Sublime maiden.
I don't want to know anything about the world,
everything seems so asocial to me,
that's why I prefer your look
Well, it takes me to a spring place
Wherever you go, take me with you
do not abandon me as father to son.
Are your lips that give me shelter
and like a child they provide shelter.
Install yourself in my mind forever
inspire me every morning
to write verses that will be a fire
of love for you in every evening.
Sad-eyed little lady
don't abandon my dreams please
keep shining like a thousand suns
and brighten my nights with your color.
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My last verses
From my deep loneliness
I have to remind you with sweetness:
for your crazy vanity
and your eyes the color of aurora.
May my kisses be kept on your skin
like a coveted treasure
for all the lofty vultures
that furrow over your hairstyle.
Ungraspable my feelings
bruised by reality,
they will remember with a thousand regrets
the flight of my happiness.
Bury me with your love
your little fleeting affection
that has excited me like a child
and it killed me like a bird of prey.
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The sublime ineffable word, spark of internal chaos. The poignant sentiment of noble souls and eternal torment for the delusional madman
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"Stars and humans are alike in many ways; sometimes, the brightness of both continues even though we are no longer there." Ivan Égüez
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I don't think I dream of you tonight but if fate makes you appear in my dreams, hold me as tightly as the last time our souls in love saw each other ...
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To my feelings
In the valleys your emotions will shine
like a fragile sun that crowns noon,
while in the dirty night sewers
my loving care for you has to drown.
Let him die slowly, let him agonize slowly
like the carcamal or like a sick child.
May the accomplice of pain be extinguished soon,
burn in the loneliness of my heart.
Wake up no more, stay lethargic
during the withering of my life.
It exists when my name no longer exists,
have mercy on a soul broken by suffering.
Strange love disappears at once
ally of the murder of my good.
Wander in the foliage of oblivion
and get lost in the enormity of my mind.
Don't come back anymore, listen to my demand,
satisfies the poet's wishes ...
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Perhaps that absence of yours is what keeps me alive still, and at the same time, it is the pain that keeps me dead inside.
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Tender death, you whisper in my ear
and again you visit me in my lethargy
to persuade me with the absurd idea
that at your side all my suffering
it will be one more crumb lost in time;
that those remembrances that were pleasures
and all the memories that today are tragedies
will be consummated on the day of my ruin
burning as fast as a haystack,
reducing everything to grayish ashes
that will fly through life in an attempt
to be seen as valuable memories
that resulted in dead poetry,
ideas that are not and will not become.
I don't want to suffocate in my sad agony
I don't want it, I'm dying in life!
But if the only antidote to discomfort
is having to accompany you in your evenings,
I hope you hug me tight tonight
and may your icy kiss on my cheek
be the fortuitous sign of my departure.
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It rained like never before while you were hiding
Waiting for your joy to return.
You didn't sleep for all these days;
You were daydreaming with my gaze.
Through your transparent window you saw me
Longing for that day to come soon
In which you could call me "my life."
Who would say that everything turned into agony.
When you woke up in my grave I lay,
Without emotions my body would rest.
You tried to lift me up with your melody
You tried always, all night and day.
Your waterfall cry did not revive me:
It was off, and it was off.
With a bouquet on your cold hand
You tenderly said "goodbye, my love ..."
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Coastal love
Tomorrow I may not find you anymore
It will be because at last you have left
or because the wind tore me from your hands
in an overwhelmed attempt at salvation,
not to sink like a ship at sea:
let no one witness the pain
more than the anguished captain
for not taking care of your crew.
Love of a life, passion of a night
memory dwells in the lineage of the soul,
a gloomy and despondent memory.
Your image will be the top of oblivion
like christmas presents
that lie cornered in the attic
waiting to be used one more time
for a future infant expression of pain.
Certainly you are the one who visits me
reliving what the sand buried
impregnating in its wake tints of oblivion
which letter to an absent recipient
in the middle of the bane of affection.
Kill me from afar my beloved,
let your indifference stab me in the back
in memory of all my love for you.
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Love does not fit within a simple poem, but it expresses what a madly in love soul feels every time he sees his beloved....
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Feelings of the full-moon
Hold me a little more, I need your beauty,
of your aroma, your body and your fabulous texture
that envelops everyone who sees it and plunges it into madness,
transforming your mind; impregnating it with sweetness.
Hold me a little more, until the stars are inspired
watching as two young souls finally come together,
and before such a sublime act all the stars accept
give life to new constellations; that always illuminate.
Hold me a little more, put your lips together with mine,
help me to abandon all my dark past,
teach me the way and your hidden treasures:
with your kisses take me, that promised future.
Hold me a little more, source of eternal inspiration.
On this exciting night of full moon
I try to express everything in a simple, ephemeral poem
in which not even half of what is in my soul fits.
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Days on Venus
May my caresses not die tomorrow.
Let the years be mere seconds
and the days be eternal centuries.
May your pampering pierce my whole soul
until the moment of my desired departure.
Like a match in the middle of the rain
it was you during my exhaustien.
Vexed the soul of yours by my sunset.
In the andorga of Terra is your hobby,
intoxicating drug of the dead writer.
The Guiding Star of the Filibuster
in the sudden tide of reason.
The shadow truce in front of the killer Sun
was and will be your presence within me,
until you bury me without compassion.
Like a wall you were your
when my heart no longer beat,
and in all stormy moments
it was you who together with your bright light
from the dark abyss he pulled me out.
You were the extinct smoke of my cigar
and, also, you flew in summer
heading to a beloved future.
From afar I have seen your genius
when the stars pose on you.
It is and will be a treasure your memory
saved forever in my reserves.
It is and will be your time given
a day on Venus with a golden sky;
one hundred and sixteen holy days.
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Life is similar to the sigh of a child that slowly moves away from its mouth, losing heat and spreading through the eternity of the sad and agonizing existence ...
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From a beating heart
The natural red of your sinister lips
permeates their sighs in time and space,
subverting the crazy reality;
bathing her in passions and gift verses.
Zeal feels my soul around you:
by the morning whistles of the nightingale,
for the sky that you admire in every sunset,
by the illuminating Moon and its tenor.
With my withered voice I declaim poetry
inspired by your heavenly majesty.
That in a collection of poems this relic is kept
like the memory of a forbidden night.
Little life of mine to contemplate you,
to marvel at your eternal beauty.
Similarly, like the old lovers,
I will give my vigor if I cannot touch you.
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I want to die in solitude, accompanied
of the emptiness you left within me,
and if the emptiness is not sufficiently deep
I will search the souvenir library
every morning under the clear sky
to sink into this slow suffering
and engage with the pain, your excessive pain....
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From my lucid dreams...
In the rain, under the same tree as always
I found you, you always kept in mind.
The old summer was the last of many:
that summer you loved every second
it was the grave of my unworthy and dirty presence.
I arrived after five years of despair,
of sorrows and several gatherings with the dogs.
You were there, waiting for my arrival
like a lantern that takes care of the boats in nothingness.
You shone as the only star in the cosmos.
You were there, and forever will be,
monument in memory of my happiness:
surrounded by roses, under the glass tree
who keeps the memory of our beautiful kiss;
warm as the sun and humid as drizzle.
I long that when I wake up you will continue in my mind,
or at least, to find yourself in the decadent world
and that you are not a bizarre dream anymore.
My affection for your caresses was so real,
as well as the pain I felt when I didn't find you....
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