thebvdguysog · 3 years
is anybody on here anymore?
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thebvdguysog · 3 years
so i have this plot idea. muse a wakes up as if it were any ordinary day, alarm blaring and realizing they’re going to be late for work, yet again. so they buzz around, rushing to get ready, and the second they step outside, it’s obvious today is not like the rest. the streets are dead. but still, they get inside their car and start their route to work. It’s only until muse a gets to the main roads that they realize something is definitely wrong. cars are abandoned in the middle of the road, some people still trapped inside the cars (deceased) . muse a begins to panic and starts to phone friends and families, but nobody answers. some calls don’t even go through. - fast forward - they’ve adapted to being the only person alive, stealing fancy cars, raiding stores, houses. trying to make the best out of what’s left of his lonely life, without actually dying of loneliness. He’s accepted the fact he may never have human contact again, until muse b arrives. Maybe they run into each other on the street, both driving luxury cars. or maybe they meet raiding a store. or muse a or muse b breaks into the house one of them is occupying. either way; i feel like this could hold so much potentional. so much horror, angst or fluff. we can incorporate aliens or zombies or a mutation gone wrong! demons storming the real world ! SO MANY POSSIBILITIES
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thebvdguysog · 3 years
Debating on coming back. I miss writing so much.
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thebvdguysog · 6 years
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thebvdguysog · 6 years
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HEAVY IS THE CROWN and yet they wear it as if it were a feather. 
there is STRENGTH in their hearts, DETERMINATION in their eyes, 
and  THE WILL TO SURVIVE  resides within their souls.
indie rp / cw’s the 100 based mutli muse / oc & fandomless friendly / penned and loved by ARIEL
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thebvdguysog · 6 years
before I knew it, the world ended up on my shoulders - and with a pat on the back, I was told to grit my teeth and prepare for war. a girl, alone in her own world, was told to prepare to fight the biggest battle of her life. wobbly knees soon turned into a march for a joy filled freedom, one without pain, one without worry. I balled my fist, stood my ground and fought a fight that would put war-torn warriors to shame. I came out with blood stained knuckles and pure horror radiating off my bruised armour. the devil approached me with a smile that should have sent shivers down my spine, he speaks : " I am ready to make a deal with you. " a laugh abrupted from within, shocking even myself as I looked in the face of death. I took off his mask and with my own sinister smile, I spoke : " there is not a thing you could offer me, for I have walked the depths of hell and with each step I took, I came closer to accepting the fact I will never have a freedom. instead, I have befriended all of my demons. I am no longer in your control, for you are in mine. " and with each word, I brought the devil, himself, closer to his knees - where he bowed his hands, rested his head at my feet and praised me, " my sinister queen. "
- thebvdguys
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thebvdguysog · 6 years
FUCK THIS PLACE   - it’s on loop inside his head as his shoes dig into the concrete in front of him, kicking up rocks in the process. His head lifts to watch the pebble skip over the pavement, soon before scuffed boots step in front of his gaze. Annoyance instantly captures his features but not before a low sigh falls from chapped lips. “ THANKS. “ he offers as eyes fall on top of her, not longer than a few seconds, a fear of looking too interested.  “      but a cookie isn’t what i need. “ fingers fumble inside his pants pocket to pull out an empty pack of cigarettes, flashing it in front of Bex. “ know of any gas stations around here that serve minors? “ 
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thebvdguysog · 6 years
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@thebvdguys is such a beautiful blog run by a beautiful mun. she makes it seem so easy to pick up on a character and she has such a deep understanding of each and every single muse that she has. that paired with her writing skills makes for a beautiful writer that more people should acknowledge. all the writing stuff aside, she is just as amazing ooc. with how kind and caring she is, i’m really glad to have met her.
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thebvdguysog · 6 years
fifty ways to kiss someone.   send me a 💏 and i will randomise a number in order for my muse to kiss yours…
…good morning.
…where it hurts.
…where it doesn’t hurt.
…on a falling tear.
…to shut them up.
…in secrecy.
…in public.
…in joy.
…in grief.
…to distract.
…as encouragement.
…for luck.
…on a scar.
…on a place of insecurity.
…in a rush of adrenaline.
…in relief.
…in danger.
…as a ‘yes’.
…as an apology.
…as a suggestion.
…as a lie.
…as a promise.
…as comfort.
…after a small rejection.
…to wake yours up.
…to pretend.
…to gain something.
…to give up control.
…without a motive.
…because yours is running out of time.
…because mine is.
…because the world is ending.
…because the world is saved.
…out of pride.
…out of greed.
…out of lust.
…out of anger.
…out of envy or jealousy.
…out of spite.
…out of habit.
…out of necessity.
…out of love.
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thebvdguysog · 6 years
“Peel your heart like a pomegranate. Offer it to him, palms outwards. Say “eat.” Watch him come away stained red by you. You’re in his teeth. He’ll kiss you with that mouth.”
— Azra.T “Fruit” (via 5000letters)
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thebvdguysog · 6 years
" i missed you so much. I love you, I love you . . . " / uh a breathless clarke to bellamy based on that gifset okay
THERE IS ONLY SO   much that can be said with listening ears lurking in every direction - only so much touching that is allowed before there is an audience watching every move that is made. her back was turned to him, for all he knew - she could have been someone else. but the pink streaked hair that stopped just above her shoulders was the one thing that told him, it was indeed ; her. he would have walked over sooner to allow his hands the pleasure of roaming her delicate frame that they desperately ached for, but the view was too beautiful to interrupt. she stood tall, carefree - unaware that bellamy was only a few feet away.
the longer he stood in awe, the more his body trembled for her. “ clarke, “ he breathes out graciously as if his throat was lined with silk. slow, steady strides are taken until he’s standing only inches away from her. hands wasted no time to push fallen hairs behind her ear, letting fingertips glide over roses that dressed her cheek bones. “ i can’t put into words how much i’ve missed you. “ he speaks and he swears it’s the only true thing he’s said in years. something he could stand behind and defend for hours.
russet hues survey her body, not daring to miss a single curve as they fell to her feet, only to rise back up to stare into crystal oceanic orbs. calloused hands move to cup the back of her neck, pulling her in until their bodies collide with one another. “ i love you. “ he whispers into her ear, only to let lips trace down to the side of her neck, “ i really fucking love you. “ it comes out breathless as if he was in a race for time, but as his lips find a home upon hers - time had simply become fictive. lips moved hungrily against hers, eager to make up for all the years his lips had throbbed with the thought of hers. in this moment, not a single person outside of this room mattered to him. any problem he had before entering had vanished into thin air. there was one thing he wouldn’t let anyone snatch from him again and she was wrapped in his broaden arms.
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thebvdguysog · 6 years
the 100 sentence starters
“Love is weakness.”
“I should’ve killed you when I had the chance.”
“What’s wrong with a little chaos?”
“I never wanted any of this to happen to you.”
“I tried… I tried to be the good guy.”
“I bear it so they don’t have to.”
“I am become death, destroyer of worlds.”
“I did what I had to do, that’s all.”
“Maybe life should be about more than just surviving.”
“I have no home.”
“You’re dead to me.”
“Sucks, but I’m dealing with it.”
“I’m not fine!”
“What if I’m just broken?”
“Blood must have blood.”
“The things we’ve done to survive, they don’t define us.”
“The only way we’re gonna make it through this is if we trust each other.”
“Let me guess, Mommy and Daddy didn’t love you?”
“…Are you gonna cry, [Name]?”
“I don’t need a babysitter.”
“I’d step back if I was you.”
“It won’t survive me.”
“You don’t have to do this alone.”
“No more secrets.”
“All I do is hurt people. I’m a monster.”
“You’re not allowed to die.”
“Who we are and who we need to be in order to survive are very different things.”
“I won’t let anything bad happen to you, [Name].”
“You want forgiveness? Fine, I’ll give it to you. You’re forgiven, okay?”
“I am doing the best I can!”
“Everything that’s gone wrong is because of you.”
“I’m glad you’re here.”
“Pain. Hate. Envy. Those are the ABC’s of me, you take them away and there’s nothing left.”
“I couldn’t save him/her.”
“May we meet again.”
“How about you stick it up your ass instead?”
“You can’t afford to be weak.”
“You have something I want.”
“Revenge isn’t justice.”
“Aim for the throat. Slash, don’t stab. Make it deep.”
“You saved my life.”
“Take off your clothes.”
“Stop blaming me for your mistakes!”
“Maybe there are no good guys.”
“Do you have any idea what you did? Do you even care?”
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thebvdguysog · 6 years
/ you guys are gonna melt my damn heart !!
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thebvdguysog · 6 years
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thebvdguysog · 6 years
" you have to understand why I trained her to fight like us, you have to know that by me doing this, I had Eveline's best interest in mind--Bell, this way she'll have a chance to survive on her own if it comes to that. she's doing so well even now, she's accomplished so much for someone her age. " / octavia to bellamy
“ I DON’T UNDERSTAND. “   bellamy starts - fingers working their way through his beard, pulling at it gently - a mixture of feelings flooded through him. rage boiling deep in the pit of his stomach, slowly making it’s way to wrap around his tongue and slice his younger sister with damaging words. “ she’s my daughter. “ he has to remind himself that saying it, doesn’t make it anymore real. eveline was his daughter, but he wasn’t around to make decisions. he wasn’t around to RAISE    her the way he wanted too. octavia had more of a hand in the way his daughter was brought up. the strength that resided in the young girls crystal eyes, shown bellamy that octavia had done an excellent job on her - yet, he still despised that it was his sister who raised his daughter and not himself. 
his heart ached. a thousand bricks weighed upon his chest threatening for it to collapse. his world had grown smaller, leaving him to stand with the clouds -  watching his daughter grow from the place he resided for fourteen years. “ there was other ways to ensure her survival, octavia. “ words are submerged in ice before they’re presented to the younger blake’s ears. “ you could have protected her, but instead            you turned her into a killing machine. “ 
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thebvdguysog · 6 years
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thebvdguysog · 6 years
“Something inside is hurting you – that’s why you need cigarettes or whiskey, or music turned so fucking loud you can’t think.”
— (via rowan-trevelyan)
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