thanx4comin2mytedtalk · 6 years
Lets talk about the Arab situation around the world - mostly discrimination to muslims - (please read)
[ So, i had to write an essay for my school about anything that i wanted to, and i really liked the idea of sharing this with more people, because everybody needs to know about this problem. It’s getting worse every year, and not just whit muslims ]
Please help sharing this. -k
A/N: I’m really sorry if there’s any grammatical mistake, english is not my first language so i tried my best
Throughout this essay, the stigmatization that has spread throughout the world around the Muslim religion will be discussed. First of all, the stigma is known as a discreditor that makes a person undesirable, representing negative responses; and in extreme cases, it can turn the person into a malignant and / or the dangerous legitimacy that is morally excluded from the social sphere, and that you get an instill fear or hatred in the population. This ideology of hatred begins at to extend itself in a great way in the year 2001 after the day of September 11 in the World Trace Center-twin springs-in which more than 2000 people were classified. This was attributed to the extremist group of Al Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden. After this, the groups that sounded against Muslims, and even those who opposed all immigrants regardless of their nationality or religion, arose and / or increased in large numbers. To the aforementioned, Harem Abudayyeh2, says the following: "We have to be prepared, as Latinos, for the requirements in our jobs and in the presence of Immigration agents in our homes." Faces of terrorists to all immigrants, and not just Arabs and Muslims.
To the previous point, we can summarize the fact that in the last 5 years, the number of attacks and recruitments of young people with extremist jihadist groups have increased exponentially, most of the cause of the massive level of internet diffusion , by which you can recruit young people from all over the world, change their way of thinking and see the world.
For this very reason, it should be noted, that, people, more, than, for example, "holy wars" and Muslim children, since, less than 20% of all people who profess religion, the field of the branch that It is believed that religion. It must be expanded by whatever means necessary; Even for the violence. Although, this same hatred has not been generated only within the same religion, but also, mass media, such as television, radios, newspapers; as also actions of governmental services have been generalizers around the subject, often dismissing all followers of religion as terrorists.
In the first place, it must be explained that within Islam there is the concept of jihad, which is the effort that Muslims must make in order for the kingdom of God - Allah - to rule on earth; that is, his holy war, but there are those who interpret the Koran in a more literal and extreme way, leading them to convert and subject all who profess another religion that does not be yours, even though this must be done through violence. Knowing this, it can be explained that there are different branches and subdivisions within Islam; of which the two most extreme currents are Salafism and Wahhabism. Salafism is the oldest ideology of Muslims, which consists of following, imitating and reviving the way of being of the first Muslims; This group turns to jihad around the year 1300, when an invasion war against Damascus takes place4, where the foundations and foundations of jihad are established in an organized way as if it were a war manual. On the other hand, Wahhabism is the "clean and pure" form of Salafism, which moves it away from other currents such as Sufism and Shiism. This belief was modernized to achieve a control of the masses to expand as a nation and religion. These two became more violent with respect to the jihad, arriving to form the terrorist groups recognized today, such as Daesh and Al Qaeda. This ideology of primitive Muslims, can be seen now in Saudi Arabia, where you still cut someone's hand when he steals, or beheaded whoever shows his rejection of Islam. These beliefs and customs so old and extremist, they produce that the world-wide society sees the Muslims like very violent people, that realize public executions that soon publish in Internet realizing threats to different countries.
As a second point, we can mention the lack of acceptance and protection of the mosques present in the countries where attacks have been carried out or even in different countries of the Middle East, since every time an attack occurs by extremists from that area, segregation begins against the Muslim population around the world; they are persecuted, at airports they are inspected more than any other traveler, they are interrogated frequently; and also, they suffer attacks in their temples. The attack on a sacred place of prayer, whether it be a Christian church, mosques, Orthodox cathedrals, Mormons, Jews, among others; for any religion, it is a very serious offense, but Muslims, in the vast majority of counties in the United States, instead of receiving protection in their temples, are spied on, and mosques are controlled because they are of suspicious appearance or administration. . Even if they are the target of a large number of attacks, and like any other religion, they should receive respect, many people, because of this stigma, do not respect them because they label all Muslims equally. Personally, I had the possibility to visit a mosque and learn how everything works within them, and it is very different in comparison to other places of prayer, being from a dress code for women, as it is also, where to look while praying, or the way in which the Qur'an is professed. It is a strict religion within all its branches, from the most peaceful Muslims to the most extreme, but the strictness of a religion must never be confused with extremism and violence, that within Islam, less than 20% of its followers, they belong to extremist groups. Even in one of his public appearances, Pope Francis said the following words "I want to reiterate firmly that the path of violence and hatred does not resolve the
 problems of humanity, and to use the name of God to justify this way, is a blasphemy "
Thirdly, I want to explain in greater detail the most relevant factor of the stigma created against the followers of Islam, whether due to misinformation or overexposure with respect to these issues; leaving two as the main factors, the discourse of hatred and misinformation-manipulation-about events and cyber-bullying in both mass media and social networks. First, the discourse of hatred and disinformation focuses mainly on the way in which these issues are addressed within the mass media, since, for example, the conflicts that occur in the Middle East (Attacks in Syria and Afghanistan) do not they appear as relevant news that we should be aware of, since in these places countries that are great powers are involved, such as the United States, Russia, Germany, China, among others, not even in order to solve this problem and serve as mediator between all the sides that face; but they intervene for their economic and acquisitive interests in the area. On the contrary of when an attack occurs in a crowded sector of one of the countries mentioned above, events are constantly repeated, long-term news programs of an urgent nature are made, where what is happened is overexposed, and hate speech begins with disqualifications. and threats against those who belong to the same religion. Faced with this series of attacks, in May 2016, in the United Kingdom, a simulation of a possible risk situation was carried out in front of a suicide bomber, who shouted Allahu Akbar, which was criticized, as it was stereotyped that the attackers would be Muslims, or of Arab origin, to which the citizens reacted, making it clear that they could all be terrorists and not just Muslims. Along with this mass and overexposure of attacks by Arabs, the level of hatred that is promoted through social networks, especially on Twitter, since in this place everyone can display all their thoughts no matter how extreme or generalizing these be; disqualifications that may fall within the concept known as Islamophobia. This concept does not have a clear definition, but it is accepted in the European Union, being recognized as the rejection towards Islam and therefore, to Muslims, but specifically a UN committee that is responsible for the elimination of all forms of racial discrimination, which defines it as "[...] a form of racism and xenophobia manifested through hostility, exclusion, rejection and hatred against Muslims, especially when the Muslim population is a minority, something that happens with greater impact in Western countries. "Also inside this cyber
use of bots within social networks, for the mass dissemination of manipulated images with which Islam is represented as an imminent threat.
This same cyber, is justified and backed by recognized Islamophobes, among them, Robert Spencer, who faces jihad; Pamella Geller, who sabotaged the construction of a mosque in Ground Zero; and Bruce Bawer, who is the writer of a book called "While Europe sleeps: how radical Islam is destroying the West from within." All these characters, who share ultra-conservative ideals, were exposed by Niham Awad, who is the director executive and founder of the Council of American Islamic Relations, who said "We see politicians trying to get points by marginalizing Muslim Americans and questioning their loyalty and love of the country."
To conclude, after all the above, it is clear that the world society tends to think and generalize that the followers of Islam are terrorists, although not even 30% of all of them really is. It should be noted that currently, specifically in Europe, the Muslim population is largely accepted, as, for example, 15.8% of the population of Manchester is. But, on the other hand, in the United States has increased the number of audits to immigrants, and even the number of people who have not been able to enter the country, for reasons of reforms and / or different factors.
Finally, it should be clear that although the Muslim religion is so strict in its practices because it is guided by ancient customs, this is not a determinant that justifies that all are terrorists; terrorist Muslims are those who are part of Wahhabism, even giving their lives for jihad, but not even 20% of the entire population that professes Islam, which are approximately 2 billion people around the world.
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