#he-man rp
voidstifyinq · 5 months
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the party ended six months ago and I’m still here
Also out of context draw pile ft. friend art
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royalarchivist · 6 months
Richarlyson: This is a good ship that never came to fruition.
Mike: This ship is better than Hideduo. Shut your mouths.
Fit: Very cool artwork! DELUSIONAL, but very good artwork nonetheless.
Ramon: delulu
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Mike and Fit's VERY different reactions to Pacmanduo art (Pac & Etoiles) in the fanart museum.
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that-spiderdog · 3 months
What do you think of your sweetheart angel ? I call the reader’s spider name the spiderangel .
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"Ah, my sweet angel... I love them so much... They're so pretty and cute and hot and nice and kind and awesome and incredible and lovely and adorable an-" [ He keeps rambling about his partner for a little too long... ]
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totem-but-shark · 4 months
I have to give props to foolish for the way he plays qfoolish because whether intentionally or not he really sells the vibe of an ancient immortal character, though not in the expected sense. Where other immortal characters may become jaded by a life so long qfoolish is literally just chilling, he's seen it all before and so can't be shaken so easily. Moments that to other mortal characters are earth shattering are just another Tuesday for him, funny even.
Despite this he's no less enthusiastic for life, he wakes up every morning and simply lives, as he has done for an unknowable amount of days prior.
It's fascinating, hes able to roll with every punch and shrug off every struggle with a laugh. Why should he be upset? in the grand scheme of everything he's lived through it's not even a blip, why cant it be funny instead?
But this makes it so much more impactful when he DOES care, the rare moments where he is affected are heart wrenching when contrasted with his usual easygoing happy-go-lucky laissez-faire attitude. There's something raw and human to me in the way that for however long he's lived he still feels, he loves and grieves. He still lives and so he still feels.
Anyways stan an unbothered king
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zeb-z · 8 months
can we talk about Phil and Jaiden today and their interactions after Jaiden finally shows her wings because I’m going crazy.
Jaiden showing off her wings for the first time to Phil, and Phil both happy for her and also insanely jealous, because why did she get to keep her wings, while his got clipped so badly he needs his backpack to counterbalance the weight he lost - or at least the weight he looses having to keep them close to his back.
and the whole time they’re talking in a group, hanging around spawn, Jaiden is perched somewhere above the group. up in a tree, moving from branch to branch, or against the wall, or right on the top of that lamppost. Phil, on the other hand, stays sat on the bench the entire time. grounded.
and every time Jaiden hops from perch to perch, he looks specifically at her. zooms in whiles she’s sat on the lamppost even as he continues conversation. its such a small detail but really helps punch in just how much Philza can’t let it go, can’t stop wishing that he could do the same.
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iatethepomegranate · 1 month
If I see one more take about Orym being "secretive" in taking the sword, I swear I might start screaming. The dude walked up to Chet in front of everyone, asked for access to the Bag of Holding, took the sword out (in front of everyone) and left with it. Then he came back with the sword strapped to his back... IN FRONT OF EVERYONE. There was ample time for someone to speak up if they wanted to and Orym, quite frankly, didn't have reason to expect it would be an issue. Laudna may have used the lack of discussion as part of her cycle of justifications for her actions, but that doesn't mean it was 1) the main issue she was actually dealing with or 2) an unsolvable problem that required a rash response even if that had been Laudna's primary issue.
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Heads up that Pac put this in offline chat a bit ago.
Google Translation: peqitw: hi guys, I just wanted to let you know that I didn't say that I'm leaving qsmp or that qsmp is over, I just said that q!pac's story has come to an end
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qrichas · 9 months
on a happier note tho, cc!forever earlier broke character to say that hes so happy about the support with his characters current arc and that he was up til 3 in the morning reading abt the theories people had and you can see he was liking a lot of fanarts as well :') im glad hes having fun making this rp bc im sure as hell enjoying it hes doing So Good
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chapinii · 3 months
Fit has such an incredible way of presenting his lore, it literally feels like I'm watching a film or a high quality video game cutscene. His music choices are impeccable for every single scene change, and the choice of having the dialogue presented onscreen instead of spoken makes it that much more immersive, you literally cannot tear your eyes away.
Honestly props to Fit for everything, this stream was such a rewarding payoff to everything he's been building up to the past year, he's such a brilliant storyteller.
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mmmike :) he’s fun to draw
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demodraws0606 · 7 months
Motherfucker I did not see someone in Slime's chat say that BBH hates roleplay wtf
If anyone says BBH isn't a roleplayer then they straight up do not know him in the slightest, I am sorry.
Like in fact i'd argue he is up there as the biggest fucking roleplayers in this server like this man has spent months setting up a story full of mysteries and build up.
He literally spent an entire stream roleplaying his character's breakdown
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darktypefan · 1 year
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took him to get his IVs tested and he was VERY good and brave about having his blood drawn
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ghost-bard · 8 months
Genuinely hope q slime gets pissy and angry at the others LMAO
Like the hypocrisy is insane. Hes been mocked for MONTHS even when he wanted to help the others with stuff, but the second he asks “how do you know theyll come back” HE DOESNT GET TO ASK BC JUANAFLIPPA IS BACK? AS IF IT ISNT APPARENT SHE IS FUNDAMENTALLY DIFFERENT AND Q SLIME HAS STARTED TO PHYSICALLY DETEORATE????
What did he do to deserve this like genuinely?
I hope this man snaps and calls the others out bc wtf is this 😭
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trilobitepunch · 2 months
...and then I took a hard left and got caught up in trying to design a Cybertronian disguise for Donnie oops
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All his favorite Decepticons Cybertronians people have claws. He may also have been hanging out extensively with T!A Shockwave and T!P Soundwave. Just a bit. Team Purple, yo.
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Also he hasn't experienced the Kraang yet so claws and reverse leggies are still totally cool.
I was waffling with what to make his alt form and then decided I'd borrow off the gunships he designed in the movie. Other parts like his head and shoulder vents are from his uranium bot from the "Down with the Sickness" ep.
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zeb-z · 7 months
also okay. Leo voiding and Foolish going “that’s alright I’ll just wait. I can wait. I wait.” like yeah totem boy that’s all you ever do isn’t it. waiting loyally for Vegetta to come back, for his plans to find fruition, for islanders and federation workers alike to take him seriously, for Leo to return now, just like he waited for her before, keeping patience like none other. he’ll wait - that’s kinda his thing.
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the-drayster · 7 days
I think I'mdying
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