theedgeofspirit · 3 years
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“let the divine LVX decend” @theedgeofspirit 9/18/21 #theedgeofspirit #esoteric #esoterica #hermetic #hermetica #magick #gnostic #gnosticism #mystic #mystical #kabbalah #qabalah #occult #sacredgeometry #consciousart #visionaryart #merkabah #merkaba #lvx #iao #tantra #tantric 
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theedgeofspirit · 3 years
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Kundalini alignment.
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theedgeofspirit · 3 years
☥  P A K H E T  ☥
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Bast was an Egyptian cat goddess who protected mothers and their newborn children. A woman suffering from infertility might make an offering to Bast in hopes that this would help her conceive. In later years, Bast became strongly connected with Mut, a mother goddess figure.
Bast (known as “Bastet” in later times to emphasise that the “t” was to be pronounced) was one of the most popular goddesses of ancient Egypt. She is generally thought of as a cat goddess. However, she originally had the head of a lion or a desert sand-cat and it was not until the New Kingdom that she became exclusively associated with the domesticated cat. However, even then she remained true to her origins and retained her war-like aspect. She personified the playfulness, grace, affection, and cunning of a cat as well as the fierce power of a lioness. She was also worshiped all over Lower Egypt, but her cult was centred on her temple at Bubastis in the eighteenth nome of Lower Egypt (which is now in ruins). Bubastis was the capital of ancient Egypt for a time during the Late Period, and a number of pharaohs included the goddess in their throne names.
Her name could be translated as “Devouring Lady”. However, the phonetic elements “bas” are written with an oil jar (the “t” is the feminine ending) which is not used when writing the word “devour”. The oil jar gives an association with perfume which is strengthened by the fact that she was thought to be the mother of Nefertum (who was a god of perfume). Thus her name implies that she is sweet and precious, but that under the surface lay the heart of a predator. Bast was depicted as a cat, or as a woman with the head of a cat, a sand cat or a lion. She is often shown holding the ankh (representing the breath of life) or the papyrus wand (representing Lower Egypt). She occasionally bears a was-scepter (signifying strength) and is often accompanied by a litter of kittens.
Cats were sacred to Bast, and to harm one was considered to be a crime against her and so very unlucky. Her priests kept sacred cats in her temple, which were considered to be incarnations of the goddess. When they died they were mummified and could be presented to the goddess as an offering. The ancient Egyptians placed great value on cats because they protected the crops and slowed the spread of disease by killing vermin. As a result, Bast was seen as a protective goddess. Evidence from tomb paintings suggests that the Egyptians hunted with their cats (who were apparently trained to retrieve prey) and also kept them as loved pets. Thus it is perhaps unsurprising that Bast was so popular. During the Old Kingdom she was considered to be the daughter of Atum in Heliopolis (because of her association with Tefnut), however, she was generally thought to be the daughter of Ra (or later Amun). She (like Sekhmet) was also the wife of Ptah and mother of Nefertum and the lion-god Maahes (Mihos) (who may have been an aspect of Nefertum).
As the daughter of Ra she was one of the goddesses known as the “Eye of Ra”, a fierce protector who almost destroyed mankind but was tricked with blood-coloured beer which put her to sleep and gave her a hangover, stopping the carnage. As a result, she is linked to the other goddesses who were known as the “eye of Ra”, most notably Sekhmet, Hathor, Tefnut, Nut, Wadjet and Mut. Her link with Sekhmet was the closest. Not only did both goddesses take the form of a lioness, they were both considered to be the spouse of Ptah and the mother of Nefertum and during the feast of Hathor (celebrating man’s deliverance from the wrathful “Eye of Ra”) an image of Sekhmet represented Upper Egypt while an image of Bast represented Lower Egypt.
She was very closely linked to Hathor. She was often depicted holding a sistrum (the sacred rattle of Hathor) and Denderah (the home of the cult centre of Hathor in the sixth nome of Upper Egypt) was sometimes known as the “Southern Bubastis”. This association was clearly ancient as the two appear together in the valley temple of Khafre at Giza. Hathor represents Upper Egypt and Bast represents Lower Egypt. One of her epithets was “lady of Asheru”. Asheru was the name of the sacred lake in the temple of Mut at Karnak, and Bast was given the epithet because of her connection with Mut, who occasionally took the form of a cat or a lion. Within Mut’s temple there are a number of depictions of the pharaoh celebrating a ritual race in the company of Bast. In this temple Bast is given the epithet “Sekhet-neter” – the “Divine Field” (Egypt).
She was also associated with the lion-headed goddess Pakhet of Speos Artemidos (cave of Artemis) near Beni Hassan. The cave was given the name because Bast (and her aspect Pakhet) was identified by the Greeks with Artemis, the hunter. However, the two goddesses were not that similar as Artemis was celibate while Bast was associated with fun and sexuality. However, the connection with Tefnut and Bast’s potentially warlike aspect probably contributed to this apparently strange connection. After all, even the smallest house cat is a skilled hunter. The Greeks thought that Bast should have a twin brother, as Artemis had her brother Apollo. They linked Apollo with Heru-sa-Aset (Horus son of Isis), so Bast’s name was tinkered with to mean “soul of Isis” (ba-Aset) changing her into a form of this popular goddess. They also decided that Bast was a moon goddess, although she was originally considered to be the daughter of Ra and the “Eye of Ra”.
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theedgeofspirit · 3 years
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Deep in the dark Ritual Lovers Keep the waves moving over me Deep in the dark Ritual lovers Keep your shadows dancing over me Dancing dancing dancing Here comes dusk Oh Let the Devil’s blood raining over me Fire fire fire Ritual lovers Keep the fire burning over me Fire fire fire Ritual lovers Ritual Lovers - Wolvennest
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theedgeofspirit · 4 years
Whoever has ears, let them hear.
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People often view the spiritual path as a search for the light. In truth, spirituality asks us to bring light and darkness together in wholeness. And in fact, this is the only possible solution. In our world of duality, any effort to focus all attention on the light only serves to increase the power of the darkness. Our aim is not to deny or reject anything but to embrace it all.
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theedgeofspirit · 4 years
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“Before the Horizon” (4/9/2020, @theedgeofspirit)
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theedgeofspirit · 5 years
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“8:8 Lions’s Gate”⁣ by @theedgeofspirit
May you pass through it with Courage, ⁣
allowing the fires to Burn away old patterns,⁣
and emerge Transformed. ⁣
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theedgeofspirit · 5 years
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⁣(7/24/19, @theedgeofspirit)
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theedgeofspirit · 5 years
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TITLE: “5=6” ⁣
5 is the number of man, 6 is the number of spirit. Here the pentagram and the hexagram meet superimposed one upon the other, set against a starry, cosmic, textured background.
Large scale 48”x36” textured canvas, acrylic paint ⁣
This bad boy is already claimed but Commissions are open if you’re interested in something similar!
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theedgeofspirit · 5 years
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For G-D’s (Ateh) is the Kingdom (Malkuth), the Power (Ve-Geburah) and the Glory (Ve-Gedulah) forever (Le-Olam). Amen. ⁣
🙅🏼‍♂️#qabala #qabalisticcross #lightworker #777 #bringersoflight #lvx #5d #lightworkers #painting #magick #esoteric #esotericknowledge #esotericart
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theedgeofspirit · 5 years
“People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own soul. One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.”
— Carl Jung
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theedgeofspirit · 5 years
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Art by the father of analytical psychology, C.G. Jung.
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theedgeofspirit · 5 years
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theedgeofspirit · 5 years
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Quick sketch 5-29-19 @theedgeofspirit
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theedgeofspirit · 5 years
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theedgeofspirit · 6 years
“If there is no silence beyond and within the many words of doctrine, there is no religion, only a religious ideology. For religion goes beyond words and actions, and attains to the ultimate truth in silence and Love. Where this silence is lacking, where there are only the “many words” and not the one Word, then there is much bustle and activity but no peace, no deep thought, no understanding, no inner quiet. Where there is no peace, there is no light and no Love.”
— Thomas Merton
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theedgeofspirit · 6 years
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“The Perfect Matrimony” (12/23/18)
by @theedgeofspirit
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