the-fangirls-desk · 2 years
I swear I haven't forgotten you all. I feel terrible for this. I swear I'll write. 😭
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I have full intentions of writing stuff. I just don’t always have the motivation.
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the-fangirls-desk · 2 years
Thank You, Muses
Taking a quick break from writing just say both thank you and how is it possible that my lame Hamilton x Writer!Reader headcanons could get so popular? Honestly, that's one of the biggest pieces of crap I've ever written in my nine years of creating fan fiction.
It was literally just supposed to be something that would help me break out of my 4+ years of a creative dry spell. I'd written other stuff here and there, but the drive always died so easily, it was painful.
When I started up again back in October 2021, I certainly didn't expect any feedback, let alone feedback this kind.
I am both so confused and thankful that so many of you can obviously see something in my work worth reading, and the fact that you actually take the time to check it out in general, when there are so many other writers out there way better. Seriously, I enjoy doing it and still go through that same thing every writer does of self loathing towards one's own work, writer's block etc.
You people who began following this blog, have been, without a doubt, the kindest, most supportive and consistently enthuastic group of people I've had the honor of interacting with.
Most of my work has gone "silently" appreciated in the sense that people liked my stories, but not enough to say it, and creators of every kind know just how important feedback can be.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you everybody for seeing my efforts as worthy.
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the-fangirls-desk · 2 years
Okay, has the actual website been giving you trouble with drafts? Every time I try to edit whatever I'm working on, it doesn't save my progress and of course @staff is no help; how am I supposed to deal with this??? The last thing a writer needs is their drafts' progress getting lost :/
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the-fangirls-desk · 2 years
Just something I wanna say real quick - if you follow me, and I see your blog is blank, imma just block you.
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the-fangirls-desk · 2 years
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Much needed fuel for burning the midnight oil (writing some more)
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the-fangirls-desk · 2 years
Me in the corner, clutching all my Lincarnation Funko Pops:
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the-fangirls-desk · 2 years
Here are some character playlists for ya (I'm new at this)
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the-fangirls-desk · 2 years
UPDATE: Haven't forgotten about your requests, just also still working on the big story as well. Thanks again for your patience and I apologize for making you wait ❤
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the-fangirls-desk · 2 years
We've got a heavy snowstorm going on here. Making me think of cuddling in bed with Lee, all snug and warm ❤
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the-fangirls-desk · 2 years
(Update) Working on the next fic requested by @beecastle
Can't wait to post it for you!
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the-fangirls-desk · 2 years
Summer Daze (Usnavi x F!Reader)
Summary: When Usnavi's allergies start acting up, he tries taking something for it; unfortunately, he ends up taking the wrong stuff.
A/N: This is a mini fic as part of my limited time "Sleepy Intimacy Requests" from the list here (x)
Prompt Request: #11 with Usnavi "I took NyQuil instead of DayQuil on accident and now I'm about to pass out."
Requested by: @feathersandfoxtails
(Threw in a custom moodboard for you!)
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The first thing you could feel when coming to your senses, was the warm embrace of your smooth sheets and big fluffy duvet. The bedding felt so comforting as it kept yours and Usnavi's body heat locked in from all last night, and into the morning. Even though the month was already four days into summer, the waking hours in your apartment still seemed a bit cool. Probably only because the summer heat hasn't had a chance to settle in yet.
By some miracle this morning, you woke up before your alarm. Not to say you normally jumped out of bed or anything like that---couldn't have been more of the opposite, especially since you weren't a morning person. Usnavi, on the other hand, pretty much had his internal clock locked into a solid routine of rising earlier than the birds. Your routine was a completely different story.
You needed time to slowly rise and ease into your morning; it seemed to be the only proven method that could make dealing with the rest of the day easier. On normal occasions, since he slept on the side of the bed closest to the clock, Usnavi would hit the alarm as quickly as his reflexes would allow him to. That way you could take your time, and wouldn't have to suffer through all that buzzing.
Yes, buzzing. The bedside alarm clock you two used was a completely outdated model all the way back from the year of 2004, so it had that really loud obnoxious buzzing alarm sound. It also happened to be a Christmas gift to Usnavi from the now late Abuela Claudia.
That year he complained non-stop about how his previous one was acting up in the form of going off when it wasn't supposed to, as well as not doing a thing when a time had been set on it.
He could've bought that for himself a long time ago, but was usually kept on his toes by the store, as well as making sure Sonny was taken care of.
Now that exact clock that was the godsend he needed continued to faithfully go off on the dot every morning. Even though it got the job done, you wished for a more modern, "sleek" alarm; kinda like the default ones you could find on your phone. Sure those alerts were annoying too, but at least they didn't sound like someone was using an electric pencil sharpener right over your head.
However, the conversation about that closed long ago. You basically asked Usnavi if you could just use your phones to wake you up but he really didn't want to do that. It took a bit of poking and probing, but he eventually came clean to you about why he kept the crappy thing around.
It was about a year ago, on a warm day. You two were having this discussion while doing some spring cleaning and Usnavi found the clock in a box he kept under the bed. He was supposed to have this set up months ago, but he let it get away from him due to trying to handle all the daily responsiblilites of an adult, per the norm:
"Why are yout tastes so old?" You chuckled, while dusting.
"Hey, they ain't old, they're retro. Classy, some might say. Matter a fact, you may as well call me Richie Valens."
"Yeah, Classy alright. Class of 1950."
"I know, I know, I'm just messing with you. But seriously, why keep that old one when we can just use the built in alarms on our phones? Saves space on the nightstand and we can even make our own custom ones. The sounds on that thing would be like a police siren going off every morning.
"You know it wasn't made that long ago."
"Yeah, Babe, I know. It's just that..."
His trailing off told you that he really didn't wanna finish his admission. Damn near impossible to overlook his lips tightening as if trying to keep his voice from having the slightest crack in it.
"Usnavi, what?" you asked, voice becoming softer.
"Abuela. She gave this to me, you were there 'member?"
"Yeah. Handful of years ago."
You could still remember how proud she was to give that to Usnavi. Abuela was practically beaming at seeing him open his gift and smile. Why shouldn't she smile with him? Although jobless, she managed to scrape together enough money to get something he both needed and wanted. Knowing her, she probably sold something of hers or maybe even did some cleaning, sewing work etc. to afford it.
When you asked her later in the kitchen how she got it, she simply gave you a warm smile, and went about her business cleaning everything up. Not the clearest response, but it told you she proudly earned the money.
Honestly, Abuela was sweetest lady on earth and it still hurt to this day that she was gone.
"I know it's been a while since she passed, but...tossin' it aside would feel like I'm tossin' her aside. Yeah yeah, I think of her every day and kept all her things, tell her legacy. I just can't abandon her, so I really want us to use this to get us up every morning. Could be like she's starti' the day for us."
Abuela was always super gentle when waking Usnavi, but you understood his sentiment.
He was looking at the clock the entire time his heart was being poured out; it wasn't until he finished speaking that he looked up from where he was sitting on the floor and made eye contact again.
"I'm sorry, is that weird?"
"No! no no no, Usnavi."
You settled yourself next to him.
"I completely understand. She was like my Abuela too, you know?"
"Yeah. It's a big fuss to make about a clock, but---"
"No buts. The sentimental value behind an ordinary item can be a very powerful thing. If it really means that much to you, then we'll plug it in right next to our bed immediately if you want."
You were still so caught in between awake and asleep, that it might have given you a frickin' mini heart attack when the alarm went off for real this time, pulling you foggy mind away from its thoughts. As per usual, you continued to lay there, waiting for Usnavi to sit up and hit the snooze.
Normally it buzzed about four times before he reacted, but this time he seemed to just be letting go off. Maybe he was just in an extra deep sleep this time. Heaven knows how much rest he really needed to catch up on.
No response.
"Usnavi..." you groaned.
Still not a peep out of him.
Confusion hit, and you flipped over on your other side, only to be greeted with his back to you.
Ugh that damn noise! How could he not hear that? It would have been more trouble to reach across him and do it yourself. Finally taking control of the situation your hand grabbed his shoulder and firmly shook it.
He finally stirred a bit, barely lifting his head but somehow still unaware of the audible assault still going on.
"The alarm's going off!" you whined, trying to block the noise by pulling your pillow over your head.
"Th-the alarm, wha--?"
"Ugh, I'll do it myself!"
His head dropped back down to the pillow, complete dead weight.
Despite the rude awakening, your body still felt like a cinder block as you forced yourself to scoot closer and reach over his form only for your index and middle finger to barely hit the button since the clock sat on the farther side of his nightstand.
By some miracle, it worked.
Ahhh...golden silence.
Still leaning over Usnavi, you looked down and noticed he seemed to already be fading back to sleep.
"Usnavi." Shook him again.
"What?" he moaned.
"Didn't you hear the alarm go off? It's time to get up."
"It's morning already?" he almost sounded like a kid when they wake up with a cold.
"Yes. Are you okay? You seem off."
"Ugh my allergies, they started back up again yesterday and kept me awake all night. Just kept sneezing and couldn't breathe through one nostril. I just got back to sleep like a couple of hours ago."
"Two hours?! Why didn't you take something for it? Or least wake me up?"
"I thought it would go away on its own. They're usually not this bad, plus I didn't wanna wake you up."
Sigh, this stupidly sweet man. Like a lot of people, Usnavi was known to suffer from hay fever every year when spring transitioned into summer. Yours tended to kick in around early spring and it was a bitch to deal with. Seems like his returned with a vengeance this time around.
"Here, turn over and lemme see."
He did as he was told, and upon seeing each other face to face, it's clear he wasn't kidding. The tip of his nose and rims of his eyes were reddened; and the breath coming from both his nose and slightly parted lips sounded a bit congested.
Yeah, this was a familiar sight.
"Do I look as bad as I feel?"
"Yeah, you really do. Maybe the store should stay closed today?"
He was bad at pretending to consider it and it was annoying to no end, but that was Usnavi for you; a complete workaholic. Unless he literally couldn't drag himself out of bed, the day was going to go as planned.
"Don't. I can see you're gonna go to work any way, but at least take some of that DayQuil we have in the bathroom."
"Good idea. Here, I'll get your coffee first."
"No that's alright. You go on and take that medicine so you can at least function today. I'll make the coffee for us this morning."
"Aw, I don't deserve you (Y/N). Dame un beso."
Your hand kept him pushed back a bit.
"Ah. Maybe after the DayQuil."
"Right. I'll go take care of that; see you in the kitchen?"
"It's a date."
After he disappeared to the bathroom, you could hear him rummaging in the medicine cabinet for the DayQuil. When he didn't return after you assumed he completed the ten second task of measuring the right amount and downing it, the sound of running water could be heard.
It was coming from the sink. He was probably getting ready for the day---washing his face, brushing his teeth and whatnot.
Ugh, better get up and start the coffee before he was done. Being his girl meant you had the honor of learning how to remake the special blend he gave the customers every morning.
Something seemed to be telling you it was going to be quite a bit of an off day, so not really caring about looking perfect right now, you grabbed the first shirt and pair of pants from your half of the bedroom closet.
Usnavi came out of the bathroom a few minutes later, and into the kitchen while buttoning up his favorite red overshirt with the little twisty white pattern on the front.
"Hey, right on time. Feeling any better?"
You were just finishing up pouring coffee for the two of you.
"Not yet," he sighed, congestion still very audible. "I guess it needs a bit of time to work."
"Are you sure you wanna run the store today? You've been getting a bit behind in having any decent sleep."
He took the little carton of milk off the counter and poured a generous amount into his mug.
"I'll be fine. It'll pass, it always does."
There was just no stopping him no matter what you tried when it came to work.
"If you say so..."
As you were finishing up, he took a look at his watch.
"Gotta get going. The doors are supposed to open in about twenty minutes."
He leaned in for a kiss, but then stopped himself and relocated it from your lips to your forehead instead. With the symptoms he had at the moment, he knew the kiss wouldn't be that great for the either of you.
It made you laugh.
"I'll see you later, I love you."
"Love you too."
Usnavi was only a foot out the door when he rushed back in.
"Hey (Y/N) have you seen my---?"
"It's on the coffee table." You said, back turned towards him as you tried to enjoy the morning sun in your kitchen.
His hat. He never left anywhere without it.
"Got it. Thanks."
May as well enjoy the peace while it was there. Today was definitely going to be odd, you could feel it.
"Wow, all this pollen is kicking my ass." Usnavi muttered to himself.
He was wiping down the counter for about the tenth time that day when he felt yet another wave of fatigue make him wobble where he stood. Still wasn't feeling great; the symptoms eased a bit, but he was so tired and couldn't figure out why.
Honestly, he would've dropped like a sack of potatoes if he didn't have the counter to lean against. Surprised he was even able to hold himself up by sheer willpower since gravity certainly wasn't going to help.
The only thing he wanted to do was lock up and go sleep at home. the very thought caused him to bury his face in his hands as he miserably groaned. Whhyyy why couldn't he shake this drowsiness?
More than once, the coffee machine called to him like a siren as it gave him the idea of using caffeine to wake him up. But he didn't wanna risk burning himself in this drunk-like state.
If only Sonny was here to pick up the slack; normally he was, but him and his mom were currently out of town spending some quality time off the grid.
Half comatose and it was only noon. Hurry up, five 'o clock...
Just then the little bell at the entrance rang, bringing him back somewhat.
"Hey, Lil Homie!"
Uh oh.
"Benny, hi." Usnavi did his best to steady himself and stand up straight but he couldn't keep from sniffling at the irritation in his nose.
"I just came to get---woah, what happened to you?"
"What do you mean?" he feigned, taking out a Milky Way from one of the candy shelves nearby since Benny always dropped in for a little pick me up this time of day.
"Don't try that. You're not drunk, are you?"
"Benny, come on, you know I don't drink during the day."
"Then why are your eyes all red and glassy?"
Oh shut up, why was he grilling him so badly? He really wasn't in the mood for it right now.
"It's just my allergies. They kept me up all night, so I didn't get any sleep, that's all."
As Usnavi rang up the candy bar, Benny looked relieved at the statement. He knew Usnavi wasn't one to get drunk during work hours, but it wasn't like him to be so 'unprofessional looking' while he worked.
"Oh. Well why don't you take something for it? You literally got shelves and shelves for this kinda issue."
"I did. I took some DayQuil this morning, and it hasn't done anything so far. Been using all my strength just to stay standing and I can't stop feelin' so sleepy."
"Sit down for a minute, then. Business seems slow today."
Oh if only he could. He really wanted to lie down, but it wasn't worth the risk of getting robbed.
"If I sit, I'll zonk out. I just want this stuff to do its job."
Benny handed over his due amount and began to unwrap the Milky Way, taking a generous bite once the wrapper was off.
"So take another dose."
"I would, but the instructions said clear as day not to take more until six hours have passed."
Usnavi felt it again; that dizzying head rush. He firmly planted his palm on the register to steady himself.
"Are you sure that's what the instructions said? The way you are right now, it couldn't hurt to try again."
"Benny, the instructions said six hours, so if the little blue bottle tells me to wait that long, I'm gonna wait that long!"
The taxi dispatcher rolled his eyes. Usnavi was always one to take rules too seriously. After taking another bite, his mind rewound something he just heard.
"Hold on, blue bottle?"
"Yeah, why?"
"I thought you said you took DayQuil."
"I did."
Something wasn't adding up here.
"Bro, DayQuil doesn't come in blue bottles, it comes in orange bottles."
"No no wait, because---"
He was right. Oh no, he was right. That wasn't DayQuil he took this morning! No wonder he couldn't wake up. His head fell into his hands again.
"Oh no, Bennyyyy. I think I took NyQuil instead!"
"Yeah, ya think so?? Sit down right now before you fall and crack your head open. Honestly, how could you do something so dumb?"
"I don't know, I was feeling awful, trying to get ready in a hurry, and when I caught a glance of the word 'quil' on the closest bottle, I just thought it---oh Benny, why me?"
Back at the apartment, you were currently kicked back on the couch. With it being your day off and all, the only thing you'd been doing since Usnavi went to work was watching Netflix and drinking coffee while giving social media a bit too much attention since you had your laptop out.
It was a not so guilty pleasure.
You had absolutely no idea how many episodes of Golden Girls you sat through by this point, but nothing was gonna stop you from watching another ten episodes.
Maybe nothing except a bathroom trip. Didn't even realize how many cups of coffee and how many hours you spent sitting on the couch without a bathroom break.
You groaned in annoyance since your lazy day persona didn't wanna get up. Obviously it was a necessary trip, though.
With much reluctance, you moved the laptop aside and went down the hall.
It wasn't until after you washed your hands and dried them off that you noticed Usnavi left the sink in a bit of a state. Nothing terrible, and it wasn't worth scolding him over since he wasn't the sharpest this morning.
Again, nothing terrible; toothpaste still laying out, face wash without the lid put back on, bottle of NyQuil---wait, what?
NyQuil? Didn't you tell him to take the day stuff? Did he--? Nah, he wouldn't. Before leaving the bathroom, your gut told you to be more thorough. So after digging through the storage under the sink, sure enough, in the third drawer, you found a completely sealed bottle of DayQuil.
Oh, Usnavi. Yep you called it; weird day.
You were rushing through the bodega doors within under ten minutes. Thankfully the apartment was next door to the business.
"Usnavi! Usnavi! You didn't take DayQuil this morning, you---"
He was sitting behind the register, a bit slumped over in his seat with his head on Benny's shoulder, who was sitting by his side. Probably to keep him from crashing to the floor.
His speech was practically slurring by now.
"Yeah, Benny here explained everything to me. I took NyQuil instead of DayQuil on accident and now I'm about to pass out."
"Alright that's it, we're going home because you are in no condition to work and you're not fighting me on this."
"Pfft. Couldn't fight you on it if I tried."
"Benny, would you please walk him over to the apartment, and I'll lock up?"
"Sure. Better yet, I'll do ya one better."
With one fell swoop, Benny scooped up his little friend into his arms. Had he been more lucid, Usnavi would've been kicking and fighting, saying he could walk perfectly fine.
Benny could be trusted. He was Usnavi's best friend and practically a big brother to you.
Once everyone was outside, you promptly locked the door behind and turned to see Benny already heading up the building stairs. Even though you'd known him for quite some time now, it never ceased to amaze you what a good friend he was to you and Usnavi.
Now there was a guy you could trust with your life.
Only minutes later, you were unlocking the apartment door and letting the guys in.
"On the couch?" He asked.
"No, put him in the bedroom. He'll be more comfortable."
You and Benny made sure to get Usnavi as comfortable as possible. Taking off his shoes and putting his hat to the side should make a world of difference. By the time you were done, he was only in those oversized pants he wore and undershirt. Whatever strength he had left, he used to adjust the pillow and roll over on his side.
He looked like he was drowning under that big duvet.
What a relief. While the bodega had yet to befall any kind of victimhood to robbery, just imagine what could have happened if he were in this state at the same time a couple of punks came in...
"Here, you gimme the keys and I'll take care of pulling down the grate and lock it up."
"Thanks, you're a lifesaver."
Handing him the keys, you noticed a humble smile.
"Ah, nah it's not a big deal."
"Really Benny, we owe you one."
"Hey, that's my best friend in the whole world, and you're like the little sister I never wanted."
"Ha ha." You flatly responded.
Benny chuckled and ruffled your hair.
"Alright, call if you need anything. I'll just give these back tomorrow."
"Sounds good. I know you'll take care of them."
"Well, I'll leave you two to relax now."
"Thanks Benny.
Tending to Usnavi in this state was like taking care of a sleepy drunk while he was under the NyQuil's influence. Thankfully this drunk didn't have any more will to even try to stand.
Honestly you were still feeling sleepy yourself from this morning, so the only logical thing to do was to go ahead and slide under the covers with him.
It wasn't crazy to think the medicine would keep him completely out, but apparently your own attempts to adjust and get comfortable made him realize you were in bed too. Instinctively, he ended up scooting as close as possible and slung a heavy arm over your stomach.
Almost like a kid sleepily reaching for a teddy bear at bedtime.
His eyes were locked shut, but he was definitely somewhat awake.
"Usnavi? I thought you were asleep already."
"Mmm...wanna hol' you firs..."
"Yeah? You like cuddling with me?"
"Mhmm. You're warm...smell good."
Oh he was too cute. So sappy.
"That's a relief. I thought I needed a shower today."
His arm slid back over you and found its way to your hand where his fingers intertwined with yours. He was so cute when he was sleepy; it wasn't even the NyQuil talking, because this is normally what he did when he was tired and wanted to cuddle.
"No...don' go."
You kissed the tip of his reddened nose, feeling the slight warmth it radiating from the slight ailment it was going through. To hopefully soothe him a bit more, you took your hand back and gently stroked his hair.
"It's okay, Mi Amor. I'm not going anywhere."
His eyebrows furrowed, making sure he heard that correctly.
"No. Now go to sleep. You need some rest."
"I love you." He mumbled, finally drifting off. He wanted to say more, but his mind and mouth just couldn't seem to form the words through all the fog in his brain.
Finally, he gave in and let go. Allowing himself to succumb to the heaviness in his mind and body. And it was for real this time, because the most peaceful light snore came out of him. Hopefully he'd feel better when he woke. Those allergies were being merciless.
There was something perfect about this moment. The simplest parts of seemed to completely capture your attention in the best ways.
By now it was only one in the afternoon, but the peacefulness of it would have you believe it was closer to five in the evening.
As you soaked in the ambience, you noticed the bedroom was cloaked in this relaxed grey lighting. Only a bit of sunlight peeked its way through the partially opened blinds, creating this sleepy aesthetic you could take a picture of. Unfortunately, this Dominican koala wrapped around you wouldn't have liked it, as he was snoring away so peacefully.
Oh well, maybe another time. His scent was so comforting and you wished you were able to describe it. It wasn't like anything in particular. Not fruity, not spicy, he was just...Usnavi. And the scent of Usnavi combined with the bedding was so heavenly.
The covers had been recently laundered, so they still had that fresh cotton-y smell. Why couldn't this day last forever? Sure it may have been weird like you predicted, but it ended on a pretty good note.
Your body seemed to understand everything was okay now. At last, you closed your eyes and drifted off to the sound of the fan blowing and Usnavi snoring on you.
Six hours later, you woke to the warm lighting of Usnavi's bedside lamp glowing over your back. No telling how late it was, but your little nap lasted longer than expected. Ugh, probably be best to wake Usnavi up and get him to eat something.
But when you looked over to his side of the bed, he was gone. The spot he slept in earlier was cold now. How long had he been awake? You must have rolled away from him while sleeping.
He must've somehow heard your thoughts, because a few moments later, Usnavi entered the bedroom with a pizza box in hand. It was just delievered judging by the way the aroma wafted all over the room.
"Hey Sleepin' Beauty." he teased, absolutely loving how you looked just waking up; so sleepy and dazed.
"Sure that's not what I should start calling you?"
"Okay hardy-har, punches thrown."
He placed the pizza box down on the bed, opening it up and allowing you to take first pick. It smelled so good! All your favorite toppings and everything.
"So, feeling any better?" you asked.
He took a bite of his slice, shrugging a bit.
"Still kinda groggy but my allergies feel better. Still can't believe I took the wrong stuff."
"It's one for the scrapbook for sure."
"You're not wrong. What about you? Feeling rested?"
You nodded, trying to quickly chew your pizza to give a clearer answer.
"I guess so. Our sleep schedule was all kinds of messed up from today."
He couldn't argue with that one.
On the bright side, the bodega wouldn't be open tomorrow due to the weekend.
"Well I don't have to work tomorrow. How 'bout we eat pizza and watch Netflix till we pass out again?"
"Sounds good to me. What should we watch?"
"Actually, I was hoping we could do Hulu instead? I was having a Golden Girls marathon today."
"That the one with the old ladies?" He eyed suspiciously.
"Sure, why not? I haven't even watched it yet."
"Oh it's so funny! Trust me, you're gonna love it."
He sat on the bed next you, grabbing another slice of pizza to enjoy as you fired up the TV. Once the theme song began to play, Usnavi leaned back, putting his arms around you and enjoying the moment.
Yeah, this was a pretty good day.
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the-fangirls-desk · 2 years
Now closed
I Have a present for everyone!
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Since my new fic I'm working on is multi chapter, and won't be posted till it's all done, it's obviously gonna take a while.
So, as a treat to everyone who follows this blog, (despite what my bio says) I will be temporarily taking requests to do some mini fics for you! This may become a thing in the future where requests will be open for a very short amount of time.
Since I'm trash for sleepy intimacy prompts and for Lin's characters, that's how we're gonna do this. (Fun fact, we're gonna get some more sleepy intimacy in my big one coming up)
Send me a prompt and a Lincarnation for me to do some short-short stories!
Characters I'll write for
1. Alexander Hamilton
2. Lee Scoresby
3. Jack The Lamplighter
4. Usnavi
Sleepy prompts here (x)
This "event" is only temporary and will close THIS MONDAY at 10 AM Central Time! Hurry hurry my friends!
(Posted Saturday, January 29th 9:16 AM Central Time)
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the-fangirls-desk · 2 years
Hello! I’m sending this again because I don’t know if you saw my request the first time. I wanted to request “keep talking, your voice helps me sleep” with Lee Scoresby please 😊
Hello! Yes I got your request, I just didn't want to respond until I began writing it
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the-fangirls-desk · 2 years
Hello, may I please request Lee with “You look so much softer, so much calmer, I wish you could see yourself as you sleep.”
Ahhh that sounds so cute! I would be more than happy to write that!
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the-fangirls-desk · 2 years
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the-fangirls-desk · 2 years
Summer Daze (Usnavi x F!Reader)
Summary: When Usnavi's allergies start acting up, he tries taking something for it; unfortunately, he ends up taking the wrong stuff.
A/N: This is a mini fic as part of my limited time "Sleepy Intimacy Requests" from the list here (x)
Prompt Request: #11 with Usnavi "I took NyQuil instead of DayQuil on accident and now I'm about to pass out."
Requested by: @feathersandfoxtails
(Threw in a custom moodboard for you!)
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The first thing you could feel when coming to your senses, was the warm embrace of your smooth sheets and big fluffy duvet. The bedding felt so comforting as it kept yours and Usnavi's body heat locked in from all last night, and into the morning. Even though the month was already four days into summer, the waking hours in your apartment still seemed a bit cool. Probably only because the summer heat hasn't had a chance to settle in yet.
By some miracle this morning, you woke up before your alarm. Not to say you normally jumped out of bed or anything like that---couldn't have been more of the opposite, especially since you weren't a morning person. Usnavi, on the other hand, pretty much had his internal clock locked into a solid routine of rising earlier than the birds. Your routine was a completely different story.
You needed time to slowly rise and ease into your morning; it seemed to be the only proven method that could make dealing with the rest of the day easier. On normal occasions, since he slept on the side of the bed closest to the clock, Usnavi would hit the alarm as quickly as his reflexes would allow him to. That way you could take your time, and wouldn't have to suffer through all that buzzing.
Yes, buzzing. The bedside alarm clock you two used was a completely outdated model all the way back from the year of 2004, so it had that really loud obnoxious buzzing alarm sound. It also happened to be a Christmas gift to Usnavi from the now late Abuela Claudia.
That year he complained non-stop about how his previous one was acting up in the form of going off when it wasn't supposed to, as well as not doing a thing when a time had been set on it.
He could've bought that for himself a long time ago, but was usually kept on his toes by the store, as well as making sure Sonny was taken care of.
Now that exact clock that was the godsend he needed continued to faithfully go off on the dot every morning. Even though it got the job done, you wished for a more modern, "sleek" alarm; kinda like the default ones you could find on your phone. Sure those alerts were annoying too, but at least they didn't sound like someone was using an electric pencil sharpener right over your head.
However, the conversation about that closed long ago. You basically asked Usnavi if you could just use your phones to wake you up but he really didn't want to do that. It took a bit of poking and probing, but he eventually came clean to you about why he kept the crappy thing around.
It was about a year ago, on a warm day. You two were having this discussion while doing some spring cleaning and Usnavi found the clock in a box he kept under the bed. He was supposed to have this set up months ago, but he let it get away from him due to trying to handle all the daily responsiblilites of an adult, per the norm:
"Why are yout tastes so old?" You chuckled, while dusting.
"Hey, they ain't old, they're retro. Classy, some might say. Matter a fact, you may as well call me Richie Valens."
"Yeah, Classy alright. Class of 1950."
"I know, I know, I'm just messing with you. But seriously, why keep that old one when we can just use the built in alarms on our phones? Saves space on the nightstand and we can even make our own custom ones. The sounds on that thing would be like a police siren going off every morning.
"You know it wasn't made that long ago."
"Yeah, Babe, I know. It's just that..."
His trailing off told you that he really didn't wanna finish his admission. Damn near impossible to overlook his lips tightening as if trying to keep his voice from having the slightest crack in it.
"Usnavi, what?" you asked, voice becoming softer.
"Abuela. She gave this to me, you were there 'member?"
"Yeah. Handful of years ago."
You could still remember how proud she was to give that to Usnavi. Abuela was practically beaming at seeing him open his gift and smile. Why shouldn't she smile with him? Although jobless, she managed to scrape together enough money to get something he both needed and wanted. Knowing her, she probably sold something of hers or maybe even did some cleaning, sewing work etc. to afford it.
When you asked her later in the kitchen how she got it, she simply gave you a warm smile, and went about her business cleaning everything up. Not the clearest response, but it told you she proudly earned the money.
Honestly, Abuela was sweetest lady on earth and it still hurt to this day that she was gone.
"I know it's been a while since she passed, but...tossin' it aside would feel like I'm tossin' her aside. Yeah yeah, I think of her every day and kept all her things, tell her legacy. I just can't abandon her, so I really want us to use this to get us up every morning. Could be like she's starti' the day for us."
Abuela was always super gentle when waking Usnavi, but you understood his sentiment.
He was looking at the clock the entire time his heart was being poured out; it wasn't until he finished speaking that he looked up from where he was sitting on the floor and made eye contact again.
"I'm sorry, is that weird?"
"No! no no no, Usnavi."
You settled yourself next to him.
"I completely understand. She was like my Abuela too, you know?"
"Yeah. It's a big fuss to make about a clock, but---"
"No buts. The sentimental value behind an ordinary item can be a very powerful thing. If it really means that much to you, then we'll plug it in right next to our bed immediately if you want."
You were still so caught in between awake and asleep, that it might have given you a frickin' mini heart attack when the alarm went off for real this time, pulling you foggy mind away from its thoughts. As per usual, you continued to lay there, waiting for Usnavi to sit up and hit the snooze.
Normally it buzzed about four times before he reacted, but this time he seemed to just be letting go off. Maybe he was just in an extra deep sleep this time. Heaven knows how much rest he really needed to catch up on.
No response.
"Usnavi..." you groaned.
Still not a peep out of him.
Confusion hit, and you flipped over on your other side, only to be greeted with his back to you.
Ugh that damn noise! How could he not hear that? It would have been more trouble to reach across him and do it yourself. Finally taking control of the situation your hand grabbed his shoulder and firmly shook it.
He finally stirred a bit, barely lifting his head but somehow still unaware of the audible assault still going on.
"The alarm's going off!" you whined, trying to block the noise by pulling your pillow over your head.
"Th-the alarm, wha--?"
"Ugh, I'll do it myself!"
His head dropped back down to the pillow, complete dead weight.
Despite the rude awakening, your body still felt like a cinder block as you forced yourself to scoot closer and reach over his form only for your index and middle finger to barely hit the button since the clock sat on the farther side of his nightstand.
By some miracle, it worked.
Ahhh...golden silence.
Still leaning over Usnavi, you looked down and noticed he seemed to already be fading back to sleep.
"Usnavi." Shook him again.
"What?" he moaned.
"Didn't you hear the alarm go off? It's time to get up."
"It's morning already?" he almost sounded like a kid when they wake up with a cold.
"Yes. Are you okay? You seem off."
"Ugh my allergies, they started back up again yesterday and kept me awake all night. Just kept sneezing and couldn't breathe through one nostril. I just got back to sleep like a couple of hours ago."
"Two hours?! Why didn't you take something for it? Or least wake me up?"
"I thought it would go away on its own. They're usually not this bad, plus I didn't wanna wake you up."
Sigh, this stupidly sweet man. Like a lot of people, Usnavi was known to suffer from hay fever every year when spring transitioned into summer. Yours tended to kick in around early spring and it was a bitch to deal with. Seems like his returned with a vengeance this time around.
"Here, turn over and lemme see."
He did as he was told, and upon seeing each other face to face, it's clear he wasn't kidding. The tip of his nose and rims of his eyes were reddened; and the breath coming from both his nose and slightly parted lips sounded a bit congested.
Yeah, this was a familiar sight.
"Do I look as bad as I feel?"
"Yeah, you really do. Maybe the store should stay closed today?"
He was bad at pretending to consider it and it was annoying to no end, but that was Usnavi for you; a complete workaholic. Unless he literally couldn't drag himself out of bed, the day was going to go as planned.
"Don't. I can see you're gonna go to work any way, but at least take some of that DayQuil we have in the bathroom."
"Good idea. Here, I'll get your coffee first."
"No that's alright. You go on and take that medicine so you can at least function today. I'll make the coffee for us this morning."
"Aw, I don't deserve you (Y/N). Dame un beso."
Your hand kept him pushed back a bit.
"Ah. Maybe after the DayQuil."
"Right. I'll go take care of that; see you in the kitchen?"
"It's a date."
After he disappeared to the bathroom, you could hear him rummaging in the medicine cabinet for the DayQuil. When he didn't return after you assumed he completed the ten second task of measuring the right amount and downing it, the sound of running water could be heard.
It was coming from the sink. He was probably getting ready for the day---washing his face, brushing his teeth and whatnot.
Ugh, better get up and start the coffee before he was done. Being his girl meant you had the honor of learning how to remake the special blend he gave the customers every morning.
Something seemed to be telling you it was going to be quite a bit of an off day, so not really caring about looking perfect right now, you grabbed the first shirt and pair of pants from your half of the bedroom closet.
Usnavi came out of the bathroom a few minutes later, and into the kitchen while buttoning up his favorite red overshirt with the little twisty white pattern on the front.
"Hey, right on time. Feeling any better?"
You were just finishing up pouring coffee for the two of you.
"Not yet," he sighed, congestion still very audible. "I guess it needs a bit of time to work."
"Are you sure you wanna run the store today? You've been getting a bit behind in having any decent sleep."
He took the little carton of milk off the counter and poured a generous amount into his mug.
"I'll be fine. It'll pass, it always does."
There was just no stopping him no matter what you tried when it came to work.
"If you say so..."
As you were finishing up, he took a look at his watch.
"Gotta get going. The doors are supposed to open in about twenty minutes."
He leaned in for a kiss, but then stopped himself and relocated it from your lips to your forehead instead. With the symptoms he had at the moment, he knew the kiss wouldn't be that great for the either of you.
It made you laugh.
"I'll see you later, I love you."
"Love you too."
Usnavi was only a foot out the door when he rushed back in.
"Hey (Y/N) have you seen my---?"
"It's on the coffee table." You said, back turned towards him as you tried to enjoy the morning sun in your kitchen.
His hat. He never left anywhere without it.
"Got it. Thanks."
May as well enjoy the peace while it was there. Today was definitely going to be odd, you could feel it.
"Wow, all this pollen is kicking my ass." Usnavi muttered to himself.
He was wiping down the counter for about the tenth time that day when he felt yet another wave of fatigue make him wobble where he stood. Still wasn't feeling great; the symptoms eased a bit, but he was so tired and couldn't figure out why.
Honestly, he would've dropped like a sack of potatoes if he didn't have the counter to lean against. Surprised he was even able to hold himself up by sheer willpower since gravity certainly wasn't going to help.
The only thing he wanted to do was lock up and go sleep at home. the very thought caused him to bury his face in his hands as he miserably groaned. Whhyyy why couldn't he shake this drowsiness?
More than once, the coffee machine called to him like a siren as it gave him the idea of using caffeine to wake him up. But he didn't wanna risk burning himself in this drunk-like state.
If only Sonny was here to pick up the slack; normally he was, but him and his mom were currently out of town spending some quality time off the grid.
Half comatose and it was only noon. Hurry up, five 'o clock...
Just then the little bell at the entrance rang, bringing him back somewhat.
"Hey, Lil Homie!"
Uh oh.
"Benny, hi." Usnavi did his best to steady himself and stand up straight but he couldn't keep from sniffling at the irritation in his nose.
"I just came to get---woah, what happened to you?"
"What do you mean?" he feigned, taking out a Milky Way from one of the candy shelves nearby since Benny always dropped in for a little pick me up this time of day.
"Don't try that. You're not drunk, are you?"
"Benny, come on, you know I don't drink during the day."
"Then why are your eyes all red and glassy?"
Oh shut up, why was he grilling him so badly? He really wasn't in the mood for it right now.
"It's just my allergies. They kept me up all night, so I didn't get any sleep, that's all."
As Usnavi rang up the candy bar, Benny looked relieved at the statement. He knew Usnavi wasn't one to get drunk during work hours, but it wasn't like him to be so 'unprofessional looking' while he worked.
"Oh. Well why don't you take something for it? You literally got shelves and shelves for this kinda issue."
"I did. I took some DayQuil this morning, and it hasn't done anything so far. Been using all my strength just to stay standing and I can't stop feelin' so sleepy."
"Sit down for a minute, then. Business seems slow today."
Oh if only he could. He really wanted to lie down, but it wasn't worth the risk of getting robbed.
"If I sit, I'll zonk out. I just want this stuff to do its job."
Benny handed over his due amount and began to unwrap the Milky Way, taking a generous bite once the wrapper was off.
"So take another dose."
"I would, but the instructions said clear as day not to take more until six hours have passed."
Usnavi felt it again; that dizzying head rush. He firmly planted his palm on the register to steady himself.
"Are you sure that's what the instructions said? The way you are right now, it couldn't hurt to try again."
"Benny, the instructions said six hours, so if the little blue bottle tells me to wait that long, I'm gonna wait that long!"
The taxi dispatcher rolled his eyes. Usnavi was always one to take rules too seriously. After taking another bite, his mind rewound something he just heard.
"Hold on, blue bottle?"
"Yeah, why?"
"I thought you said you took DayQuil."
"I did."
Something wasn't adding up here.
"Bro, DayQuil doesn't come in blue bottles, it comes in orange bottles."
"No no wait, because---"
He was right. Oh no, he was right. That wasn't DayQuil he took this morning! No wonder he couldn't wake up. His head fell into his hands again.
"Oh no, Bennyyyy. I think I took NyQuil instead!"
"Yeah, ya think so?? Sit down right now before you fall and crack your head open. Honestly, how could you do something so dumb?"
"I don't know, I was feeling awful, trying to get ready in a hurry, and when I caught a glance of the word 'quil' on the closest bottle, I just thought it---oh Benny, why me?"
Back at the apartment, you were currently kicked back on the couch. With it being your day off and all, the only thing you'd been doing since Usnavi went to work was watching Netflix and drinking coffee while giving social media a bit too much attention since you had your laptop out.
It was a not so guilty pleasure.
You had absolutely no idea how many episodes of Golden Girls you sat through by this point, but nothing was gonna stop you from watching another ten episodes.
Maybe nothing except a bathroom trip. Didn't even realize how many cups of coffee and how many hours you spent sitting on the couch without a bathroom break.
You groaned in annoyance since your lazy day persona didn't wanna get up. Obviously it was a necessary trip, though.
With much reluctance, you moved the laptop aside and went down the hall.
It wasn't until after you washed your hands and dried them off that you noticed Usnavi left the sink in a bit of a state. Nothing terrible, and it wasn't worth scolding him over since he wasn't the sharpest this morning.
Again, nothing terrible; toothpaste still laying out, face wash without the lid put back on, bottle of NyQuil---wait, what?
NyQuil? Didn't you tell him to take the day stuff? Did he--? Nah, he wouldn't. Before leaving the bathroom, your gut told you to be more thorough. So after digging through the storage under the sink, sure enough, in the third drawer, you found a completely sealed bottle of DayQuil.
Oh, Usnavi. Yep you called it; weird day.
You were rushing through the bodega doors within under ten minutes. Thankfully the apartment was next door to the business.
"Usnavi! Usnavi! You didn't take DayQuil this morning, you---"
He was sitting behind the register, a bit slumped over in his seat with his head on Benny's shoulder, who was sitting by his side. Probably to keep him from crashing to the floor.
His speech was practically slurring by now.
"Yeah, Benny here explained everything to me. I took NyQuil instead of DayQuil on accident and now I'm about to pass out."
"Alright that's it, we're going home because you are in no condition to work and you're not fighting me on this."
"Pfft. Couldn't fight you on it if I tried."
"Benny, would you please walk him over to the apartment, and I'll lock up?"
"Sure. Better yet, I'll do ya one better."
With one fell swoop, Benny scooped up his little friend into his arms. Had he been more lucid, Usnavi would've been kicking and fighting, saying he could walk perfectly fine.
Benny could be trusted. He was Usnavi's best friend and practically a big brother to you.
Once everyone was outside, you promptly locked the door behind and turned to see Benny already heading up the building stairs. Even though you'd known him for quite some time now, it never ceased to amaze you what a good friend he was to you and Usnavi.
Now there was a guy you could trust with your life.
Only minutes later, you were unlocking the apartment door and letting the guys in.
"On the couch?" He asked.
"No, put him in the bedroom. He'll be more comfortable."
You and Benny made sure to get Usnavi as comfortable as possible. Taking off his shoes and putting his hat to the side should make a world of difference. By the time you were done, he was only in those oversized pants he wore and undershirt. Whatever strength he had left, he used to adjust the pillow and roll over on his side.
He looked like he was drowning under that big duvet.
What a relief. While the bodega had yet to befall any kind of victimhood to robbery, just imagine what could have happened if he were in this state at the same time a couple of punks came in...
"Here, you gimme the keys and I'll take care of pulling down the grate and lock it up."
"Thanks, you're a lifesaver."
Handing him the keys, you noticed a humble smile.
"Ah, nah it's not a big deal."
"Really Benny, we owe you one."
"Hey, that's my best friend in the whole world, and you're like the little sister I never wanted."
"Ha ha." You flatly responded.
Benny chuckled and ruffled your hair.
"Alright, call if you need anything. I'll just give these back tomorrow."
"Sounds good. I know you'll take care of them."
"Well, I'll leave you two to relax now."
"Thanks Benny.
Tending to Usnavi in this state was like taking care of a sleepy drunk while he was under the NyQuil's influence. Thankfully this drunk didn't have any more will to even try to stand.
Honestly you were still feeling sleepy yourself from this morning, so the only logical thing to do was to go ahead and slide under the covers with him.
It wasn't crazy to think the medicine would keep him completely out, but apparently your own attempts to adjust and get comfortable made him realize you were in bed too. Instinctively, he ended up scooting as close as possible and slung a heavy arm over your stomach.
Almost like a kid sleepily reaching for a teddy bear at bedtime.
His eyes were locked shut, but he was definitely somewhat awake.
"Usnavi? I thought you were asleep already."
"Mmm...wanna hol' you firs..."
"Yeah? You like cuddling with me?"
"Mhmm. You're warm...smell good."
Oh he was too cute. So sappy.
"That's a relief. I thought I needed a shower today."
His arm slid back over you and found its way to your hand where his fingers intertwined with yours. He was so cute when he was sleepy; it wasn't even the NyQuil talking, because this is normally what he did when he was tired and wanted to cuddle.
"No...don' go."
You kissed the tip of his reddened nose, feeling the slight warmth it radiating from the slight ailment it was going through. To hopefully soothe him a bit more, you took your hand back and gently stroked his hair.
"It's okay, Mi Amor. I'm not going anywhere."
His eyebrows furrowed, making sure he heard that correctly.
"No. Now go to sleep. You need some rest."
"I love you." He mumbled, finally drifting off. He wanted to say more, but his mind and mouth just couldn't seem to form the words through all the fog in his brain.
Finally, he gave in and let go. Allowing himself to succumb to the heaviness in his mind and body. And it was for real this time, because the most peaceful light snore came out of him. Hopefully he'd feel better when he woke. Those allergies were being merciless.
There was something perfect about this moment. The simplest parts of seemed to completely capture your attention in the best ways.
By now it was only one in the afternoon, but the peacefulness of it would have you believe it was closer to five in the evening.
As you soaked in the ambience, you noticed the bedroom was cloaked in this relaxed grey lighting. Only a bit of sunlight peeked its way through the partially opened blinds, creating this sleepy aesthetic you could take a picture of. Unfortunately, this Dominican koala wrapped around you wouldn't have liked it, as he was snoring away so peacefully.
Oh well, maybe another time. His scent was so comforting and you wished you were able to describe it. It wasn't like anything in particular. Not fruity, not spicy, he was just...Usnavi. And the scent of Usnavi combined with the bedding was so heavenly.
The covers had been recently laundered, so they still had that fresh cotton-y smell. Why couldn't this day last forever? Sure it may have been weird like you predicted, but it ended on a pretty good note.
Your body seemed to understand everything was okay now. At last, you closed your eyes and drifted off to the sound of the fan blowing and Usnavi snoring on you.
Six hours later, you woke to the warm lighting of Usnavi's bedside lamp glowing over your back. No telling how late it was, but your little nap lasted longer than expected. Ugh, probably be best to wake Usnavi up and get him to eat something.
But when you looked over to his side of the bed, he was gone. The spot he slept in earlier was cold now. How long had he been awake? You must have rolled away from him while sleeping.
He must've somehow heard your thoughts, because a few moments later, Usnavi entered the bedroom with a pizza box in hand. It was just delievered judging by the way the aroma wafted all over the room.
"Hey Sleepin' Beauty." he teased, absolutely loving how you looked just waking up; so sleepy and dazed.
"Sure that's not what I should start calling you?"
"Okay hardy-har, punches thrown."
He placed the pizza box down on the bed, opening it up and allowing you to take first pick. It smelled so good! All your favorite toppings and everything.
"So, feeling any better?" you asked.
He took a bite of his slice, shrugging a bit.
"Still kinda groggy but my allergies feel better. Still can't believe I took the wrong stuff."
"It's one for the scrapbook for sure."
"You're not wrong. What about you? Feeling rested?"
You nodded, trying to quickly chew your pizza to give a clearer answer.
"I guess so. Our sleep schedule was all kinds of messed up from today."
He couldn't argue with that one.
On the bright side, the bodega wouldn't be open tomorrow due to the weekend.
"Well I don't have to work tomorrow. How 'bout we eat pizza and watch Netflix till we pass out again?"
"Sounds good to me. What should we watch?"
"Actually, I was hoping we could do Hulu instead? I was having a Golden Girls marathon today."
"That the one with the old ladies?" He eyed suspiciously.
"Sure, why not? I haven't even watched it yet."
"Oh it's so funny! Trust me, you're gonna love it."
He sat on the bed next you, grabbing another slice of pizza to enjoy as you fired up the TV. Once the theme song began to play, Usnavi leaned back, putting his arms around you and enjoying the moment.
Yeah, this was a pretty good day.
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the-fangirls-desk · 2 years
@feathersandfoxtails still working on your request for you but it looks like your mini fic may not be so mini anymore lol whoops
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