theguardianmonster · 2 years
Psalms 23: A Widow’s Perspective
Psalms 23: A Widow’s Perspective
“The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet waters. He restores my soul; He guides me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake. Even though I walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death I fear no evil, for You are with me. Your rod and Your staff they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my…
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theguardianmonster · 3 years
The Hope Factor and what it’s doing through Hope Coaching By Samantha Karraá
The Hope Factor and what it’s doing through Hope Coaching By Samantha Karraá
Have you ever felt stuck in life? What do you do when your circumstances or the pain inside overwhelms your ability to move forward? Have you ever felt like talking to someone might help, but you don’t know who you could talk to or where to begin? What does it take to go from night to light? From loneliness to feeling connected again? From pain to peace? From confusion to clarity? From fear to…
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theguardianmonster · 3 years
By His Wounds We are Healed
By His Wounds We are Healed
The percentage of incarcerated who have significant, unresolved trauma in their lives is extremely high. For men, in the mid 80 percent range, for women in the high 90s. There are over 2 million incarcerated in the United States. As I was considering whether I wanted to become a facilitator of trauma healing groups at Douglas County Jail, my primary thought was whether I was capable. After all,…
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theguardianmonster · 3 years
When was the last time something like this happened to you?
When was the last time something like this happened to you?
A few years ago, I came across a Google review of our church. It started off great. The author was complimentary about the kindness of our community, the hospitality of our people, the ministries of the church, etc. He even threw some praise my way. Then, the message turned nasty. I wouldn’t have been so surprised by the negative shift in tone and content had I noticed that this post was written…
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theguardianmonster · 3 years
It Begins With a Story
It Begins With a Story
Every life is a story. Moment by moment, the sentences and paragraphs come together, telling a much bigger story of a life lived. One day the story reaches the final period.  Each of us has a story to tell of how we became a widow. Each story is unique, and each one of you is still writing your story. The amazing thing about these stories is that each one has a surprise ending for you to…
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theguardianmonster · 3 years
Embracing Your Purpose in the Midst of a Pandemic Hit World
Embracing Your Purpose in the Midst of a Pandemic Hit World
I had to look twice, blink and open my eyes wide when I first read the news: “Cheslie Kryst: Former Miss USA dead at 30*”. She died by suicide this last weekend of January 2022 in Manhattan. The sad news featured a contrasting picture of Cheslie- beautiful, smiling and radiant. Among other things Chelsie was lawyer. A sister. A daughter.   As one who has dealt with anxiety, depression and even…
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theguardianmonster · 3 years
Handling the Holidays in a Healthy Way
Handling the Holidays in a Healthy Way
When we choose to engage our holiday season in healthy ways, we will get out of it what we put into it. You reap what you sow, therefore we will grow what we tend. Tending to our family relationships, no matter how dysfunctional they can be, is the mark of a caring, maturing Christian. Reconciliation is a big word that doesn’t come easily for most of us. At least one party must swallow his or…
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theguardianmonster · 3 years
10 Biblical Principles for Improving Your Mental Health (Part 1 of 2)
10 Biblical Principles for Improving Your Mental Health (Part 1 of 2)
The Bible is full of wisdom for living a successful, God-honoring life. We are to love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. If we want to address our personhood in full, we can’t overlook our mind and how we handle its health. The following principles are derived from passages in Scripture that can help us understand how God values our mental wellbeing and the spirit…
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theguardianmonster · 3 years
October – Attention Deficit Disorder Awareness and Mobilization Month (ADHD) By Christian Coleman-Jones
October – Attention Deficit Disorder Awareness and Mobilization Month (ADHD) By Christian Coleman-Jones
Every year in October, ADHD Awareness Month is celebrated. The function of this month is to promote awareness among the public of what ADHD is, its causes, symptoms and treatments.  I’ll be honest with you, before writing this blog, I didn’t really know what I wanted to say. Perhaps the pressures and push and pull of my life led me to think that it was not a topic of much interest among you. But…
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theguardianmonster · 3 years
Advice For Me When My Loved One is Struggling with Serious Mental Illness
Advice For Me When My Loved One is Struggling with Serious Mental Illness
We all need natural supports to get better when things like psychosis and mania get the upper hand, and caring for your friends and loved ones struggling with serious/severe mental illness (SMI) is imperative to a good prognosis. Here’s advice I would give anyone who’s wondering what to do for that friend in an acute episode, with or without insight into their SMI. If They Seem to Not Realize…
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theguardianmonster · 3 years
Is Your Narrative Code Fueling Dark Thoughts?
Is Your Narrative Code Fueling Dark Thoughts? The Suicide Solution by Daniel Emina MD and Rick Lawrence, will be released September 14th. This blog contains an excerpt from the book to offer hope and a path out of "the valley of the shadow of death".
Western culture is facing a crisis affecting a wide swath of its population. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve seen an increase in loneliness, anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), substance use disorder, and a broad range of other mental and behavioral disorders, including domestic violence and child abuse. At the height of the pandemic, one-quarter of all 18- to…
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theguardianmonster · 3 years
Experience a New, Hope-Filled Reality in Your Life
Experience a New, Hope-Filled Reality in Your Life
In 1995, the trajectory of Brad and Donna’s Hoefs life changed dramatically. Due to Brad’s mental illness, which was undiagnosed at the time, he had an excruciatingly public episode of uncontrolled manic behavior. As a senior pastor of a large church, Brad was smeared in the news, received condemning letters from pastors across the country, many friendships ceased, and the church asked him to…
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theguardianmonster · 3 years
Facing a Psych Hospitalization or Incarceration with Grace
Facing a Psych Hospitalization or Incarceration with Grace
When we’re sick, we need medicine, and we need treatment. As with any physical ailment, mental ailments have their medicine and treatment too. Sometimes, when handling an acute mental illness episode, hospitalization can be necessary, and unfortunately, incarceration may be a reality (for some). Based on my own experiences in these kinds of situations, I give you the following advice to hang on…
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theguardianmonster · 3 years
"Breaking the Ice" By Christian Coleman-Jones
“Breaking the Ice” By Christian Coleman-Jones
I’m going to break the ice with this post… We protect our identity so much, spend so much time devising strategies to keep “them” from finding out, that we end our days exhausted, blaming it on work or the heavy day. I’m not going to make excuses for who I am anymore. This is what it is, and I plan to live it with those who appreciate it, from now on. I am a person who has great difficulty…
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theguardianmonster · 3 years
The Secrets to Worship Your Way Out of Sorrow
The Secrets to Worship Your Way Out of Sorrow
During pain-plagued tragedies, when one must endure long days and late nights, sorrow threatens to overshadow any sense of hope. It’s a universal experience for sure…that jerk of reality and jumping lightyears into a realm of sorrow. It can appear inescapable, and last far longer than you’d have expected. This new paradigm shift brings the strongest prayer warrior to their knees, but the wisest…
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theguardianmonster · 3 years
“Broken Cisterns: Food” By Eli González
“Broken Cisterns: Food” By Eli González
“… and have dug their own cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold water.” Jeremiah 2:13 (NIV) Fresh Hope has taught me that recovery is work, something that in the 25+ years I have been battling my mental health diagnosis I had not done. In the past, wellness was reduced to a period without depressive symptoms, and even, those periods of hypomania where I acted uninhibited and thought…
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theguardianmonster · 3 years
No Place Like Church
No Place Like Church
Not In Kansas Anymore Amidst the pandemic of COVID-19, it isn’t news that the mental health of many has suffered. For those of us in the tradition of gathering in the church, it has been a struggle in many ways. We are in unfamiliar territory, as if we were Dorothy transported to the land of Oz. But what about getting back home, to church? Whether your church took a reserved approach during…
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