thecompassheart 7 years
Finding You
My mind keeps finding you like my tongue finds my broken tooth Constantly on the edge of my mind and quickly brought to the front of it You are burned into my mind like a strip of photos from a booth You burned the memories of past lovers like kindling before gas and fire and burned your life into the front of my mind. my mind explores your body every chance it gets, touching the edges of a mental image that has ash on it's edges. The thought of you burning in the heat of the night keeps me warm when I find you. Burn bright gorgeous, burn long and slow, burn me with your touch, burn me with your eyes. Let me feed your fire and let me take you. Let us burn together with the heat of love. Find me in your mind and never let me go.
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thecompassheart 7 years
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221 notes View notes
thecompassheart 7 years
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19K notes View notes
thecompassheart 7 years
Eye contact is way more intimate than words will ever be.
(via sojumami)
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thecompassheart 7 years
It鈥檚 4:30 am, and I鈥檓 becoming weak at the thought of being in your arms again.
Bridgett Devoue (via lovelustquotes)
643 notes View notes
thecompassheart 7 years
It鈥檚 4:30 am, and I鈥檓 becoming weak at the thought of being in your arms again.
Bridgett Devoue (via lovelustquotes)
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thecompassheart 7 years
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thecompassheart 8 years
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Insta worthy sunset tonight. I freaking love fall. (at Lake Wylie)
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thecompassheart 8 years
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Bright flows the River by Taylor Caldwell is easily in the top five books I've ever read. I highly recommend it.
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thecompassheart 8 years
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Wet wading season is over. 馃檨
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thecompassheart 8 years
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Fresh start, every day.
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thecompassheart 8 years
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I love #northcarolina.
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thecompassheart 8 years
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Deep magic resides here.
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thecompassheart 8 years
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I've got sunshine on a cloudy day.
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thecompassheart 8 years
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My heart hurts for my city. #clt
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thecompassheart 8 years
#NowPlaying Let Me In by Grouplove
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thecompassheart 8 years
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Autumn is almost here!!
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