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Characters: Leon, Luis, Ashley, Krauser, Ada.
If they were jealous, and how they would make you understand.
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Leon would be the type of person to stay silent the whole time if you were to speak with someone else, laughing with them. Then, once you would be only the two of the, he would ask: “who was that?”
He’s scared of being left out, I’m so certain about it, poor baby…
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Luis is too confident to feel jealous over some person you would be talking with. But if it happened to be the case, Luis would definitely be the type to be very talkative, to be very tactile. He will not let anyone get you far from you. And he would SO stare into the person’s eyes.
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My poor doll would feel so threatened and would overthink so much. She won’t let anything get visible while she tries to talk with you and the other person, or act normal, but when it is so obvious that she’s jealous (more scared of loosing you.) and that she does her best to catch your interest and attention.
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I’m pretty sure this psycho would kill you and the other person…
But in another case, okay, let’s imagine this… He would be very grumpy, and annoyed by the situation. He would say things like: “you’re so fucking annoying.” Or “can I leave you two now?” Ahah.
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Ada doesn’t get jealous. Sorry.
Like, c’mon. She’s the strong and perfect woman, dare tell me otherwise. She wouldn’t get jealous, she knows what she’s worth it.
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Luis Sera x male!reader.
A simple one shot.
1600+ words.
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The view of the castle, the decoration, the perfect lighting, wouldn’t be so bad if all these miserable Plagas weren’t here to spoil the mood and pleasure. After all, no one could say otherwise, this really was a nice castle, and Luis appreciated it regardless of the situation. But now was not the time to stop and admire it, he needed to run, and fast. He screwed up as he told Leon on the telephone, and he was right. He really screwed up, ending up cornered by the minions of Rámon, this evil and ridiculous little looking like a grandma man. His face looked so old, so pale, while on the other side he was only something like twenty-five years old. This parasite really was something terrifying when you knew how it could change a person’s behavior, his apparence. Almost everything that made this person a human being.
He made it out of the room without too much problems and saving his ass, thanks to his gun, and ran out. Running was his best option, knowing the number of bullets in the chamber of his gun. Bullets we’re some nice treasures here, on this long and cold night of Spain. Thinking of it, he didn’t saw the Merchant for a long time now, since he entered the Castle. Now would be the perfect time to show up, that was for sure. He’d give so much to see him right now.
But that wasn’t going to happen for now. Luis entered a room, locking himself up so the ganados wouldn’t be able to follow him inside. The light was off, leaving Luis in the dark, with the parasites repeatedly banging on the door to enter. The air was feeling moist, humid. After a few minutes, waiting for the ganados to abandon trying to break the door, and after the silent made his way into the room, the Spanish man searched for his lighter, in order to have a minimum of visibility. The flame of his lighter, once lit, seemed to ease, indicating a near current of air. Bingo. It was his way out. He then decided to stark walking further into the darkness of the room, silent as a dead body, alert. It appears he was alone in this room, only the flame of his lighter here to keep him company. After seconds, who felts like way too long, he froze. A sound broke the silence, making him take his gun and look around. A chain. Was it the sound of the chain of a chainsaw? No, nothing like this, hopefully. Then, what else could it be exactly? Nothing to his right, nothing to the left as well.
Only after slowly looking up, Luis’ eyes widen as he saw what was making this fated noise. Someone, tied up in chains from the ceiling, head pointing at the ground. This castle really was full of surprises. If the tied up person was in fact dead, it wouldn’t had deranged Luis. But it moved. The body was still moving. It was weak movement, maybe even involuntary movements. But what if this person really was alive? What if this person needed help. He couldn’t just walk away and lit this happen. No. First, because the little missing séniorita would hate him when hearing about this. And second because Luis wasn’t a monster. He had a heart, and wanted to help, to make up for his actions. So he sighed, following the chain with his eyes to know where he had to go to help this person.
The person in question had his arms tied up in his back, as well as his knees tied up together. A black bag was also attached on his head. Whoever did this really didn’t wanted to let him the opportunity to leave that was for sure… After finding where to start, Luis took the chain, and held it with all the strength he had, to slowly pull the tied up body to the ground. Once done, he carefully walked up to him, now aiming him with his gun. We’re never too safe…
“Listen, amigo. I’m willing to untie you, on one condition! No sudden move, no attacking me. Nothin’! Ya just wait ‘till I get away, or else I’ll shot you. Good?” He said, bending down to his height.
After thinking about what he was doing, and maybe even regretting his action, Luis finally started to untie the poor man, who didn’t moved a bit after warning him, not even nodding. He carefully started by untying his knees and feet. He then went for the arm, unsure. But he couldn’t just leave now. He started, and needed to finish what he was doing. So he untied him entirely… Only the bag remained on his head. Bag that Luis took off of him, finally looking at his face. His face was a little red, from the obvious rush of blood due to having his head upside down for a moment now…
“Hoy, amigo. You still in there, or dead dead?…” he whispered, while still looking at him.
“Feels like my head is about to explode.” He finally spoke, in a rocked voice. He may have not spoke in a very long time.
Luis was taken a little aback by the sudden response, but stayed serious and alert, still aiming at his head now… He knew it was a bad idea. The look on Luis’ face betrayed him. And the dark veins on the unknown’s face made his heart skip a beat. He also was infected, no explications. But something wasn’t normal in his behavior. The unknown man opened his eyes, looking at the spanish man. He looked so.. normal. Yes. That was the problem. Usually, while being infected with the plaga, you don’t just walk around and look so usual. But this guy did.
“Mind telling me why you’re undressing me with your eyes, mate?” The man spoke, arching an eyebrow.
The browned hair quickly looked away, taking a few steps away from him, as a safety distanciation. He was a funny guy, he couldn’t take that away from him. Luis even smirked for a second, a little embarrassed. He didn’t noticed how his gaze kept looking at every part of his previously tied up body.
“I’m just curious how someone like you is still not dead from the inside at the mercy of this parasite. Can’t blame me for that, huh?” He had a point.
“A parasite, you say?” He genuinely looked at Luis with confusion, slowly getting up on the ground to sit properly, and stretch, making very little one of his bones crack. “They.. injected me the plaga?… I mean… no, that’s not possible.”
“Well, from what I actually see, yes it is the case.” What a strange man. “Now, say— what’s your name, here? And most important, why do you think it is not possible.”
“Because it’s been at least more than a month that I’m locked up in here. It’s been more than a week that they injected me the parasite. I should be controlled by it by now, isn’t it right?” He was in fact right. The parasite usually takes control of the host in less than three days. “I’m sorry.. I’m (Y/n). What’s your name?”
“The name is Luis Sera… And that is in fact correct. You must be lying, there is no way this is the true. I’ve seen theses things, and there’s cruel, without mercy. Ain’t no way you’re just a special case.”
“Well, and I’m telling you I’m not lying! But in any case, lying or not, you should kill me. I can’t just leave like nothing happened, I still have this thing inside of me.” (Y/n) sighed, desperated by the situation. As much as Luis actually.
He was right. He couldn’t just let h walk off when he may give into the parasite at any moment. But the ex-scientific didn’t want to give up on a chance to help him. He helped Leon and Ashley. Why couldn’t he be able to help this one here, after all? He could try to take him to the laboratory, like he’s playing to do with the two americans.
Looking around for a moment, Luis spotted sheets on the ground. He grabbed it, to read what was written on it… “Project Regeneradores.” He knew that name. He once saw these things, and what they could do to people, to his surroundings. How could he even be related to theses things? But it was written. He was an experiment. And the Plagas was indeed injected for more than a week. To be specific, three month. It appears that the plaga had an healing affect on the body, causing it to regenerate as said.
“What are ya reading, now?” (Y/n) asked, getting up. The veins on his face and body had disappeared.
“Nothin’ important, believe me.” Luis tossed the papers after ripping them in pieces, and sighed. “What about we get you out of here, buddy, huh? Let’s just go.”
“What do you even mean— You’re not planing of killing me?” The confusion was getting even bigger now.
“Nah. We’ll find a way to take that parasite out of you, believe me. It’s not the first time I do that.” What (Y/n) didn’t know was that the parasite was already too big to be extracted. Luis knew it… but he’ll find something. He knew it. He had to.
“I see.. Okay, then, Luis… I’ll follow you, I guess.. I owe you one.”
“That’s for sure!”
He may have untied him, now Luis had even more problems to deal with. But he was the one to put himself in this stories, so he’ll put up with it no matter what. He’ll save them. Leon, Ashley.. (Y/n.)
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