thecbdprobe-blog · 4 years
Make Money Sharing Unused Data
Did you know you can earn money sharing your unused internet data?
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thecbdprobe-blog · 4 years
How To Make A Blog 2020
You want to start a blog but the question is where do you start and what do you need to do it? That is the question we all ask ourselves when starting out. By the end of this post, you will be able to start your own blog.
Before we get started, you may want to understand what you can do with a blog. A blog is more than just writing content, it's engaging with your readers as well. It can be a teaching tool or it can be a hobby. Blogging can also generate great income for you. There are many different things to blog about. Most people stick with a specific niche meaning they choose a topic to stick with. Mostly it is something you know about very well meaning you know how to write about it well. It can be anything your interested in or attract a certain type of audience. Below is a list of things you can blog about but it doesn’t stop there. You can LITERALLY  write about ANYTHING.
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These are just a few of the things to give you an idea but you get the hint. Anything you decide, there are no restrictions on what you can blog about. You can write about anything your little heart desires so pick your poison!
One thing that's very important with having a blog is writing consistent content. You definitely want to be sure that your giving your audience a reason to keep checking back or more importantly to follow your blog. Some people write a whole lot and post new content once a day and others post new content 3 days a week. Shoot, some even do 2 or 3 per day it's really up to you and what you think you can handle or have the time for. Obviously that will depend on how busy your life is. Most likely someone that has a full time job will have less time to write than someone who is a stay at home parent and so on.
Alright, let's go ahead and get into how you can get started. First thing you want to do when thinking of starting a blog is thinking about what it is you would like to write about. Remember the few examples on the list I gave you above? So, what do you want to write about? You got it? Okay, let's move on. Next, you need to know a few tips about blogging and writing content before I tell you what you need to set up your blog.
So now that you know you want to stay consistent with your content, as your start on your blog, I want you to start thinking. Think of what you want to name your blog. It can be anything. If you haven't already decided on your niche, decide on that and then start thinking of blog post ideas. You don't necessarily have to write them but it's a really good idea if you can come up with ideas of things you can write about and just come up with a title and write it down. Keep a list of blog post ideas wherever it is you keep your notes and anytime you come up with an idea of something you want to write about, add it to that list. I don't care if your list has 5 things or 25 things on the list, keep adding to it. This way when it comes time to you writing a new post, you can think a little less. There will be no thinking of a title for your post. Take a look at your list and something will pop out at you. Take that title and start writing about it. Most of the time when something pops out at you like that and you choose that to write about, your content can come out more naturally making it a little easier.  Maybe you’re sitting there one day and you’re looking at your list and something stands out to you and suddenly you get this idea in your head and BOOM the light bulb goes off! You start writing and the rest will come flowing out. Of course, there is always the chance you will get writers block and get stuck but it happens! Don't worry about it and most importantly don't let that bring you down or get you unmotivated. You can do it!
What Do I Need To Get My Blog Started?
Here is the fun part. Creating your very own blog! You can make it your own and create this in any way you want so get creative. Matter of fact, if you’re not a creative person, that's okay it doesn't have to be any certain way except your way. You run your blog and you do this your way no one else's.
First, your going to need to choose a platform you want to use to write your blog. Some platforms out there for blogging include :
You will want to view each one and see what they have to offer. Some have more features than others. Wordpress is a very popular platform for bloggers with many plugins but it just depends on what it is your looking for. If you just want to stick with something basic for now you can do that too.
Once you pick your blogging platform, you will need to decide if your going to go with the free basic plan or if your interested in buying a plan that may allow you to do much more and give you freedom to really make it your own. I believe most of them do offer a free plan but there may be limitations on what you can do as well as you will not have your own domain. Example: if your blog is called "my new blog" if you purchase your own domain your blog address will be www.mynewblog.com and if you decide to stick with the free plan your blog address will be www.mynewblog.wordpress.com or whatever platform you decide to go with but that is what it would look like on Wordpress just to give you an idea. Many articles that teach people how to start a blog don't mention that but I am telling you this so you have something to think about in the meantime. It all comes down to how dedicated are you about wanting your own blog and how much do you want to make it your own?
If you decide to purchase your own domain, you will also need hosting for your site. This is not expensive. I know when people say Oh I bought my own domain and hosting for my website it can sound like they really spent a lot of money but really it's not that bad to be honest. It costs more to pay someone to maintain your website or blog and to create it for you than it actually costs to buy a domain and hosting. Creating your own is nice and these days can be very simple without having to know code. Most of them now are drag and drop and have many plug ins which are very easy to use but also offer HTML code if that is what you like.
So let's talk about the hosting real quick. In case you're not familiar with what exactly hosting is, a hosting provider basically just allows your blog or website to be seen on the internet and provides it with storage and stores it onto their servers. Here are some really good Hosting providers you can look into and as always, don't pick what people tell you to pick. I recommend you always look at your options and see what they offer you and what their pricing is. Once you find that out, then you look at the reviews to be sure it's a recommended provider. I would never put anything horrible in any of my posts so if I give you examples of companies they are ones that I know or have heard are pretty good and have had many people be successful with. So here are some hosting providers below:
WP Engine
Once you have these, you can go ahead and get started on writing your content. Even if you partially write a post that's fine.
How Should I Write My First Post?
Writing your first post may be pretty tricky or a battle. It was for me as well and some people have no problem at all. The question is what should your very first blog post be about? Your first blog post should probably be about your blog. You need to attract an audience by telling your readers about you and your blog. Make them want to come back for more so they will follow you. Get personal with your readers and tell them who you are what your interests are and pretty much anything you want to share with them but make sure your focus is making them understand what this blog is going to be about. Make it interesting. It can be a short post. Many blog posts are only 500 words and some are way longer just because there really isn't a way to shorten them depending on what your topic is and how much detail you need your readers to know.
When setting up your blog, make sure you also have an About Me page and also there tell your readers about you and give them an idea of who you are and if possible include a picture or two to make it more personable.
How To Get Your Blog Noticed
So, the last thing I'm going to go over in this post is how you can get people to see your blog. I would recommend that once you publish a post also share that post on social media. You can include tags in your post to give your post more of a chance to be seen. Go after the audience you want. Engage with your readers and if they comment, make sure you interact with them. For social media you can share your posts on Twitter, Facebook Tumblr etc.
Eventually you will also find useful to get an E-mail Autoresponder. This will help manage your e-mails to your readers such as Newsletters and Subscriptions or maybe just telling them about something new coming to your blog. An autoresponder can send e-mails automatically as well as group certain types together and send them only to the lists you want it to. You just need to set it up and the autoresponder will take do what it is scheduled to do. You dont need to have one right away or at all if you decide not to but it will definitely be a useful thing to have. A few well known ones are:
Get Response
Remember, if you get discouraged because your not seeing people follow your blog or liking your posts KEEP GOING! DO NOT GIVE UP! Whatever you do just stay positive and believe in yourself and your content. It can be discouraging but you will get there believe me you will.
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thecbdprobe-blog · 4 years
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thecbdprobe-blog · 4 years
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thecbdprobe-blog · 4 years
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thecbdprobe-blog · 4 years
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thecbdprobe-blog · 4 years
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thecbdprobe-blog · 4 years
Best Website To Buy CBD Online- CBD Genesis Review
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thecbdprobe-blog · 4 years
Best Website To Buy CBD Online- CBD Genesis Review
Are you buying several different CBD products from several different websites? That's all great and everything and I'm pretty sure we all do it especially when we are experimenting with different CBD products and CBD companies in the search for a good CBD right? Well today I'm going to tell you about this websitethat has a very wide variety of products for you to find your CBD. Not to say you shouldn't buy anywhere but this website but just to give you one that you can buy from regularly if you happen to find the right product for you. In this post, I am going to share with you the reasons I love this website and why I highly recommend buying CBD products from this site.
First of all let's talk about what they offer on their website. CBD Genesis offers not only a wide range of CBD products but different companies as well. CBD Genesis has their own line of CBD products as well but in addition to selling their own products, they sell other companies products too.
What CBD Companies Can You Find On This Site?
Below is a partial list of the CBD companies you can find products for on this website.
CBD Genesis
Jolly Green Oil
Pinnacle CBD
Vape Bright
For The People
Plain Jane CBD
What Kind Of CBD Products Can I Find?
Whether you are looking for CBD Oil, Capsules or CBD Flower etc, this website should have mostly what you are looking for. Most websites specialize in a certain type of CBD products so they offer mostly that product plus a few more. This website I am telling you has many different forms of CBD. Here is a list of products you will find on this site. That should help you decide if you want to even check out this site or not.
CBD Tinctures (Oil)
CBD Flower
CBD Vape Juice
CBD For Pets
CBD Health & Beauty
CBD Concentrates
CBD Edibles
CBD Capsules
With all the products available on this website it's easy to just stick with this site for your CBD purchases. Of course we always have new companies and new products we want to try but if you are looking for a site to have as a good regular if you find what your looking for this is a good one. The reason why I like having one stop shop for my CBD is because I don't have to give my payment information out to too many websites.
Their prices are another great thing I love about this website. Compared to some other sites their products are pretty reasonable and yeah of course some things are not gonna be cheap but for the most part in my opinion they are pretty reasonable. They often offer discounts and sales. Pretty much your gonna find a sale for every holiday throughout the year.  Just recently they had a deal where you buy 1/8 CBD Flower and they throw in 1/4 free.  The following week they offered a free Jolly Green Oil vape cartridge with any purchase that day. Just to kind of give you an idea.
Finally! We made it to my absolute favorite part of this website. Many CBD websites will offer free shipping on orders over $50 or some even over $100 but not here! CBD Genesis offers free shipping on any orders over $25. That is crazy!! Most of the time when you buy one bottle of CBD oil, or CBD capsules or even 1/4 of CBD Flower your going to spend about that much anyway so the good news is you don't need to go fine $100 worth of products to get free shipping. Plus, shipping from them is super fast. Normally, I get my products within 3 to 4 days. That's not bad at all! On top of that the shipping is free so what is there to lose?
That pretty much sums up my reasons for absolutely loving loving this website for my CBD Purchases. I highly recommend them so check them out and let me know what you think!
Visit their website here
Disclaimer: I was not asked to write this post by the company. This is a review of my honest opinion. All reviews done on this blog  are honest reviews and are not in exchange for any type of products or money.
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