thedramaticfanatic · 4 years
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Ron Swanson + Sister Michael Parallels [x]
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thedramaticfanatic · 4 years
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Merry Christmas, you filthy animals.
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thedramaticfanatic · 4 years
And for all those who are only now talking about how great Jane is- she was always great. You were just a bunch of haters because she didn’t fit the “hero mold” and she used intelligence rather than muscles to get things done. She was just as amazing as Thor, just as smart as Tony Stark, and just as brave as Steve. But because she was a woman and Thor’s girlfriend, everyone talked bad about her.
That’s why Taikia Waititi (whom I normally love) ticked me off so much when he said he basically replaced Jane with Valkyrie- because Thor needed someone “equal”. Jane was ALWAYS Thor’s equal. And when you watch the first two Thor movies, it’s obvious that Thor himself feels that way. This respect and admiration that he has for her is one of the reasons why their relationship was my favorite out of all the early MCU films. It’s quite sad to me that people are only now starting to appreciate Jane.
Everytime I see a post hating on Jane Foster I get SO ANGRY. She’s genuinely one of my favourite characters in the Marvel Universe. She’s a genius, bad ass 5'3" scientist and I love her with all my heart. Also, you can pry Fosterson out of my cold, dead hands.
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thedramaticfanatic · 4 years
So sometime before the events of Ragnarok (I previously thought it was before the Age of Ultron, but it seems I was incorrect) Jane breaks up with Thor. Thor seems to be a little upset in the films but moves on. Jane doesn’t show up again. In-universe, we can easily chalk it up to her just not being able to cope with Thor’s constant fighting and disappearances, and all the uncertainty that comes with it.
But imagine this.
Imagine Jane didn’t break up with Thor because the long-distance thing was too difficult (although it was incredibly difficult for them both).
She broke up with him because she found out that she wasn’t completely unscathed from carrying the Infinity Stone.
Not long after the events of TDW, Jane starts feeling a little unwell. She goes to the doctor, and they run some tests.
She finds out she has cancer. Very rare. Very fast. Very high percentage of lethality.
Jane knows if she tells Thor, he’ll be devastated and try to do everything he can to save her.
But that will distract him from his duty- protecting Midgard and Asgard.
So she breaks up with him, and tells him that it’s because she can’t see this relationship going anywhere. Thor is heartbroken, but accepts her decision with grace because he understands.
Thor leaves. Jane cries.
Jane goes through chemo and treatments alone, or with Darcy. The doctors do everything they can. They slow it down, but nothing can get rid of it. She’s on borrowed time, and she knows it.
Jane keeps seeing Thor in the news, doing amazing and wonderful things. She misses him, but is happy that he’s being the hero he should be. It’s very bittersweet.
The cancer grows. She gets weaker. Jane knows she’s dying.
Then Mjolnir appears before her. She instinctively knows what this means. She’s afraid, for herself and for Thor because she knows that somehow he’s stopped being worthy. She can’t imagine a world without Thor there to protect it.
Someone must wield Mjolnir. There must always be a Thor to protect the world from those who would harm it.
Jane takes the hammer.
There must always be a Thor.
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thedramaticfanatic · 4 years
And I will take full advantage of that.
Today is the only day you can reblog this.
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thedramaticfanatic · 5 years
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Ah, yes.
This... now THIS I like.
Sooooo much better.
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thedramaticfanatic · 5 years
I don’t claim to speak for everyone, but I don’t think I’m too out of line when I say...
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... ick.
Go back to the old one, please and thank you.
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thedramaticfanatic · 5 years
So in other news, Jane Foster, The Last Valkyrie, got a flying horse.
And it talks.
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Oh yeah, it kicked Jane right in the back of the head in the first issue. To be fair, he was being controlled by a villain, but it’s still an awkward way to meet.
And the name of this horse?
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Also, as is usual for the pets of superheroes, Mister Horse has a personality to rival their hero.
In this case, Mister Horse appears to have the personality of a grumpy old man who likes to guilt people.
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There is nothing about this development that I don’t love.
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thedramaticfanatic · 5 years
What’s a hammered dulcimer?
Well, it’s basically if a harp and a guitar had a child that was raised by a xylophone.
But seriously, that’s the exact description that comes to my mind when I look at this thing. 
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You should check out Ted Yoder by the way.
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thedramaticfanatic · 5 years
hot take
I hate when people talk shit about Rochester from Jane Eyre that’s not given accurate context like he gets criticized for things that are either taken out of context or are the actions of a major depressive with very rusty social skills
Like let’s start with the big one, the secret wife in the attic thing sounds real bad but at the time mental institutions were invariably awful if he had put her in one of those she would have been abused and neglected until an inevitable death bc it was commonly believed that illness was the fault of patient for sinning in some way instead he put her in his home (at home medical treatment was common especially with the wealthy) with round the clock care and yes she’s locked away but that’s bc she’s a pyromaniac who keeps trying to kill folks also he knows her condition was not her fault and felt it was his duty to care for her since they were both pushed into this situation by they’re asshole families
Also with Adele he is admittedly emotionally distant and insulting toward her intelligence ( though never directly to her thank god) but he tries to make her happy by spoiling her with constant gifts also the very fact he takes care of her when she is totally not his child is kind bc he absolutely could have dumped her at an orphanage when her mother abondon her
Also with calling Jane plain EVERYONE calls her plain bc the society they’re living in are all assholes about aesthetics and she doesn’t fit the beauty standards of the time also she full out calls him ugly multiple times and his reaction is just like ‘u right’ like she actually tells him there is no magic in the world that could ever make him handsome like they are both really into lovingly insulting each other
Like he is a rich man in early 19th England who pays his servants generously, thinks that the rich are not inherently better than the poor, and most significantly in the book treats women as just as intelligent as men. Like Jane Eyre is a poor girl in his employ but he views her as better than him because she is a good person and he views himself as a bad person and a sinner
Like the things he did that are absolutely andknowingly unkind are: insulting Adele’s intelligence, manipulating Jane, and manipulating Blanche
For the first he gets an earful from Jane and he puts forth an effort correct his behavior
For the second he is punished by God (who unquestionably exists in the this story and is like super invested everything Jane is and does bc she’s totally perfect in every way)
And for the last fuck Blanche she can choke
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thedramaticfanatic · 5 years
☝️ THIS.
Choosing to prioritize a healthy and happy relationship over a career is not a bad thing, nor does it lesson a person’s value somehow. Healthy and loving relationships are NEVER a bad thing.
Plus, the person saying this wants to skin a bunch of puppies alive for a coat, so I don’t think she’s someone you’d want to take life advice from anyway.
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thedramaticfanatic · 5 years
Nadia: How are you enjoying the champagne, Dr. Devorak?
Julian: It’s great! You know if you put enough sugar in this stuff it tastes just like ginger ale!
Nadia: I don’t-
Julian: I also made a tower from all the empty bottles! Drinking is supposed to make you sleepy, but I feel super awake! Weird, right?
MC: He’s had two bottles of champagne and three bags of sugar. I couldn’t get here fast enough to stop him.
Julian: YoU kNow ThIS pLaCe iS REallY GloWEy, iS it sUpPOseD To SpIn liKe tHIs?
MC: I apologize in advance on his behalf.
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thedramaticfanatic · 5 years
A Guide to Reading Jane Foster’s Story as Mighty Thor, and Beyond
I’ve noticed that there’s quite a bit of excitement out there for the upcoming Thor: Love and Thunder film that’s coming out 2021 (so far awaaaaay...!), and I’m super pumped for it. Which is quite unusual for me, because I got bored of all the superhero films years ago and stopped watching them. But for this one, I am heading right back in.
Anyway, this film appears to be at least somewhat based off of the Mighty Thor comic series in which Jane Foster takes up the mantle of Thor after the first Thor becomes unworthy. If you’d like to read the comics before the movie comes out but don’t know where to start, this is the post for you!
First things first, if you read this series you could be getting quite a few spoilers before you go see the movie, so do keep that in mind beforehand. With each issue I put up, I’ll also put the price, and the link to that comic on Marvel’s website for easy access.
You can read comics that came before this if you’d like to, and there are comics in-between the ones I’m going to list that will allow you to enjoy even more adventures with Mighty Thor. However, those are just for extra fun. The issues on this list deal specifically with Mighty Thor, and in my opinion, you don’t need to read anything else to fall in love with this arc.
A Little Background to the Story...
... Before this comic begins so you have a good idea of what’s happened prior to this. So in the early comics, Thor had been banished to Midgard (Earth) by Odin for his arrogance and selfishness, and his form became that of Dr. Donald Blake, a crippled doctor. His nurse was Jane Foster. The two of them were in love, and when regained his form as Thor, the relationship continued. 
Eventually, the two wanted to make things permanent, and Thor asked for Jane to be granted immortality and goddess-hood so they could be together forever. Odin objected, and made Jane go through a test to prove her worthiness. If she succeeded, she’d become a goddess and she and Thor would marry. Jane failed, and was sent back to earth with her memories of Thor erased. Jane eventually fell in love with a human doctor and married him. Thor eventually started dating Sif.
Fast forward many issues later, Jane eventually gets her memories back, she divorces her husband and looses custody of her child. Thor and Sif break up (they’d been very off-and-on and he’d seen quite a few other women). Jane’s ex-husband and child both die in a tragic car accident, and she discovers she has breast cancer. Thor invites her to Asgard to join the “Congress of Worlds”, which is like the United Nations of the 10 Realms of Yggdrasil. Jane accepts the position, but chooses not to accept magical treatments for her cancer because she believes (with good reason) that all magic comes with a price.
During this time, Thor and Jane have remained very close, good friends, but have not rekindled their old romance. It’s implied at many different points that they both have deeper feelings for each other, but neither of them bring it up.
That’s really all you need to know at this point to really understand the meat of the story. So now let’s dive into the good stuff! 
The comics that you’ll want to read are in the list below, and in following order:
Thor: Volume I, Goddess of Thunder
Price for digital copy - $8.99
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This is where the story truly begins. It starts off with Thor suffering a massive identity crisis as he discovers that he is unworthy to lift Mjölnir, sending him into a deep depression. It gets worse when someone ELSE claims the hammer, and becomes Mighty Thor. Naturally, he is not happy at this turn of events.
Thor: Volume II, Who Holds the Hammer?
Price for digital copy - $6.99
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A great war is brewing on the horizon thanks to the dangerous pacts between the king of the Dark Elves, Malekith, and other dangerous peoples. Meanwhile, Thor, now calling himself Odinson, tries to learn the identity of Mighty Thor (I’m sure it comes as a great shock to you all that it’s not who he thinks it is).
At the end of this issue, the readers learn who this new Goddess of Thunder is.
The Mighty Thor: Volume 1, Thunder in Her Veins
Price for digital copy - $8.99
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Mighty Thor faces enemies on three fronts; the bloodthirsty, warmongering King Malekith, who seeks domination over all the realms. All-Father Odin, who sees her as a thief of his son’s birthright. And finally, the cancer, which kills her a little more each time she returns to her mortal form of Jane Foster.
The Mighty Thor: Volume 2, Lords of Midgard
Price for digital copy - $12.99
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As if Mighty Thor doesn’t have enough on her plate, now S.H.I.E.L.D. is after Dr. Jane Foster as well. They don’t care for secret identities, and they plan to make her life miserable until she confesses. It couldn’t come at a worse time though, as Mighty Thor must also stop a floating fortress from crashing down onto New York City by saving the incredibly corrupt Roxxon CEO Dario Agger.
The Mighty Thor: Volume 3, Asgard/Shi’ar War
Price for digital copy - $12.99
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In the midst of the terrible War of the Realms, Mighty Thor is abducted by mysterious deities who wish to pit their powers against the Goddess of Thunder to see who is the most powerful. In order to get back to the war, she must humor these gods and bring the full might of both Thor and Mjölnir to the table.
The Mighty Thor: Volume 4, The War Thor
Price for digital copy - $8.99
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When the War of the Realms claims lives that should never have been touched by battle, the gentle Volstagg is left heartbroken and shattered. In his grief, he takes hold of a hammer made from the rage and fury of a dead universe, and becomes the War Thor. Mighty Thor must stop his righteous rampage before he destroys friends and enemies alike in his battle-rage.
The Mighty Thor: Volume 5, The Death of the Mighty Thor
Price for digital copy - $15.99
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The cancer that has been growing within Jane Foster has weakened her to the point of death. Her dearest friends convince her to relinquish Mjölnir for the sake of her own life, but it seems the universe is against her. When the terrible Mangog awakes to judge and destroy the gods, Jane must weigh the worth of the deities- including Odinson- against her own life.
With volume 5, Jane’s time as Thor is (pretty much) ended. I would imagine that if Taika Waititi wants to pull mainly from the comics, he’ll pull mainly from the 7 volumes listed above. But those are not the end of Jane Foster’s adventures by any stretch of the imagination. 
If you like the comics above and want to continue Jane’s story, I would suggest continuing on to the comics below. They detail the conclusion to the War of the Realms, Jane’s road to recovery and the role she continues to play, as well as what happens to her afterwards.
So the total arc for War of the Realms is 6 issues long, and currently you have to purchase each issue individually (like I had to) for $4.99. However, you can pre-order the digital collection edition, which has all 6 issues together. It will be released on August 14th 2019, and you’ll have immediate access to it. Unless you want each edition individually, I’d suggest going the more economic route and just order the collection.
War of the Realms
Price for digital copy of collection edition- $10.99
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After the defeat of the Mangog, the God of Thunder reclaims the name of Thor, and Jane can focus on healing and recovering. But her part is far from over, as the War of the Realms reaches even Midgard, leaving destruction and death in its wake. Freyja names Jane Foster as All-Mother of Asgard as she goes forth to do battle, and Jane must guide both gods and mortals alike in order to survive the onslaught.
While Jane is no longer the main character, she plays a very important part as both All-Mother, and temporarily as Mighty Thor. It also wraps up the war that we get so invested in previously.
Thor, Issue 15
Price for digital copy - $3.99
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Odin has passed the title of All-Father onto his son, Thor, who has reclaimed  Mjölnir and learned the lesson that he needed to in order to keep hold of it. Loki, having slain his father King Laufey the Ice Giant, has now inherited his throne and reconciles with his adopted family.
Meanwhile, the remains of the hammer of War Thor, forged from a dead universe, seems to have attached itself quite permanently to Jane Foster. While she no longer carries the title of Thor, apparently fate has bigger plans for her than practicing medicine.
You can consider Thor #15 the final chapter for the War of the Realms saga, as far as the Thor group is concerned. It has a fantastic transition for what happens next to everyone in War of the Realms: Omega. 
War of the Realms: Omega
Price for digital copy - $4.99
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Finally, the War of the Realms is over. Malekith’s afterlife in Hel promises to be an eternal torment, Loki makes a friend in his new kingdom of Jotunheim, and the Punisher embarks on a new mission. And finally, Jane’s new mission is revealed, as she takes up the mantle as the newest, and currently only, Valkyrie.
If you want to continue to read about Jane Foster and her many future adventures, worry not! She now has her own Valkyrie comic book series! Currently only one issue has been released, but there’s four planned so far, and hopefully many (many) more to come!
Valkyrie: Jane Foster, Issue 1
Price for digital copy - $3.99
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Jane Foster- former nurse, current doctor, cancer survivor, former Thor, and current Valkyrie. During the War of the Realms, all the Valkyries who should have guided the souls of the honored dead to Valhalla have themselves been slain in battle. With no one to open the doors to the afterlife and guide their souls, Jane Foster takes up the mantle as the only Valkyrie, along with all the challenges that entails. 
At her side is the remains of the War Thor’s hammer, which has revealed itself to the be the Undrjarn, the All-Weapon. This mystical weapon seems bound to Jane, and only Jane, and has the ability to turn into any weapon or tool she requires at any moment. The only problem is, Jane knows what she’s supposed to do, but isn’t sure of how exactly she’s supposed to do it. 
It’s been years since I actually subscribed to any comics. Its been so long since any of them really pulled to me. But you can bet your bottom dollar that I am subscribed to the Valkyrie and Loki series, and if you’re wondering whether or not the other comics are all worth the price...
I’d say they 100% are. They tell a truly beautiful story, and I LOVED IT. I know that it’s pricey to get all of them at once (trust me, do I know), but personally, I think it’s more than worth it. Each book alone is quite reasonably priced, and it's all so much fun to read. Plus, this entire arc that I’ve just laid out for you has been going on since 2014. And the movie itself isn’t coming out until November 2021. So I say take your time and enjoy yourself. The comics aren’t going anywhere. And hopefully, neither is Jane Foster.
I totally hope Jane and Thor go somewhere though, I mean, MY GOD, they’re absolutely perfect together at this point, AND THERE IS SO MUCH TENSION. I love them so much. I’ve been totally cemented as an unrepentant Thorster shipper now. 
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thedramaticfanatic · 5 years
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Me: Okay, I’m loving this game, but I should keep the Art Thirst in check and not embarrass myself...
Me: ...I’m...
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thedramaticfanatic · 5 years
I have been saying this for AGES, just because a character can’t punch someone through a damn wall or control lightning or whatever DOES NOT MEAN THEY ARE NOT A STRONG CHARACTER. Jane Foster is a genius and that was her power. She was always a valid heroine, and not all heroes have to have massive battles with arch nemeses to accomplish amazing things. Sometimes they’re the ones behind the scenes GETTING CRAP DONE so the ones who CAN punch others through walls can utilize weaknesses that people like Jane discovered!
i cannot believe the bullshit of the Jane Foster MCU Situation though.
y’all dumbfucks preach about girls having more role models that don’t need to be action heroes, but literally spent the last eight (8) full years forgetting Jane even exists and ignoring her entirely until she got the hammer.
Jane was “Thor’s pretty girlfriend” and nothing else to you people, even though she’s a talented astrophysicist that was the one who created the tech that helped them beat Malekith at the end TDW. She literally hosted an entire fucking Infinity Stone for the majority of that movie even though holding onto just one for even a short amount of time made Thanos himself flinch in both Infinity War and Endgame.
y’all can take your “It’s about time!!” posts and shove it up your ass.
you don’t care about Jane, all you care about is another Badass Lady Stereotype that makes all the ridiculous Men look incompetent just by standing there. fuck off.
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thedramaticfanatic · 5 years
Ghost Lucio: Don’t wear that to the party, it’s two years out of style.
Apprentice: You’ve been mostly-dead for three years, what do you know?
Apprentice: OMG you were so right.
Count Lucio: BItcH nEvrR QuEStioN mY SEnsE of FASHION!
My Apprentice and Count Lucio, who will never let the apprentice forget That Time He Was Right About Fashion.
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thedramaticfanatic · 5 years
I hearby institute this from this moment forward for all my Lucio-related headcanons.
Lucio is the the exact kind of trash that calls his lover kitten 😫💖
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