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((The way she talks about him 🥺
Dena keeps making them so cute))
((Found this in my many drafts I have which I keep forgetting to post, I still love these two so much, dw the blog's not dead I still want to post loads of stuff here))
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Lucas Headcanons
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My personal headcanons of how I view Lucas and what he will be like in this blog! This should hopefully help to get to know him better. I will update this when I think of more stuff and pin this so that you’ll be able to access this post easier!
General Headcanons
In my headcanon Lucas is Professor Rowan's assistant due to the influence of his dad working in the lab already
Lucas went to the Trainer's School in Jubilife City when he was younger before he was Professor Rowan's assistant. He was very dedicated in learning more about Pokémon which helped in him getting good grades
He has a keen interest in learning in general and always loves learning more about stuff even if it’s very niche trivia
Currently he is 14 years old, the same age as Dawn and Barry
His star sign is Virgo
His main Pokémon is Turtwig - later evolved Torterra. The other Pokémon in his team consist of Magmortar, Gallade, Gliscor, Kabutops, Absol. He also has a Clefairy that he doesn’t really use for battle and a Leafeon that he raised since it was an Eevee. (I might edit this, I'm basing this on some of the Pokémon he has on the game. He most likely has more Pokémon e.g the other Pokémon he uses in the game)
He has a keen interest in the Pokémon Eevee due to the many different eeveelutions they have and wishes to raise several Eevees to help him with his research
Lucas is a fairly calm and polite individual. He has a lot of patience and doesn't often lose his temper unless it regards Pokémon being mistreated or if someone is hurting one of his friends. He is in general very kindhearted and often puts other people’s needs over his own
Lucas enjoys cooking in his spare time and is also very fond of gardening - he likes going to Floraroma town occassionally to view the flowers
Lucas wishes to travel as many different regions as he can to experience the different cultures and learn about Pokémon that are not native to Sinnoh
Dawn Headcanons
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 From the first time they met, Lucas could see that Dawn was a lot more unsure and less confident in venturing off on her own in comparison to Barry. Due to this he made sure to let her known that he was always there if she needed help in anything and helped Dawn in her first steps of becoming a Pokémon trainer by showing her how to catch Pokémon and telling her all about Pokémon Centers and the Poké marts
Lucas can’t help but worry over Dawn and feel a little protective near the start of her journey and so he acts as a somewhat reliable “mentor” by making sure she’s alright whenever they cross paths and encouraging her by giving her some helpful tips
When he starts developing feelings for Dawn (not too sure when that does happen yet) he doesn’t realise it himself that he does like her. He knew that he was fond of Dawn and cared a lot about her but he initially thought this was because he saw her as a good friend. He even dismissed it when Mars teased the two as a lovey dovey couple. It wasn’t until when Dawn went into the Distortion World that he realised that he saw Dawn as more as a friend
He becomes super proud of Dawn when she becomes much more confident in her skills as a Pokémon trainer that it ends up motivating him to better himself as well
Lucas likes to watch Dawn’s Pokémon Contests whenever he can to show his support. However since he can be pretty busy at times, it’s harder for him to travel to Heathrow City to go and see her so instead he mainly watches it from the TV at his home. His sister likes to tease Lucas whenever she sees her brother watching the contest
He absolutely loves Dawn’s smile and optimism he can’t help but feel happy when he sees her like that
He’s quite awkward in their relationship at first since he doesn’t have any experience in being in a relationship. He ends up overthinking things that he wouldn’t usually and has trouble initiating stuff as he doesn’t want Dawn to be uncomfortable.
Barry Headcanons
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Barry does find Lucas a little boring at times as he thinks Lucas is too serious and thinks that Dawn isn’t as fun when she hangs out with him
Barry knows that Dawn has a crush on Lucas and is pretty protective over Dawn due to her being his closest friend. He claims that if Lucas ever breaks Dawn’s heart that he’s going to fine him so hard.
Overall Barry believes that Lucas is a good guy and trusts that he’ll be good to Dawn
Lucas often wishes he was as close to both Dawn and Barry are and does tend to feel a little left out watching them from the sidelines as he doesn’t particular have many close friends his age
Lucas tries to at times try to become better friends with Barry but he’s not the best at talking to him with topics that can interest Barry as he can be a little socially awkward
Other / Misc Headcanons
I can imagine him being really good friends with Victor from the Galar region. Lucas one day wants to visit the Galar region to see the Dynamax phenomenom in person and he ends up meeting Victor in the Wild Area who treats him to a Galarian curry
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Here's a question for the two of you!
What do the two of you like to do together for fun?
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Lucas: We’re pretty laidback in our activities I’d say. At the moment we’ve been cooking together a lot. Lately we’ve been going to Amity Square with our Pokémon so we would prepare a picnic for all of us to have there while we sit near the flowers. My Pokémon really love when Dawn cooks Poffins for them, they get really excited whenever they see her making them.
Dawn: Hee hee, it’s so cute when they come to watch us cook. I probably feel the same as them though when I see Lucas cooking since he’s such an amazing chef! I even take quite a few photos of the things he cooks because they look so tasty…
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Lucas: Oh! I’m glad to hear you like my cooking that much. Speaking of photos though, Dawn is really into photography so she’s been keeping this sort of photo album of her journey in Sinnoh which I’ve been helping her fill in.
Dawn: It’s been really fun travelling to all these different places in Sinnoh. I do wish though that you wasn’t so camera shy sometimes, I would love to have more photos of you in there for the memories.
((Aaaaa this is long overdue I am so sorry this took stupidly long anon, I was focusing a lot on my studies and so I didn't have much time to do stuff like this for quite a while! I hope you still like it, I've been working on this answer for so long that I forgot what colouring style I used and ended up making the last picture more detailed than anything I've posted so far ;;
I've been a little rusty on my drawings since my studies burnt me out but I hope to continue activity on here and post more lovely Fortuneshipping content for everyone! Hope to see you all soon! <3))
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(i wanna let you know this blog is absolute peak soul and i thank you for reviving my childhood ship. 13 year old me is screaming.)
((Oh my goodness thank you so much, that's so sweet of you to say! ❤️
It makes me glad that I ended up working the courage to make the blog since other people seem to be enjoying it as well! I am very happy to bring back Fortuneshipping they're a very dear and precious childhood ship of mine as well suicinerider and I need more of it in my life haha))
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Question for Lucas and Dawn!
What attracts you the most to each other ?
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Lucas: I really love Dawn’s positive attitude and her strong sense of determination. Once Dawn puts her mind to something she won’t give up and I find that really admirable about her. I just can’t help but feel happy whenever she’s happy, she has this contagious optimism that just makes people want to smile.
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Dawn: So for me, I love how gentle and supportive he is. I remember when I first started my journey as a Pokémon trainer, I knew nothing about catching and raising Pokémon. Luckily Lucas was there to help me and was super patient when I was unsure on how to do these things. I really appreciate how he’s always willing to help if I need him for anything, so I always like to show that appreciation back whenever I can!
(Thank you for the ask! These two always brighten up my day <3
Can't draw Pokémon very well so the Turtwig probably looks kind of awkward haha)
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((-gasp- I need them! The figures compliment each other so well!))
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Some new pics of Kotobukiya Lucas and Chimchar. (Also, the rest of the DP gang.)
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((Denaaaa thank you so much for all their interactions, I love seeing them together each time they’re on screen 💕))
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Since Lucas arrived in the game, Dawn is constantly with him. Dena must really like their interactions 😊
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((So you know in Pokémon Masters the latest Palentine’s Day event which has Team Heartbreak? Yeah, I doodled that with Fortuneshipping as we don’t have that content in the game
If only Dawn’s Palentine Day was created later when Lucas was already in the game, maybe we could have had something very cute with them
For now you can have this badly drawn post, with Dawn giving Lucas Palentine’s Day chocolate to celebrate almost Valentine’s Day))
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Dawn: Happy Palentine’s Lucas! I made this specially for you because you do so much for me, I hope you like it!
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Lucas: You made this for me? Oh wow, thank you so much Dawn! I’m excited to taste them
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Dawn: Wait where did the chocolates go, I was just holding them-
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((RIP Team Heartbreak Hiker, never steal anything from Dawn especially if it includes Lucas
I realised a bit late I should have drawn the other Lucas outfit as his Platinum outfit isn’t in Masters, but oh well, his and Dawn’s Platinum outfit are my favourite so I often draw that more than their original ))
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A Dawn and Lucas Cap Pikachu to start off Part 2 of Pokémon Evolutions.
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((I just squeaked, aaaa this is so cute
Mars I get you girl, they are literally the cutest without even trying 🥺
Thank you Pokémon Masters for providing Fortuneshipping content, I am very happy 💖))
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This interaction is so cute and funny 😂
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Question for Lucas and Dawn! How was it when you both just first started going out? Any memorable moments?
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Dawn: It was a little awkward, I’m not going to lie anon. We had no idea how to act with each other at first. In fact, me and Lucas didn’t even hold hands until a few dates in.
Lucas: Haha, I guess we were a little slow-paced, weren’t we? I kept thinking on how I was going to initiate it but um, I didn’t want Dawn to feel uncomfortable since she was pretty shy and didn’t know how she’d feel about doing it early in our relationship.
Dawn: In the end I ended up initiating it because I really wanted to hold hands with Lucas.
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Dawn: Barry also got a little impatient after I kept telling him about it and said that I should just grab his hand if I really wanted to. Which is what I did…
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Lucas: Oh man, you scared the bejeebers out of me when you did that. Your grip was so strong!
Dawn: I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to grab onto you so hard, I was just so nervous!
((Thank you so much anon for the first ask and I'm so sorry I took so long doing this but I hope you like this! I still haven't finished it as I still need to answer the second part of the question but I decided to split the question up and do a separate post for it since you've waited long enough for it and I didn't want to make you wait any longer. Hopefully the second part will come soon
I really had fun doing this and I can't wait to do more of these! <3 Please bear with if I take a little while as I have quite a big project for my studies that I'll be prioritising first!
Also pffft my great forest background in the last pic :'D))
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(( To the anon who sent me an ask, I so sorry that it's taking so longer to complete it, I wanted to work on it after I handed in my coursework this semester. However I ended up catching the flu just after that, so it'll have to wait a bit longer. I'm truly very sorry, I will work on it ASAP as soon as I feel much better! Hopefully you do like it when it's finally here ))
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My very top OTP, I love this pairing so much it hurts aaaaaa
I did a shipping meme of them because I’m offended at myself that I’ve never drawn them and so my babies at least deserve this. Most of these are headcanons on how I view Dawn and Lucas!
I’m so hyped for the remake mostly to see fortuneshipping haha
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I hope your draw more Fortuneshipping! <3 Shy Dawn and reassuring Lucas is REALLY cute.
Aaaaa thank you so much this was so nice to recieved! I’m happy you like my personal headcanon of them <3 I definitely will draw more of them they’re one of my top OTPs and hopefully when I get to play the new remakes I’ll be in full on Fortuneshipping mode
For now here’s a quick sketch of them since you wanted more them, you made me realise I really need to draw these babs more
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(So happy I managed to get him, my Sinnoh dream team is finally complete!! 💖 look at how many gems I saved just because I knew Lucas would be coming soon haha
Will be adding more to this blog sometime, I just need to do a ton of coursework before I do that, so enjoy me gushing about my babies for the meanwhile!)
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Hoenn 🤝 Sinnoh 🤝 Galar
The new Champion falls in love with the professor's assistant
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