Pride time bitches
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Daniel “Fuck Around and Find Out” Molloy wishing the other fags a very happy Pride ‘23. or ‘83. Whatever. What year is it?
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the-apostates-studio · 6 months
I saw a post about this so now I'm curious
please consider reblogging for a larger sample size unless you're planning to say something that's anti-theistic
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the-apostates-studio · 8 months
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Halloween Event/Day 1 -> Marius de Romanus/Necromancer
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the-apostates-studio · 8 months
okay i’m curious bc my parents were relatively young having me but idk what age difference is “normal” between parents and kids as i’ve met people with plenty of variations. so if you want, reblog this and tag (don’t comment) how old your parents were when they had you. my mom was 25 and my dad was 21. 
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the-apostates-studio · 9 months
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I’m glad ppl on tiktok are doing ok
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Daniel “Fuck Around and Find Out” Molloy wishing the other fags a very happy Pride ‘23. or ‘83. Whatever. What year is it?
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It definitely is a lot more fun to draw the vampires with realistic features! I love and appreciate how book accurate you make them so very much!! Which is why you’re one of my favorite TVC artists now! I’m just a sucker for people giving them features that they would actually have if they were apart of the real world!
^^ and irs not like Anne didn't write "ugly" vampires. Magnus has no teeth, and Hesketh is said to still be "disfigured" after her turning. I love Anne but I think it was hard for her to let go of her beauty standards for her favorites and it shows sometimes. Like Quinn getting his pits shaved for being turned? Anne why. Why. He's a grown man and most grown men have pit hair!
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Oh! I also forgot to mention, while I’m not a Marius fan, I can really appreciate the way you draw him! Cause if I’m right Marius was like 40 when he was turned into a vampire so for him to have completely smooth skin like he just got Botox injections doesn’t feel right but you draw him with wrinkles that come with being middle aged and that’s something I can really appreciate! It’s genuinely so nice to see an artist who draws TVC characters realistically rather than make them all a bunch of perfectly toned and smooth looking anime guys lol.
Thank you! I know Anne was very much about the image of the perfect statuesque vampire and I know canonically they talk about likes being smoothed away but I just have a different idea of perfection. Like perhaps some fine brow lines and such aren't noticeable now but Marius' lived in an era where his skin would have shown his age naturally and I want to bring that out, as well as not having him totally ripped. He's a healthy man from an active era but also was fed honey and mead in a tree for a year!
Same concept for why my Daniel didn't "fill out" when he was turned into a vampire. I've gotten scolded for mentioning that Daniel is canonically tall and died at 130 pounds, making him underweight/borderline underweight but it's true, and I will draw him with sharp hips and ribs. Littlesmartart wrote something similar on a drawing of Daniel, that it's just more FUN to draw vampires with stark realistic features!
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I absolutely adore how you draw Armand cause it feels so much more realistic looking to me and like, if he was a real guy that he’d look like that.
I am a chubby Armand believer 🫡🫡 just as the good Lord Anne Rice intended.
Thank you Vagabond! I've come to really love a good, strong, thick Armand and the canon is right there! He says himself he is no waif, he's plump, comparatively sticky, strong, and I think that sort of form is really important for getting that balance in his design that's youthful without being childish. I appreciate your comment!
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I see a ghost out on the water,
I swear it has my face.
I bend and drink the lonely down-
Petronia and Quinn; Blackwood Farm will haunt me forever
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Y’all said trans icon Gabby right? Cool.
Gabriel de Lioncourt here living his best transexual man life and stealing everyone’s woman. 
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I love your Blackwood farm art so much!! Could you please consider drawing Quinn again? ♥️
I haven't forgotten this ask, and you shall see Quinn again soon!
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The de Romanus clan out on a hunt, making sure Daniel remembers *exactly* what to do. Should I color? Anyone else want to? Not sure how to finish it out 
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This zine, and I cannot over emphasize how funny this is, is for Anne Rice’s Interview with the Vampire
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It's absolutely the eye color thing as far as I know. But also black hair looks great with green
Okay wait so why do we so closely associate Louis with green? Is it because of his eyes? Did Anne/Lestat ever say he liked to wear green? I just notised I take Louis wearing green as a fact of life but I don’t actually know why I think he likes the colour.
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Them: We do not ship Marius/Armand. We are against them together. Me taking the popcorn: Toh look at other creators of absurd theories, fighting the canon established by the author, as if they were the ones who wrote these books. God why do I have to witness this farce? Cut it out, you are ridiculous, not only is Marius/Armand canon but they are also back together in canon. Shut up and suck it.
(No I am not against other ships, do what you want, but to deny one of the most important, strong, and full of love relationships of the chronicles is something vomitous. Not to mention that it's canon, I shouldn't even be arguing.)
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„If your fledgling is freezing, it’s recommend to wrap them in a blanket. If you don’t have a blanket with you, your jacket might do nicely as well, especially if you’re still wearing it.“
Marius and Daniel somewhere in Northern Europe during Daniel‘s mad years.
For @uncivilcivilservice and @the-apostates-martyr
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