thepopatochispfren · 3 years
the little things (with horrortale sans - i.e. axe)
something very self indulgent on my part. basically, an off day and good ol' spooky sansy helps you out C:
and just a small warning, there's a bit of swearing in the dialogue later. - mod pop
as you got close with axe, you had begun to realize a few things.
many ticks he did would often go unnoticed by the untrained eye, but now you figured they were often indicators of how he was feeling when he couldn't verbalize it.
the way his eyelight gave off the fuzzy glow of a nighttime neon sign often meant he was lost in thought. his phalange tapping would be an accompaniment to the mood, and the speed he tapped would show whether he was annoyed, absentminded, or anywhere inbetween.
and there was always that low frequency tone you could only hear in dead silence around him, which always followed a rhythm. when it would slow down, then you knew it was when he was the most relaxed.
that was his soul beat, he told you a couple years once you finally asked about it.
but what you never realized was that he picked up things about you too.
when you had woken up you thought you felt good.
you got up without a hitch and your morning routine went smoothly as ever, and you went on to breakfast feeling clean and happy.
it was only when you went to put away the dishes is when it all went wrong.
you passed by the mirror, barely catching your reflection but it caused you to stop.
this is me, you thought. but you just couldn't stop staring.
it didn't help the longer you looked, the more imperfections you saw. going from your face, to slowly down to your body. you frowned.
this is me.
you retreated to the couch, hiding into the blankets. it was some time until axe found you staring blankly at the dark, off screen of the television.
wordlessly, he sat down beside you, and began his tapping on the couch arm.
it was to the rhythm of some song you couldn't remember the name of, but that thought briefly lingered as you returned to more unsavory ones. you held the blankets tighter to your form.
he opened his arm, and you took the invitation to lean into his side. he allowed a couple minutes to pass as he tapped onto your blanketed shoulder.
he cleared his nonexistent throat.
"what was it." you stared at the frame of the mirror, he followed your gaze.
"we could throw that out. 's not like i enjoy admiring myself either." you shook your head.
"No, I need it to make sure I don't look as much of a mess as I feel." you saw the red glow faintly light the corners of your blanket.
a silent invitation.
"It's superficial."
he tapped.
"It's nothing."
"must be something if you're this bothered."
you smooshed your face into the soft fabric, muffling your voice.
"I just feel inadequate." you heard him snort.
"oh, you're serious." you peeked through the crevices of the blanket, and he could see your worried brows.
"of what?"
pausing, you shifted your hands out of the blanket to vaguely gesture at yourself. his stare wordlessly asked, why ?
"I could be better." a double tap, you sighed.
"Look better, feel better, be better. I don't- I'm not-" you struggled for a lack of words, before exasperatingly coming to, "-attractive? I guess??"
you grit your teeth, knowing it bothered you more than you should.
his tapping stopped, making you look up at him.
"and who says you have to be?" your brows furrowed more, but for a different reason.
"Society? People? Me?" he exhaled in amusement through his nasal cavity.
"guess i'm hideous then." your eyes widened, and you were about to argue otherwise, but he cut you off. "-and that's fucking fine."
you stared, he glanced off, resuming his tapping.
"if i wanted to look at something someone else says is 'pretty' or 'attractive', i'd look at the stars or a painting or some shit. beauty shouldn't be some baseline standard that everyone needs to aim for, 'specially when it's changing all the fucking time."
his eyelight shone a more vibrant red, indicating his focus.
"maybe you just need to accept that.. maybe you can be ugly, and that's okay too. beauty is in the eye of the beholder or something, right?" he scratched the back of his skull with his free hand.
"and i know that's hard to remember when what's 'attractive's being shoved in your face all the time, so i don't blame ya for being so damn stressed about it." he paused, glancing towards you again.
"just.. know looking bad is okay, normal even. focus more on feeling good, changing your mindset, do things that make ya happy.. stuff like that."
another pause, but paired with alternating quick taps of his fingers, nervousness.
"did.. did that make sense? or was it a rambly mess?" you smiled at him, resting your head on his shoulder.
the tv was finally turned on, and the ugly two of you were happy to spend the rest of the day feeling normal.
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thepopatochispfren · 3 years
When our animals start causing trouble, my mom and I say to the other that’s complaining, “but they’re cute though,” as if it negates everything. So what if skeleton’s S/O did the same, “but he’s cute though ☺️,” but directed toward their skeleton, maybe while his brother is playfully nagging or teasing. This is for Sans and Red, if that’s alright
quite honestly the perfect fluster material ( •̀ ω •́ )y - mod pop
sans: it was your weekly bonding time with the skeleton family through the shared activity of creating puzzles. sans was found to be unhelpful as he lay to the side of the coffee table, offering suggestions in the form of puns related to whatever topic in the conversation came up which was often met with your amused eyerolls and the growing frustration of papyrus.
"come on bro, i had a long day of doing nothing, throw me a bone here."
papyrus sighed, as he pinched away the tension in his nonexistent brows. you snorted at the display, and he turned to you with the equivalent of a skeleton grimace.
you shrugged as you reached for the figurine with a tiny sword.
"Yeah, but he's cute though." you said nonchalant, not missing the blue glow that arose in sans's cheeks. and neither did papyrus.
that made sans hide away in his hood, while the rest of you shared a laugh together.
however it did plant the idea of proposing in his mind...
red (underfell!sans; edge is underfell!papyrus): you and red sat comfortably on the couch watching some trashy tv and edge walk about the house doing chores while nagging his brother about cleanliness.
"HONESTLY, YOU HAVE WORSE HYGIENE THAN A PIG, I MEAN LOOK AT THIS!" he held up one of red's sweaters as an example, covered in mustard stains and miscellaneous crumbs.
"tried it once, pap. got it stuck in all sorts of holes i can't talk 'bout if i were polite." he gave a wink, as edge looked repulsed by the mere image. "buuuut, i ain't. so why don't i explain of how deeply i found it in-"
"SHUT- SHUT UP!!" edge frantically waved his arms causing red to burst out in laughter, you couldn't keep from snickering either. "KEEP THAT UP AND I'LL WASH ALL YOUR WHITES WITH REDS AND MAKE YOU A PINK BUFFOON." that made you cackle, drawing his attention.
"HUMAN, HOW DO YOU DEAL WITH THIS?” as he vaguely gestured at red. 
you shrugged. “I dunno, but he’s cute though.”  turning and giving a cheeky little grin at red, you watched as he looked at you starstuck and, well, red. 
“UGH, YOU AND YOUR CONDIMENT FLAVORED LOVE, I’LL NEVER UNDERSTAND IT!” edge tsked as he went off, although inwardly pleased to heart that. 
red gave an awkward little cough to try to mask his blush, before meeting your eyes again. 
“so uh, does bein’ cute get me anything other than being ‘scused from trouble?”
you leaned in, watching his cheeks glow a deeper red. but as his eyelights went hazy, you just booped his nasal ridge. 
“Nah, you gotta earn that mister.” 
he gave a frustrated huff, training his eyelights onto the tv as he tried to calm his blush in hopes you didn’t hear the quick thumpity-thump of his soul.
you really had an effect on him and he loved it.
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thepopatochispfren · 3 years
Hello! Can we hear a little bit about your horrorfell bros?
i myself a horror au lover so i’m more than happy to share a few thoughts c:
hatchet (horrorfell!sans): 
🪓if you thought axe (horrortale!sans) was unhinged this guy’s on a whole ‘nother level
🪓ever since his injury he completely lacks any inhibitions and filters before he speaks/acts
🪓which often leads to nonsense of dark humor or him acting out any blatant threats without him realizing 
🪓there’s never remorse that follows, he can’t afford to care anymore. 
🪓that never stops him from keeping himself entertained however
🪓after all, his brother’s traps have only improved throughout the years, allowing him to just sit back and enjoy the show
now for a few tics n bits
🪓his jaw is always slightly ajar, no matter how much he tries to keep it shut. so whenever you’re near him, you can always hear the soft-
 🪓-of his teeth tapping together.
🪓which is a factor of the chronic pain in his teeth
🪓the injury to his skull shook his teeth up and they always feel on the verge of falling out all while sending fire up his nonexistent nerves
🪓which is also one of the reasons why he always looks distracted
🪓he may seem too far gone, but the way he still cares for his brother shows the slightest semblance of a “good person” he never considered himself to remotely be
🪓not that he remembers that far back anyways
jaws (horrorfell!papyrus):
🦈after what undyne did to his brother he’s lost all the respect he ever had for her
🦈and since she was the leader of the underground, he led a coup with snowdin who only followed after him out of fear
🦈but once snowdin got cut off from the rest of the underground they began to question things 
🦈 and he never misses the looks or whispers doubting his leadership
🦈so in a desperate attempt to keep himself and hatchet safe, he keeps the monsters fed, all while maintaining fear in the town
🦈mainly through means of proving he will never hesitate showing his authority when he has to
🦈at the unfortunate cost of his sanity
🦈his traps are deadlier and bloodier than ever, mainly for the safe of his brother
🦈”bonding time” often ends up being capturing humans for the next meal
🦈the last thing he wants is his own brother turning on him too
and now for some tics n bits
🦈part his appearance reflects off his mental state (with his eyelights becoming unfocused and cloudy) the other part having best adapted to hunt (that being tens of “eyes” in his skull to keep lookout - i really like @thedarkcronch ‘s interpretation so i’m heavily basing this off of that c:)
🦈his jaw aches too much to move for talking , so his voice seems to just resound out from the gaps of his teeth
🦈it’s still loud, though it sounds rather discordant almost like it’s two people saying the same thing one of them at a slightly paused interval. 
🦈he’s almost always talking to himself, though when he’s speaking like that it’s a lot quieter
🦈it’s like his thoughts are echoing through his skull
🦈all of it is pretty much incomprehensible though
anyways these are just a few general thoughts 
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thepopatochispfren · 3 years
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everyone please appreciate my valentine
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thepopatochispfren · 3 years
once again relevant! :D 
i’m also still taking requests for that drabble post if you want some ideas!
i meant to do this last friday but oh well
little announcement that the inbox is empty! feel free to send in asks for imagines/headcanons/matchups galore! 
if you want any ideas, scroll down a bit! i’m still up for doing that drabble post i reblogged until i say otherwise!
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thepopatochispfren · 3 years
actually you know what, i’m reblogging this here again (this time on purpose) because art recognition. i might do like a “thursday art rebloob” to get some validation for any artists out there
anyways i love this gremlin man, this is very nice and i am looking respectfully  👀
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damn he’s looking this way act natural 
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thepopatochispfren · 3 years
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thepopatochispfren · 3 years
if you happen to scroll by this in the future, feel free to still add a response/fill out the form! any and all feedback for this kind of stuff is always accepted anytime C:
quick question...
for all my fanfic readers out there, do you prefer reading on ao3 (archiveofourown) or on tumblr?
like when yall see ao3 links is it easier to read on the website or straight off of tumblr?
because i know tungle likes to mess things up sometimes, but also clicking links and getting redirected can also be a hassle, so i’m curious..
if you like filling out forms i made a mini one right here ! (i won’t collect any personal info, like emails or the like)
otherwise feel free to put your answer in the replies section of this post!
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thepopatochispfren · 3 years
quick question...
for all my fanfic readers out there, do you prefer reading on ao3 (archiveofourown) or on tumblr?
like when yall see ao3 links is it easier to read on the website or straight off of tumblr?
because i know tungle likes to mess things up sometimes, but also clicking links and getting redirected can also be a hassle, so i’m curious..
if you like filling out forms i made a mini one right here ! (i won’t collect any personal info, like emails or the like)
otherwise feel free to put your answer in the replies section of this post!
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thepopatochispfren · 3 years
Hello! This is for Sans, Red, Edge, and Axe. Them with an S/O who has a fairly high pain tolerance crying from pain. I’ve dealt with chronic pain my whole life but WOW my wisdom teeth are really killing my vibe lmao
sorry to hear about that, i hope your vibe revives and wish you some pain relief for your teeth c: - mod pop
sans:  -is one of the least likelier skeletons to panic once he’s certain this pain isn’t life threatening. -he is worried though, but it might be hard to tell since he’s trying to crack jokes to distract you from the pain -but tell him to shut up and he will do so right away and come up with a better solution -which will most likely be getting you to a comfortable place (most likely your bed or a couch) -and getting you pain killers -since you’re at the point of crying, he does his best to use his healing magic before the meds kick in -it feels tingly and numbing, kinda like how when your leg falls asleep and you haven’t moved it yet so it doesn’t hurt -overall his method of helping is distraction, so if jokes aren’t allowed he’ll turn on some tv or music -it may seem like he’s not that concerned upfront, but he’s more of an observe then react kinda guy rather than a fuss over you type -he’s learned from the past that if he panics, the other person has a tendency to panic too so it’s better to avoid that entirely -but the gently way he wipes away your tears and give you a light boney peck speaks louder than words
“it’s ok, you’ll get through this. ya sore-ly got this.”
red (underfell!sans):  -he has some experience with chronic pain with how many injuries he’s sustained from the underground -so it’s a little difficult for him to understand how some people can’t handle the slightest pain -not so much with you, since you hardly ever complain about your pain and would rather grin and bear it as he does -so when he sees you crying over pain one day, well.. -he almost looks more distressed than you do -he fusses over you more than you’d expect from this mustard smelling lazybones -he’ll get you anything you ask of him, food, blankets, pain relievers, you name it -he ends u making some kind of pillow/blanket nest as he pesters you with questions -”shit, how bad is it?”, “wha- what else can i do?” , “is there any- anything else ya need?”, “do i need to take ya to the hospital? how bad is it?!” -grab his clammy, shaking hands to snap him out of it and he’ll remember himself long enough to try using magic to help -it feels like a hot compress, not enough to make you sweat but it still is warm. -when he calms down enough he ends up playing with your hands and hair -it’s times like these that remind him how fragile humans are -and even though it scares the shit out of him, he’ll stick to your side and help you however he can
“it’s.. okay? yeah- i mean yeah of course it’s ok, i jus’ was making sure ‘s’all. don- don’t look at me like that, i wasn’t that worried.�� 
edge (underfell!papyrus): -being from the same universe, edge obviously has his own fair share of battle scars himself -many of which keep him up at night, which he will admit to none -so with your high pain tolerance, he doesn’t see that as anything special since it was a standard, a requirement in the underground to survive -when he sees you cry he initially thinks that you’re overreacting -only to remember, it’s not like you to do that.. -surprisingly he panics less than red, more because he needs to keep a level head in order to ensure your wellbeing -then comes the natural assessing that you aren’t dying -he doesn’t bother with pain meds, simply pulling you close to him and working to help you with his magic -his healing immediately takes away any pain and feels like nothing honestly -he has some of the best control over it, as it was a necessity to pick yourself up and keep going back then -after all, too much time spent licking your wounds always risked dusting -with a quick kiss and wiping of your tears, he allows you to return to whatever you were doing
axe (horrortale!sans):  -he’s has a long and persistent history with chronic pain ever since his injury -very rarely does the fuzzy white noise-like feeling in his skull ever leave him, and the shards near the hole always ache one way or another -he doesn’t react much like sans, but he first wipes away your tears before asking quietly what he can do to help -he needs to constantly reminds himself what he needs to get on the way to grabbing the items, otherwise he’d forget -he nearly does when a glint of the window catches his attention -but he returns successfully with the pain killers! -...only to have forgotten the glass of water -there’s a bit of trial and error before he gets it right, and by then there’s the ever-present look of guilt on his face -because you’ve only suffered more due to his scattered mind, and even though he can’t help it, he still blames himself -but while he’s beside you, he’ll be able to remember what to do with you right in front of him -which results with him allowing you to use him as a pillow, while he cozies you both up with a blanket -he can’t use much magic anymore without injuring himself from the strain -but he tries to make up for it with kisses and tender, affirming squeezes to your hand
“sorry i can’t do much more. the pain will go away in time though, i’m sure. i’ll wait with you until it does, don’t worry.”
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thepopatochispfren · 3 years
this is relevant again with the weekend coming up soon!
i meant to do this last friday but oh well
little announcement that the inbox is empty! feel free to send in asks for imagines/headcanons/matchups galore! 
if you want any ideas, scroll down a bit! i’m still up for doing that drabble post i reblogged until i say otherwise!
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thepopatochispfren · 3 years
18. “That was kinda hot.” with G!Sans? 👀
“That was kinda hot.”
“You really gotta stop smoking those.” you raised up a hand before he could respond, “And don’t give me the excuse, ‘I’m a skeleton, I don’t have lungs’ because it’s still a bad habit and there’s a thing called second-hand smoking you know.”  
the cigarette didn’t leave his teeth, instead another puff of smoke. you frowned at him, he gave a shit-eating grin in response. 
“well it’s still true, besides these are magic.” he puffed out a ring of smoke that shimmered. “no adverse health effects in your near future.”
you raised a brow, leaning closer to him. “Is that so?” he nodded, taking in another drag of his cigarette. 
you snatched it from his fingers, stubbing it out and quickly pressing your lips to his teeth. he made a choking sound, as the smoke fizzled out of his nasal cavity and cracks in his skull. once pulling back, you blew a small puff of smoke you received from the kiss. 
his eyelights appeared a bit more hazy as he stared down at you, but after he regained his composure as he let out a chuckle. 
“that was kind of hot.”
you gave him the confident smirk for once. “Is that so? How about each time you wanna smoke, why don’t ya come and give me a kiss instead, G.” 
he laughed, “oh you have no idea what you’re signing yourself up for, sweetheart.” 
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thepopatochispfren · 3 years
i meant to do this last friday but oh well
little announcement that the inbox is empty! feel free to send in asks for imagines/headcanons/matchups galore! 
if you want any ideas, scroll down a bit! i’m still up for doing that drabble post i reblogged until i say otherwise!
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thepopatochispfren · 3 years
33 (“I’d like to see you try.”) and 34 (“Are you testing me?”) with UT Sans pls? 👀
thank you for typing out the prompts, and though it’s redundant i’m gonna paste them out again
“I’d like to see you try.”  &  “Are you testing me?”
the sunset cast orange and red lights into the living room, bathing everything in a warm glow. you stared ahead at your skeleton companion, holding a serious expression in comparison to his eyelights dissipated gaze. if anyone walked into the room they'd be able to *see* the tension in the air.
"are you testing me?" his grin tightened, but you weren't going to back down now.
"Yeah, you were talking big just earlier, are you chickening out now?" he chuckled, before winking at you.
"uh huh, as if you weren't doing the same. besides, if we end up doing this, i'm gonna win anyways."
you narrowed your gaze at him. 
“I’d like to see you try.” his grin widened at the challenge, and the both of you turned in order to assume your proper positions. 
on the opposing sides of the ugly green couch, you took your respective seats in the corner and stared each other down. 
“whoever gets up first, loses.”
“Agreed, and that ain’t gonna be me, skelebones.”
needless to say, you lost since apparently skeletons don’t need to use the bathroom, a factor that had cost you the challenge. 
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thepopatochispfren · 3 years
Hi!! I used to read your imagines and HCs back before I created a Tumblr acc and I’m so glad I’ve found you again!! Love your writing :)
thank you! and i’m happy you were able to find your way back, i hope you enjoy your time here  c:
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thepopatochispfren · 3 years
65 with good ol’ classic sans?
“When you smile, I fall apart.”
you had only meant to have only a drink or two. but two soon became three, then four, and soon enough you were left a giggling mess on sans’s shoulder after he told some pun you couldn’t remember about turtles. 
there was light blue shining from his cheekbones, but whether it was from the alcohol or seeing you beam with joy over the smallest of things he didn’t know. he loved it either way, unable to keep a stupid grin off his face either as he took long swig of ketchup to make you burst out into laughter all the more. 
when your laughter died down you suddenly took on a surprising solemn expression as you stared at him intensely. “I love that.” you blurted.
he grabbed a napkin to wipe off the remaining ketchup off his teeth, “and what’s ‘that’ exactly?” you cupped his face into your hands, your eyes holding a wonder he’s only seen when the two of you went stargazing. 
“When you- When you-” you stumbled over your words for a few minutes, but you excitedly raised your hands in the air when you remembered what to say. “Do that!” you gestured happily. he couldn’t stop the laugh from escaping him. you only grinned in return, and leaned in close.
“When you smile, I fall apart.” you stared deeply into his eyelights, and he swore you could hear the soft thumpity-thump his soul made. 
“Now kiss me you funky little skeleton.” you pressed your lips to his teeth before he could object, not that he would have in the first place anyways. 
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thepopatochispfren · 3 years
104 with Red?
“I’ve never felt stronger than when you’re with me.”
he took your hand into his, and you let your fingers run along the ridges and dips of his phalanges. he smiled, and pulled you ever closer to him. you nuzzled your face into the crook of his neck, thoroughly enjoying the growing glow of red that spread across his bones. 
you could almost hear purring too. he was content as well.
letting out a relaxed sigh, you closed your eyes to allow the soft moment to sink in. 
“I love you.” your words cut through the near silence, and he stiffened partially. he never got used to hearing those words out loud, even still. you gave his hand a light squeeze. 
“Thank you for making me feel safe and happy.” even if it was cheesy, you admitted it. it was a sorts of validation, allowing him to know how you thought of him. 
he let out a chuckle, the gentle rumble coming from his chest which caused you to smile. 
“it’s quite the opposite, doll. but i do gotta say..” he shifted a bit, so you opened his eyes to give him attention.
an almost pink glow radiated from his cheeks, and his toothy grin looked genuine for once. he held up your hand to his teeth to give it a light peck.
“i’ve never felt stronger than when you’re with me.”
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