tellbunnystories · 2 years
I think it's funny when characters tell a shameless lie and then to everyone's surprise(especially the liar) it turns out to be true
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tellbunnystories · 2 years
some one legally named Phil nic named Phillius. I just think it's funny to give a person with a real shortened name a nicname that is their longer name
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tellbunnystories · 2 years
love when characters goof off together either just because, in a totally inappropriate situation, or to cheer each other up in a totally inappropriate situation
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tellbunnystories · 2 years
if invisibility cloaks exist and divert all light, that could mean the person underneath can't see anything. This would make invis cloaks less op
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tellbunnystories · 2 years
ppl with magic would totally magically amplify their voice just to yell across a house instead of walking to talk to the person
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tellbunnystories · 2 years
If you want to develop a character, interacting with baby animals is so pure(baby birds, puppies, kittens, baby birds/ducklings/goslings, baby dangerous predators(and their mother!)) OR so very very cursed. If a character injures, murders, abuses, or is cruel to an animal(especially young) then that also can reveal a lot about their character
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tellbunnystories · 2 years
Children with very dangerous weapons is very stressful(ie a gun) and potentially hilarious
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tellbunnystories · 2 years
If a character needs to give a quick synopsis of a story the reader already knows, please only say the important details so the reader knows what the new character knows and doesn't have to read the same info again
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tellbunnystories · 2 years
A phoenix passed down a family line
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tellbunnystories · 2 years
Some sensations you can sense with multiple senses. feel a persons voice if you're close enough (air/throat), smell a sound(breath), taste a smell(gross bathrooms, gasoline, sulfur, rot), see a taste(food!), feel a sight(like photography, paint, fur,texture,temperature), hear a feeling(sound of fingers scraping on wood, rustle of blankets, turning pages, tik tak of keyboard, sound of pencil on paper)
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tellbunnystories · 2 years
Fun trope: Meeting the bigger predator after it scares off the smaller predators
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tellbunnystories · 2 years
Fun trope: Meeting the bigger predator after it scares off the smaller predators
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tellbunnystories · 2 years
Dreamer' curse(a magical mental illness of sorts? Idk the cause) where white smoke(like mini clouds) surround/drip out of the eyes(like incense/the mist of of the elephant humidifier) and you can only see what you imagine. Some people use the curse to escape their reality, it's like lucid dreaming. Some use it for fantasy dreams/erotica. If you collect the "tears" and transfer them from one person's eye's to another you can share what images were imagined. This can be used to deliver memories . people who subject themselves to the curse for a long time have entire clouds around their heads. Some people don't want to ever leave the fantasy and their bodies deteriorate while they dream. Some mix up the dream with reality. Imagined things can be sold, like movies, books, stories, erotica, famous events, rumors. While memories can be transcribed this way they are as inaccurate as memories themselves are and could be totally made up(unlike pensieve memories which are very accurate and can be faked but it is very difficult). This is not admissible in court
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tellbunnystories · 2 years
all stories can benefit from an eccentric potions master/experimentor and a illegal(really fucking creepy) creature breeder
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tellbunnystories · 2 years
Limbo travel(must use wand to open portals, portals are stationary, like slashing a hole in time/space w/ wand, only death energy on other side(w/o necromancy/life/death magic expertise touching the portal will turn all the bodies life energy to death(like hot/cold) which appears as rot/necrosis/rapid decay(shift from life to death energy?), this is preventable by the necromancer focusing on maintaining their life energy(and not having it sucked into limbo) in their body, they can do this for multiple passengers but skin contact is important for the necro to maintain concentration. Amulets and runes can be used to decrease the necessary concentration. Limbo is misty/grey/dark, perception of it shifts, maybe its a misty copy of the real world, maybe its empty, maybe its an orchard, maybe its a cavern. Bc of this shifting(also outside of space and time) it can be very difficult to travel from one destination to another. (Time taken/distance it feels like is modelled after "nose to the wind"). In limbo out of the corners of ones eyes moving shapes and creature seem to follow you in the mist. There are limbo creature but most likely people are seeing the shifting scenery or weaker ghosts, still unnerving. Its kinda chilly and damp. Spirits can find you. Can't see into real world while in limbo unless a portal is opened but this can be seen as a disturbance in the air(like hot air above a campfire). Permanent spirits can see and hear through the veil if they are strong enough(death energy is actually cold, like dementors). Portals are less energy consuming but less reliable and slower than teleportation.
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tellbunnystories · 2 years
Magical plants planted in poorer neighborhoods that can grow fruit in a few days
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tellbunnystories · 2 years
Magically animated peeing boy statue(lots of these in europe) that gets passerbys feet wet, women statues that throw buckets of water playfully, children playing in fountains in the park(older characters too for development)
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