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Incredibles 2 (2018) dir. Brad Bird
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Spring Equinox
Ostara - Sydney, NSW, Australia
September 22nd 2020
The Covenant Of Equilibriums’ 1st Coven Meeting of our year at The Head Witches House.
~Celebrating of The Return Of the Sun~
Reference Book#1: (“The Witch’s Herbal Apothecary- Rituals & Recipes for a Year of Earth Magick & Sacred Medicine Making” Written Marysia Miernowska)
Spring Nourishing & Cleansing Pt 1
1) Herbology:
Overnight Infusions (Spring Teas)
Infusion Method Process:
~Jar-Herbs-Boiling Water- Soak Overnight- Strain- Serve/Refrigerate~
-Trial and Document 1 Herb at a Time.
*** Practice: Create a Spring Herbs List & Their Properties/ 1 Infusion at the end of every night for the following morning and jot down daily about the herb/plant you are focusing on We Chose Dandelion to start with, very accessible and easy to find***
2) Ostara:
-How would you define Ostara?
-How do people Generally Celebrate ?
What Animals, Colours, Symbols + Elements are Strongly Connected to Ostara & The Celebration of The Sun?
-What kind of rituals are practiced for Ostara?
-How can you represent this in your life and home to celebrate spring?
**Please do a simple artwork of your choice to represent what you’ve learned about Ostara.
3) Deity Work:
-Pick and Research 1 God + 1 Goddess Associated With Spring.
Pantheon of your choice, Greek/Norse/Roman/Egyptian etc.
-Find out Their Different Names/ Spellings / Pronunciation.
-Animals,Colours, Day, Date, Number, Elements, Mineral, Planet, Energy (Love/War/Growth/Death etc)
Flowers,Plants, Herbs, Food. (Don’t Stress if you can’t find some of these, keep researching and gather what you can apply) :)
-What Offerings are generally given to these deities.
***please write me a small summarised paragraph about what you’ve learned about the deity you chose and how you feel after your research and present at our next coven meeting.
4) Lunar Magick Work
With the upcoming Full Moon on Oct 2nd in Aries; Please take time to research in books/ websites/ People about what it actually means to tune into a Full Moon, what this moons connections are (Stones, Oils, Herbs etc), what does this full moon represent?
***Please Research and Write up your findings about what you have learned, how it applies to you and how you can connect.
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Some Spell Casting Guides 💜
The biggest no no I can say for me, is casting on people’s behalves without permission or request especially not to manipulate or bend people to your morale.
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Coven Study Material Southern Hemisphere Witch Work
Altars &
Protection: Light Work/Cleansing/ Blessings/Wards
An altar is a sacred space you create to do spiritual work with your higher source of power and to centre your connection with your divine power.
In Wicca there is a specific lay out with a place for for the “Lord and Lady” and all objects on the altar. This can be helpful to beginners to base their own altar practices until they develop a more intuitive way to layout their Altar. ( see picture provided at next meeting for a Wicca example)
As I explored my own path I learned to work with what I had on hand, any good witch or practitioner of magick learns to recognise that it is not the be all and end all if you do not have all the tools immediately but to be patient and build towards the altar you desire.
Allowing things to come into your path and connecting with objects you may feel a deep sense of desire to introducing things to your altar. Magick can feel like an experiment sometimes and exploring different combinations of things is all a part of growing your intuition and connection to the divine which resonates in all of existence.
There are certain elements and real life dangers to consider and we are aware of concise wrong and right things to be aware of in not endangering oneself.
Magick enriches ones life to their will and although the [Wiccan] rede may insight a thumb rule that "An Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Will”… not all who practice magic abide by these rules, I mean, some people are completely oblivious to the fact they are even practicing magick at times!
So, with this in mind, let’s discuss “Protection”.
Protection in the practice of magick is an important element to understand.
Protection can mean protection of objects, pets, loved ones, family, homes, businesss’, our person and self, our creative works etc.
Protection and Wards can range in the forms of cleansing, chanting, enchanting or blessing an object and serving it a purpose, in depth rituals with spoken intentions, defensive magick crystal grids works, earth and nature works, water works, light work, deity work, salt, essential oils casting with a wand of choice (wands will be explored at the next meet) Symbols, signs, geometry eg; drawing out pentagrams in various sizes, and many more but for the sole purpose of foundation work being the focus I will share the basics for you to practice. This can all feel overwhelming and exciting at the same time so my advise is to take things slow and aim to make things simple while feeling out what works for you. Building your confidence with consistent practice is a key thing to remember.
A basic light working activity is the “light ball”, some people may use a similar method with other names like “bubbles” etc but the light ball is a really great practice to start with. It is extremely cleansing, enriching and really works if you are able to visualise and self talk.
You begin by taking a deep breath, closing your eyes, Exhaling, bringing your attention inward, Sharp breath in and relax into yourself as you sit in the darkness you sight a small light, you inhale and notice the light expanding, while your breath expands the perimeter of its former shape becoming stronger, brighter and whiter you can direct the breath to where the light and protection is going to grow to, from your core. To give the protective orb a purpose you can even go to lengths of raising your light to shield you from negativity and project the light from within just before going into a certain situation or when you may leave your safe spaces.
This is a perfect practice anywhere you can take 2 minutes to tune into your breathing and close your eyes.
Cleansing is very simple and done for many different things.
There are different forms of cleansing, sometimes harnessing certain elements for example smoke represents air, water is water, Salt is earth, and Fire can vary from candle to a live flame.
Smudge sticks are available in stores and online, you are always welcome to grow and harvest your own if you were feeling the desire to really get into the greenery- Herbology, nature and your garden is a key subject you are always connecting with, learning about and mastering through.- Sage/White Sage/ Lavender/
Dried is preferable! It burns a lot better :)
After bundling the herbs and/or plants, you can bundle with a cotton string, they are usually pretty cheap to pick up at a store.
You take your bundle to the front of the house (Sidenote: I would perform this during or after I have cleaned my house as a clean and organised home allows your energy and magick to flow smoothly and not get caught in the junk)
Starting at your front door, open the door ( if you aren’t comfortable going in front of your house to perform this on the outside of the front door yet I understand, but work towards it)
In an anticlockwise motion start to move the stick and draw a spiral with your smudge smoke. Draw lots of spirals from the centre out in all sizes to suit what you are cleansing. As you draw spirals make this all around the edges of each door way and corner, centre of each room while visualising all the stagnant, still and negative energy, thoughts leaving and then visualise the things that you want to replace them with, such as; harmony, honesty, love, prosperity, abundance, trust, creativity, joy, happiness etc.
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✨Wheel of the Year - Southern Hemisphere edition✨
I know us Southern Hemisphere witches have trouble figuring out what sabbat we’re supposed to be celebrating when what feels like the rest of world is celebrating a winter holiday in the heat of summer! So here’s a Southern Hemisphere wheel of the year you guys can save on your phone to help you out ✨
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Sharehouse Peace Witch's Ladder
This one's been in the works for me for a week or so but I finally had enough peace in my busy moving schedule to sit down and make a pair - one for the front door and one for the back.
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Use 9 silver [coloured] bells in place of knots or feathers so that these double as a door protection Witch Bell/s. Their peal as the door is opened wards off dark energies and brings in positive energy.
Use 3 threads:
Blue - for peace, calm, healing and protection
Yellow - for clear communication (So important in a share house)
Black- to absorb negative energy
I used embroidery thread but strips of fabric or anything you have around will do fine, as long as your bells can thread on.
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Tie a loop large enough to slip on to your door handle, and then thread on your first bell. I always thread my bells onto the black thread so that they will reinforce each others ability to repel and control dark energies.
Start plaiting! Each time you cross a thread over repeat to yourself its purpose: "peace and calm, clear communication absorb the negative, peace and calm, clear communication, absorb the negative-" I find this helps my intent stay focused for such long projects.
When you've plaited enough space that your bells won't touch, thread on another. Repeat this until the 9th bell. Tie this one on with a strong ending statement such as "In this Home!" Or "So mote it be!"
Trim your excess thread (unless you want straggly-chic). Plop it on your door and thank it in advance for its work. You're done!
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