Hi... imaginary followers..
I guess what I wanted to say was....
Never mind...
No one really cares....
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The most beautiful things often go unnoticed! 💖
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Where do I even begin? Should I start with my sad sob story about my life and how I came to be? Why? I’m not looking for sympathy and frankly who actually cares about those details? The main thing you need to know is, I am the type of person who cares a shit ton and will continue to care whether you do me dirty or not 🤷🏻‍♀️. I guess what I can tell you is.. I am female!! Didn’t know ? It really doesn’t matter and I say that because we were brought up in a world where everything is pink or blue, yes or no. But WHO CARES! You are who you want to be and that’s what matters! I am 19 years old and for anyone who thinks they want to be this age! I’m sorry but.. you don’t! One major detail that I make quite clear often is that...... I’m gay! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈 and super proud to be! Yes you read that right! I’m female and I LOVE the female anatomy! So, my imaginary readers... take of this what you will but... if you need advice or someone to talk to.. you’ve come to the right place! Feel free to ask me questions💖❤️🤷🏻‍♀️
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My name is.... Well, I would rather not say. I guess I really want to start off by saying hello to my imaginary readers because.. in all honesty, who is reading this? Perhaps I am coming off a bit brusque? Not my intention nor would it ever be. Truth be told, I have had a long-lasting desire to create a blog in which I could interact with other individuals.... I guess my main goal is to.. not only share my personal stories and have a platform to rant on with the slightest possibility someone could read it.. but to also have the opportunity to give something, someone could relate to or even support someone in difficult times. Yes, I know imaginary readers 🙄 you’re probably thinking this is stupid... well.. please stop reading and get lost because frankly this isn’t for you.. it’s for me. I don’t want to bore you any longer.. so I guess this is it for now 💖💖
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