i will forever cherish the 2 minutes of watching a video at 1060p when my phone randomly latched onto the hotspot of my neighbor who didn't put a password on it.
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i have this unconcealable urge to somehow get chalk and count down the days I've been locked up in my house
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so I got into grad school today with my shitty 2.8 gpa and the moral of the story is reblog those good luck posts for the love of god
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does this work in the long run? because dudes, i wish to have financial stability, a stable job, and a comfortable life.
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reblog and make a wish! this was removed from tumbrl due to “violating one or more of Tumblr’s Community Guidelines”, but since my wish came true the first time, I’m putting it back. :)
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May you give some tips on how to write about the whole castles, royalty, peasants, knights type of story? Hehe thankies!
How to Write About Medieval Europe
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The Medieval times play a huge role in many forms of media today, from TV shows to books to movies. It’s often romanticized and glamorized to make for a good plot, and sifting through what’s real and what’s fake can be a daunting task. 
Not to mention that the way of life in the Medieval times is vastly different from our lifestyles now! There was a lot more rules, a lot more pomp and circumstance, and a lot more death!
In this post, I’ll mostly be covering a time period around the 1400s to 1600s, with all of the classic knights, nobles, and kings and queens that everyone has come to know and love!
So how exactly do you write about medieval times?
1.Know the People
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The Medieval times attached a lot more importance to titles and wealth than we do today. The number of names and titles can get a bit confusing at times, so please try to bear with me.
All of these are ordered from lowest rank to highest rank. 
Category One- Lower/Middle Classes (Could be collectively called Peasants)
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1. Slave
Slaves are bought and sold, usually owned by nobles but sometimes purchased by some of the wealthier peasants to help out with farm work. 
They are seen as property and nothing more, and their masters can do with them as they please. 
There is rarely a penalty for killing or harming one’s own slave, but one may be punished for destruction of property if they killed or harmed a slave that wasn’t theirs.
2. Serf
Not a slave, but not free, either. 
They live on the property of a noble’s manor and are bound by the feudal system to pay rent in shares of their crops. 
They must ask the nobles permission to marry and to leave, but are overall left to their own devices. 
Their lives were still hard, however, and often they starved or fell to sickness. 
They remained serfs, however, mostly because they needed the protection of the nobles’ knights from barbarian invaders.
 If the manor of the noble was sold, the serfs came along with it.
3. Peasant
Peasants may be poor, but they are completely free. 
They often live in villages together and made their livings as masons, blacksmiths, tailors, shoemakers, farriers, carpenters, and much more. 
If they were particularly good at their craft, they may just earn enough money to be considered a noble; social mobility is not as rigid for peasants as it is for serfs and slaves.
Category 2- Knights
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Knights are  in an entirely different category from the peasants and the nobility, though they are more closely associated with the nobles and garner just as much/if not more respect as them.
1. Squire
Essentially a knight in training. 
They accompany a knight on their travels and serve as their attendant, learning from the knight’s ways while polishing their armor and being their cupbearer.
2. Knight
Addressed as “Sir (Firstname)” for a man or “Dame(Firstame)” for a woman. 
Knights were hired to protect and are sworn to the code of chivalry, which is a set of rules that dictates behavior on and off the battlefield. 
For instance, knights weren’t permitted to fight an unarmed man or to kill someone whose back was turned. If an enemy was disarmed during a fight, the knight is supposed to wait for them to retrieve their weapon before resuming.
 Knights were required to be expert swordsman and bowman, as well as good riders. They also needed to be good at supporting their super-heavy armor
Category 3- Nobility
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All of the nobility classes can have overlapping jobs; their titles vary on account of how much land they own. 
These nobles are given a fief, or a plot of land, by the King/Queen. They are then expected to pay taxes to the ruler and provide soldiers when needed.
1. Lord/Lady
Addressed as “My Lord/My Lady.”
2. Baron/Baroness
Addressed as “My Lord/My Lady.” 
Usually the spouse of a baron/baroness does not share the title and is simply referred to “My Lord/My Lady” unless they’re a baron/baroness in their own right.
3. Viscount/Viscountess
Addressed as “My Lord/My Lady”
4. Earl(Also known as Count)/Countess
Addressed as “Earl of (Place name)/Countess of (Place name)”
5. Marquis/Marquise
Addressed as “Marquis/Marquise of (Place name).
6. Duke/Duchess
Addressed as “Your Grace.”
Owns the most land out of any of the other nobles
Princes and Princesses can be granted titles of Duke and Duchess.
Category 4- Royalty
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1. Princes/Princesses
Addressed as “Your Highness.” 
In traditional medieval Europe, the heir to the crown was usually the firstborn son. In the absence of a son, the crown will be given to the firstborn daughter.
They can also be granted other titles such as Duke and Duchess if their parents/siblings who come into power offer them land
A lot of squabbles/dramas caused by heirs; some killed by siblings in order to assume the throne
2. King/Queen
Addressed as “Your Majesty” or “Your Grace.” 
These rulers own all of the land in the kingdom and simply “rent out” property to the nobles, which can be revoked at any time. 
They levy taxes and have their own personal army to protect and wage war against other kingdoms. 
The nomenclature of Kings and Queens can be quite difficult, especially when marriage becomes involved, so I’m going to try my best to help:
When a King inherits the throne: If he marries a woman, she becomes Queen. If he marries a man, that man becomes a Prince.
When a Queen inherits the throne: If she marries a man, he becomes Prince. If she marries a woman, that woman becomes Princess.
2. Do Some Research If You’re Unsure
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If you need help figuring out all of the dynamics and certain duties of all of these people, it can help to surf the web! Researching kingdoms such as England, France, and the Holy Roman Empire might help, though be careful; France had emperors and empresses at one point! 
There are very specific differences between different kingdoms, and you have to make sure you take those into account, especially if you’re writing historical fiction!
 3. Some Recommendations that May Be Helpful
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Lucky for you, there are a TON of other books, movies, and TV shows that you’ll be able to draw inspiration from! Here are some things that I recommend!
Just a note, many of these aren’t necessarily medieval or focus a lot on fantasy, too, so I’m sorry if some of them aren’t exactly what you’re looking for!
The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer
Game of Thrones on HBO
The Crown on Netflix
The Witcher on Netflix
Reign on Netflix
Victoria on Amazon Prime
The Other Boleyn Girl (2008)
Elizabeth (1998) and Elizabeth: The Golden Age (2007)
Mary Queen of Scots (2018)
Hope this helped, and happy writing!
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interaction between edgelord kakashi hatake, and memelord obito uchiha is something i must see
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team minato modern au where they’re all grad students and minato is their professor :3 and a baby naruto bc minato balances work and family
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excuse me, but is it true that you just said the ocean is blue because it fucking reflects the sky?
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My own Hanako-kun mood board!
Like or reblog if you use !
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Advice for writing about small towns
So I come from a small (midwestern) town. And I mean - an actual small town (less than 1,500 population). I’ve lived in towns of under 500 population, and in towns of about 2,500 population, and in towns of 15k population, and in cities of 100k, and currently in a 700k city. 
So here’s some things about small towns you might not know if you’ve never lived in one:
If it’s got a population higher than 30 thousand, it’s not a small town. It’s just a town. Hell, I’d probably argue that if it has a population higher than 10 thousand it’s not small town, but I’m being generous. However the people in towns 30k–50k probably think they’re in a small town (they’re not).
The experience is vastly different depending on how far you are from a small-large city. And by that I mean - the people are vastly different. 
Are you less than 60min drive to a city of 80k+ population? the people are probably less likely to be farmers, more likely to work in said small-large city and commute (which doesn’t mean that everyone commutes or that no one is a farmer). The people probably lean slightly to the right of the closest city, but aren’t necessarily staunch conservatives. The town sizes probably bottom out around 2k min. 
Are you more than 2hrs drive from a city of 80k+ population? The town is more self-sufficient. Most work within their small town or a nearby small town. Depending on the terrain, more people are farmers. They’re probably mostly conservative, both socially and fiscally. The town sizes could be as small as 300 people.
The farther from the city, the more likely to be conservative, more likely to be farmers (depending on the terrain).
Population 15k+:
This town probably has a (singular) hospital, several doctor’s offices, probably a dozen department stores - and if it’s rural enough, probably a couple kinds of hardware/diy type stores (lowe’s, menard’s, home depot etc.)
There are several options for vets and at least one emergency vet 
1-2 dozen hotels
If it’s got anything touristy, double the hotels (2-3 dozen) - touristy being water, especially large lakes, hiking trails, fesitvals, nearby ski resort - any thing that would draw people there on vacation, even if it’s only people from that region 
Also add a “down town” area - boutiques, nice restaurants, probably a theatre
It has at least 4 options of elementary schools, and 3 options each for middle and high schools. It might have a community college (but probably not). There are private or charter options, specifically for religious students
There are multiple denominations of churches (catholic, lutheran, baptist, episcopal etc). Depending on ethnic make-up, it may or may not have a synagogue. It probably won’t have a mosque.
If it’s in a rural-ish area (the closest towns are all smaller) it probably has some kind of shopping mall. If it’s the smaller town, it may not.
It’ll have several bars, probably clustered in a central location, with a few others a little farther out from that area. 
This town has a few coffee shops (3-10), but may or may not have an actual starbucks. At least one is a local place, at least one is a chain (starbucks, dunkin, biggby). 
People drive everywhere. There is a bus system, but only the “down town” area would have issues finding parking. Most businesses/hotels have their own parking lot.
Most people live in houses but there are a few (3-7) apartment complexes, most of which are several buildings
There will be lots of restaurants, mostly chains or small mom & pop places, with at least a couple niceish options
This town might even have its own airport, but likely only serves regional flights to “nearby” larger towns/cities. Regional means like, less than 2hr flights, so that’s probably a bigger distance than you’d think.
There are dozens of gas stations and at least a dozen fast food places
Is it on a freeway? increase the gas stations, fast food places, department stores etc. 
This town probably has a rec-type center with a community pool and courts and what not. There are several options of gyms.
Population 10k ish:
May or may not have a hospital - if it does, it’s small. A few doctor’s offices, a couple of department stores, at least one hardware/diy type
A few vets, may or may not have an emergency vet
a dozen or so hotels. again - double that if it’s got smth that would attract people, especially water.
may or may not have a “down town” area
2-4 options at least of elementary, 2-3 options of middle and high school. No community college.
Still at least a few options of churches. Still might have a synagogue, still probably doesn’t have a mosque.
Probably doesn’t have a shopping mall, but might have a “business district - basically a few intersections with most of the stores, hotels, and restaurants.
Probably has at least two, maybe three coffee shops. At least one is a chain.
Probably doesn’t have its own bus system unless it’s near enough to a town of 15k+ or more - people drive everywhere. There’s plenty of parking.
Most people live in houses, but there are a couple of apartment complexes. Mostish of the houses have yards, but some might not.
A few options of restaurants, but maybe only 1-2 niceish places. A couple chain, a couple mom & pop. 
It would be strange for this town to have an airport. May have a landing strip at most, but unlikely.
There are probably half a dozen to a dozen gas stations. Several fast food places.
Is it on a freeway? increase the gas stations, fast food
This town might have a community rec center w/pool. Still a couple options of gyms.
Population 5k ish:
This town doesn’t have a hospital. It probably has 1-3 doctor’s offices. At least one department store
2-3 vets, likely no emergency vet
3-8 ish hotels or inns 
Might have a quaint but very small “down town” area
Likely only 2 options of schools, maybe only one high school. Possible to go to school with same people your whole life
2-3 options for churches. Probably doesn’t have a synagogue unless there’s a large Jewish population 
There’s no shopping mall of any kind, but probably has an area where most of the businesses are - at most 2-3 intersections worth
Probably has a coffee shop or two, but might not. Could be a chain or a local - but probably a local.
There’s no bus system unless it’s near enough to a town of 15k+. People drive everywhere.
Most everyone lives in houses. Most if not all have yards. There might be 1-2 apartment complexes but maybe not.
There are a few restaurants - mix of chain and mom & pop places. Might have a nice restaurant, but only one.
There’s no airport.
There are probably 2-6 gas stations, maybe 1-2 fast food. 
Is it on a free way? increase the gas stations and fast food.
Likely does not have its own rec center/pool, but probably has 1-2 options of gyms.
Population under 2k ish:
No hospital. Probably has one doctor’s office, but might not if it’s close enough to a larger “small” town. No department stores, but probably at least one, maybe 2 decent grocery stores. Could be a local chain or a mom & pop.
Probably has a vet’s office, but just one. 
1-2 inns/motels. If it’s an older town, it has like, a street that’s mostly made of older style buildings and is the “down town” - just a couple of blocks
Just one school system - elementary through high school. Everyone goes through the same school - you probably graduate with the same people you went to kindergarten with
1-2 churches. Probably no synagogue
There is probably a generalish area where the store/post office/school/etc is, but those are probably just as surrounded by homes and yards as everything else.
This town probably doesn’t have a coffee shop, and if it does, it’s local, not a chain.
There’s no bus system unless it’s close enough to a town of 15k+. People drive.
There might be an apartment complex. Everything else is houses. The houses pretty much all have some kind of yard.
There are probably two restaurants, probably both local. Nothing fancy. 
No airport.
Probably 2ish gas stations.
Is it on a free way? add a gas station and a fast food restaurant.
There’s no rec center (unless maybe an outdoor like, field type rec center), but still likely has at least one gym.
I could keep going down but I think you get the idea. If you’re writing about an actual town, do research on its population. If you’re making up a town, think about what size you need it to be to have the things you want (or don’t want). 
If your “small town” has more than one hospital, it’s not a small town. If it’s got a population above 10k, there is definitely more than one (and likely, many) hotels. 
Is it near decent-sized water (largeish lake, ocean)? People probably have vacation homes there. That increases property value and tourism. Even if it’s not a like, nationally-known vacation spot, people within 100-200 miles could likely make weekend trips there.
Is it the largest town within 75-100 miles, even if it’s under 20k? it’s probably got more department stores and other such industry bc it’s serving a population greater than its own. if there are other towns nearby of equal-to-larger size, it might need less of those things.
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My Anxiety:
I stutter a lot when I suddenly have the slightest bit of pressure.
entire form is shaking when I need to recite to the whole class
I overthink. Mind running through the worst possible scenarios and it makes me pause and stressed and then suddenly Idontknowwhattodo.
I can't do trivial things like paying for public transpo without my voice going up an octave and spending atleast 2-3 minutes prepping myself what to say and what to do.
Mini panic attacks everytime I feel someone's staring at me
Don't know where to look when I'm walking
Fidgeting. I need something to occupy my hands or else I get stressed for no apparent reason.
Has struggles with all types of relationships
Am I too clingy? too possessive? do they even consider me a friend? how can i talk to them when they're talking to someone else???
Thinks that if I give/buy someone things they'll probably stay/ still be my friend
Eye to eye contact? how about NO.
I swear I can hear my heartbeat go up when i need to recite
They probably would forget me
Follows friends akwardly when in a room full of people I'm not close with
Is unable to open up
what's wrong with me, why cant i be normal??
Shy in talking about things that actually interest me
says sorry way too much in an hour
existential crisis in the middle of the damn day
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That moment when you want to talk to someone about your issues but you're afraid you're adding more problems or they'll find you annoying or that they never really treated you as a friend or they'll assume you're lying or-
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Me, explaining to my mom: Just had a ten minute break down, no big deal.
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My favourite things about Scrivener
1. Navigation. You can see all your chapters, scenes, character & setting planning at one glance and switch between them very easily - compared to scrolling up and down in one long word processing document. Every file can also be a folder, so you can have collapsible items underneath it.
2. Word count targets. The “Project Targets” are particularly useful for NaNoWriMo so you don’t have to keep looking back at the website to see how you’re doing for the day, but more so outside of it, when you want to keep yourself working to a target but don’t have Nano’s charts and daily word counts. It also gives you a nice ding when you hit your session target.
3. How many pages? I only recently discovered this, but it’s very nice to be able to see in Project Statistics approximately how big your manuscript would be in pages without worrying about formatting. 
4. Outlining. Scrivener has two methods of outlining - one is Corkboard, which is exactly what it sounds like, a digital corkboard with notes pinned on it that represent your chapters/scenes with their summaries. The screenshot above is called ‘outliner’ and lists collapsible chapters/scenes with various statistics you can select as shown in the tick menu. Generally I prefer Corkboard, but Outliner is useful if you just want to see everything in a clear order. 
5. Full screen. I get distracted very easily when writing, so the full-screen writing mode is wonderful for me to avoid that - but you can still choose certain windows from the normal Scrivener view to show up. I have my targets and my summary, so I can stick to my plan when I’m writing and also see what progress I’m making.
6. Notes. No screenshot, but it’s a simple post-it note style box to the side of every document (chapter, scene, character etc.) that allows you to add notes. This may sound very simple, but it’s far more useful than I’d expected. During NaNoWriMo when I’m not meant to be editing at all, but I know something needs fixing, I will jot down something in the side like ‘Take out the horse’ so that when I go through again to edit I know exactly the things to focus on immediately but which would have taken too much time before. It’s linked to the scene so I don’t just have a pile of notes in one document at the end and then have to work out where it needs fixing.
I downloaded Scrivener for the first time two years ago, and now I can’t imagine working without it. It’s so nice to have the planning and the writing all combined into one place where I can easily switch between the two. I haven’t yet got as far in a novel created in Scrivener to use the compile features so I can’t comment on those, but so far all my experiences of it have been good.
One thing to note is that if transferring project between a Windows and a Mac version of Scrivener, it’s generally best to zip the file first.
[Screenshots from my current novel Kindling Ashes using the Mac version of Scrivener - some features may not be available in Windows yet.]
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ain't that tHE TRUTH
Unpopular opinion: Shisui’s more attractive than Sasuke and Itachi combined.
347 notes · View notes
I want to see the damn moment Minato Namikaze managed to befriend the clan heirs in his generation and the chaos that followed
show it you cowards
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It's sad to think that most people only remember Icarus for how he fell.
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