The wind breathes accross my body
Long hairs drift accross my face
I close my eyes and breathe
Try and stop my racing mind
But alas!
I can’t
I can’t stop
I can’t think
I can’t relax
Just breathe
I wish I Just could.
- Amora (6/10/16)
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This is the skin I was born in
I can’t change it
I apply cream upon cream everyday
wash everyday
It does nothing
So what would you make me?
A monster?
In a human body?
Something to pity?
Or call ugly?
What object would you make me?
What relation
by blood
by moment
by emotion
would you deny?
I am precious
And gorgeous
And lovely
And beautiful
And worthwhile
And perfect
I am so much more than you could ever let me be
So much more than what you see
What you think of as me
I am not my skin
Nor my eyes
Or my mouth
Or my words
Or my thoughts
Or my mind
Because to take one part of me
Just one part
And call it me
Would do the whole me
the living, breathing, moment-to-moment, present me
Such a disservice it’s comepletely unthinkable
For so long I defiened myself
confined myself
To being one trait or another
smart, nerdy, goth, ugly, fat
And as I tried to live up to these stories
I - the being
was lost
The expectation and constant meddling
endless wonder of perfection
forced myself
into shapes that could never fit
Because I am so much more than a shape
So much more than a pretty picture
So much more than a string of words I call my name or a stereotype I force upon myself.
I tried so hard to fit the role they gave me
I gave me
The expectation of “me”
That I forgot what made me real
What made me, me
What I loved
What I cried over
What was good and bad for me
What to trust
Who to turn to
Who to forgive
Who to let go of
And who to forget.
I held on so long to everything I was
Everything I was told was me
By myself
Or by others
That I had started to drown
Drown in the conflict
In the old and new
the shifting and persevering
the constant and fleeting
the right and the true
In myself
In my life
I don’t understand anymore
I don’t think I ever did
Would somebody please help me.
I’m drowning
I don’t know who I am
- Amora (06/10/16)
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Old Friend
I believed the words you said I didn’t know they were hollow Empty I thought you meant forever True Through thick and thin But you were just saying what you thought you needed to Supposed to I see now I see how it was convenient It was polite Kind But not true or long lasting Maybe we weren’t compatible Maybe it wasn’t as invested as I was Maybe it wasn’t meant to be But I know now for sure We weren’t what I thought What I wanted We never were
- Amora (5/9/16)
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I'm not that girl. I'm me
Amora (1/9/16)
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Is this all there is? Day after day Month after month of bleak unsatisfactory existence? Where do I fit in? Does anyone even care Or know? Why? Just why? help. - Amora (31/8/16)
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Just have fun Just let go Don’t be scared Don’t doubt yourself Go for it Tell them Let yourself be happy Don’t be too down on yourself Make a difference Solve problems Be excited Live without fear Love yourself Protect yourself
- Amora (22/8/16)
A message for me from me. //Don't forget to live//
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I don't live for anything, anymore
Amora (22/8/16)
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Why am I here? Help Me.
Amora (22/8/16)
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I wasn't greatly impressed by my human experience so far, and I wasn't sure it was going to improve
Amora (17/8/16)
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I am my only obstacle The only person who can force me or not force me to do anything I am completely in control I am to be held accountable How I act and feel is my choice I can act rashly or observe quietly I must realize my level of control I do It must scare me It does Every choice is mine, no matter how influenced I feel Everything I say, do, feel, create and touch is chosen by me No excuses No proxies No more Just own up to it Take the reins with shaking hands Hold tight and breathe You can do this You know how to Just breathe and believe Control yourself woman You've got a world to change a life to live things to love and get excited about dreams to dream Just be brave Take the reins - Amora (17/8/16)
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Sleep: My Eternal Lover
I miss his embrace The warm solace of dreams to come The loss of sensation Time stops Covered in blankets Eyes closed Breathing softly He is waiting for me I close my eyes and breathe I wait And wait And wait But he escapes me Again I long for his touch His embrace The time he spends with me I wish he would come to me easily I wish it wasn't an eternal struggle Eyes shut in darkness Praying for him to come Praying to lose control I sigh And breathe Laying gently My eyes give away my need for him I imagine his embrace How it feels for him to finally be here My body longs for him It shudders and sighs for him Restless and needy Muscles tense and relax as I breathe I miss him I wish he was here He frees my mind Letting me fly by taking control A short while A short ride When his hands brush against mine As he hands me back the reins That is when I realize For that second, every time That is when I realize he freed me I look back at the short ride I wonder what I will remember I hope we meet again soon For longer He laughs and promises for one day The day I stay by his side I smile knowing my peace with him will come Then darkness I forget I forget him and everything My eyes open and I breathe Fingertips running over sheets My mind, my own again My eternal struggle My lover in darkness fleeting fingertips and faint promises forgotten - Amora (12/8/16)
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I've always struggled with the thought of feeling beautiful. Liking, genuinely how I look and feel like I have never really thought it was important. Like I had the idea that if I tried and worked hard enough I didn't need to feel or be "pretty".
Amora (13/8/16)
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Your actions speak louder than your ability to explain them
Amora (7/8/16)
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I live for this time
So Here I am This is what I wait for To be lifted back up to the surface Knowing I will be lifted back though Doesn't help how I feel when I'm drowning But I am back I am okay And I want to remember this feeling I want to remember how being okay feels It's easy to forget how to breathe when you're drowning But I want to thank every laugh and smile and happy temperate moment during this time They keep me going They keep me strong They keep me alive Thank You I live for this time - Amora (5/8/16)
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Breathe (I can't)
It's too much I'm trying so hard to make it work But no Life keeps my down, just below the surface Breathe I try but everything suffocates me Think But clarity is nothing more than a distant memory Believe In what? where exactly should my faith be placed Lost. Drowning. Suffocating. Left. Behind. Alone. Again. Sleep. My dreams will save me Set me free Make me forget Make me not exist For a while Gone. - Amora (3/8/16)
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Dear universe
Dear universe What have I done to deserve this? What nonsensical unknowing accidental sin have I committed? Because nothing short of sin or crimes unforgivable Is worthy of such hollow pain Not wearing it visceral Just hollow Unknowing Completely engulfing Spread so thin over my weary soul It sometimes feels non-existent But then it comes Thrashing and overbearing Waves of eternally filling emptiness Tearing down my house of cards Never complete
Dear universe What is it you wish? What sacrifice would please you? Reaching deep into my own chest My beating heart ripped from my bare flesh On a platter For you
Would that please you?
Or the rivers running red Deep grooves flowing Rapidly Dripping my soul into the earth Into the earth Down drains Down my fingers Under your gaze
How I burst with hollowness Only to empty my soul through ink Wishing the words I held in such high regard could save me How wrong I am How alone I feel How every drag of my feet And drone of my voice drown me No air Only voices
- Amora (1/8/16)
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The Witch
I am the witch I am not the princess Because even witches can be kind Sometimes But princesses are flawless Beautiful, Happy Why would anyone choose a witch Broken, scarred, ugly Over a fairytale princess Am I destined to be alone Am I destined to be old, grey and alone Maybe. - Amora (29/7/16)
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