thedragonclone · 3 years
Question of the hour ... should I give Dev his own bloggg? -insert thinking gif-
He started out as an npc child of my other character and has grown so much now, that I not only made him his own sideblog as a main character, but now he also wants his own life outside of his dad’s world .... so thinking... It’s easier to switch between the two as a side, but it limits Dev’s world and appearance on tumblr, and honestly, he’s become my new favorite. 
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thedragonclone · 3 years
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                                 Devrim (Dev/Devi) Killian
                                   fc: young Leonardo Dicaprio
Age: 16 
Species: Venomous Dragon OC who wears a human guise to fit into society
Mun: 30+
Various Current Facts: 
Wealthy rich boy with two dads, one who’s a mob boss (also dragons in human a guise)
Eats humans but he doesn’t really want to hurt anyone. (he can be a little disturbed, but your best friend)
Was raised by humans after being kidnapped as a toddler as revenge on his father, so tends to act human a lot and has human friends. Doesn’t really know how to be a dragon.
Is a little sociopathic but not intentionally mean.
Was born in a test tube and experimented on by scientists who stole his dad’s dna from a blood sample. He’s technically a clone of his dad although the scientists did a lot of altering on him making him venomous and not a fire breathing dragon. If his venom gets into someone’s blood stream, it is paralyzing, and he does tend to hunt like this. He can also shoot acid from snake like glands behind his teeth.
He was created by the Order to be an assassin and kill his father.
Devrim is also handicapped as a dragon. Due to the abuse at birth, he can not fly, and his fire has been removed. He has a recently amputated wing and the other is severely damaged.
He is just starting high school, his first time ever attending any school, as his fathers want him to get more knowledgeable and acclimated to human society outside of the island he grew up on as a lost boy where he had been kidnapped and raised up until now. (they just got him back) So, he’s the new kid at school and has no idea what he’s doing.
Open to new people and interactions. Dev needs more things and experiences in his life. I’m a mature and experienced rper, so 18+ only, please. His blog is NSFW. I can do short chat all the way to novella lengths easily. Like this, hop in my inbox to plot, or just tag me in something and I’ll have him reply. :)
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thedragonclone · 3 years
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“Devrim!” He snarled through a much deeper inhuman voice, as he rushed through the portal, ignoring Harry to wrap his arms around his son. He felt the sobs and Cal’s worry and just… just … so much anger and frustration rose up in him. “Devrim… Devrim .. I brought Harry.. He’s alive. It’s going to be okay. I’ll… I’ll find a way to attach your wing. Peter will do it. He’ll do it or I’ll kill him and every last living thing in New York City.”
Tom looked to Cal. He knew how much Cal loved their Devrim. “I’ll fix this.” Even though he knew there wasn’t a way this time, not when Habit did it.
“Peter!!” he roared out, twisting his head in near agony to keep his form inside that guise and not just ripping apart the entire mansion. “Peter, where the FUCK are you?!! Heal him!! Fix his wing!!”
Harry was probably as much in denial as Tom was now.
Peter was almost ready to say he can do it.. but Fae can’t lie and twisting the truth sounded almost monsterous.
Peter appeared from the shadows as if he had been there the whole time and not intervened. The boy looking at Tom, “go somewhere and shift laddie.. your guise is not going to hold.” Peter could care less of the roaring in his face or the threats to come from an order as he held his ear.
Still he walked forward, expression almost grim. He’d not seen such an injury in a long time.. the wing lay there and Peter tried to force his magic. Winter was not in his favor, but usually he was able to try… but nothing. There was no reaction, the wing almost seemed to reject reconnection… nothing reattached..
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“This is very unnatural, like that thing is. There is no hope.. the only one that may reattach it is the HABIT..” Peter looked at the wing, feeling it’s cooling and stiffening membrane. “… I can’t reattach it, it will not take my magic like before.” Peter looked at Devrim, “I’m sorry, Devrim.” It was a genuine apology… Peter tried what he could.. but all he could provide was some warmth that helped melt the pain.
Even if they did get the wing attached, there may be much less hope he could fly. The other wing would look less mangled and actually fixed but Pan was convinced that the nerves and everything were severed and he couldn’t fly… “ Habit grounded him no matter what…” Peter’s words from what felt like years before returned, only with truth, “he will never fly again…” He looks down as if ashamed..
Tom deserved his wings cut, not this little one. Peter had hated Devrim.. but even he wouldn’t have done this to a dragon… it’d be to cruel… to heartless even for the most heartless boy. “I’m sorry, Devrim…” He muttered again. 
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The words of the others, even his father’s, seemed to dance around in the background of the milk-like fog that clouded Devrim’s mental state as he sobbed, hugging that wing to his chest.. until
“You’re Sorry?!!” he finally shot out, uncharacteristically angry for Devrim, at least visibly. “My FUCKING WING IS GONE!! YOU’RE SORRY?!!!”
“How many times did you joke about this?! How many times did you threaten this YOURSELF, Pan?!! YOU’RE NOT SORRY..” Devrim got up and hurled his wing across the room to Harry, as streams of tears continued to fall from his eyes. “You WANTED THIS! YOU’VE WANTED ME DEAD SINCE I WAS BORN!! I NEVER DID ANYTHING!!! I ... NEVER ... DID ANYTHING!!!!”
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With that, Devrim moved his tongue up to his venom shoots just behind his front teeth. With a whip of his head, that clearly defied and eliminated the effect of the guise, Devrim moved like a dragon with a speed that was shocking, and shot a stream of his most highly acidic venom right at him.
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thedragonclone · 3 years
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“Excuse me ... are you the new professor here, or am I in the wrong place? I mean, I’m just saying, ‘cause I’ve been sitting here for two of those little bell things, and you’re the only human I’ve seen.”
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"—nnnNOT sleeping on the job!"
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thedragonclone · 3 years
I - Inventor - How creative is their thinking? Do they seek out the opinions of others or rely on their own ideas? What’s their problem solving approach?
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Dev knows more than he lets on. He likes to play the carefree innocent teen boy and at times will even believe that himself, but there is a side of him that is deeply calculative in eerie way. He doesn’t show it, but as a dragon, he is extremely in tune with his surroundings, and not just that, but people, and their littlest synchronicities as well. He reads people extremely well, and can note their scent changes, and even the way they breathe.
He’s extremely intelligent, even challenging his father, and he is sneaky. He is already doing his own research on his venom and acid, into finding various other uses for them. Nobody knows this, except for a tiny hint was told to Harry once, when he asked him to inject a syringe with his venom in it into their family’s driver without asking any questions - something that was not stereotypical for Devrim’s normal outward daily appearance which is more carefree, childish, submissive, and innocent.
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Does he take in other people’s views? In all honesty, not really. He listens, assesses, and his brain is constantly calculating out everything in his environment, but he has trouble with true empathy.
H acts like he has empathy, he wants to care about others. He wants to be a good person. He’s not purposely cruel or malevolent, but he is a little emotionally ‘off’, and has trouble understanding people’s feelings. He’s smart, is what he is, and can read scent and pick up on how to work people’s psyche's, but he can’t really feel what they’re feeling exactly.
If he’s asking for people’s advice or opinions, he’s acquiring knowledge for stored usage later if he needs it. It doesn’t mean he’s going to follow it. He relies on his own assessments and reasonings... although, he has been childhood programed to follow orders. But like I said, he’s not ‘evil’. He doesn’t purposely want to hurt people nor is someone who’s out to be mean. He just has a very different way of thinking and problem solving. Like he has no problem compeling his best friends if he feels it’s for the best or their own well being without their knowledge. Is he creative? I would say, yes, but not in an artistic sense.
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thedragonclone · 3 years
Send 💬  for me to make you a starter with a random line of dialogue from this generator.
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thedragonclone · 3 years
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Human Guise vs True Form
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thedragonclone · 3 years
Headcanon A-Z
A - Advocate - How do they show their support for others? Are there any causes that they publicly support? Why? B - Boy/Girl - What is their gender? What’s their relationship with their gender? Has this changed over time? How does their gender identify relate to their gender expression? C - Caregiver - How do they give/receive care best? Do they care for everyone or just a small number of people? How do they react to someone in need? D - Director - How much do they feel the need to have control over their life? Do they spend a lot of time telling others what to do or and they more likely to be more obedient to others? E - Entrepreneur - How do they make money? Are they willing to take financial risks? How do they approach making deals with others? F - Friend - What kind of friend are they? How do they judge potential friends? Where do they draw the line between platonic and romantic relationships? How far would they go for a friend? How do they handle conflict in relationships? G - Growing - How have they changed over time? How has their self-image changed? Are they more or less of a risk-taker? Has their approach to romance changed? H - Hero - What makes someone a hero in their eyes? Who is their biggest hero in life? Why? Do they consider themselves to be heroic? I - Inventor - How creative is their thinking? Do they seek out the opinions of others or rely on their own ideas? What’s their problem solving approach? J - Joker - What’s their sense of humour like? Do they enjoy slapstick comedy? What kind of humour do they enjoy in others? K - Know It All - Are they a Know-it-All? Do they actively seek out new knowledge? How do they behave around others how have a great amount of knowledge on a topic? L - Lover - How do they show love? Do they love themselves? Do they believe that all you need is love? M - Miracle Worker - Who or what do they consider to be a miracle? Do they believe in magic? N - Navigator - What’s their sense of direction like? Do they have a set path in life that they’re planning on following? What do they do if they’re knocked off course? O - Organiser - How organised are they? Do they have any unusual organisation systems? What would cause them to be uncharacteristically (dis-)organised? P - Philosopher - Are they particularly philosophic? What do they believe is the purpose of life? Do they have any particularly strong convictions or ideologies? Q - Queen - What kind of leader are they? Are they entitled? What have they inherited from their parents? How powerful are they? Do they act superior towards others? R - Rebel - Do they follow rules, bend or break them? Do they find rebelliousness in others attractive? S - Seeker - How do they go in search of new information? Do they accept ideas on faith or do they need to test out information for themselves? T - Teacher - How often do they have to teach others? How do they go about it? How do they learn best? Do they dive in first and reflect later or study the theory of something new before putting it into practice? U - Ugly - What traits to they find unattractive in others? Do they have any of those traits themselves? V - Visionary - Do they have a plan for their future? How imaginative or creative are they? Do they have vivid dreams? W - Witness - What do they consider the best thing they have ever seen? What would they most like to see in their life? X - Xceptional - Who is the most exceptional person in their life? Are there any rules that they have notable exceptions to? What gets them excited in life? Y - Yes! - Do they believe in luck? What makes them feel lucky/grateful? Z - Zoo - What’s the favourite animal? Do they ever behave animalistically? If they were an animal, what animal would they be? Why?
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thedragonclone · 3 years
Gossip Girl Interest?
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Looking for Indie Gossip Girl Rpers to play with my OC Devrim. He’s actually a dragon that is guised in a human form, but hear me out, he fits in this verse very well. His father (one of them) is basically the mob boss of New York City, and since Devrim is a dragon in hiding as a human. His dads want him to attend the best prestigious wealthy school in the city to become acclimated and knowledgeable of fitting in with human society.
He’s a very wealthy kid from a wealthy family, intelligent, and ‘tries’ to be a good guy. I put tries in quotes because, well, he is a dragon and has dangerous mob lifestyle influences from his family. His father (the one who’s the mob boss) also owns several art galleries all over the world. Devrim is sixteen and already has had some connections with Max Wolfe in his indie RP main verse that is going. Max doesn’t know he’s a dragon and Devrim never told him.
Anyway, he’s just now the new kid at school. He can be played with his more dragonsided twist, or I can play him as purely blending in as human and hiding who he is.
I, the mun, am fully up on all the Gossip Girl Espisodes, and am a mature mun that is well over 30, so I’m open to anything. I’ve also been rping well over 20 years and can do short chat to novella lengths easily.
If interested, like this post, or hit up my ask box. Devrim’s blog is a sideblog to his father’s blog, thedragcnbrother, so if I follow you back, that is me.
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thedragonclone · 3 years
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thedragonclone · 3 years
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“He knew .. about the portal, Devrim ..,” Tom dangerously spoke through his teeth, as the smoke curled red hot from his nose, so much so, that scales began to break out along his cheek bones. This was making him uncomfortable. He wasn’t used to dealing with another full blooded dragon. It’d been so long. He was used to controlling and being able to manipulate everyone.
He was dealing with a dragon.. who was also crossing very disrespectful lines.
“You are my son, but I am in power, Devrim.” It was an order. “You will watch your tongue.”
“Or what, Dad? Throw me away to Neverland?”
Tom furiously reached over, grabbed that glass from him, and hurled it across the room, shattering it into the wall, and then grabbed Devrim, slamming him down onto the floor. With a reverberated growl, Tom moved very un-humanly up over him on all fours, and then opened his sharp jaw clamping it down on the back Devrim’s neck.
“You will respect me as your elder, leader, and father. You are way out of line, Devrim. I will not tolerate disrespect, do you under stand me? I DO not need to submit to you or plead my case like some beggar and side with you. I’m in charge. DO you understand me?”
“You came in here to know and understand Dragon behavior better.. lesson one, we respect our leaders and don’t go around whining like fucking pussies after they have clearly not only rescued you and taken you in as their own, but also jumped portals to get their friends. Show some goddamn fucking respect.”
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Dev was smashed down onto the floor, again, his head pressed down as his father’s sharp teeth fell hot on his neck. He should have been scared. He could feel the true form of his father eminating there just behind that mask. He knew he could fucking die if his father wanted him to. But the truth was, this was his fucking life! 
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“Do you think you’re the only one who does this to me, Dad?” he called out from under his father’s weight and that of the floor. Maybe it was the drugs giving him the balls, maybe it was the lost boy, maybe it was hormones of something that he didn’t even know of yet, but he didn’t care. “This isn’t something only dragons do. It’s fucking everybody... the humans at the Order .. Peter Pan. What do you think they did to me on that island you never saved me from? Every time I stepped out of line, or did anythig they didn’t like, I was back in the cage, told I was worthless. That I only existed on my good merits. That was the only reason I was allowed there, Dad. I’m everyone’s fucking pet and tool. All I do is fucking submit. So, no. You’ll have to kill me. I’m fucking done with this shit. You care .. so much about your own fucking ego and people ‘challenging you’ .. that you don’t care about anyone or listen. I’m your son, and I’m allowed to have fucking feelings without being beat up, scales ripped off, amputated, or being put in a cage for them. I matter. I matter Just as much as your fucking cause.”
“Now, get the hell off of me. I’m a Dragon, not one of your pets and toys. I deserve as much respect as what you are asking.”
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thedragonclone · 3 years
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thedragonclone · 3 years
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The words of his son’s shot daggers right through him - deeply, and his immediate response to being attacked emotionally was to throw up his internal shields. Yes, even with him. Guilt wasn’t something Tom could feel, well, he could, but couldn’t if he wanted to keep his entire sense of purpose whole. It was too painful for him, because that just opened up all the wounds that he ever inflicted on his own brother and family - for not being there, for not saving them, either. For not keeping Devrim safe when he was kidnapped on his baby watching duty.
No. He needed to be the hero in his story of all of this. He was rescuing his species, living his life to create a new world for them. He wasn’t harming dragons.
Smoke pooled from his nose.
He loved Devrim. He rescued him… even after what those humans did in order to create him.
“Habit did that, Devrim. Do not place that blame on me. I did not make him do anything to you. If I thought I could make him do anything, he’d be long dead by now. I’m sorry for what happened to you, and I’m sorry people hate me and are taking it out on you. But put the blame where it belongs. I am not making them do anything. Do you think I would want them to hurt you? You’re my son. I love you.”
“I … CAN’T … do ANYTHING .. about .. your wing…” he confessed through his teeth, the admission of the lack of power not something Tom easily if ever could do. “If I COULD … I would… HATE.. where it belongs. Not me..”
“You speak of actions… Devi~? Do you know why I didn’t immediately jump through a portal to save you? Because it was your life, one … one single life out of the possibility of losing the chance of entire race ever coming back into existence at stake. If I went to Neverland, Peter could have trapped me there and trust me he would have and there would have been no way for me or you to ever have escaped. Every .. single .. life here that I could have created and regenerated for our species would never exist! Your father would be killed or worse, Devrim! Did you want him to be experimented on instead of you or me? ACTIONS??!! I WENT THROUGH THAT DAMN PORTAL TO SAVE YOUR PET FOR YOU!!! After EVERYTHING I just said!”
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His father’s anger didn’t even upset him. It was probably the alcohol or maybe it was whatever drugs he had snagged up earlier while visiting that Max guy. “Fine. Habit did it, fair enough. But you know, Dad, ... right there might be your problem. Maybe you’re so busy looking at some great glorious big picture that you’re missing what’s really valuable right in front of you - your family. We’re here, now. Me, Dad, those three eggs. You’re willing to throw away your family for an idea, for something that doesn’t even exist, yet. Maybe it will, maybe it won’t... but you threw away your son for it. Maybe that makes me selfish, but it also makes you stupid, because I am the only true blood relative you have right now. And you were okay with me gone. Big picture, right? My life doesn’t matter. You see, all this tirad and goings on you’re displaying right now.. I see as excuses. If you loved me for who I am as an individual dragon, you would have jumped right through that portal, fought tooth and talon, and found a way. I know Dad would have. I bet he didn’t know about the portal, did he?”
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thedragonclone · 3 years
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William Shakespeare's Romeo + Juliet (1996)
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thedragonclone · 3 years
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ROMEO + JULIET 1996 | dir. Baz Luhrmann
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thedragonclone · 3 years
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thedragonclone · 3 years
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“Well, that’s mildly disturbing, Devrim,” he said with a cool roll of his voice, “but I like it. It’s clever, smart, and shows you aren’t so far humanly morale-d that you aren’t against compelling people to fit you will.”
Tom dropped his foot from his relaxed lounging position at his desk to the floor, and then walked over to his son, letting his eyes flick to their true form. With a quick movement, he brushed his nose up along his Devi’s neck, smelling him with a reverberating sounded nuzzle.
He stopped and looked right at Devrim. “You are a dragon. I know what happened to you was horrible, all of it.. and I mean all of it,” he stated, implying he meant the not being raised with his own kind, feeling different, the order’s abuse, and what Habit did. Tom wasn’t born yesterday, “but you’re still a dragon. You just need to unlearn some of the fucked up clutter you’ve been brainwashed to believe… but as to what happened to you and your friends the other day, Devrim, there would have been no way to stop that from happening no matter how prepared you would have been. Your brother is right, that wasn’t him, that was a very chaotic god-like malevolent being that has no real form of his own. He takes hosts much like that other thing we removed from your father back a bit ago. Just a billion times worse.” I can’t even stop him.
“You’ve seen Andrew’s powers in action, Devi, and he couldn’t stop him. They only thing we can do, is to pretend he doesn’t exit, to ignore, and not speak of it. Do not bring it’s attention. Even thinking and talking about him brings it’s attention on the wind. It has a vendetta against me. I’m sorry.”
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After a quick nuzzle up back to his father, he snagged his drink his dad was holding, sniffing it nonchalantly before he took a sip. “You don’t know what happened to me. You have no idea what I went through and what it did to me. You have no idea what it’s like to have your entire purpose for even existing in the first place to be a tool for the sole purpose of getting back at my father, someone I love... to hear it every day what my purpose really is, and how I’m nothing.”
“I am permanently disfigured, Dad because of you. YOU. And you’re telling me that your big and only plan of action is to just pretend it never existed and that it never happened. You act all high and mighty, Dad, but you’re just as much the problem. You tell me I’m something, and then tell me you’re ignoring it. I’m disfigured, Dad, ... because of you. I spent years of abuse psychologically without any real love or even the ability to get out of this guise and stretch my wings that I no longer have ... because of you.”
“What’s it the humans say? Actions not words? You talk a good talk ... the caring, the carying sympathetic father.. You even went to the Isle to save Harry for me. But I was thinking, you see, if you were able to do that on a moment’s notice, Why didn’t you fucking go to Neverland to save me?”
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