thecosmicwitchboy · 7 months
Progress Pride Flag NSB Expansion (An Extreme Legacy Challenge)
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Hello pals! I've taken the initiative to create an exciting extension to Lilsimsie's Not So Berry Challenge! This new version draws inspiration from the vibrant colors found in the Progress Pride Flag, making it a perfect opportunity to celebrate and embrace queerness within the challenge. Get ready to embark on a colorful journey that celebrates the beauty of queerness, self-discovery, and self-expression!!
-Must be on short lifespan (The more chaos, the better!)
-Legacy Heir must be color-themed (and their siblings, if you want!)
-No money cheats to be used (Unless you really want to, I suppose)
-Start with one sim (White Gen Sim)
-Can live anywhere (except for Brown gen)
-Divorce Mod (Makes children sad about divorce)
-Move each gen to a different world (Explore!)
-Most Packs are Recommended (And some necessary for gameplay)
-Spouse color doesn't matter
Family Oriented, Perfectionist, Neat
-Big Happy Family Asperation
-Must marry as a young adult in the first week of gameplay
-Must rely on spouce's income
-Must have at least 4 kids
-Max Parenting, Cooking, Gourmet Cooking and Piano
-Set cerfews and enforce them
You recently moved from out of town and have made the decision to transition into a stay-at-home parent role. With a deep devotion to family and a desire to be fully present for your children during their formative years, you are excited about this new chapter in your life. However, before diving into the role of parenthood, you also long to find a special someone to share your life and love with. Equipped with a warm and caring personality, you are ready to embark on a journey to find a partner who values family and embraces the idea of creating a loving home.
Unflirty, Rancher, Generous
-Freelance Botanist and Expert Nectar Maker Aspirations
-Max Gardener Carreer - Botanist Branch
-Never marry or woohoo
-Must have at least 1 child via science as an adult
-Max Guitar, Handiness, Nectar Making and Gardening
-Only friends can be your family, pets, and ranch hand (and eventually Brown Heir)
-Best friend must be your ranch hand
-Have one Perfect Plant
-Give away at least 50k Simoleons
You grew up in a lively household with four siblings, surrounded by the joyful chaos that comes with a large family. As you navigated the bustling suburbs, you developed a deep appreciation for nature and the simple joys it offers. Longing for a slower pace of life and a genuine connection to the land, you dream of owning a ranch, where you can escape the busy urban environment and return to your roots. The desire to create a peaceful and harmonious space, surrounded by wide-open spaces, animals, and the beauty of nature, drives you to pursue your vision of a ranch, where you can immerse yourself in the tranquility and fulfillment that comes from living in harmony with the land.
CERULEAN Squeamish, Erratic, Party Animal
-Party Animal Aspiration
-Max Charisma, Comedy and Photography
-Max Law Carreer - Judge Branch
-Must shower in the rain
-Must have 10 good friends
-Must have a best friend
-Must have an enemy
-Always accept invitations to go out
You were raised on a ranch, where hard work, discipline, and a deep connection to nature were instilled from an early age. However, despite your rustic upbringing, you harbor a contrasting desire for a carefree and adventurous lifestyle. Having a squeamish disposition, you prefer to avoid the gritty aspects of ranch life and instead crave the excitement and thrill of partying and spontaneity. The yearning to break free from the structured routine of ranch life fuels their desire to embrace a more erratic lifestyle, seeking moments of unrestrained joy and unrestricted self-expression. With an inherent sense of wanderlust and an appetite for excitement, you are on a quest to navigate life on your own terms, seeking experiences that bring you closer to your true sense of freedom and adventure.
Loyal, Hates Children, Animal Enthusiast
-Country Caretaker and Friend of the Animals Aspirations
-Max writing, mischeif and pet training
-Max Writer Carreer
-Must live in Henford-on-Bagley
-Must have all animals at least once (Dog, Cat, Horse, Cow, Llama, Chicken, Goat, Rodent (of your Choice))
-Befriend a Rabbit
-Must Marry a Family-Oriented Sim and divorce as adults
-Must have twins
-Must have a good relationship with Pink Heir
Nurtured in the company of your ranching grandparent, your passion for animals blossomed and became an integral part of your identity. The countless hours spent tending to the ranch and caring for the animals left an indelible mark on your heart. However, in contrast to your affinity for animals, you harbor a strong dislike for children. Despite this, fate intervened when you cross paths with a person who cherishes family values and has a strong bond with children. Over time, you found yourself falling in love with this family-oriented individual, despite your initial reservations. Unfortunately, your love story takes an unexpected turn, leading to your eventual divorce. Throughout your journey, one constant remained - your unwavering love for writing, which served as an outlet for your emotions and experiences.
Noncommittal, Active, Geek
-Nerd Brain and Renaissance Sim
-Max Logic, Video gaming and DJ mixing
-Must be a streamer and/or Youtuber starting as a teen
-Must have 10,000 followers
-Max Social Media Career
-Have 3 failed relationships before marrying as an adult
-Have your first child before you get into a relationship with your "soulmate"
-Go running every morning
You are a tech-savvy, energetic, and independent person. You had a unique upbringing as a child of divorced parents, which shaped your perspective on relationships. From a young age, you embarked on your journey as a social media influencer, leveraging your passion for technology and your innate ability to connect with others. Despite societal expectations, you became a parent before tying the knot, embracing the idea that love and commitment can take various forms. Your unconventional path has allowed you to inspire and empower others through their online presence, showcasing the beauty of embracing one's true self and challenging societal norms.
Childish, Hot-Headed, Romantic
-Serial Romantic and Soulmate Aspirations
-Max Baking, Painting, and Flower arranging
-Only earn income from sold paintings, flower arrangements and food stand
-Sneak out 5 times as a teen
-Woohoo in all the spots (Double bed, Hot tub, Walk-in Closet, Shower, Treehouse, Animal Shed, Boardwalk Rides, Photobooth, Backyard Observatory, Sauna, Tent, Pile of Leaves, Party Bush, Sleeping Pod, Brindleton Bay's Lighthouse, Rocketship, Money Vault, Dumpster, Hot Springs, Ice Cave)
-Get in 1 fight with your Best friend, befriend them again
You are a person with a youthful and fiery temperament, raised by a single parent until your parent discovered their true love, igniting within you a deep appreciation for the power of love. However, despite your fervent belief in soulmates, you struggle to find your own perfect match. You become so consumed with the pursuit of love that you unintentionally overlook the importance of your friendships. This leads to a rift between you and your closest companion, resulting in a heated argument and potential fallout.
Self-assured, Adventurous, Cringe
-World Famous Celebrity
-Reach 5 star Celebrity Status
-Max Actor Career
-Max Bowling, Dancing, Mixology, and Acting
-Take your first date to the Bowling Alley
-Propose at the Bowling Alley
-Have a massive wedding
-Dance at Wedding
-Have One child
You aspire to become a renowned actor, but possess a somewhat cringe-worthy demeanor. However, you also have an undeniable passion for the sport of bowling. So much that you take your first date to your favorite alley and even propose there! Despite the informality of the proposal, you and your love have a giant bash of a wedding.
Clumbsy, Loner, Socially awkward
-Inner Peace, Zen Guru, Self Care Specialist and Angling Ace Aspirations
-Get to Level 7 of the Secret Agent Carreer before quitting
-Must start your own Resturant (after quitting Secret Agent Career), which fails on the first day and you lose 100k (If you have to sell stuff in your house to reach 100k, then you must)
-Sell the rest of your belongings and house
-Live off the grid and max Wellness, Fitness and Fishing
-Meet the love of your life while living off the grid
-Raise a family off the grid
-Stop living off the grid as elders
You were raised in the constant glare of the public eye due to your renowned parent. Despite your parent's fame, you always felt out of place and struggled to connect with others, often finding solace in your own company. Unexpectedly, you embark on a thrilling journey and become a covert operative, working as a secret agent. However, this path doesn't resonate with your true self, and you eventually decide to leave the world of espionage behind. Seeking a new purpose, you venture into the realm of entrepreneurship and open a restaurant, hoping to create a space where people can find comfort and connection. Unfortunately, despite your best efforts, the restaurant doesn't flourish as expected. Lost and without a purpose, you undergo a profound transformation and embrace a spiritual path, leaving behind the materialistic world you once knew. As you delve deeper into your spiritual journey, you ultimately become a revered spiritual guru, guiding others towards enlightenment and inner peace.
Materialistic, Vegetarian, Jealous
-Five-star Propety Owner and Fabulously Wealthy Aspirations
-Max Cross-stitch, Entrepreneur and Robotics
-Have a Servo
-Manage at least two units (Asside from your own)
-Have a one-time affair
-Get left at the Altar
-Have a difficult relationship with Blue Heir
-Have Servo Raise Blue Gen
You had an unconventional upbringing, living off the grid, yet harboring a deep affection for material possessions. You embark on a journey to become an entrepreneur, driven by your aspiration to become the most exceptional landlord in town. Alongside you, they have a loyal Servo companion, providing both companionship and assistance in their endeavors. However, just as you were about to embark on a new chapter of your life by tying the knot, a moment of weakness led you to betray your partner, resulting in your partner leaving you, heartbroken, at the altar. This painful experience only added to the complexity of your already strained relationship with your child, making your path to redemption and personal growth all the more challenging.
Kleptomaniac, Loves the Outdoors, Gloomy
-Extreme Sports Enthusiast and Outdoor Enthusiast
-Max Herbalism, Rock Climbing, Skiing or Snowboarding
-Max Politician Career - Charity Organizer Branch
-Donate to Charity any time they call
-Get abducted by aliens
-Have an Alien baby
You had a tumultuous upbringing, marked by a strained relationship with your parent. Despite the challenges you faced, you developed a deep passion for the great outdoors. Determined to make a positive impact on the world, you decided to establish a non-profit organization. One fateful night, as you were stargazing in a remote location, you were unexpectedly whisked away by a group of curious extraterrestrial beings. Returning to your home, you realize that you are pregnant with an alien child.
Paranoid, Proper, Genius
-Accedemic, Seeker of Secrets and Mansion Barron
-Graduate Highschool early
-Get a College Degree in Computer Science
-Max Rocket Science, Programming, and Research and Debate
-Must be in debate club -Max Engineer Career
-Make a Rocket Ship and travel to Sixum
-Have a shark pond
-Die from Falling in the Shark Pond
-Get a Game-Over
You are an extraordinary individual who stood out from the rest. You, possessing an unmatched intellect and a touch of paranoia, were known as a true genius. Despite your peculiar nature, you managed to graduate from high school at a remarkably young age and pursue a degree in computer science. Fueled by an insatiable desire to explore the vastness of space, you embarked on an ambitious mission to construct your very own rocket ship. With your immense wealth, you reside in a grand mansion, surrounded by opulence and luxury. However, fate has a cruel twist in store for you, as your life tragically comes to an end when you meet your demise in a shocking incident, falling into a pond teeming with ferocious sharks.
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