the-starship-abraxas · 3 months
whys she avoiding you?
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VRISKA: I don't know ::::/
VRISKA: We used to talk ALLLLLLLL the time, and now i'm hard pressed to get her to have a single one on one convers8tion with me!!!!!!!
VRISKA: I have no id8a what her deal is.
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the-starship-abraxas · 3 months
((OOC: hey mod, this starship au looks really cool! is it ok if you give me an overview of it and/or catch me up to date?/genq/nf))
// HI!! so its basically just a rebellion style au that I've been drawing and writing stuff for because my ass cannot write fic lmao i have a few posts abt it on my main @a-cat-in-toffee under the tag the abraxas au :))
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the-starship-abraxas · 3 months
Ooooo kismesis?
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SOLLUX: hell yeah man, FF and NP have been doiing pretty good.
SOLLUX: at lea2t la2t tiime ii checked.
SOLLUX: theyre 2uper cute together.
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SOLLUX: what the fuck are you two doiing?
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the-starship-abraxas · 3 months
sollux, if youre a helmsman, how are you... helmed?
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SOLLUX: oh, that2 my port2. ii can plug iinto the 2hiip.
SOLLUX: they're mo2tly along my 2piine.
SOLLUX: equiiu2 iin2talled them whiile we were 2tiil on world, and he upkeep2 them.
SOLLUX: human-troll technology make2 tradiitiional helmiing and piilotiing faiirly ob2olete, 2o a lot of 2hiip2 have helm2 whiich the helm2man can detatch from.
SOLLUX: ii plug iin and 2ort of become one wiith the 2hiip.
SOLLUX: iit2 really fuckiing cool.
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the-starship-abraxas · 3 months
eridan, howd you end up on a rebel ship? you seemed pretty for the empire before, and being the orphaner and all
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ERIDAN: believve it or not it aint your fuckin business
ERIDAN: if you MUST havve a fuckin answer though
ERIDAN: i found out about kar bein a mutant an sorta
ERIDAN: i dunno
ERIDAN: i didnt wwant him to get hurt for somethin that really wwasnt anythin he could control
ERIDAN: i guess
ERIDAN: ivve had a lot of time wwhile off wworld to like
ERIDAN: think about it
ERIDAN: all the shit that happened
ERIDAN: all the stuff i had to do
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ERIDAN: im goin to kill her one of these days
ERIDAN: its gonna happen
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the-starship-abraxas · 3 months
vriska, can you elaborate on "fussyfangs?" wym she should count as a stowaway?
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VRISKA: Well it's not like she does anything around the ship.
VRISKA: 8esides avoid me, that is.
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the-starship-abraxas · 3 months
if yall are old enough to be offplanet, did feferi challenge the heiress yet?
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SOLLUX: oh, no, and there2 no way 2he2 gonna.
SOLLUX: FF 2nuck off planet wiith the re2t of u2.
SOLLUX: 2he'2 been getting up to her own thiing2, though ii haven't talked two her iin a miinute.
SOLLUX: 2he'2 been bu2y, y'know liiviing her liife, haviing a healthy kii2me2iitude, runnniing a rebelliion.
SOLLUX: boriing thiing2 mo2tly.
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the-starship-abraxas · 3 months
youve got a pretty interesting crew, how'd you all end up on the abraxas together?
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SOLLUX: iit2 a biit of a long 2tory....
SOLLUX: a lot happened for u2 two end up here.
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SOLLUX: but the long and 2hort of iit ii gue22.
SOLLUX: we diid 2ome 2hiit.
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SOLLUX: mo2t of iit wa2nt legal, but iit got u2 off world.
SOLLUX: iim not really one two praii2e anythiing that vrii2ka doe2, but wiithout her and tz we probably would have gotten caught.
SOLLUX: from there, people came and went...
SOLLUX: every one had theiir own thiing2 goiing on.
SOLLUX: for a whiile iit wa2 ju2t me and KK.
SOLLUX: but riight now we're tryiing two get everyone back.
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the-starship-abraxas · 3 months
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>Marauder Fategrip
>Renegade Aimwaste
>Helmsman Dualhorn
>???????? ????????
>???????? ????????
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the-starship-abraxas · 4 months
whatcha picking up at hephaestus?
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SOLLUX: oh, yknow, 2uppliie2.
SOLLUX: part2 two fiix thii2 one biit of the engiine.
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SOLLUX: apparently iim not allowed two helm whiile part of the engiine ii2 broken becau2e iit2 “danegrou2” and kk care2 about makiing 2ure ii dont “pop my2elf because ii deciide two make the objectively bad choiice of hookiing my2elf up two the shiip whiile we dont know what2 wrong wiith iit.”
SOLLUX: boriing 2hiit mo2tly.
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the-starship-abraxas · 4 months
fav and least fav things about the ship?
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SOLLUX: the2e two are pretty hiigh up there on “lea2t.”
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SOLLUX: but yknow there are 2ome up2iide2.
SOLLUX: havent ever plugged iintwo a 2hiip ii liiked more.
SOLLUX: oh and ii gue22 kk.
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the-starship-abraxas · 4 months
viseted any cool planets l8ly?
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ERIDAN: eh not really
ERIDAN: last place wwe stopped wwas a desert so not super interestin 
ERIDAN: wwere headed to hephaestus noww to pick up some shit though so thats probably gonna be-
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VRISKA: Well it's gonna 8e 8oring if Sollux insists on 8a8ysitting us the whole time.
ERIDAN: and wwho do wwe havve to blame for that
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VRISKA: You!!!!!!!! You're the one who took a f8cking chunk out of the ship!
ERIDAN: yeah wwell it wwouldnta happened if you hadnt-
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SOLLUX: nah, can't 2ay we have.
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the-starship-abraxas · 4 months
so, youre on a ship? whos your crew?
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VRISKA: Well o8viously there's us, 8ut there's also our dum8ass pilot and our tightass captain.
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VRISKA: Fussy f8ngs is also here 8ut, she should really count as a stowaway ::::/
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the-starship-abraxas · 4 months
ERIDAN: vvris this is fuckin stupid
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VRISKA: Well, do you have any 8etter ideas? ERIDAN: ... VRISKA: That's what I thought.
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VRISKA: There we go! See I toooooooold you I knew what I was doing. ERIDAN: huh
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ERIDAN: so it wwould seem you do ERIDAN: go fuckin figure
[RENEGADE AIMWASTE and MARAUDER FATEGRIP are now open for asks!]
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