"A Handful of Stars" by Cynthia Lord
"Lucky Strike" by Bobbie Pyron
Have you ever raked blueberries? If not, consider yourself lucky because blueberry raking is one of the most labor-intensive jobs there is. Well, in my limited experience, anyway. I raked blueberries the summer I turned 13, and it was my introduction to the work force. Every job I had after that had far fewer physical demands, and didn’t result in daily sunburns.
Ok, why am I telling you this?…
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In my humble opinion, anyone who can write a book this good about chicken farming is a genius. And that's exactly what Kelly Jones has done with "Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer...
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Travis Jonker (aka @100scopenotes) shared recently shared a post on the School Library Journal website listing 2015 books written by past Newbery winners. (If you haven't checked out this list yet,...
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The #10 most banned/challenged book of last year. You can tell it's well-loved!
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Since I introduced "El Deafo" into my classroom, the popularity of graphic novels has exploded. When I read the 2015-2016 list for Maine Student Book Award choices, I was very excited to see how ma...
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Novels in verse have been amazingly popular this year, likely due to "The Crossover" winning the Newbery award. But there were plenty of great prose on shelves last year, like "Caminar" and, of cou...
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#books #dust bowl #Don Brown #graphic novel #The Great American Dust Bowl
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We FADE IN on a panda typing a book review behind a computer screen. CUE the sound of click-clacking from the keyboard. CUT TO a shot of the book "The Case of the Cursed Dodo" nearby on the desk. "...
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"Echo" has been buzzing around my Twitter feed for quite some time now. When I saw a copy in the Scholastic Reading Club last month, buying the book was an easy decision to make! I really hadn't he...
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Have you ever been browsing the shelves at the bookstore and come across a cover that's so beautiful you have to buy the book? That's what happened to me with "Waiting for Unicorns". Even if I ende...
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"Roller Girl" by Victoria Jamieson
“Roller Girl” by Victoria Jamieson
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I couldn’t wait to get my hands on this gem. I had to call down to our local book shop and ask them to set aside a copy for me, because I knew I wouldn’t be able to make it in before closing. And, of course, as soon as I got my hands on it, I gobbled it right up! What a delight! This book might be cute and pretty, but the message packs a punch!
What makes this book even cooler is that it’s…
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***Disclaimer*** Anything I write about this book will not sufficiently convey how awesome it truly is. But I will do my best. Twitter has been a goldmine of great book suggestions. I'm following s...
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Our Mock Newbery 2016 Goodreads book club chose "Stella by Starlight" as its March read. This book has been in my TBR pile for quite a while. (Or at least since January 6th when it came out. But, h...
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"The Honest Truth" isn't your typical realistic fiction novel. It's not the usual survival story. What you get when you read "The Honest Truth" is just that: the truth. Dan Gemeinhart has written a...
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Goodreads suggested I read "The Junction of Sunshine and Lucky", so I did! I was also swayed after connecting with Holly Schindler on Twitter. She was so kind and talked back and forth with me with...
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