the-muffin-senpai · 4 years
*the bakusquad in the car*
Mina: *plays A Whole New World as a joke*
Bakugou: *sings quietly*
Kirishima: what was that?
Bakugou: *sings louder*
Kirishima: *joins in at jasmine’s part*
*they sing the whole thing*
the rest of the squad: uhhhh
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the-muffin-senpai · 4 years
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What is Baku staring at? I think we’ve found the reason behind Kiri’s clear gay panic…
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the-muffin-senpai · 4 years
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just a pomeranian and a shark vibin' together
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the-muffin-senpai · 5 years
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Anyone that sees this gif will automatically have a great 2020! 
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the-muffin-senpai · 5 years
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requested by  @chicken-noodle-spirit
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the-muffin-senpai · 5 years
Is that Roxxy Andrews, and she's here to make it clear?
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It’s so true…
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the-muffin-senpai · 6 years
Crazy Cooking part 2 and Miraculous Monday
So I was a little too tired to write up yesterday's wrap up but here it is. It was another crazy they cooking in the kitchen at work. I made up just about 500 pancakes for brunch and there was a lot of prep to do. We got through everything so it went well the only thing is I need to learn about my timings for everything. I also need to learn how to get everything cleaned up before supper so it makes dishes and everything easier at the end of the night.
I went to volleyball with my mom Sunday night and honestly it was a great decision. It cracked my back as it was hurting really bad and actually made it feel better. It also helped me loosen a lot of the muscles in my body making it so I could sleep better and when I went to work today it felt a million times better.
Today luckily enough I didn't have to cook I just had to do front of house. That's a pretty easy job in comparison to cooking but it still has its ups and downs. There was a lot of stuff today that made me just feel like I had an actual place at work I wasn't just another employee. Because of the fact that I can help the manager out with a lot of stuff it makes me feel like I'm actually needed. Everyone seems to be fine with the schedule I helped make and there was no complaints as far as I know. I'm just glad that it seemed to work out for everyone. I also like the idea that I'm getting more and more responsibilities such as helping with baking cakes and organizing things in general. The salad bar lady doesn't seem to be too impressed with the fact that I'm helping out so much but it's not for her to be happy or upset about. I'm simply trying to help and if she has a problem with it then she should step up and do it herself. I do feel like I'm getting a bit more respect though around my work so that's helping me a lot.
Oh my goodness I watched episode 4 of season 4 of RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars 4 and I can't believe who goes home. I was so shocked but I also understood the decision of why they went home it broke my heart though. I've been told that they come back to the show possibly and I'm hoping for that but I'm not going to get my hopes up.
That should be it for me for today hopefully I'll have a lot more to talk about tomorrow.
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the-muffin-senpai · 6 years
Crazy cooking
Today was a busy day at work. I was the cook for the day as we dont have one to fill in. Lunch was super easy as it was just grilled cheese, tater tots and tomato soup but supper was difficult. It was crispy ginger beef, rice noodles, and stir fry veg for supper. It was a lot of work but I made it through. The first batch of 2 took me an hour to deepfry. But I mean I had to set it all up and get a rhythm going. So it's understandable why it took so long to get started. The worst part was that I had to cut up half of a big beef roast to be able to have enough food for supper. I'm just glad but I had coworkers that were willing to help.
Tonight I helped my boss figure out the work schedule for when we hire someone new and for the current standing. It was very difficult as certain people wanted certain days off and they didn't want us having more than 6 days in a row to work. The way that I had set up my two week schedule had me working for 8 days straight. But then I changed it so it made sense. On the weekend I don't work I come back on Monday and have the Tuesday off, so it will be a little awkward to come back for one day but it won't be the worst thing in the world. Definitely going to take some getting used to but it will work out. I'm just hoping that everyone else is okay with the schedule and that it gets approved by our head boss. I put a lot of time and effort into the two schedules.
I'm still thinking about Hawaii and all the different possibilities that could happen, good and bad. My boyfriend has been a lot more loving lately, giving me compliments and saying things like I'm so cute it's hard for him to stop watching me. It's very different from about 3 months ago but it's a good change. But it's confusing in the same sense I asked him if it was his New Year's resolution to compliment me more often and he said no. So it's making me think that this trip to Hawaii might end up with an engagement ring. I mean I told him about what my coworker said the other day and there was just this weird silence after, it wasn't an uncomfortable silence it was just different. Well I will figure it out soon enough. Only 27 more days until my trip. I better start making sure I have everything and ask my parents about traveling insurance. Maybe I'll ask them on my day off which won't be till this Wednesday / Thursday but it's a big deal. Now I should really head off to bed my body hurts and it's late good night Tumblr.
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the-muffin-senpai · 6 years
More responsibilities
Today was day 2 back at work and it was a busy one. I got more responsibilities today and got to cook the fish for lunch along with the potatoes and then I cooked super like normal. But it was just a crazy day. It was very fast paced so at least the day went by quickly.
I'm still finding people have negative attitudes and it drives me insane. I want to have a good time and enjoy work but when people are losing their shit basically it's very hard. February can't come fast enough currently. Maybe once we have someone hired and adjust the schedules we should be able to be calmer. Or at least that's the hope.
I wish my boyfriend would come and stay with me for the weekend but sadly he has to work. Technically, I have to work too but I enjoy having the company at night. Being able to curl up and cuddle with him. Also, at work, a coworker asked me how long my boyfriend and I have been dating and I said it will be 6 years on June 8th. She got really excited and asked if she thought I would my boyfriend would propose to me while we on our trip to Hawaii. I told her I'm hoping he does as it would be super romantic and a huge surprise as my boyfriend hasn't really said much about getting engaged. But knowing him, he would wait longer until we both have good paying jobs and after we have lived together for at least 5 months I'm sure. I have bugged him lots about it and I have told him that I'm ready to be engaged whenever he is ready as I know there is no one else in the world I want to be with. I hope he understands that. And even if we arent at our best in the sense of money I'm willing to work things out together and work on having us problem solve.
That's about all I have to rant about tonight. Its been a long day and I could use some sleep. Good night world.
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the-muffin-senpai · 6 years
Back to work I go
Today was my first day back at work. I must say.. I'm glad to be back but I forgot how much of a strain it is on my body. My whole body hurts and I'm hoping sleeping will help heal the sore muscles. I talked to my boss today about the possiblity of being able to be moved up in the company as there is a position open but I'm not sure if anything will come of it. Hopefully something will but it's not guaranteed. I've also noticed that even though we had a 2 week holiday from work people still seem to be very negative and they are giving off bad vibes. I feel that I need to find something to combat this feeling so I dont have those feelings take over me; I want to do my best and be able to show them I can do anything. My fingers are crossed.
In other news, since my grandma moved into a retirement home recently I have been taking on the responsibility of taking care of her original home. The phone is finally disconnected so I dont have to constantly deal with telemarketers trying to scam money out of me or my grandma. Only thing now is the internet bill is going to be transferred over to me. I'm not looking forward to it but it's going to have to happen if I want to continue to use the internet.
Anyway, it's late and I'm tired and sore so this concludes today's diary.
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the-muffin-senpai · 6 years
January 2nd 2019
Well day 2 of 2019 was a pretty relaxed day. I didnt do too much as I wanted to relax the day before I go back to work. The last 2 weeks had been full of visiting with people and having to be sociable. It tends to drain me way too much and as work will drain me I figured I could use a day of rest. Most of the day was spent watching youtube/Netflix and playing minecraft.
It feels way later then it actually is because I'm actually aware of when the sun had risen and had fallen. Plus, it doesnt help that I woke up early today so I was kind of prepared for work tomorrow. I still need to shower and set out my clothes for tomorrow. It's all stuff I dont want to do currently but I hope I end up having a good time at work. We are getting back a lady I enjoy working with and she is going to be the manager. But hopefully everything will go well. I have my fingers crossed.
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the-muffin-senpai · 6 years
Welcome 2019
So its officially 2019 and it's crazy to think about. 2018 went by so fast and it was insane for sure. I'm also aware that people make new years resolutions and I haven't made too many so far. There is the typical "I'm going to lose weight" or "I'm going to be more involved with ______" and I'm sure they are on my list. But there is more important things to me currently. My list so far consists of:
Allow myself to say no
Know you dont owe anyone anything, you come first!
Love yourself
Do what is right for you
Stop worrying and just do it you will regret it if you dont.
I'm sure more things will come to me but this year I feel like is going to be more about caring for myself before others and not caring so much of what others think about me. Last year I was so worried about what people thought of me and how to make them like me. I also dwelled on losing people I don't care about at all. Honestly, losing the 'friends' that I had once had actually made my life better in the end so I dont know why I worried so much about getting them back. I figure if they dont feel the need to talk to me after I put so much effort in to try to be friends then they are not needed.
This year is going to be an interesting one. I'm going to Hawaii in Feburary with my boyfriend, his parents and his aunt. It's going to be a whole new experiance! The only other place that I have been that had been even close to being so far away from home was universal studios in Florida (keep in mind I live in Saskatchewan, Canada). Many things worry me about this trip, such as it's so far away, it's a month away currently, I feel like I wont have enough money once i get back, or like i dont have the right stuff for the trip. I also have anxiety about being in new places where I can't control the situation I'm in. But I'm sure my boyfriend will help me out with any worries I have as he calms me down very easily.
I'm going to be attempting to make new posts every day so if you are interested keep posted!
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