thehunterstracks · 2 years
The First Hunt (Ch.1)
A small cabin in the forest sat quietly alone inside,The Hunter sat on the window sill reading. The cabin was warm and smelled of charcoal from the fireplace, books littered the surfaces of the tables in the cabin. A pot was boiling some vegetables for dinner, just The Hunter and their tracker.Candles burning were the only source of light during that time, the sun had set about an hour ago.
The tracker was curled up by the door waiting for a call to be made. They had been informed of a new job offer coming soon.It was curled up comfily, ready for anything at any moment. Its walls weren't fully down though, as they typically weren't.
“Any call yet?” The Hunter asked, putting down their book to look up at their companion.It shook its head, assuring the boss it hadn't seen any movement outside either.
“Disappointing, shall I make us tea while we wait?” The Hunter asked, standing up, their book is forgotten on the table.The tracker nodded and got up to follow The Hunter. Sitting on the kitchen counter it questioned "What do you think the new employers will be like?".
The Hunter hummed. “I don’t know Hakim, hopefully cooperative.” They grabbed two mugs from a shelf and prepared the kettle. “Chamomile or Lady Gray?” They asked.
"Chamomile please !!" it said, moving from the counter it was sitting on over to its partner. "I hope the job isn't too quick, what's the fun if it's over too soon?" it said with a slight frown.
The Hunter chuckled softly, lighting the stove and placing the kettle upon the flame. “Sadistic little thing, aren’t you?” They teased.
"Come on," chuckled Hakim, a sly smile on its unmasked face "can't I play with my food a little?"
“You do what you like, little fox, but I prefer to kill my prey before I eat it first.” The Hunter hummed, taking the kettle off the stove as it whistled loudly. They poured the hot water into both mugs and added the tea bags, handing one to the smaller figure.
The Tracker happily took the cup, blowing on it to cool it down. "Understood, I simply enjoy it more when there's more fight. I guess I'm just easily under-stimulated." It took a little sip of the tea.
“Fair, I suppose.” The Hunter agreed, lifting the mug to take a sip. “Good choice, Chamomile has always been my favorite before going out.”
"To be honest with you," the tracker looked down at its cup "I believe you're the one that got me hooked on it." It ended the sentence with the sly smile it had been wearing turning into a much softer, approachable smile.
“Really? How interesting. The smallest things are always the best ones I suppose.” Hummed The Hunter. “But I must say, your mischievous side has taken a toll on me.”
"In the good or bad way?" Questioned the smaller of the two. It raised the cup to its lips to find none left, it wasn't lying about truly enjoying the tea.
“Does it matter?” They answered. “Would you like more tea?”
It nodded, quickly handing its cup to the taller one. Once the cup was out of its hands it quickly perked up its ears at the notice of a ringing phone. It quickly ran to answer it, wondering if it was the newest employer.
As The Hunter poured more tea for the smaller one of the two, they chuckled softly at its fast response to the ringing.
The voice on the other end was, crackly if you could even slightly describe it. The soft sound of static quickly rang through its ears, a moment later and it quickly grabbed a pen and paper to Wright the address the voice of the other end was saying. However when its brain seemed to catch up with what was happening it realized it wasn't an address but coordinates, and a time to meet there.
Once done writing the coordinates and time it ran back to its companion's side, not after a proper goodbye of course.
“Intriguing.” The Hunter said, looking at the coordinates that their partner had written down. “I remember an old client who did that.”
The Hunter gave the newly filled mug back to their smaller companion, taking their own and putting it away.
"Yes well, it seems we may have to finish our tea quicker than we would like, they wish us to meet them in little under an hour." The tracker explained, taking a sip of the warm tea.
“I see. Well, finish that cup and we’ll start to head towards the coordinates. I can go look at the map to see where we’re going, we might need to prepare for the weather.” The Hunter ordered, grabbing their fur cloak and taking a look at the map rested on the kitchen table.
“It seems that our client may be an operator, considering their urgency.” The Hunter commented.
The tracker quickly finished its tea, looking at the weather. It seemed like rain.
"Operators are surely always something, I hope they don't want the job done too quickly," it said. a small frown forming on its face.
“Yes, they are. At least they pay well. Most of them do want things out of the way very quickly, however, so you might be right.” The Hunter sighed, grabbing some supplies and their gun. “Do you think I’ll need regular bullets or A. Bullets?” They asked.
"You could take the regular bullets, and I'll hold onto your A. Bullets?" it said, tucking its dagger into its boots. "By the way, do you know where my raincoat is?"
“In the closet.” The Hunter responded, loading their gun.
It made its way to the closet, grabbing its raincoat and tucking its crossbow onto its belt. "thank you!" it said, a mix of adoration and thankfulness. It walked over to the Hunter.
“Are you all ready?” They asked, strapping on their gun and handing Hakim a couple of Angel Bullets for safekeeping.
"Pretty much," it said, grabbing its bushel of arrows, and sticking the A. bullets into a small compartment inside. "Oh yeah, Jadis, do you wanna play some checkers when we get done?" a playful smile crept onto its face.
“Are you trying to scam me again?” Jadis asked, suspicious of their friend’s antics. They pulled up their hood and stepped outside, it was drizzling slightly.
Tracker followed, closing the door behind it. "Why would I ever scam you? I can't believe you'd accuse me of such a thing !" It said, feigning shock.
“Oh hush, yes I’ll play. Now let’s get going.” Hunter sighs, heading towards the coordinates of the client.
"Yes! Alright, let's head out." It said, transforming into its fox form. An arctic fox, while not the best for a forest climate, is still fine when having the proper resources.
The travel was mostly silent, the sound of rain is the only noise in the forest. As they neared the coordinates, a piece of paper hung on a nearby tree. It swayed slightly, soaked by the rain.
A small sound emitted from the side of the Hunter as the Tracker changed back from its fox form. It quickly grabbed the wet note, bringing it back to its boss.
The Hunter studies the note quietly, it looked rushed, like it was written by a child. ‘ALWAYS WATCHES NO EYES’ it said. There was a drawing of a face with Xs for eyes. “How peculiar, I believe I know who our client is.” Hunter hummed in amusement. “You certainly won’t get bored with this job, little fox.”
The fox perked up at the news. "Sounds fun, are we gonna get to meet our new employer, or are they the mysterious type?" it questioned.
“Oh, I’m sure we will, however, I do not know our client personally, but I sure as hell know he isn’t the one to hire mercenaries on the spot.” The Hunter answered. “He’s more of a…‘business type’ if you will.”
"Oh, should I have donned a suit? Do they wear a suit? Are they one of those fancy people with the nice art pieces in their house?" it questioned excitedly, practically burying its partner with its questions.
“Slow down, Little Fox.” The Hunter chuckled. “Why don’t you ask them yourself?” They said as the pair had finally reached the coordinates.
It rested its hand on the crossbow on its side as they approached. It stepped a little in front of the Hunter. As much as it enjoyed fooling around, its priorities were in order.
As the pair stepped through the trees into an opening, it revealed a large mansion, big enough to hold hundreds of people. “Welcome to Slender Mansion, Little Fox. Mind your manner however, some of those who live here have a temper.” The Hunter revealed, taking their hood off and stepping towards the doors of the mansion.
The fox nodded and followed. Its hand rested on its belt instead of directly on its crossbow. It watched intently as the Hunter knocked on the doors, waiting for them to open.
Before the door opened, there were multiple ’you go get it’s before stomping was heard and the door quickly opened to reveal a masked man, slightly shorter than The Hunter.
“Who are you?” The man asked, looking the two up and down.
“We are mercenaries, called here by your Operator I believe.” The Hunter explained calmly. “Mercenaries?” The man scoffed. “As we need them, we do our jobs just fine.”
"If that were true we wouldn't be heard." It said with a smile, slightly muffled by the mask that it put on before the door opened.
“Yeah? Well listen little shit, we don’t need your help. Just go back to whatever hole you crawled out of and bury yourself, yeah?” The man snapped back, visibly irritated. The voices inside seemed to have quieted.
The fox, frankly a little taken aback, readied to throw another insult at the man in the white mask. However before it could begin its talking, a man with a blue face mask and goggles peeked around the door. "Masky what's the hold-up? You were supposed to let the gu- fuck the guests in"
“We don’t know if their guests, RODGERS. They could be some assholes who want to rob us!” Masky snapped. The Hunter sighed, this was going to be a long night.
"Slender said barely ten minutes ago that guests would arrive soon, so we can probably assume these are the guests, WRIGHT." said the "Rodgers" character. Hakim snickered at the cute bickering.
“Fine! Jesus, why are you our captain..” Masky had grumbled, opening the door all the way so that the pair could come inside. “Thank you.” Hunter had mumbled quietly, nodding to the ‘Rodgers’ person and stepping inside.
The Tracker gave a small nod of appreciation. It noticed the fine interior of the home. While its questions of the house being very fancy weren't fully wrong, they weren't completely right either. The home looked very nice, but it looked lived in by several people. It was apparent that the two they'd met were only a small part of the cast
“Welp. I’m going to my room. Bye.” Masky has said before quickly rushing to his room to avoid any more ‘annoyances’. “…feisty one, isn’t he?” The Hunter joked, turning to the smaller man.
"Yeah he's been a bit," the man paused to think of his next words, trying to plan out so he doesn't stutter too bad "on edge currently. Well he's on edge pretty much alwe- shit always, but I assume you aren't here to talk about him?" he quickly moved to close the door behind the pair
“No, we are not. May I ask where we must go to find your boss?” The Hunter questioned, towering over the smaller two beside them.]
The boy thought for a moment before moving to guide them to the dining room. "Of course, right this way." He gestured into the room, standing propped up in the doorway.
“Thank you…?” The Hunter had said expectantly, silently asking for a name before entering the room before them.
"Toby Rogers and you two are?" he said, returning the question.
“Just call us the Hunter and Tracker, no need for names when it’s been thousands of years.” The Hunter responded, bowing slightly to Toby before entering the room.The Tracker gave a polite nod and small bow to the man before following its boss. Toby continued to rest on the door, waiting for the interaction that was about to unfold.As the two entered the room, a tall lanky man with no head features in a black suit sat before them at a desk littered with papers and books. He ‘looked’ expectantly at the two as they entered. ”Right on time, as usual, Hunter.” The man spoke in a smooth voice. “Thank you, old friend. You called?” The Hunter responded.
”Indeed I did. I’m having trouble with a particular demon, they have been wondering for too long in our territory. I have sent my proxies out but they came back empty-handed, I should have expected it. I would like you to find this demon and bring them to me, I need a word with them.” The man explained, The Hunter nodded understanding the assignment. “You mustn’t go so hard on them, you know, they are human.” They said, referring to the earlier insult about the man’s workers.
"Frankly, I find it interesting any humans have lasted this long working for you." the fox spoke, quickly speaking again once they realized its words could be misinterpreted. "Meant as a compliment of course," it gave a quick look to Toby before looking back at the Tall man "I should know humans aren't too durable." It said, reflecting on the days before it was immortal.
”I take it that you too were human once, yes? Maybe the incompetent fools that do my bidding could take after you, little fox.” The man had stated. ”However that is not what you're here for, let’s get back to business, shall we? My proxies shall fill you in on the details of the assignment, just bring the demon back alive and you shall have your payment.” Soon, a slight ringing was heard, and the man had sent out a signal for the others.
“We will be as quick as possible, as promised.” The Hunter had responded.
"I'll fill you in while Slender does some other business," Toby started. "I'll give you all the information on the demon. I'll be waiting in the living room for you two" with that statement he walked out of the room.
The Hunter nodded, and they looked down at their companion. “May you go meet him first? I would like to talk alone with our client.” They asked softly.
"Of course!" it said cocking its head, before quickly walking into the living room to get the information.
“Play nice.” They said watching their friend leave the room. “I’m under the impression that you would like Tracker to stay here for a couple of weeks? To train your proxies I assume?” Hunter had asked after their companion was out of earshot.
”Indeed, you may stay as well if you like.” The man offered, and Hunter nodded. “I understand, we’ll report back to you when the assignment is done.” They said before stepping out of the room.
The tracker finally had the demon in its hands, reporting their location to the Hunter. It quickly dropped down from the tree, making sure it was heard. The prey turned towards it quickly pulling out a weapon of their own. The Tracker quickly charged its prey, going low to try to trip them. The demon jumped, turning quickly to the tracker. However, they quickly found two things. First was a sudden pain in their ankle, looking down they found a bear trap clamped around their leg. The second they found when they looked up, was a gun. Aimed directly at their head.
“…grab the rope.” The Hunter had ordered. “Our client needs them alive.”
"Will do!" said the tracker, quickly running for the rope it stashed in a nearby tree. Bringing it back, it hog-tied the demon.
“Great, now let’s get going. We don’t need them to call their friends.” The Hunter said, hauling the demon over their shoulder and starting to walk back to the mansion.
The tracker quickly followed, knocking on the door of the mansion when they arrived. Toby had opened the door for them, instructing them on where The Slenderman was.
The demon struggled, screeching louder as the group approached the office.
The demon was thrown on the floor in front of the tall, faceless man. The Hunter and Tracker are in front of him. The mission had gone smoothly, though it took a bit long.
“Sorry for the wait, they were a bit of a hassle.” The Hunter said apologetically, they put a hand over their bicep wincing slightly. “Put up a bit of a fight too.”
"Meant they were fun to play with though!" The Tracker addressed the tall man with a nod, before sitting on a chair beside the counter.The Hunter nodded. “Now, about that agreement..” They had said, not mentioning it until now. ”Indeed.” The tall man had agreed.
The fox looked at the two quizzically, tempted to ask if it should leave the room.
The tall man had turned his head slightly to look at The Tracker. ”Your mentor and I have agreed on letting you stay here at the mansion for a couple of weeks, they shall be staying with you, of course.” The Tracker looked to its boss before turning its head to the faceless man. "Is there any catch here?" It said jokingly, wondering what the reasons behind this visit were.
”You’ll be training my proxies. In your 300 or more years of life, and because of your mentor, I’m sure you’ll have experience.” The man explained.
"Ahhhhh I see," a smile appeared on the fox's still masked face. "How rough do you need me to be on 'em? Any specifics you need me to teach 'em? Loyalty? Fighting? Defense?" It questioned, excited for the new opportunity.
“Slow down, little fox.” The Hunter chuckled softly. “You’ll have to get to know them each in a battle to know what they need.”
Its head flicked to the Hunter. "Oh so, one-on-one training? I get to study them?" it let out a small snicker before readjusting its position on the chair. It temporarily stopped to look at Toby, who had been standing against the entrance wall. Toby could feel the slightly sinister grin it was giving him.
”In a way, your mentor will be watching to make sure that there will be no…interruptions.” The man had said in a slightly staticky tone. The Hunter nodded.
"Are there any possible 'interruptions' I should be aware of?" It wondered whether it should be concerned or excited.
”Well, I am aware that you seem to grow attached. Your feelings get in the way, so if they were to interrupt your training…I might have it just be you instead of you AND your mentor. Sound fair?” The man threatened, standing to full height.The smaller of the four gave a small sound of disappointment before responding. "I suppose that sounds fair, as long as The Hunter is safe I'll agree to this deal," it said, reaching out a hand absentmindedly.
”Wonderful, you’ll start tomorrow.” The man agreed, shaking the smaller one’s hand. In doing so, called the other two proxies to the office.
Toby stood up as the others approached. The fox retracted its hand, and stood from its seat, putting the chair back in its original spot. "Does that mean we get to sleep here too?" it questioned, already knowing the answer but wanting to hear it out loud for reassurance.
”Indeed, your rooms should be on the third floor.” The man directed. “You called, ‘Boss’?” A voice had interrupted, it was the man who had answered the door before.The Tracker's eyes had landed on the masked man with the hoodie over his head, before snapping back to Slender to hear the instructions for his proxies. These were going to be some very fun weeks.
(A/N: So sorry for the wait!! We were bit busy with school starting. :]]]]] -Phrog
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thehunterstracks · 2 years
Flags -
The Hunter A.K.A. Jadis Rowelands = aroace, nonbinary, American
The Tracker A.K.A. Hakim = Masc agender, pansexual, Australian
-Finn <33
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Here are the references for The Hunter and The Tracker!
-Phrog :]]
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thehunterstracks · 2 years
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Here are the references for The Hunter and The Tracker!
-Phrog :]]
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thehunterstracks · 2 years
Main post
This account is run by two mods the first being 
Finn ( @lostsilver ) he/it pronouns, creator of The Tracker
The lovely Phrog ( @artisticphrog ) they/it pronouns, creator of The Hunter, and maker of most of the beautiful art you may see on this page (:
DNI- Pedophiles, Rapists, Zoophiles, Racists, any sort of homophobe/transphobe (basically just assholes and bigots)
All posts will be tagged appropriately, and we will try to read over and correct any typos we may have made. 
 Will post small introductions for our characters. (And maybe some general stuff about our versions of the creepy pastas in our story.)
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