theimaginarydagger · 3 years
I‘m still so fucking in love with Alex. Anyone interested in reading reader insert fics for her? Or Steph? I might even do Gabe or Ryan if requested
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theimaginarydagger · 3 years
Everytime I see Steph and Alex, I painfully realise just how very gay and very single I am.
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theimaginarydagger · 3 years
The same kinda vibes
Platonic!Thor x fem!Reader
Wordcount: round about 1100
(This was inspired by one of my best friends who said I give off the same vibes as Thor. Enjoy!)
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It wasn’t often that Thor was around the Avengers compound anymore. He was often travelling, protecting the nine realms and, most importantly, spending time on Asgard. But when he did go back to the compound every once in a while, it was usually for a mission.
The Avengers were gathered in the meeting room. Eyes focused on Fury, intently listening to every word he said. Everyone was absolutely serious. Well, almost everyone.
Y/n was playing with her pen, trying to see how fast she could spin it between her fingers, sometimes even opting to doodle on a piece of paper she had intended to write notes on. Instead, it was now adorned with a drawing of the Avengers’ very own Nick Fury, looking very angry as a flower crown was perched upon his head. Her eyes travelled across the room. She tried. She tried really hard to focus on the mission that was supposed to take place in a few days’ time. But she found herself unable to. Surely, she would be able to ask Steve about it the next day. With that, she excused her drifting thoughts, opting to just claim that she had a bad day if someone caught her.
She looked at Steve. Stoic as always in those meetings. He literally looked like the picture-perfect superhero, even without his uniform.
Tony was fumbling with something in his hands. She couldn’t make out what it was, but she knew by now that it was a nervous tick of his. Something about the upcoming mission seemed to bother him.
Bucky was looking on with a straight face. Sometimes, he nodded along. His hand often rubbed over his bearded chin.
Sam was lightly twisting in his spinny chair. His eyes never left the intimidating man before him.
Nat was taking some notes, though most of the time, she was just staring at the paper, a focused look on her face.
Wanda was twirling her hair between her fingertips. Y/n couldn’t make out whether she was actually paying attention though.
Y/n’s eyes landed on Thor next. He was sitting across from her and was already looking at her, nodding towards her doodles. A grin was on his lips. Quickly, she gazed at Fury, who was discussing something with Bruce. Once she had made sure that he wasn’t paying attention to the entire room, she slipped the paper off the table and held it up a little. Just high enough for Thor to see but not high enough to be suspicious.
Thor quietly giggled to himself. A hand hid his grin, but Y/n could tell that it was there as it lit up his entire face. Then, his eyes travelled to Fury, who now had his back turned to the crew. He held up his own paper. It showed a doodle of Loki, horns and all, a sour expression on his face as he was surrounded by kittens.
Y/n had a hard time holding back her very own laughter. A quiet snort escaped her though, alerting Peter Parker, who was seated next to her. He couldn’t hold back a rather loud giggle. Y/n’s eyes widened, and she tried her best to shush the youngest Avenger. Tony’s eyes travelled to the trio. Thor noticed first, trying to kick Y/n’s feet under the table to get her attention. Once she looked up at him, he nodded to the side. Tony was already looking at her, a brow raised in a silent question. She gave him the most innocent smile she could muster. He looked away from the troublemaking trio. But not without making a mental note to deal with them later.
Y/n looked back at Thor, shrugging with an overdramatised pout on her lip. Thor reciprocated her pout and traced a finger down his cheek, as though it was a tear rolling down his face. Y/n put her hands on her cheeks, her mouth shaped an ‘o’ and she opened her eyes as widely as possible, mimicking exaggerated shock. Thor then gave her the biggest grin he could muster, all teeth with his hands under his chin, as though he was an angel.
“Are you done now?” Fury asked, making the two Avengers jump in their seats. They both looked down at the table, faces crimson red and hands neatly folded in their laps.
“Yes, sir.” They both mumbled. Peter was laughing so hard at their guilty faces that tears rolled down his cheeks, the colour of his face an unhealthy shade of red. Thor could swear that the boy was even turning slightly purple at the lack of air that managed to get into his lungs.
The other Avengers joined in the laughter for a second, even Cap let out a chuckle though he tried to hide it behind his hand. Y/n looked back up at Thor who was already looking at her, a mischievous smile on his lips that would even make his brother jealous.
Once the meeting was over, Thor caught up with Y/n, the duo was happily joking away, when Peter ran up to them. Over the time he had formed a strong connection with Y/n as she was always trying her best to understand the youngest Avenger. She hadn’t been a part of the Avengers for too long either when he joined so they often ended up training together, trying to improve their skills to match the other members.
“You guys totally have the same vibes. I love that!”
“You mean dumbass who easily gets in trouble with the big boss?”
“No, no, no! You guys are like the definition of chaotic good. Y’know with you guys being superheroes and stuff.”
Y/n laughed at the youngsters’ words. “Thanks, Pete. I just hope Tony and Fury feel the same way about us.”, she said. Before Peter could reply, however, Tony was calling his name and, with an apologetic smile, he left the duo. Meanwhile, Thor looked at the young Avengers with his head tilted, eyes slightly narrowed as he was trying to make sense of what they were saying.
“What’s that supposed to mean? Is the spiderling insulting us?” He asked.
Y/n laughed even harder. Once she was able to calm herself and catch her breath, she grinned at the confused man next to her. “Don’t worry. It just means your chaotic energy matches with mine. We’re like besties.”
“I like that. Y/n and Thor, besties forever.”
Peter Parker’s laugh was heard from down the hall.
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theimaginarydagger · 3 years
Request Guidelines
I see, you wanna request something.
Well, go ahead. But please do us both a favour and read through this first real quick. It won't take long, promise.
What fandoms can you request? Here's a list of fandoms I definitely write for. If the one you wanna send a request for is not on this list, you can still ask. Maybe I've just forgotten to list them here. I can't promise anything though. - The Last of Us Part 2 - IT - Marvel's Avengers Universe (including movies like Shang-Chi and shows like Loki, TFATWS, etc.) - Stranger Things - Supernatural (up to season 13, still gotta catch up)
How do you request? Via the link to my ask box. Just let me know a) which fandom, b) which character, c) what pronouns the reader is supposed to have (e.g. female, male, genderneutral) and d) if you have any plot ideas. Please also include whether the relationship between the characters is supposed to be romantic or platonic. Please check in regularly if you request on anon because I might have some follow-up questions. If you don't answer those, I'll just write the piece the way I feel is closest to your request.
Some rules: - Don't stress me. I might not get to your request right away as I may have other requests that were send in before yours. Also, I am currently studying and working and I do have a social life. This is just a creative outlet. - There are things that I will not write. Things I won't write are not limited to but do include topics like incest, relationships between minors and adults, or smut that doesn't include consent and doesn't happen between adults. - I have the right to decline your request. Your ask will be answered with a reason as to why I will not write what you asked for.
Thanks for understanding. If you have any other questions, let me know!
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theimaginarydagger · 3 years
The b. is back!
Hi y'all! It's selina, the gal who used to run @anxiouslymalicious. I would still be using that account, but something fucked up big time and my passwords don't work anymore so I cannot log in. I tried everything, but my account has been lost. Obviously, I'm hella pissed. I was thinking about just not coming back to tumblr but I miss it. A lot. Anyway, hit me up if you wanna talk or if you have any ideas/writing requests. I'm currently kinda lacking inspo but I'd happily write for y'all.
In case you're wondering, LCPO is currently on hold. I was thinking about rewriting the series and giving it an actual ending, however it currently just feels as though everything is lost and the series is not really mine anymore. Does that make sense? I hope it does.
It's good to be back! And I hope to get some of my followers back. :/
Love, sel.
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theimaginarydagger · 3 years
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theimaginarydagger · 3 years
My mum, the weekend the first episodes of WandaVision came out: nah, I don’t need to watch any other marvel movies n shit. I don’t need to understand everything.
My mum, after watching episode five: okay. Which marvel movies are absolutely necessary to understand this shit?
And just like this, my mum, bro and I ended up spending our weekend on the couch watching the majority of the mcu movies
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