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Please help my friend BananaPie. This is serious. I know I haven't been posting much of anything on here for the last few months, but please, please help my friend. He had been there for me when my husband and I were having serious financial troubles. I don't believe he deserves this kind of suffering. Please help him. Reblog this. Spread the word like wildfire. It's Christmas time, for crying out loud!!! </3
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yet again i am forced to beg for help against my will I somehow need to find 230$ for rent, December plus i need to get some groceries whether you boost or I don’t want to sound desperate but I really, really am http://paypal.me/askbanannpie
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IF anyone can help me out I’d really appreciate it
I could really use some financial help right now
My rent is due on the 31-07 and I am a little over 300 short of the £875 I need in order to pay it I encourage you to donate if you can if you cant I hope you will at least reblog this post so it might reach someone who can donate http://paypal.me/askbanannpie
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Oh My goodness, of course we do! Please take a seat and Ill get right on that while Zecora puts these darlings in our little safe space.
Ill throw in some of my patented sticky buns for all the hard work you two did!
Hey. We're a couple of adventurers looking for work. Hear any rumors around here that might lead to treasure?
Greetings Travelers,
Lets see work for two able bodied Adventurers? Well you'll need these!
*Pulls out two little bands of metal*
My wife made them for Adventurers, should you ever be in dire need just give them a tap and say Weary Traveler Cafe and pop you're safe and sound here!
Now as for jobs, Ive got a mission in mind if you don't mind a bit of Mountain Climbing? On the top of Ever Snow Peak there is a frozen lake, underneath the ice is a special type of plant called Winters Maiden, and it helps make some of the best delicacies for the Summer time. I could use three bushels of them!
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Hey. We're a couple of adventurers looking for work. Hear any rumors around here that might lead to treasure?
Greetings Travelers,
Lets see work for two able bodied Adventurers? Well you'll need these!
*Pulls out two little bands of metal*
My wife made them for Adventurers, should you ever be in dire need just give them a tap and say Weary Traveler Cafe and pop you're safe and sound here!
Now as for jobs, Ive got a mission in mind if you don't mind a bit of Mountain Climbing? On the top of Ever Snow Peak there is a frozen lake, underneath the ice is a special type of plant called Winters Maiden, and it helps make some of the best delicacies for the Summer time. I could use three bushels of them!
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gives u a banan
Well thank you Traveler, I can use this to make some banana cupcakes! That is of course so long as my Wife doesnt snatch it first. Zecora adores Bananas.
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"I cannot bring the words to mind, the night has brought such a storm it echoes through my soul...But would you do me the greatest honor of all to join with me in sweet matrimony?"
"Zecora! YES!"
Journal Entry 003:
That night was the greatest step in our lives. The night before the Cafe existed when we both still lived in Equestria. The night after a great and terrible battle against Chrysalis. We were both terrified that we had almost lost one another.
Then what does she go and do? She tries to plan a romantic dinner in the Everfree Forest, there were so many things until the rains came down. It soaked through everything, the food, our clothes, the drinks.
She brought me close under her cloak, wrapping me up in her arms and her sandlewood scent. She brought out the ring and she was so shy and nervous my gorgeous brave and valiant Shaman was scared of my answer.
Such a silly thing. I do love her so much. How could I not say yes?
When I described the scene well you know just who brough the scene to eternal life for us all to remember the power of love ever after.
You know the rules Travelers, go and pay her a visit! Thank you so much darling for bringing us all to life with your talent, hard work and creativity.
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"Dearly Beloved the snow has piled deep, as such I have brought wood to help us sleep."
"Well now Darling aint ya just got some fancy timing, put them over by the hearth while I finish up with the batter."
Journal Entry 002:
Its long been winter a time for reflection and rest. Even Zecora and I have to take some time to remake everything for all my darling Travelers. After all how can I warm your hearts without a bite to eat and tea to warm your souls?
Zecora is a sight to see aint she? Just a peach and trust me now, those arms of hers make the best hugs and cuddles. Winter is when we take just a moment to ourselves. Reaffirming our love for one another.
Take the chance when you have it, give your beloved friends, families, and loved ones a tender kiss, a hug, a warm mug of spiced tea or cocoa.
Remember Travelers a little bit of Kindness can go a long way when the nights lengthen.
As always my wife and I have been rendered to life for you all by the ever talented @Earthsong9405
make sure to swing on by her place, you wont regret it!
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"O-oh! Thank you so much! Uh. Miss...?"
"You can call me Witch Way, honey. Now, how's about you kick back and tell me what's gotcha so glum, hm?"
Journal Entry 001:
Today my dear Travelers I met a rather interesting and quite dashing Dragonborn named Ishmael. The poor thing was dreadfully exhausted and concerned, well I couldnt just leave the darling alone.
So I did what I always do despite the heat of the jungle the Cafe appeared in, with a simple flick of magic I had a nice cup of tea and he did so love my sugary treats.
Remember Travelers, no matter how long your path has been, who you may have left behind or forgotten. You can always move forward but take the time to look back and reflect because we all need to know just how we got somewhere so we can get to a brighter future.
The whole scene of course, was captured by the ever talented @Earthsong9405
Ishmael is her beloved character as well! Such a sweetheart and a new friend of the cafe!
you know the rules Travelers! Swing on by and give her a good gander. I promise it'll be worth your whiles.
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Good Evening, Morning or Afternoon Travelers My name is Witch Way, and I run this here establishment, with my Wife Zecora.
We're just a Shaman and a Witch traveling the multiverses and giving a bit of rest and respite to those who need it.
So stay a while. We've got plenty of homemade food and drink to offer, and a finely tuned ear for heartache, sorrows, and the lost.
My likeness has been drawn by many, but for the one you see right now its been done by a damn fine friend of mine ScowlingElf. So do drop by them and pay a visit dear would ya?
As for the Banner, that would be my wife Zecora (Im sure some of you know her of course) and on the left is me! This lovely piece was done by the talented hands of Talicor, you can find em over on DeviantArt (Such an interesting name) so pop over and pay em a visit.
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