry,” she whispers, and he hugs her tight.
“You have nothing to be sorry for. That jackass sailor ran into you.”
“That’s not what I’m sorry for,” she answers, and pulls back despite the warning in his throat, looking into his eyes. “I shut you out and you’re leaving. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, Vasco, I never meant to push you away.” Tears fill her eyes and she’s almost blubbering at this point. “Please don’t leave me. I need you, Vasco. If I have to give this all up to come, I will, but please don’t leave this island without me.”
“Woah, woah, woah,” he calms, gently caressing her face. “Tempest, I’m not going anywhere.”
“But you’re—”
“I’m just going on a supply run to San Matheus.” He frowns. “Didn’t Petrus tel—” his scowl is much worse. “That old bastard.” Vasco lets out a sigh and takes her face in his hands. “I was simply going to San Matheus to deliver supplies and come back.” His golden eyes bore into hers. “My Tempest, I would never leave you. And even if I were to, I would never go without saying goodbye.”
Her expression is downright pitiful as she asks, “Promise?”
Vasco huffs fondly and he leans forward, pressing their foreheads together. “My Tempest, I swear on my honor as a Naut and my love for you.” He kisses her softly. “Rest, my Tempest. I’m here.” Her fingers clench in his tunic as she buries her face back into his chest, breathing in gunpowder, sea salt, and leather, letting sleep wash over her in his comfort.
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seeasunset · 1 year
"thank you for coming." to some it might seem a rather questionable invitation, being asked to meet the sender in their rooms during the evening, but eleanora was rather glad that vasco did not care too much for propriety where such things were concerned.
and, a part of her hopes, he cared little to follow such rules because she had sent the letter.
well, anyways. the captain stands in front of her now and, before any nerve can be lost, de sardet hands over his gift. a box wrapped in an old silk scarf - gifted to de sardet some years ago -, inside the box is a new pistol, engraved with the visage of various magical sea creatures. vasco's initials carved into the handle.
"happy birthday, vasco."
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Such an invitation - written in a letter format - certainly made it a bit sketchy, though, in this case, Vasco written it off. He recognized the handwriting Eleanora had. A little fact he didn't exactly say out loud until the topic begs it to come up. Regardless, he followed what is said within the words. A set of rules, even if he mumbled grumpily under his breath when he went off to follow it. There's some kind of reason behind it.
Of course, the Naut captain is going to trust the legate enough, even if she could be, rather, playful at times. Even then, it didn't lessen the trust he had with her.
And the two was face to face finally.
The question of what's going on sets on Vasco's lips and yet it remained unspoken as Eleanora handed him a gift. A box more so. Once opening through it, his gaze could only swept over the gift presented to him. A new pistol.
Although his own that rested at his side isn't all that old, this one had something else going on. The decoration, his name, everything left him speechless. In a good way that is. His lips pulling back into a smile.
❝I.......I'm not sure how to react to this at all. I feel honored. Thank you.❞ Words stumbling out. Although Vasco hated how he sounded, a part of him is glad it's only these two alone in the room. Putting the box down on the nearest table, his arms reaching out to pull her into a hug.
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5mcsinatrenchcoat · 1 year
Baldur's Gate 3 / Dragon Age (especially DA:I) / Mass Effect / Cyberpunk 2077
Main blog: tarraxahum
I needed a blog to brainrot about my videogame blorbos.
I'm a one-main-repetitive-playthrough kinda creature, so list of main MCs under the cut!
Blanket disclaimer: I am white, and some of these characters have far more melanin than me. That's not done for any virtue points, I just love creating different characters and RPG games allow me that. While I do quietly research related topics for myself, I leave posting about them to people who actually put their lived experiences into their characters!
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Warrior / Sword & Dagger / Berserk/ Power of Blood / Reaver
Morrigan romance (went through eluvian)
Circle mages saved, Connor and Isolde alive, werewolves curse broken, Bhelen on the throne, Anora rules solo (with some... influence), Dark Ritual complete, Shianni is bann of the Denerim alienage, Amaranthine saved, Keep held on and companions there survived
DA 2:
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Warrior / Two-handed sword / Berserk / Reaver
Isabela & Merrill romance (aka Merrihawkebela)
Bethany is (was?) in the Circle, Hawke sided with mages, miraculously didn't lose anyone, spared Anders
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Rogue / Daggers / Tempest
Sera romance (married)
Mages in Inquisiton (as allies), Briala rules through Gaspard, Alistair in the Fade (Wardens in Inquisition), Morrigan drank from the well, divine Leliana, Inquisition not disbanded
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Asmodeus tiefling
Urchin / Barbarian Berserk
Karlach romance
Destroyed the Brain, is currently fighting her way through Avernus.
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Spacer / Ruthless
Liara romance
Ashley saved on Virmire, Council saved, Genophage cured, Geth and Quarians united, Red ending (survived)
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Peebee romance
Sloane saved, Exhaltation facility destroyed, Vederia is asari's Pathfinder, Captain Dunn alive
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Melee fist-fighter build / Berserk
Judy romance
Star ending
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(not an RPG, but it is TO ME)
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(Cait romance, blew up the Institute, Minutemen faction)
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(Siorra romance, sided with the natives, left the big land to suffer)
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tejaswrites · 3 years
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Honore de Sardet by @artevalentinapaz
Thank you so much for the amazing art!
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queen-scribbles · 2 years
Ooh are you still doing the handholding prompts? May I request 24 for Ves/Kurt or 21 or 38 for Constantin & the de Sardet of your choice?
I absolutely am, I'll be doing those(even repeats of previously filled ones) until the whole list is done. 😊😉
24. only realizing it when they have to let go [Ves/Kurt]
Vesper’s pique at Burhan’s machinations had largely settled into weary acceptance by the time they approached New Sérène's gates. She knew how politics worked, only too well. She was troubled more by the watching the potential for a cure crumble to dust just as she grasped it. They’d been so close, or so she’d thought, and to have that snatched away... Nothing for it though but to think of some other avenues of inquiry since Mev had not held the magical cure-all they’d been led to believe.
“You alright, Green Blood?” Kurt fell in step next to her, checking his stride to not outpace her. “Haven’t seen you frown like that in a while.”
As if by instinct her brow unfurrowed and one side of her mouth tipped up in a wry smile. “Just thinking. It’s concentration, nothing worrisome.”
“Hmh.” I’ll be the judge of that, his eyes said as he studied her.  “Thinking about...?”
“Other leads we could follow since the Bridge rumors of the tierna were-”
“A pack of self-serving lies?” Kurt finished for her darkly. Apparently a grudge still lingered over the Bridge spy’s attempt to kill her. Not that she could blame him.
Vesper nodded, then bit her lip. “I haven’t come up with anything yet,” she admitted, keeping silent on the deep, frantic urgency that drove her to find an answer now, now, now. Before she lost one of the most important people in her life. She flashed a wider but equally wry smile. “Maybe after a night’s sleep in a real bed, something will come to me.”
He laughed and rubbed the back of his neck. “That does do wonders for a great many things, I find.”
Vesper couldn’t hold back a small laugh of her own at his dry tone. “A great many,” she agreed lightly. I hope to high heaven this is one of them, because I don’t know what to do and we’re running out of time. 
“Vesper.” Kurt’s voice had gone softer, this part not meant to be overheard by the companions trailing behind them. “You’ll think of something.”
His certainty made something flutter in her chest. “I hope so,” she replied just as softly. Her eyes burned and she blinked to clear away the source--kicked-up dust or emotion, didn't really matter.
They walked in silence a few minutes, so close their arms brushed, before Kurt spoke again. “Since it’s a bit early to start on that good night’s sleep-”
“Speak for yourself,” Vesper muttered, only mostly-joking, even if it was barely mid-afternoon and he was right. She had too much to do, anyway.
He snorted a laugh before continuing. “-what are you plannin’ to do when we get back?”
“Before or after I wash off a day’s worth of travel?” she asked glibly, all too aware of the sweat and grit clinging to her skin.
Kurt gave her an amused look, though there was something in his eyes that made her stomach do a pleasant little flip. “Let’s go with before.”
“First thing, of course, is check on Constantin.” He wouldn’t care if she came to see him dripping mud and ichor across the expensive rugs, her current disheveled and dusty state was nothing. And she wanted to see if the remedies Catasach attempted were still helping. Even if that’s all they did. Helped.
“Of course.” 
“And that’s... probably it,” Vesper shrugged. “Everything else can keep until I’m clean. And probably should, for appearances’ sake.” It wouldn’t be proper to make official Legate visits with dust in her hair and smelling of sun and sweat. She cocked her head at him. “Why, is there something you wanted to do?” 
Her phrasing may have been deliberate.
Kurt gave her another of those looks but didn’t take the bait beyond a faint smile. He shrugged and kicked at a pebble, turning his gaze to the ever-nearing city gates. “I was thinking we should check in with Manfred, see how the investigation for Egon’s going. If they've found anything new.”
It was a good idea. And she knew how much the extortionist faction rankled for him. “D’you want to do that while I talk to Constantin?” she offered. “Even if the whole retinue doesn’t follow me” --she nodded back toward their friends-- “I’m fairly sure I’ll be safe with, say, Siora, Aphra, and a room full of guards.” Who we know are all loyal thanks to you.
“Is this you delegating, Excellency?” he asked with that same faint smile.
Vesper shrugged and arched one brow over a half-mischievous smile. “You’re the one who fusses about me doing too much,  Captain. Besides, It makes sense to have you talk to the Coin Guard. Especially with you and Manfred already knowing each other. We can compare notes afterward, if that sounds like a plan?”
Kurt gave her another look, one that said he’d caught the less-than-innocent undercurrent of the innocent suggestion. “A very good plan, my lady,” he said, tone turning the term into a promise and endearment rather than simple respect.
“That’s settled, then,” she said as they passed into the city, guards nodding respectful greetings to the group.
It was as their paths diverged to head in opposite directions for the Governor’s palace and Coin barracks that they realized their hands were joined, fingers laced together, the warmth of contact just starting to sink through their gauntlets. Vesper gave Kurt’s hand an instinctive squeeze and contemplated changing her plans to go with him simply so she wouldn’t have to let go. They just fit together so well, and she knew she'd miss his if it wsn't there.
When did we...? She didn’t even remember reaching for his hand, had she really been so distracted? She ran back through their conversation and failed to pinpoint a moment when she’d sacrificed or lost the freedom of that hand.
Kurt smiled, squeezed back, and kissed her temple as he let go. “See you later, Green Blood,” he murmured against her hair, and she bit her lip at the promise heavy on the words.
She still flexed her fingers, feeling the absence just as keenly as she'd expected, as she headed for the palace steps.
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death-of-a-magician · 3 years
👎🤲👉 for anyone :)
Thank you for the ask! I’ll be answering for Sarel de Sardet this time, as I have recently been in love.
👎- what kind of touch is not comfortable or generally unwanted by your character?
Her back, and hair. She is a warrior, and unwilling royalty, so being touched on her back has been unpleasant both in ballrooms and in battlefields. She doesn’t want people sneaking up on her, either. Her hair is mainly due to many hours of fidgeting done by hairdressers and sometimes her mother, for parties or even simple meetings. At about fifteen with Kurt’s help, she was allowed to keep it short with the partially true excuse of convenience during training.
🤲- is your character better at receiving touch or giving it? Under what circumstances?
Often better at giving. She’s used to comforting Constantin, and truthfully, him and Vasco are the only people she’s really comfortable touching in any way that’s not for battle, no matter how pretend that battle might be. With Constantin it’s mostly hugs and shoulder pats, along with the too often act of slumping him over her shoulder after he’s stayed at the tavern too long. With Vasco, on their travels she’ll often hold her arm around his, and during easier times she’ll twirl his hair. During battle, little pats are often, but only used as signals, and a reminder they’re not alone.
👉- does your character gesture to draw someone’s attention to other people/things? Are they likely to notice if they get pointed at? If they don’t point, what’s another gesture they might use?
She does, although that doesn’t itself cause much attention, as it’s usually accompanied by a shout. However, during her more restricted time within royalty, her and Constantin had many signals, as they both found themselves wishing they were somewhere else most of the time. This is what taught them light footing and some odd communication. They’d always go to the training grounds after what Constantin would consider a grand escape. They’re lucky Kurt never sent them back.
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aoitakumi8148 · 4 years
Kurt’s betrayal [2].
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ma-serannas-vhenan · 5 years
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I made a thing.
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captainofthefallen · 2 years
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In honor of me starting Greedfall again (to the great surprise of absolutely no one), my De Sardets: Jacqueline and Ruth
(also tagging @queen-scribbles and @haledamage because it’s still entirely their fault)(I’m not even a little bit mad about it but how dare you guys)
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haledamage · 3 years
Silent fury for whoever you want :3
(Jester Sending voice) GUESS WHO IT IS~
it's Nadia/Kurt again 😅 shocking, I know. I let them actively flirt this time! though they still aren't in a relationship yet...
spoilers for Kurt's 3rd companion quest and the story stuff that precedes it
“I’m going to get us some drinks,” Kurt announced as soon as they stepped into the Coin Tavern in San Matheus, eyeing the evening crowd suspiciously. “You think you can stay out of trouble until I get back?”
“No promises,” Nadia said with an impish grin.
He glowered at her. She winked in response.
He walked away with a shake of his head, and she found them an open table in a corner, sliding into a chair that left her back to the wall and let her see most of the room. She saved Kurt his preferred seat, the one directly in the corner that would best let him see the door.
Trouble inevitably found her only minutes later, in the form of a young Guardsman wearing the regalia of the Red Sun regiment. He saluted her nervously, looking over his shoulder at the tavern’s crowd before asking, “Are you the Legate de Sardet?”
“I am.” She gave him her most charming smile, trying not to look like the last thing she wanted right now was to work. “Do you need something?”
Without any more preamble, the soldier pulled a knife and lunged at her. She dove backwards to avoid it, knocking her chair over with a clatter. When he swung at her again, she caught his wrist, using his momentum to twist his arm behind his back and slam him face first into the table.
The knife slipped out of his numb fingers and Nadia grabbed it before it could fall, pressing it to his throat. “Is this the fabled honor of the Coin Guard?” she hissed, any hint of kindness in her voice frozen over. “Attacking an unarmed woman in a bar?”
His eyes were very green and very wide as panic and the realization that he lost started to set in. “I’m sorry! Please don’t kill me! I was only following orders.”
She inspected the boy’s face. He was quite young to be sent after someone of Nadia’s reputation; if he was over sixteen, she’d eat her hat. He was also clearly terrified, but it didn’t seem to be her he was afraid of--at least, not entirely. Though the knife she held likely made a compelling argument in her favor. “Who sent you?”
“They said that you’re responsible for the fall of the Guard,” he blurted out. “They’ve given orders to attack on sight.”
Even with her compelling argument at his throat he still wasn't telling her any names. That meant one of two things: either he didn't know their names, or he was blindly obedient to the point of suicide. A remnant of the ghost company, she’d wager; if she was wrong, she’d eat her gloves too.
She seethed in silent fury at the people responsible. The ones that had taken children like this one, like Wilhelm and Reiner and even Kurt, once upon a time, and tried to turn them into puppets and monsters.
Nadia pushed it away, swallowing it down until it wouldn’t show. He would take her reaction for pity rather than sympathy; they always did. She bottled it up so she could turn it into action later, when she finally met the infamous Major Hermann.
She let the boy go, but stood in a way that he wouldn’t be able to run without going through her. “Hmm. I did it all on my own, did I? Not much of a coup if it could be foiled by one woman acting alone. But I suppose they know better than to send you directly after Kurt, or Sieglinde, or Manfred, or any of the other honorable members of the Guard, and so they sent you to me.” She felt a presence at her back, solid and warm and familiar enough that she knew who it was without looking. “Hello, Kurt.”
Somehow, the boy’s eyes got wider. “Captain!” He fumbled an attempted salute.
“At ease, cadet.” Kurt almost sounded casual enough to hide his anger. “What’s this?”
“You know me,” Nadia said, false cheer taking the edge off the lingering chill in her voice. “Making new friends wherever I go.”
“He tried to kill you, didn’t he?” She couldn’t see his face, but whatever was there was frightening enough that the cadet tried to step back, practically climbing onto the table in his haste to escape.
She hummed in affirmation, presenting him the knife. He took from her and inspected it wordlessly. “Likely on Hermann’s command. Or his lackeys. Lad doesn’t know any better. Just following orders.” She was starting to hate those three words. The things men would try to justify under the guise of ‘following orders’ enraged her.
“You’re damn lucky she was alone when you staged your little attempt. Her Excellency is much more polite than I.” Kurt grabbed the young soldier by the front of his doublet and dragged him close, voice dropping into a growl, low and dangerous. “You ever try to touch her again and you had better start swimming, because there’s nowhere on this island you can hide from me.” He released the boy abruptly enough that he stumbled. “Go.”
He didn’t need to be told twice. He ran out of the tavern without looking back.
Kurt immediately turned to Nadia, all his anger forgotten and replaced by a concerned frown. “Are you hurt?”
She tried not to appear too flustered, but her heart always skipped a beat when he got all growly and protective like that. There was something very attractive about watching him lose his cool on her behalf. His sudden proximity wasn’t helping matters, his hands gently skimming her sides, her stomach, down her arms, touching her face, searching for any sign of injury or distress.
She caught them and forced them still. They came to rest on her waist, and he finally looked up at her again. “I’m fine, Kurt. He didn’t even get close. You taught me better than that.”
His shoulders dropped with relief. “I should’ve known better than to leave you alone.”
“At least we know we’re in the right place.” She rested her hands on his arms, just above the elbow, in an attempt to offer comfort. She could only imagine how hard all of this was for him, especially on top of… well, everything else. It had been a rough week for them both. “If Hermann is sending terrified child assassins after me this quickly, he must be somewhere in the city.”
“I think you’re right.” His expression went distant, calculating, already planning two steps ahead. Then he shook it off, and his attention returned to her once more. “Be that as it may, Green Blood, I’m not leaving your side until he’s dealt with. Not for anything.”
Her eyebrows shot up, nearly disappearing under the brim of her hat. “Then I guess it's a good thing my bed’s big enough for two.”
Kurt’s ears and the back of his neck flushed red at the obvious suggestion in her words, but at the same time his gray eyes went storm dark, dangerous in a new and exciting way. His hands clenched on her waist, drawing her just the slightest bit closer. "Yes, well..." he cleared his throat, but his voice still came out a touch raspier than normal, “we should… concentrate on the job at hand. For now.”
Despite his words, however, he made no move to release her, or even to put any distance between them.
It was tempting to see what happened if she pushed the subject, but Nadia decided against it. He was right. This was important, and it needed to be done before someone got hurt. For now would have to keep her warm until then.
Reluctantly, she stepped back, putting a little space between them, her hands slowly sliding down his arms until they fell away. She set aside the spark that had been kindling there in the same place she put her anger - not extinguished, just banked, and waiting for a chance to reignite.
With one last deep, fortifying breath, she turned her back on Kurt and picked up her fallen chair, dropping into it and sliding one of the mugs on the table closer. She hadn’t even noticed him setting them down, wasn’t entirely sure when he’d found time between threatening her would-be assassin and fretting over her well-being, but she let it go.
After a few seconds, he sat down next to her. His arm draped over the back of her chair in a motion that probably looked relaxed to anyone who wasn’t close enough to feel the tension rolling off of him. She leaned into it anyway, letting him pretend it was an affectionate gesture instead of a protective one, that he wasn’t scanning the room like everyone else had also been sent to assassinate her.
“So why are we here?” she attempted to clear the strained atmosphere. “Waiting for someone?”
“Letting ourselves be seen.” Kurt took a long drink from his ale. “I want him to know we’re here. Men like Hermann get stupid when they get scared.”
She was starting to catch up with his thinking. This tavern was owned by the Coin Guard. A once-respected and decorated Major like their quarry would still bend a few sympathetic ears in a place like this. Their presence here was an open taunt. "And do things like send children to kill diplomats in a bar full of witnesses? Especially a diplomat known to travel with a Captain of the Guard as her personal bodyguard?"
He grunted in agreement. “Exactly. He sent that poor boy here to be killed. To make us draw first blood. Now he’ll run straight back to his masters and tell them what happened.” His voice was as dark and bitter as smoke, but when he turned to face Nadia, he wore a soft, if small, smile. He lifted his mug as if in a toast. “So tonight, I get to have a few drinks in a decent tavern with a beautiful woman. And tomorrow, the work begins.”
She tapped her cup against his. “You’re enjoying this. Scaring the ghosts.”
“So are you.”
“I did learn from the best.” She meant it. Nadia would have been a very different person without him in her life all these years; she liked to think he felt the same way.
But whether he did or not, he clearly still didn’t know how to take a compliment. “Flattery,” he said dryly, looking more amused than anything else. “And where do you expect that to get you, Your Excellency?”
“Most likely, alone in my large, very comfortable bed.”
Kurt chuckled, and the sound was like warm brandy on a cold day, sending heat curling through her. “I guess we’ll have to wait and see.”
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incognito-insomniac · 3 years
!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe you tagged me in it and I didn't even look 😭 I'm so sorry dear. Please, tell me about Stenvar and/or Green Blood and/or knock knock and/or all of them because honestly they all sound so intriguing and vague and mysterious and my curiosity is absolutely piqued
Lol, no worries! Life happens ^_^ Thanks for tagging me on yours! I answered knock knock in this ask and I’d add another snippet for you if my writing from 10 years ago didn’t make me physically ill. I love the concept but the details of the story need a lot of work and rewrites which i hope to get to some day. 
Stenvar is about Stenvar from Skyrim! :D I know, super great WIP title. I don’t know what I’ll actually title this. I’m maybe 1/5 of the way through this; I’m trying to finish this one before I post it which is abnormal for me. I picked Stenvar up as a companion just out of not wanting Lydia blocking doors anymore (it didn’t work, Stenvar also blocks doors). And I’m now 100 hours into Anla’s playthrough and he’s still my companion because I just love him so much. So this is me working off the few idle lines he has and making a lovely fic around grunt for hire to lover....not a trope, that i’m aware of, but it should be (and I’m cornering the market with this and my Fallout 4 McCready fic XD). Here’s a snippet:
Stenvar grumbled under his breath, "By the Nine, I'd pay good money for a pint of ale to warm my bones."
Anla pulled a flask from her pocket. "Here. It's not ale but it should do the trick." It was Bosmer whiskey. Strong stuff, but it would take the edge off the cold in a hurry. She offered it to him.
He hesitantly took the flask from her hand. "I-" he started then fell silent. Clearing his throat, he tried again, "Thanks, boss." She heard him uncork the flask and take a quick swig. She grinned slightly as he suppressed a dry cough.
Green Blood is of course for Greedfall. It’s Kurt/f!de Sardet. I absolutely love Kurt. He’s just so understated but honorable and stalwart. The fic started out with me just exploring de Sardet’s emotions throughout the game as she learns more and more about the island, her country’s actions, and herself. It has a lot to do with her identity and finding herself. And then there’s some intertwining slowburn romance with Kurt. I was also interested in exploring Kurt’s side quest to the training camp more, and his angst around corruption in the ranks, but it would add a lot and i’m fuzzy on the details so would have to go back and play some of it before I could write it :/  and yeah. Anyway, here’s a snippet:
Annalise turned to him with a concerned look, “Did people wish to dissect me?”
“What?” Her words shocked him. No wonder she had been silent since their return if these were the kind of thoughts swimming through her mind.
She continued, “I have the same mark as some of the natives here, as Siora, as her mother. Could there have been people on the continent who wanted to dissect and analyze me like some sort of science experiment?”
If there had, Kurt would have killed them on sight. The thought that anyone had ever considered it made his blood boil. He’d never heard anything, and they were away from the continent now. She was the legate. No one would dare. But there had been people who were bothered by her mark and treated her differently. It had always been a painful event. And he could never find the right words to console her.
I actually just tonight split off a small part of this fic into a “new” WIP, titled First Blood, because it was pretty stand-alone dealing with her coming of age and their developing relationship (platonic) as guard/master-at-arms and charge. It wasn’t clear to me when Kurt became their master-at-arms, but I headcanon that it was around when she was 13/14 and he’s like 18 I guess. Their ages are not clear. Anyway, I’m not sure what exactly compelled me to write a fic about de Sardet getting her first period and freaking out about it while Kurt tries to convince her it’s a completely normal part of growing up but it’s half finished and I’m compelled to work on it at the moment. So in the spirit of self-indulgence here’s a snippet of that as well ^_^
Kurt quieted a chuckle in his throat as a wave of relief fell over him. “Oh, is that all?” This was something he had learned about early in life. His guardian had made sure to explain it plainly when he had asked after a younger prostitute following the Coin Guard had come to their tent crying over her missed cycle.
“Is that all! I'm bleeding!” Annalise sounded frantic.
He leaned in closer to the tent trying to reassure her through the canvas as best he could. “Green Blood, that's normal - for women anyway.”
Her shrill shout, “How can this be normal!” was followed by sobs.
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ragingbookdragon · 1 year
Knowledge To Be Shared
Vasco X De Sardet
Word Count: 1.1K Warnings: None
Author's Note: But it's about the bi-pirate!!! -Thorne
Vasco had to admit that there were plenty of times that De Sardet had proved himself a noble of true and genuine character. The man practically bled a desire to help people, to raise a sword to injustice, and right any and all wrongs. Even as reserved as the noble could be at times, Vasco saw De Sardet for who he truly was—a good person, through and through.
But even if it were all of the times he saw De Sardet proving himself a good person, it was truly the first instance of seeing a noble even associate with a low-born that had made the greatest impact on Vasco.
Vasco had the rare opportunity to brew a cup of coffee and he sat in the corner, nursing his hot cup as he viewed the mess hall. The Coin Guard and the Prince had already finished breakfast, leaving the others to their food as they chittered about fencing on the deck. It was only a few minutes later that their resident Legate had decided to make his appearance, and Vasco expected him to be wearing his entire armor set (as most nobles did to let the Nauts aboard know that they were in the presence of a royal), but the man was wearing a simple black cotton shirt that was tucked into a pair of dark mahogany trousers. His hair, of course, was taken care of and his face washed, so at least he maintained a level of personal hygiene even if his dress stated otherwise.
He watched as De Sardet fixed himself a plate and sat down towards the end of one of the tables where Jonas, Lauro, and Flavia were sitting. He took out a small booklet, no bigger than his palm and cracked it open, quietly reading its contents as he ate. It was only then that Vasco realized that Jonas’ eyes were on the booklet, occasionally shifting to his hands, then to De Sardet’s face, and he heard Flavia encouraging him.
“Um…Lord De Sardet?” Jonas’ voice was quiet, a little unsure and after De Sardet didn’t respond he cleared his throat and asked a little louder, “Lord De Sardet?”
The noble startled, evidently quite absorbed in his book, blinking as he looked to his side, confused expression breaking way to a welcoming smile as he greeted, “Ah, Jonas! Forgive me, I wasn’t paying attention.”
“It’s aright, my Lord.” He fidgeted in his seat. “I was perhaps wondering if…” his eyes met Flavia’s who smiled brightly at him. “If you had the time…would you teach me…how to read?”
De Sardet blinked, his confusion taking hold again as he asked, “Nauts can’t read?”
Flavia spoke this time. “We lot know enough to get by, but only those that are considered for higher rank are taught. That is unless we learn some other way.”
He looked back at Jonas who was still fidgeting slightly in his seat; a calm smile broke across his face, and he nodded. “I’d be honored to teach you, Jonas.”
“R-really? You would teach me?”
“Of course! Knowledge should be shared by everyone. And being able to read? Now that is something that everyone should be taught. What is life without being able to read a good story before bed?”
The three sailors beside him laughed heartily and he waved Jonas to sit beside him. “What is this?”
“A selection of specific poetry. My mother’s favorite little book that held all of her favorites. It was made specially for her.” He smiled fondly if a little heartbroken at the booklet. “There is no other book like it.” De Sardet laid the book in front of him. “Do you know your letters, Jonas?”
“I do…but putting the words together is a bit harder.” He shifted. “Speaking is easier than writing and reading. It’s strange.”
“No, I understand. It is quite a strange phenomena to be able to hear words and emulate others by learning to speak the same way but seeing words on paper and trying to read and write, is much harder.” He waved a hand. “All the same, we will start with this one. It’s short and simple. Easy enough that you’ll be able sound words out.”
Jonas nodded, ready to prove himself, and Vasco couldn’t help but let his heart feel light at the view before him.
Vasco had never felt such an overwhelming yet so calming sense of peace unlike that of being wrapped up in De Sardet’s arms. The man was a giant, stood just a couple inches taller than Kurt and was just as fit, if not more so, and he hugged and held like a bear. Vasco couldn’t even move, not that he wanted to, from where his back was pressed up against the Legate’s chest, legs tangled, the noble’s nose buried in caramel strands, relaxing breath puffing over his neck.
“You’re thinking too loud,” De Sardet muttered into tan skin.
Vasco snorted. “How can you even tell such a thing?”
“Hmm…your thigh tenses whenever you’re in deep thought.” He shifted, resting his chin on his shoulder. “What are you thinking about, my love?”
A giddiness fluttered in the Naut’s chest; he let out a wistful sigh and turned his head. “I was just thinking about when I started viewing you differently.”
De Sardet nodded. “I’ve got to assume it was well into our travels on the island. We’ve certainly met our fair share of opportune moments.”
“Actually, the first moment I thought differently of you was when I saw you teaching Jonas how to read.”
The noble paused, looking down. “You saw?”
“Did you not see me in the corner?”
Vasco laughed, shaking his head. “I can’t believe you didn’t even see me.”
“I mean, in my defense, I was more concerned about getting some breakfast before it was eaten by ravenous sailors.”
“We are not ravenous!”
“Oh, I don’t know, I’ve seen you after a long day of all work. You look like a ulg devouring a deer.”
“I quite literally saw you tear into a turkey leg the other night with nothing but your teeth. Like a ravenous man.”
“Are you sure? Because I distinctly remember dinner occurring differently.”
“I WILL NOT STAND FOR THIS SLANDER!” Vasco tried to wriggle out of De Sardet’s arms, but the cage he was in was way too tight and he thrashed around before letting out a growl and settling back.
“Yes,” he grunted begrudgingly.
De Sardet grinned and leaned around, pecking around Vasco’s face until the Naut let out a laugh and shoved at him; the noble eased up and stared down at him with a smile. “I love you, Vasco.”
“I love you, my Tempest.”
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darkfreya · 5 years
Vasco and De Sardet origins...
What we know about Vasco; Originally from the Congregation. Born around 24-25 years ago to a noble family.When he was born the  Nauts and the Congregation had a complex relationship, and he was given away to settle a debt or forge a truce...
What we know about De Sardet: Born on a Naut ship 25 years ago. So by default is a seaborn, and should have remained with the Nauts. Yet we know that is not the case. 
This is a big deal. And its made very clear in the game how important it is to honor this pact to remain on good terms with the Nauts. Something especially important to merchants I imagine. Yet despite this, the prince makes the decisions to break the ancient pact.
Which makes me wonder... or maybe I am just overthinking it. But what if there was supposed to be more to Vasco’s story then what we are shown? Is it possible the prince might have “pressured” a lesser noble family he might have had a hold over, to pay this debt for him? And in a sense De Sardet did indeed steal what Vasco was entitled to?? Would have added some more angst to the romance that’s for sure.
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tejaswrites · 3 years
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Back on these two. What can I say? I have a type.
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queen-scribbles · 3 years
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Vesper, sing-song: ~Takes one to know onnneeee~
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diceyfall · 5 years
someone write me a fic of de sardet and constantin when they were younger where de sardet gets insulted by someone because of his mark and constantin takes his glove off to smack the offender in the face with it and challenges them for a duel to defend de sardet’s honor like a proper gentleman, then proceeds to nearly get his ass kicked but coming out on top all split lip, bloody nose and bruised, with de sardet tending to his wounds in the aftermath 😔
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