r-specht · 1 year
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I wanted to sketch out some daemons for a story I'm working on. These two are Enkiathin and Gilgahmet the Daemon Princes of Greed and Vanity. At least that's what I'm workshopping for now.
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corvusreginae · 1 year
The work with Daemonic energy.
Working with demons involves making real contact with them, this implies being Satanists or demonolaters.
If, on the other hand, an eclectic witch or sorceress decides of her own free will to request the help of a demon to perform a ritual, the situation changes drastically: working with demons who do not belong to the primary pantheon, involves more effort than with those who have been in it all along, one has to study more and have even more caution because you are going to disturb an entity that in itself contains a very strong polarity of energies.
You have to be careful what demon to ask for help because if one as a consequence can lead you to make you feel bad, another if felt disrespected for a small mistake puts you through the pains of hell in a way that is indescribable. Although satanists and demonolaters must also have a certain rigor, respect and caution, they are more facilitated because I repeat they are in the cult of Satan and the cult of demons, so obligatorily they have to study demons to the best of their ability and respect them.
Those who are not in the cult no, they are not obligated but it is very dangerous to do things at random just because you think you have a lineage.
This is because demons, but also deities in general, are not are "cute and cuddly”: one must have respect always. Which does not imply that demons attack, they do not "pick on" anyone, they don't have this time to waste.
Before shouting "the demon did it!" learn about the real evil entities of the esoteric world, such as astral larvae or tricksters. The negative that you believe has turned toward you is not demonic; it is absurd to think that randomly a demon starts to bother you; different is the situation if another practitioner gives youan invoice and in it there is the aid of a demonic entity.
Those who belong to demonolatry have mainly contacts with the demonic intelligences, working and ritualizing with the same in addition to a veneration, daily or not, of Demons in relation to one's preferences: I can worship a Demon respecting its characteristics without doing enormous acts of veneration, it takes very little and above all done with love.
However, this does not imply not having contacts with divine intelligences outside the pantheon to which they belong. In fact, a great many demonolaters are omnists, that is, they believe that all deities are real. But, specifically, I believe that every demon has existed from the dawn of time, known then under another name (and even energy) in every culture because of the evolution social and anthropological evolution that man has faced up to today: Inanna, Istar, Astarte, Aphrodite ...are nothing more than different energies to define the totality of the great Mother Astaroth.
This does not lead to belittling any deity or cult that is different. Let it be clear.
So you can have contact with other deities? Absolutely yes, one can worship them and even work with them.
I am the first one who has been working closely contact with Hekate for a very longtime, but also with The Great Queen Morrigan. I am connected to the Celtic pantheon but I don't embrace it all since I am a Demonolatress, so I rely solely and exclusively on my pantheon of reference.
S. Connolly, who explains better than me, the existence of a personal pantheon. In addition to the demonic pantheon in toto, there is a subjective pantheon of the practitioner in which are included all the Demons and Deities with whom he has had close contact with, with whom he works or whom he simply wants to worship.
For example, I introduced Morrigna and Hekate into a different space than the space in which there are Leviathan, Azazel and my guardian Malphas, along with Lilith, Astaroth and Lucifer, because I have had contact with them and I work/I worked, while Sargatanas, Andras, Eurynomous I put them in my altar just because i want to worship them.
It should be added that one can have contact with other deities, a demonolater must respect the tradition of the deity. This is one of the reasons why a demonolater is also a scholar, delves into each deity as he has to respect the preferences. For us this is important, respect for the divine is sacrosanct.
Is it wrong? Absolutely not,
but one must understand that having contact with other deities outside of six demons does not lead the practitioner to be less demonolater; conversely, neither does it lead the practitioner to having to call himself a witch/witch. Demonolaters are MAGICIAN.
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kozzdraw · 1 year
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Time to clean out the stuff in my drafts ...
My oldest oc, Nox is a quiet, daemonic PI. He’s drawn to cold cases (mostly missing persons or kids) especially those with supernatural ties. He’s GOOD at finding people who don’t want to be found, because he was a distrustful youth who spent his time on the run and hiding anywhere he could. He has some insight into both troubled minds, the mindset of fae, daemons, and a variety of other folk. 
My other oc, Hyson, is one of the few friends that has stuck around him for long and is his ultimate foil. They’ve teamed up on plenty of investigations together. I’ve always wanted to draw more of their shenanigans together just should find a good plot thread.
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sistersatan · 1 year
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legallygemini · 14 days
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hexgirling · 11 months
“that character is a war criminal” that character is from a fictional fantasy world and did not attend the geneva convention
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teriel · 1 month
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I self-taught myself #magick, when I first started practicing, over 30 years ago. There weren't teachers around, so I had to learn how magic worked through trial and error, and self teaching myself through books.
Now it's a lot easier to find teachers of #practicalmagic and magic is more accessible, but I'm seeing a lot of questions...
💥How do I achieve consistent results?
💥How does magic actually work?
💥How do I communicate with spirits?
💥How do I transform my life with magic?
💥 How do I get the relationship I want?
💥How do I find inner peace?
At Magical Experiments University I offer classes I wish I had gotten when I first started practicing magic. We explore these questions and more in the classes, and I help you find answers that you can apply to your life to get better results. At Magical Experiments University, you'll get the following:
⚡Hands-on practical exercises that teach you how to apply magic to your life.
⚡Innovative and creative practices that inspire your magical work and processes.
⚡Consistent connection with spirits through #scrying #evocation and #sigils
⚡#meditation and #somatichealing practices
If you want to level up your magical practice, come study with me. I've been practicing magic for over 30 years and I've long been for my experimental and imaginative systems of magic which help people get better results.
Comment below and I'll dm you a link to my school website.
#occultism #daemonic #spiritwork #taylorellwood
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draconym · 7 months
Live theater in the His Dark Materials universe must be wild. Surely an actor's daemon also has lines to recite, so their daemon's form probably also factors into casting decisions. Maybe some plays have vague character descriptions for daemons, but I bet other plays have really specific or central daemon characters. And sure, big-budget theaters can afford to hire a separate actor with a particular daemon to stand backstage while their daemon plays its part onstage, but community theaters don't have those kinds of resources.
Like if you're casting for Julius Caesar, surely the real historical Caesar had a pretty iconic daemon, right? Are you going to cast an actor with a pigeon daemon as Caesar and just have everyone suspend their disbelief that it's Caesar's lioness, ἁμαρτία?
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primalobscurite · 4 months
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artnoonewants · 4 days
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Poor delusional Viserys 😔
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kudriaken · 4 months
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Daemon with daughters. I hope to see Rhaena and Baela more next season.
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poisonerspath · 2 years
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Original post @prairie_fire_herbal 🖤 - -they want to be on top because the change of perspective would destroy them utterly 💀 - #lilith #poisonpatriarchy #daemonic #daemonolatry #darkherbalism #occultherbalism #queerwitchcraft #quuerally #sexworker #sexworkermagic https://www.instagram.com/p/CiwX4pfOnEv/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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daemyradaily · 6 months
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First Look at Daemon and Rhaenyra in Season 2 of House of the Dragon
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realangelahernandez · 5 months
Go to therapy or read another fan fiction of your favorite fictional character?
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dumberme · 1 year
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Colombia confirmed the first case of an albino ocelot, after carrying out genetic tests on a feline with white fur and red eyes. 
The ocelot was found as a kitten, weighing just 440 grams, in the rural zone of Amalfi and was first thought to be a puma jaguarundi.
Medellin's Conservation Park undertook genetic testing on the animal, concluding it was actually a leopardus pardalis, a native species of ocelot that is found all across the Americas.
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princessofmarvel · 2 months
Petition for all team Black and team Green fans to not be at each other's throats this upcoming season, and instead, we all just root for our favorite war criminals in peace? And normalize liking characters from each team and just have a preference on teams? Because that sounds like a fun time to me, thank you 🫶
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