not gonna lie to you i didnt really "find god" so much as god grabbed me by the scruff of the neck and said "HEY. HEYYY. whats in your mouth"
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as much as the concept of Jesus being a fairly normal lad has its charms, im personally very intrigued by the idea of him being just… extremely weird. not even in a mystical sense, just…….staggeringly BIZZARRE. 
you go to the well to get some water, and here’s Miriam’s boy, staring at the sky, completely still. his expression is unreadable. you hazard a hello and ask how he’s doing, and he slowly, unblinkingly, lowers his gaze on you (he’s 8 and is missing his frontal teeth, not that this is making you any less uncomfortable) and says “I cannot speak of the state of my being, Nathan son of Saul, my brother, but rejoice for the water you shall take today will be as pure as the soul of the children of Heaven”
…you start sweating
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Commission of Jesus holding the client’s cat
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haha i love surrendering to the divine (is actively resisting the divine)
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“What a joyous mystery is your presence within me, in that intimate sanctuary of my soul where I can always find you, even when I do not feel your presence. Of what importance is feeling? Perhaps you are all the closer when I feel you less.”
- St. Elizabeth of the Trinity
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"i should be at the club" brother we should all be at the monastery
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Mina Harker - by Becky Cloonan
hypnotised and spying
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May I see you back to the village? No. I’m very fond of walking.
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[the intimate scene in the fanfiction where my lover kisses each of my scars as I whisper what each is from]
"Fell down the stairs. Mosquito bite I scratched too much. Cardboard box cut. Burned on a tiki-themed appetizer tray. Mosquito bite I scratched too much. Oven rack. Mosquito bite I scratched too much. Mosquito bite I scratched too much. Mosquito b - "
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“suffering feels religious if you do it right” no shut up it doesn’t. my friends laughing in the kitchen while i make dinner feels religious. the sun on my face after a long winter feels religious.
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“Be present, O Merciful God, and protect us through the hours of this night, so that we who are wearied by the changes and chance of this life may rest in your eternal changelessness; through Jesus Christ our Lord.”
“Keep watch, Dear Lord, with this who work, or watch, or weep this night, and give your angels charge over those who sleep. Tend the sick, Lord Christ; give rest to the weary, bless the dying, soothe the suffering, pity the afflicted, shield the joyous; and all for your love’s sake.”
- Compline, The Book of Common Prayer
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Imagine you’re Dracula, enjoying drinking this tasty girl until finally one night you’re like well it’s been fun but she’s pretty much drained I guess it’s time to find another victim and then they just start… filling her back up? I bet he was like holy shit modern medicine is great, what a time to be undead
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Almost every day I think about the time in 2000 when my doctor slipped out of the room for a minute, and so I looked at my chart, and the first words my eyes saw were, "Pt. is a low-functioning young adult."
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So... what exactly are executive functioning supports...?
Planners, checklists, and reminders are definitely executive function supports, but they aren't the only things that are available. ...so, I've made a list of some examples. A thread (🧵)
Executive functioning includes so much, so executive function supports can be SO MANY things. Executive functions include decision making, working memory, task initiation, planning, prioritizing, many forms of self-regulation, and more.
So let's talk in broad categories
Category 1: Decisionmaking
Avoiding a decision altogether,
Choosing randomly,
Reducing the number of options to decide between,
Always doing the same decision (such as having a uniform for yourself),
Outsourcing decisions,
Having outside structure/expectations
Category 2: Working memory
Keeping things visible,
Collaborators who gently remind you of things,
Writing it down (i.e., notebooks, post-its, to-do lists, etc.),
External structure such as lunch hours,
Understanding why and how working memory fails
Category 3: Information processing
Avoiding weak processing areas (eg. reading for dyslexics like me)
Have information in multiple forms,
Make information processing context relevant,
Reduce incoming information or competing demands
Category 4: Task Management
Body doubling,
Transition time,
To-do lists,
Breaking tasks down (including people to help with that),
External structure for identify the next step,
clear, explicit instructions,
Schedules, planners, itineraries.
Category 5: Organization
Mind maps,
Notetaking templates,
Physical organizers,
Organizing methods (Kondo, Only 4 Things, etc.),
House cleaners, professional organizer, etc.
Clear bins,
An ability to toggle visibility
Category 6: Cognitive Flexibility
Transition time,
Pre-change warnings,
External support for identifying and reminding the new direction,
Context-based exemplars of similar change,
Visual schedules,
Reminders of when structure will start again
I've listed a lot of things here, but there are just so, so, so many more options.
Executive function supports can be ways that we think or approach situations (internal) or structures imposed on us by others (external). They can be physical tools that we can touch and interact with (tangible) or completely abstract ideas or approaches (intangible)
The big takeaways are that executive function supports can be any tool, structure, or communication that supports any of our executive functions.
Executive functioning struggles are core to the ADHD and autistic experiences (and secondary to other ND conditions). This means executive functioning takes a lot of energy for ADHD and/or autistic people, and the more support we have the more energy we can use for other things
So, yeah, planners, checklists, and reminders are definitely executive function supports, but so is a highschool bell schedule, hobby-related groups, professional services, and colleagues (consensually) harassing you to remember to send that email.
There are a lot of options!
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"He spoke this last word so loudly and suddenly that everyone sat up who still could."
J. R. R Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings Book 1, Chapter 1: A Long-Expected Party
Hobbit parties must be fuckin wild and I like to imagine that there are like 30 completely stoned hobbits just lying on the grass
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In the early 70s Sesame Street was created with an eye towards educating poor, inner-city children for free, and became a massive hit with all children. In 2016, faced with going off the air forever after facing conservative efforts to destroy public broadcasting since basically its beginning, new episodes became a timed exclusive for premium cable network HBO. In 2022 HBO Max, newly merged with and taken over by reality TV channel Discovery, removed Sesame Street episodes and spin-offs from streaming as a tax write-off and scheme to avoid paying residuals.
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Struggle with getting big projects done (especially if you dread them) while experiencing executive dysfunction? Here is my tip: my therapist told me to break everything down into VERY small pieces. So instead of "I have to write my XYZ" it turns into
1. Pick spot to work.
2. Get materials together needed to work.
3. Go to work spot.
4. Sit down, get materials out.
5. Open any programs necessary to work.
6. Work for 5 minutes. Then 10.
7. Slowly work my way up to pomodoro method.
I know this won't work for everyone but it has been a life saver for me, especially because I get so much serotonin from checking things off my to do list, and then I get to check off 5 things before the work even starts, which makes me feel good about myself. Happy productivity, folks.
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