thehorrorpuzzle · 8 years
I was asked a lot to sing this, and I finally got around to record it! I’m reposting this video, now having trimmed out some of the pauses to fit the meter better, and also with the audio aligning to the video more accurately. After thinking a lot about it, I decided to sing it with the original pronouns in order to pay respect to the original singer and context of the song. I truly hope you all enjoy it!
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thehorrorpuzzle · 8 years
Sallerina started running to her front door. Police cars, an ambulance, and the neighbors were crowded all around her house. The front door was wide open, with most police man standing inside. She pushed everyone aside and gasped. Her sister lay on the carpet in a pool of blood and a noose around her neck. Her eyes stared into the distance and her chest was not lifting. Doctors and Police searched the house while she slumped to the floor. She had told Layla she couldn’t go to Bellum with her, and now she regretted not listening. A police woman crouched down beside her and asked some questions about who she was and where she was when the murder happened. She answered monotonously and then asked to go up to Layla’s room. She was not stopped. When she sat down on the bed, with Layla’s journal open to the most recent journals, the tears started flowing. She had documented why she was worried and assumed Sallerina would be mad if she said anything about Luke. She wished, so painfully, that she didn’t have to loose the last family she had. When Layla was four, she witnessed her parent’s murder from the stairway, and wrote the dreadful things once she received her journal. After that, she was bullied for being a cry baby at school, so no one would be a friend to her either. Layla’s best friend was only her sister, and now she had none herself. Sallerina was teased when she was in school, as well, so her best friend was gone, too. She had such a hard time believing that Luke could’ve done this, until she turned the page. There was blood splotches on the page, and very sloppy writing on the page. She held her breath as she read, “Thank you for leaving a small toy for me and my friend to dissect! She was a perfect body to have fun with! Would you like to know what we did with her?! Oh, we came in all sweet and nice, just to give her the benefit of the doubt, and then we pounced! My friend held her down as I prepared to have some fun! Oh….” She couldn’t read the rest. It was mortifying, disgusting, and a terrible thing to do to someone like Layla. She had to turn to the floor to puke when her eyes gazed on what they did after they killed her. Finally, reaching the end of the note, her tears ceased as she read, “I wondered what it was like to kill, and it was fun using your sister, Sallerina. As you can tell, you will never see me again, and I’m glad of it. You were boring anyway. Have fun being alone for the rest of your stupid life!” Now, Sallerina was very angry. She knew exactly where Luke was, and she wanted them arrested and through into Bellum Asylum! Their minds were too crazy for a normal prison. She rushed downstairs to show the Police the new evidence, tired of wasting precious time.
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thehorrorpuzzle · 8 years
It felt like it was approaching the morning, but Jessica was mainly focusing on how to get out of the stinky cell. Whenever she closed her eyes, she could see dark faces and hear their laughter, so she stayed awake in the corner. There were stains on the walls and skeleton bones on parts of the floor. She curled back up in her ball and cried softly. Then, she heard small footprints coming to her cell, and then the ghost girl from earlier peaked through the bottom vent "Permission to enter," she whispered to Jessica. She stayed quiet as she got up from her spot and felt her way to the door. The girl illuminated a warm glow that allowed her eyes to adjust. Jessica sat back down when she reached the vent and asked, "You're not like that demon, are you?" "I told you to leave," the little girl whispered again. "I don't think I'm a demon like the rest of them." "Alright, then I guess you can come in." The little girl disappeared outside the door, making the hallway dark again, and then stood in front of the door. She did appear gentle, and her face showed she was mature and sad. She sat down at the floor and looked at Jessica with her bright blue eyes. "We must whisper," she told Jessica. "No other lost soul will hear our conversation." "Okay," Jessica mumbled. "So, who are you?" "I'm Layla, your deceased aunt." "Woah, really?!" Layla shushed her and dimmed her light. As she turned her head, a cloaked figure walked the hallway. It suddenly felt cold, and the two of them could hear small cries and wails coming from their cell and the others. The figure stopped in front of their door for a second and pounded on it three times. Then, it walked away and the room went back to normals. "You have to be really quiet," Layla scolded. "I don't know if he's on our side or not!" "Who was that," Jessica asked her. "That is the guardian of Bellum, Jess. He did so many vicious crimes, to the lost souls and the people he knew. Still, the spirits chose him to protect the place." "Is he dead? And why are you here? I'm sorry if I sound rude..." "It's fine," Layla replied kindly, scooting forward. "Yes, he's dead. Luke Busbo, the one who possessed your friend, killed him and anyone here during the tragic accident. I'm the one that killed him so he wouldn't attack your mother. And, I'm here as a protector for those who mean no harm to the spirits, which counts you and your friend." "But, wouldn't you protect my house?" "You'd think that, but my parents died there first. They are the ones protecting you. I wanted to live here after dying because I had interesting memories after their accident at home." "Well, that's cool!" Jessica smiled as Layla's nice glow illuminated the room. She turned around to see a young brunette girl, that was sitting in her old spot in the corner, smiling as well and waving at them. "It looks like you guys have calmed down now," Layla said. "I can help you and your friend leave now, Jess." "How?" "I have some ideas."
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thehorrorpuzzle · 8 years
June 4 at 6:00 pm
Journal, I’m really scared. Sissy left for work an hour ago, and she still refused to take me with her! I know she didn’t like what the cloaked man showed me, but I bet he wasn’t kidding last night. :( What if I die and she doesn’t know what I’ve been meaning to tell her? Maybe… I should leave her a message in you, just in case. And, if this is my last day for you, journal, then I say thank you! You’ve been a very good help, and I could not ask for a better friend! I’ll leave you unlocked, so Sissy can read you!
Hi Sallerina,
Wow, it feels like I’ve grown up! I always called you Sissy since the day I was born, but after tonight, if I’m still around, I won’t call you that anymore. I miss Mom and Dad after, you know, a stranger came into our house one night and beheaded them. There’s something I never told you about that night. After he finished stabbing them, killing them, and splattering the blood everywhere, he found me behind the couch sobbing. I was frozen in fear after briefly looking at the bloodied knife. I thought he was going to kill me. Instead, he crouched down to wear I was and I could feel like he was looking at me. I remember I told you and the police he wore a black hat over his face, covering his eyes, but you always get that feeling when someone is looking at you. He just sat there, sitting perfectly still while I just crunched up and sobbed. I bet he was thinking about if he wanted to kill me or not. But then, he got up and disconnected the phone wires before leaving the house. He locked the door on his way out. Of course, I was silly enough to peak from behind the couch to see our parent’s heads laying on the floor, terrified, and their bodies pushed back to a sitting position on the couch. There was some message on the wall, which you saw, but I went back behind the couch, threw up, and sobbed some more. I’m sorry it’s taken this long to tell you, but ———————————————–————– -Hey, Layla! How are things going? -Things are okay, Luke. Why are you and Mr. Mark here? -Well, me and him were walking in the neighborhood, and then I remembered you were going to be alone tonight while Sally had work. Then, I thought it’d be a nice idea that we’d keep you company. Would you like that? -Sure, I guess. I’m sorry I can’t get you guys anything to eat. We haven’t been to the store yet, obviously. You two can come sit in the living room. -Sure! That’d me great! -Do you mind if I go back up to my room real quick? I was doing some writing and I need to finish. -Yeah, in a moment. Me and Mr. Mark wanted to play a game with you first. -What game? -Well… -Hey!!! Let me go! That hurts! -Aw, well, that’s the point, Laffy. You need to be kept still while we enforce the game…!
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thehorrorpuzzle · 8 years
A note for the author
Hi there! So the story is going to take a cliff hanger because school is getting towards the end of the year. Bellum should pick up by June. I hope u guys like it :-D Btw, don't copy. If my story falls to plagiarizing, Things might get ugly for the both of us XD Thank you!
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thehorrorpuzzle · 9 years
-Ah, Merandie! Welcome to Bellum! Wh- -Save it. I'm here to talk with you. -About what? -Your children. -I assure you, I- -I know. You were never married when you met me, but it's been a few weeks since the boys were born, and I don't want them. -You don't?! Why not? -Because my husband and I adopted a little girl, whose only a few months old. She is someone I want. Not this guilt. -Very well. Did you give our boys names? -I named one. The one who was born first is Dean. His brother's name is up to you. - Hm...I will call him Luke, because I don't want to name him after me. -Whatever. The boys are in the nursery downstairs. Have a nice life. -Just a moment. What are you naming your daughter? -...I don't know. -Well, can I give you a suggestion, before you go? -Sure. Lighten me. -I did think of names for our children, a long time ago, and when I thought about a girl's name, I said Sally. -Sally? -Yes, but then I thought that would be too boring for a special girl, so I wanted to name a girl "Sallerina". -Why's that? -Doesn't it sound unique? -I suppose.... -Don't you like it? -As a matter of fact, yes. I'll talk to my husband later. -Alright, goodbye. -Please, take care of those boys. -I will. I have tons of lessons to teach them....
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thehorrorpuzzle · 9 years
June 4
-Sissy, can I talk to you...about something important? -Sure, Lafy. What's up? -Can...can my birthday present this year b-b-be me going with you to Bellum..? -No, you can't go back there again. I won't allow it. -But I don't want to be alone tonight, Sissy! It gets very boring and...and...lonely.... -I'm not discussing this anymore. I'll call Luke and see if he'll stay with you tonight. He did say he wanted to bring his birthday present to you.... -I can wait! I want to spend time with YOU. Not journal, Luke, or even the store clerk. I miss YOU! -I miss you, too, sweety. And if I could, I would stay home tonight and spend time with you. Now, go up to your room. -But... -NOW! -Fine...! Oh, no...I hope what the cloaked man said won't come true. Maybe...maybe I should go pray....
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thehorrorpuzzle · 9 years
Jessica took a deep breath. Who ever was in Kyle didn’t respect her wishes, but it was still Kyle. Like every hostage, she had to play her cards right, or he would pay the price.
“I have no idea who you are,” she whispered, “and I’m not afraid. Leave Kyle, now.”
The spirit in Kyle didn’t listen to her order. Instead, he tightened his grip, almost causing her to scream.
“So that’s his name,” he responded with a thousand laughs as he stroked her hair. “You don’t me, or who we are. You’ll learn…you’ll learn lots…hehe!”
Jessica breathed an apology to Kyle, and kicked his dick really hard. The spirit screamed and and fell down in pain while Jessica took a run towards another area. She ran to a broken door on her left, that had a flight of stairs decending. It smelled, but it was the best way to escape. She tried to take her first step down, but something black picked her up and took her down. She tried to fight, but the thing threw her in the cell. A cell that had more blood and rats all over the place. The Spirit came through the hallway and peeked through the barred window.
“There you go,” he giggled and smiled an evil smile. “That should keep you still. I’ll be back later when I want some fun.”
He left her alone in the dark, and she curled into a ball in the corner, away from the rat infestations.
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thehorrorpuzzle · 9 years
June 3
Hi, journal. I need some advice, more than anything. Do you remember the cloaked man from Bellum? He...he was in my room, journal, reading you at my desk. His raspy breath woke me up, and I wasn't able to move. He put you back on my desk and walked over to me. He whispered, "Don't be alone tomorrow. Sallerina must take you. If she doesn't, he last gem will be stolen from her." He turned and left my room, closing the door gently. Then, I could move. I jumped out of my bed and picked you up. He didn't put anything in here. Just a little note that said, "Look out the window." So, I set you back down and looked out the window, and there was Luke Busbo! He was just staring into my room. He locked eyes with me, smiled, and walked away to a beat up car on the street. I closed the blinds, and now I'm here, writing to you. I'm scared, journal. What could possibly happen tomorrow? Will someone steal our money? Could he take some of our parents stuff? What if Sissy doesn't let me go? I need sleep, since tomorrow I'm turning 7. I hope the man in the cloak was just joking. Goodbye, journal.
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thehorrorpuzzle · 9 years
Merandie's Last Night
All her work was done by 8:30. She had accomplished everything on her to do list, including the new office worker introduction, without running into Lucas. She sighed and started to pack a box of her stuff. Screams and cries came from the downstairs, since Mr. Lucas had stayed in his office all day and could now kill as he wished. Unfortunately, she didn't bring a Tape Player, so she had to bear through the torture. "Hey, Ms. Allon," the janitor said. "You doing alright?" "Yeah, I suppose," she replied. "It's my last night, so I'm getting all my stuff." "Why are you leaving?" "I would prefer not to talk about it, if you don't mind." "I'm sorry, you're right. This shouldn't be my place to ask. By the way, congratulations." He nodded to her stomach. "I highly doubt that's something to be happy for," she mumbled. "Why's that," he asked. "Don't you want to have a family?" "Yeah, but they're not...my fiancé's..." "Oh, I see now. I'm sorry." "It's not your fault." The janitor started mopping the floors again while Merandie packed the box. She was close to getting all her things when he asked, again, "Are you going to love them?" She thought about that for a moment. "I want to, but I don't think I can." "Are you setting them up for adoption?" "I made plans, yes." "Alright. Please excuse my nosiness." "Oh, it's fine. Really." She put the lid of the box on, and walked around the desk. She gave the janitor a goodbye smile as he said, "I know you'll make the right choice, Ms. Allon." "Thank you, Mr. Mark." He tipped his hat, and Merandie exited Bellum for the last time.
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thehorrorpuzzle · 9 years
May 31
Hey, journal.
I know I just wrote to you a few hours ago, about the fun day, but Sissy came home again late. I couldn’t get her up this time. She nearly pushed me away to a glass case of our parents belongings. I thought the best way was to call Mr. Busbo, so maybe he could give it a shot. He answered after the third ring, listened to what I said, and told me he’d be there as soon as he could. I hanged up, then, and went back to Sissy. I kept trying to poke her up, but she curled into a ball and cried some more. Mr. Busbo knocked on the door, and I yelled it was unlock. He pushed Sissy and she screamed. I mean, SCREAMED, journal. He quickly shut the door and sat beside her. I was quite surprised it didn’t take much to calm her down. He just stroked her arm, she leaned into him, and then he could just pick her up and take her to the couch. I decided to let them talk while I made us some hot chocolate.
I guess that was the other weird thing, too. When Mr. Busbo asked her what happened, she said something about “attacked…again..and…and…I couldn’t…run…”, so he shushed her and picked up a blanket from the cupboard, without me asking. Doesn’t that seem odd to you? Then, he came into the kitchen after he calmed Sissy down some more. Here was the conversation:
Luke: Hey, kiddo, thanks for calling me. Me: I didn’t know what else to do. (Keep in mind I’m still making the hot chocolate) Luke: Does she usually come home like this? Me: Yeah, but it’s spotted. Plus, she’s usually calm enough to the point I can get her to breath and drink some hot chocolate. Luke: Ah, that makes sense, but why hot chocolate? Me: I remember Sissy would come home from school, and the same for me, and we would be in a bad mood or depressed. Our parents, mostly mother, would make us some hot chocolate when they could, and then we’d just talk. It helps. Luke: That’s cool, that you still do it. Me: Yeah. Hey, can you get me some muggs from the cupboard there. (He does and puts them beside the oven) Have you been here before or something? Luke: Yeah, sometimes late at night, when you’re asleep, and Sal needs a friend. Me: Okay. How long have you been dating? Luke: It’s approaching six months now. Me: Wow, and right under my nose. (He laughs) Can you get me the marshmallows and the whipped cream, please? (He does as I pour the hot chocolate out of the pan. I sprinkle marshmallows into the first two mugs and too them with some whipped cream.) Here, these are for you and Sissy. Luke: Thanks, kiddo. Me: You’re welcome, Mr. Busbo. Luke: You are allowed to call me ‘Luke’. (He bows and smiles.) Me: Very well then! (I curtsy)
Sissy did calm down after that, and Luke decided he was going to stay the night. So, now I’m back upstairs and getting ready to go back to bed. I JUST had to tell you that.
There’s one more thing, journal. I have a feeling he could’ve lied to me about being here before. Sissy would’ve told me the next day, whether I heard them or not. Could it be possible?
Well, I don’t know. I won’t ask Sissy yet. Good night, best friend!
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thehorrorpuzzle · 9 years
Locked Up
Jessica never felt so afraid in her life. Kyle was in the same state she was when he finished locking the windows. He swore under his breath and covered his face, and Jessica started to explore the desk.
“Let’s look for some clues, Ky,” she whispered. “Maybe we’ll find some useful information that’ll help us get out, or understand this place a bit more, you know?”
He mumbled in agreement and walked over to where she was standing. While wrapping his arms around her stomach, she wiped the dust off the golden sign.
“It says ‘Dean Busbo’,” she read. “He must’ve been the manager of this place. Kyle picked up a little tag that belonged to Dean that said, in fact, he was the manager.
"Thank you. Now, can you let go of me, please? I’ll start looking through his desk.”
There wasn’t much stuff in there. Some work supplies and some files of patients living at the time. Then, Kyle found a photo in one of the drawers, cracked up. Jessica found one, too.
“Hey, this is my mom,” she gasped. “Who do you have?” “Someone named 'Merandie Allon’,” replied Kyle. “Is that one of your family members?” “Yeah, she was my grandmother, but-”
She didn’t get to finish because Kyle screamed and backed up. Both saw a little girl in a white nightgown, blonde hair, and very bright eyes staring at them from the door. She didn’t have a face of terror, anger, or sadness. She just stared at Kyle and Jessica. Kyle whimpered in the corner, but Jessica returned her gaze. It felt like she knew this girl.
“They’re gone,” the little girl whispered to her. “Please, leave, and don’t come back.”
She turned and walked through the door, leaving them speechless. Jessica sighed and looked to Kyle.
“Get up, cry baby,” she told him. “Let’s get the h-” “DON’T SAY IT,” yelled Kyle. “WHO KNOWS WHAT’LL HAPPEN NEXT!” “Fine, let’s get out of here, before mom throws a fit.”
They moved the things from the door, unlocked it, and walked out as quietly as possibly. It was silent in the asylum, and the floorboards creaked as they made their way to the front door. They hoped it was unblocked.
“Let’s keep our flashlights off,” Kyle whispered. “Just in case, Jess.” “Sure,” Jessica replied. “And can you hold my hand? I’m sorry I’ve been such a bitch tonight.”
He did, and they made it to the front safety, but everything wasn’t as perfect as it seemed. They were just a step from leaving when Kyle stiffened, his grip even tighter in Jessica’s hand. He moaned and slumped his shoulders.
“Hey, babe, let’s go,” Jessica hissed. “We gotta leave!!” Kyle laughed and looked up. “Sorry, Ms. Allon,” he said, but not with his own voice, “but I’m not finished yet!”
Jessica screamed and fought his grip, but it was really strong. He swung her around until she was held against his chest, arms held to her sides, and his warm breath by her ears.
“I’m have to take everything from her,” he whispered in her ear. “Every. Last. Treasure.”
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thehorrorpuzzle · 9 years
May 30
Oh my gosh, journal! You won’t believe what I’m about to tell you!
SISSY HAS A BOYFRIEND!!!!!! I can’t believe it, can you?! I bet you’re dying for details!
Well, we went to the General Store again to get me special treat for my birthday, so I went over to the candy section. Mr. Mark had so much in today! He told me that it was all for me, but then he said he was joking. I felt sad after that. Then, this guy walked up to Sissy and hugged her. She hugged him back and introduced me to him. Here, I’ll write down out conversation, word for word:
Sissy: This is my little sister I was talking about. Her name is- Me: I can tell him myself! (Luke smiles and sits down to my level) I’m Lafy, but you have to call me Layla or Ms. Allon. I can’t trust you yet with my nickname yet. Luke: Alright, Ms. Allon. I’m Luke Busbo. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you! What would you like to get today? Me: Well, I was wondering if you had any taffy? Luke: We sure do!(he picks up a bag of fruity taffy) And you know what? Since your birthday is coming up, I’ll buy you a little something, too. (He boops my nose) Me: Yay! Luke: So, would you like some Peanut Butter Chocolates? I made these myself. Me: Uh, I don’t know. I never liked to eat hard chocolate since… (Sissy gives me “the look”) Since I was four. Luke: Really? Why? Me: No one came to my party, and I had every guest’s favorite kind of chocolate. Luke: Aw, then they’re not really good guests! Would you like to try one now, and see if you like it? Me: Sure, I guess. (He takes one out of the bag and hands it to me. He gives Mr. Mark a quarter, while Sissy insists she pays, but Luke says no. I pop the chocolate into my mouth) Me: This is really good! Can you buy me this bag? Luke: Absolutely! (He pays for both bags and Sissy sighs. She thanks him away and kisses his cheek.) Sissy: We should probably get going. Thank you! Luke: My pleasure, babe. I’ll see you later! (He kisses her cheek) Me: Bye, Mr. Busbo! Bye, Mr. Mark!
It was so cool, and I’m so happy for Sissy! She finally has someone to hold and support her. Mr. Busbo is coming at dinner, so I’ll end our writing time here. His chocolates are so good!
Bye, best friend!
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thehorrorpuzzle · 9 years
Merandie finished settling her paperwork from the day. It was 9:30, and Mr. Lucas had requested a meeting with her when she was done. She wasn’t looking forward to it. It had been a long six months he hadn’t called for her, so she was planning her next move to go to college. She wanted to be a teacher at the local schools so her kids would have someone strong to guide them. She locked her desk up and headed up the stairs to the main office.
It was really quiet in the medical ward. Somehow, all the patients came out as “crazy” or even “no hope” so they were put to sleep with the family saying goodbye. Maybe there were only 10-15 patients left, which made Merandie angry. The old policy of Bellum was to have a retirement home, small hospital, and insane asylum all in one, so the other hospital and jail wouldn’t be so crowded. Now, Mr. Lucas was trying to strive towards and asylum for lunatics and people with Alzheimer’s disease. She knew that’s what she talk with him first. And, why he always stayed in his office everyday.
She didn’t bother knocking on the door, and saw a terrible sight. Mr. Lucas wore a black cloak and his skin was a palish white. He lifted his hood up and bowed to her.
“Mrs. Allon,” he greeted in a raspy voice, “Thank you for-” “What the hell happened to you,” she yelled. “You…you…” “Ahh,” he interrupted her. “A friend did this for me. Now I can dispose of residents ‘faster’.” “You’re not human…” “I’m very human.”
He walked towards her and stroked her cheek. This caused her to recoil and push him away, but that didn’t do much. He Barry budged, but he didn’t grab her either.
“Merandie,” he asked, with hurt, “Why do you deny my attempts to make you mine? We are alike.” “No, we’re not,” she replied. “I wouldn’t do…THIS…to achieve what I want!” “But we both…wait…”
Mr. Lucas looked down and saw how big Merandie’s belly was. He gasped and slid down to the ground. “You’re…pregnant,” he gasped. Merandie fell to the floor in tears from fear and shame. She didn’t want children, yet she knew it wasn’t right to end what was in her belly.
“Merandie, what gender?” “It’s twins,” she cried. “Both male…” “That’s…wonderful!” He attempted to hug her, but she pushed him away again. “No,” she screamed, “it’s not! I have a boyfriend, but you never bothered to ask! He must feel so much pain because he knows these children aren’t his!”
She stood up and showed him her left hand. “We’re engaged as well, and I feel angered! I lived in fear that I’d loose my job, when I could’ve destroyed yours! Now I’m leaving for college in the fall and resigning from Bellum. Have fun with your playground!”
She slammed the door and left Mr. Lucas in his office. No worker was left at Bellum. He slummed to the floor in tears and cried. He cried like he was a little boy again.
“Oh, Lucas Busbo,” he whimpered, “What have I done?!”
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thehorrorpuzzle · 9 years
The General Counselor
-Hey, Mr. Mark. -How are you, Ms. Allon? Here for some eggs and milk? -Yeah. I sent Layla to get the rest of the groceries. And, I'm actually feeling good. I feel like I can calm down now. -Layla's doing better as well? -So much! The writing helped her to open up to me and the therapist. We're trying to decide if she needs to go back at all. -That's great! But, are you still going? I don't know yet...My boss doesn't pay much. -That's obvious. I worked for his father a long time ago. He didn't pay much either. -You worked with our mother, too, right? -Yep! Best worker at Bellum, if you want my opinion. -Sissy, here's the rest of the groceries. Can I go look at the antique toys? -Sure, Layla... -LAFY! -Lafy. I'll be ready in a second. -That'll be $45. -What was she like when she worked at Bellum? -Somewhat like you. Of course, y'all took the same job, but she was nice to everyone. Pretty scared to go down to 'you-know-what'. Why do you go down there? -I have to give him the files of who's out of date, you know? -Yeah, I know. Hey, Busbo! Can you give me a hand here? -Yes, sir! I'm coming! Hello, miss. -Hi! Would you like me to help? -No, that's okay. It's my job to help bag items at the speed of light! -Alrighty. Thank you! -No problem! Is this all you're buying? -Yeah, I'm a bit tight at the moment. If I earned more money, I'd buy one of those mansions down the street. -I know, right? Well, here you go, miss...? -Sallerina Allon. -Wow, what a gorgeous name for someone so beautiful! I'm Luke. Luke Busbo. -Thank you! Have a nice day! -You, too! -Go clean the back, Busbo! -Sir, yes, sir! -Wow...he's... -Handsome. Yep! He just started working here. You two should go out sometime. -Oh, I don't know about that... -You got to start trusting the world again, Sallerina. I know they're still trying to find out who did it, but that doesn't mean the people around here are to blame. Open up to Luke, or at least give him a shot. -Alright. Thank you, Mr. Mark. -My pleasure! Have a nice one! -Who were you talking to, Sissy? -Don't worry about it, Lafy. Let's go home and make some dinner. -Then hot chocolate and a movie? -Definitely hot chocolate and a movie! -Yay!
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thehorrorpuzzle · 9 years
Too Good to Understand
Jessica was right. Her mother definitely would never let her to Bellum at this hour. It was a new moon, so they tiny stars didn’t even brighten the sky enough. She and Kyle pulled out their flashlights when the car was parked in the overgrown trees.
“You sure you want to do this, babe,” he asked her. “Hell yeah,” replied Jessica, turning slamming the car door. “It was your idea in the first place. Besides, I want to see what so bad about this place.” “Well, I got this feeling that-” “Zip it, Ky, because it’s either you wait here for me to finish exploring or we both go in. Which is it?”
Kyle didn’t respond and stared walking to the boarded doors. Jessica followed and inspected the scene before her. Weeds were everywhere and the parking lot was demolished. Kyle pulled the wood off and escorted Jessica in. It was really musty inside. Some of the ceiling was scattered on the floor, holes were everywhere, and papers glued to the walls. It seemed like an animal had trashed the whole place in a rage. Jessica chuckled.
“So, what’s that feeling you got, Ky?” “Well, I did some research earlier, about why this place closed down.” “And?” “And I just found a reason why…”
Jessica walked over to where Kyle was standing. He was by a wall not even broken, but splashed with blood and a decayed body close by. The body was a male, a janitor to be exact, and his eyes were glassy white and lifeless. They looked to the wall and read,
“We died in vain. We died of shame. Now it’s your turn to do the same.”
They stood in silence, and held each other’s hands, until they heard a bump close by. They jumped and turned. Then, they heard a little girl scream,
Before they could react, the body grabbed Jessica’s leg and laughed. His eyes stared at her face and he said, in a raspy voice,
Jessica and Kyle screamed and made and run for the doors, but the boards from outside flung up and blocked the entrance. More screams and laughs erupted as the dead body rose from the floor. Kyle grabbed Jessica’s hand and lead her to the top floor. The voices softened, as they went up, but that didn’t mean they were safe yet. He opened a door to an office and slammed it. He checked the windows while Jessica locked and blocked the door.
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thehorrorpuzzle · 9 years
January 13
Hey, journal. It’s me, Lafy, again. I know I already wrote in you today about the good things that happened today. (Especially Brendon. He is so sweet when he isn’t listening to Chrissie :-) ) But something happened last year, before Christmas, that I couldn’t tell you. The therapist wouldn’t like what had happened that day. So, on December 13th, I went with Sissy again, but this time I explored the first level. I really wanted to find that basement, and I did! There was a door by the wall that had a staircase. A very filthy staircase. I went down and it was really dark. There were cells on each wall and multiple hallways. It really stank, too, if you want to know. There were some men and woman crying and probably some who just looked out the window at me. Some even cowered at my presence. Then, someone in a black cloak walked from around the corner and stopped in front of me. He breathing was raspy and it sounded like he was dying. So I asked him if he was okay. All he did was chuckle, and a girl in the cell beside us cried and whimpered. The person in the cloak pointed to the little window on the door, that was my height, gesturing me to watch. I crouched down and looked the bars. The girl seemed to be eighteen years old, and really dirty. The cloaked figure walked away, whispering, Click. Tick. Tock. Cock. Click. Tick. Tock. Cock. This caused the girl to start screaming loudly as she covered her ears. She was crying now, and copied the same rhythm. It seemed like she was saying it against her will because she scooted further into her corner. Then, I heard the chuckle again and the room went black. She screamed, most likely at the top of her lungs, and everything went silent. Soon I could see the room again, only splattered with blood all over the walls. The girl’s head lay a few feet away from her slumped body, with her eyes staring blankly somewhere else. I stood up to the see the cloaked person back where I was. “What did you think of that, little one,” it asked me, distinguishing the cloaked figure was a male. “You don’t look so good.” Sissy found me at that point and gasped. She said a lot of bad words to him and pushed me behind her. Most of it was that he was crazy to even show me what happened. She picked me up and started to leave when he said, “I suggest you burry your treasure think is best. It might just take your best jewel away, leaving you alone. Forever.” Sissy ignored that and took me home, since her shift was done, and told me I was never going to work with her again. She made a really good dinner, too, thinking I was scared again. I’m glad I could tell someone finally. Waiting a year is so boring. Aren’t you glad the therapist said two years of reading my thoughts from you was best? Anyway, I want to tell you the answer because I won’t see that man again. No, sir. I’m actually not disgusted, if that’s the answer you’re looking for. I’ve seen that happen before.
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