thealchemicalpoet · 2 years
How do I find courage to look deep within myself?
I think that’s one question you’d be best off answering on your own.. Although I’d say that as long as you try to look at yourself through the eyes of love you will be okay. It’s like anything else when it comes to fear in a sense really, you have to just take the plunge into the abyss despite your fear.
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thealchemicalpoet · 2 years
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Rest in Paradise my brother. I love you so much and wish we could have hung out one last time after all these years. But it's all good. Next time I see you ill be on top and I'll tell you it all. I love you man. I will never forget you.💔 #poetry #poetryofinstagram #poetryofig #poetsofinstagram #poets #writingcommunity #writers #death #life #mourning #writerscommunity #poetrycommunity https://www.instagram.com/p/CaWURU-ucf4/?utm_medium=tumblr
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thealchemicalpoet · 2 years
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Haven't posted in awhile. #free #freedom #poetry #poem #poetsofinstagram #poemsofig #poetryofinstagram #poem #poetryofig #poetrycommunity #poetrylovers #poetrycommunity #writersofig #writerscommunity #writersofinstagram #writingcommunity #writers #writingcommunity https://www.instagram.com/p/CYvU7BlMlY9/?utm_medium=tumblr
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thealchemicalpoet · 3 years
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I'm an alchemist. We are walking contradictions. So what? Whatchu want? #alchemy #poetry #poetryofinstagram #poetryofig #poetrycommunity #writerscommunity #writersofig #writers #writersofinstagram #poetsofinstagram #poetsofig #spirituality #authenticity #magic https://www.instagram.com/p/CJcUCpdH6v1/?igshid=1f7j64n8z6j95
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thealchemicalpoet · 4 years
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Spirituality isn't about what you do, it's about being who you truly are. If this is true, and one walks the spiritual path, the question must come eventually then - who am I really? Many think they know, but do they? The Master Hermeticist understands that all is One, and that we are in the confines of Spirits creation that is infinitely expressing itself. The Master knows that we are co-creators with reality, more-so than we may realize. They realize they must take responsibility and hold themselves accountable - for what they think and manifest, for the way they perceive things, for what they create. They never victimize themselves, because they know their own power. By coming to know their own soul, they come to know Spirit. This is the alchemical Holy Trinity, the tria prima. Once they realize this on their path, the path to mastery begins. No longer are they at the mercy of the world around them, because they have mastered and come to know their own Will. A door of infinite possibilities opens to them. They can even rise above the normal plane of causality and cause effects in the lower planes - this is true magic and the power of coming to know Spirit. #alchemy #hermeticism #hermes #hermeticprinciples #spirituality #spirit #soul #magic https://www.instagram.com/p/CIHw42NnCR_/?igshid=1uevuaf7uqik5
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thealchemicalpoet · 4 years
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thealchemicalpoet · 4 years
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#love #poetry #poetryofinstagram #poetsofinstagram #poetrycommunity #poetsofig #poetryofig #writerscommunity #writers #writersofinstagram #writersofig #mypoems https://www.instagram.com/p/CBKZaMwj_Na/?igshid=15vqdwljfmr96
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thealchemicalpoet · 4 years
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thealchemicalpoet · 4 years
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Manifest through action. Move while in your power and the universe will move towards and FOR you. Action breeds confidence. Do not attach to outcomes, but know what your vision and dream is. Know what you deserve. Surrender and let it go to the universe, and trust. Stand in your authenticity. Love and respect yourself, and others will do the same. The world around you will match this vibration. Trust whatever the universe throws at you, no matter which way it goes. If you are standing in your truth, your power, your self love - it is always bringing you changes for your own betterment, no matter how difficult or bad it seems on the surface. If you do not, it will send the same lessons over and over. Each one potentially harder than the last, until it knocks you on your ass completely and crumbles your illusions until you learn your lesson. Especially until you learn to love yourself. The universe is absolutely badass and ruthless, whether you love yourself or not. If you can love yourself though, there is no reason not to trust in the universe completely and to think you cannot get whatever it is that you want. Art by Beeple #magic #alchemy #manifestation #manifest https://www.instagram.com/p/B_sXmKpgSWV/?igshid=1xlwvc20gw22l
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thealchemicalpoet · 4 years
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Thank you for the reminder. Thank you for all of the lessons over the years, that continue on. Thank you for showing me what I refused to see, and the parts of me that refused to change. Thank you for showing me my best and most authentic self. Thank you for showing me my shadows and how they controlled me. Thank you for showing me that not only am I both, the light and the dark, but that it is my choice in the end to be what I want to be, and not only that but that it is my choice what I will allow to control me, or that I can handle both sides of the coin. Your lessons are intense, like no other. They hit to the core, and have caused so much growth it is unbelievable. It feels like I am finally starting to see what it is you truly showed me years ago in that dream, about what happened to me over ten years ago and how it affected me. Every time I think I know though, always another lesson you throw my way and more to come I am sure. Always forgetting some of the most important and simple things you showed me. More dreams. More hints. More lessons, every time I refused to look at what was right in front of me, how I acted and what I felt deep down. Everyday it is something new and old. The paradoxes and contradictions always made it difficult to really see what it meant. Perhaps there is never a conclusion, for you are eternal. Your silence frustrated me at times, yet catalyzed me forth into more growth. I know you are always whispering deep down within me. Thank you for everything. #poetry #alchemy #love #magic #poetsofinstagram #poetsofinstagram #poemsofig #poemsofinstagram #poetryofinstagram #poetryofig #poetrycommunity #writerscommunity #writersofig #writersofinstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/B_aMSKsHJ9c/?igshid=1xvpzekv5rfwz
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thealchemicalpoet · 4 years
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It does not matter if the alchemist is right or wrong. Their beliefs and ideas do not particularly matter. By simply being themselves, by playing their part in the story, saying their words, casting their spell, doing their work - they spark major change in the world around them because they are catalysts. Sometimes, the change they cause is not immediately obvious on the surface especially to the alchemist themselves, but in the minds and souls of those around them they forever leave their imprint. Lives forever changed. Seeds planted and grown. Image source: The Alchemist by Chris Dunn #alchemy #spirit #alchemist #writers #writerscommunity https://www.instagram.com/p/B-zAXsQHB9H/?igshid=cvi8xatv7vej
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thealchemicalpoet · 4 years
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My deepest shadow. #poetry #alchemy #shadow #shadowwork #poetsofinstagram #poetsofig #poemsofig #poemsofig #poemsofinstagram #writerscommunity #writersofig #writersofinstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/B-qOZqHnckA/?igshid=ddg2dfdeunto
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thealchemicalpoet · 4 years
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To follow the path of Soul, of Spirit - is often not easy. You will face great challenges and adversity. The entire world may tell you to walk a different path, to do something else with your life - many of your closest loved ones may leave you, may be mad with you and bring you great resistance. Will you falter? Before you realize your dreams, your plans may fail. All may seem hopeless. Yet the Universe rewards authenticity. It rewards those who have the courage to be their true selves, those who chase after their true dreams, and those who listen to their heart and soul. If you believe you are powerless, you shall be so. If you believe you cannot bend the laws of nature, it shall be so. If you believe you cannot achieve your dreams, it shall be so. And if you believe you cannot achieve the impossible, it shall be so. However, while this may be true, belief is not necessary. The only belief that is truly necessary is the belief in yourself. The only thing that matters more than anything to achieve any of these, is how well you can listen to your soul and not give in to the thinking mind. #magic #alchemy #soul #spirit #spirituality #alchemist #love https://www.instagram.com/p/B-No-WdHo3p/?igshid=1q4u9qy2qkpws
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thealchemicalpoet · 4 years
When you are loved, you can do anything in creation. When you are loved, there's no need to understand what's happening, because everything happens within you, and even men can turn themselves into the wind.
Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist
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thealchemicalpoet · 4 years
Don't think about what you've left behind. Everything is written in the Soul of the World, and there it will stay forever.
Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist
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thealchemicalpoet · 4 years
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Compendium Alchymist, 1706
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thealchemicalpoet · 4 years
“If you’re brave enough to say “goodbye” life will reward you with a new “hello”.”
— Paulo Coelho (via purplebuddhaquotes)
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