where are my golden days and silver nights?? all i have is the academic grind 😔😔
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J.R.R. Tolkien, from The Return of the King
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“While I can’t have you, I long for you. I am the kind of person who would miss a train or a plane to meet you for coffee. I’d take a taxi across town to see you for ten minutes. I’d wait outside all night if I thought you would open the door in the morning.
If you call me and say ‘Will you…’ my answer is ‘Yes’, before your sentence is out. I spin worlds where we could be together. I dream you. For me, imagination and desire are very close.”
— Jeanette Winterson
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No one is going to silence me
No, Star Wars The Acolyte wasn’t perfect, and it’s not the best of Star Wars. In fact, nothing in this franchise has been perfect, not even The Mandalorian (I’ve just thrown three scorpions at myself, but oh well).
The Acolyte was like breathing fresh air after YEARS of repetitive content focused on: The Empire, Skywalker family, Rebellion, and that’s it.
The Acolyte was a series that reignited a spark and charm in people who had distanced themselves a bit—or a lot—from SW due to the toxicity or simply because they no longer connected with the new content.
The Acolyte made MANY women interested in Star Wars thanks to the fact that it was made and written by a woman who KNOWS what we really like, and that’s why it delivered a tremendous Female Gaze.
The Acolyte DOES deserve or deserved a second season. But as always, they’ve shown what their priorities are: to continually cater to the toxic crowd and the 40+ men who want to keep living in nostalgia and are stuck in The Empire Strikes Back."
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"I need you so bad" HAVE MEEEE !!!!
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GODDAMN richard siken has done it again
“You're trying not to tell him you love him, and you're trying to choke down the feeling, and you're trembling, but he reaches over and he touches you, like a prayer for which no words exist, and you feel your heart taking root in your body, like you've discovered something you don't even have a name for.”
— Richard Siken, Crush
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Every single on of those registrations was a single person deciding to register. When you think you're just "lil ol me" and your voice doesn't matter that much: Remember this. Your actions have impact, your voice and your vote matter.
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oh, to be lounging on a hill in munich watching the eras tour for free
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— Jay Vespertine (via letsbelonelytogetherr)
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i agree i agree i agree
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i love arm
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Osha is so full of rage and anguish (love to see it) that what she needs is her balance. Someone who understands her pain yet doesn’t diminish it. Who doesn’t fight her fire with fire. Her calm, her comfort. Someone who doesn’t add even more anger to her space.
This is why I love this moment so much
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The way he didn’t start to argue with her or yell at her for her to turn his side of the comms back on. He was clearly annoyed, but he let her be and allowed her her peace. She didn’t want to hear him yap? Fine, whatever you say beautiful
What a king.
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no thoughts. just manny jacinto in the acolyte.
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the minute someone starts playing with my hair is the minute i lose any self-respect or control. like yeah you wanna run me over with your car? need my social security number? sure babe whatever you want just keep running your hands through my hair <33
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pathetically desperate, down bad men. that’s all i have to say. thank you.
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waiting for the day when i don’t have to give you my feelings in bits and pieces; only showing the prettiest, shiniest fractals. someday, i hope to unabashedly share everything with you.
but would you want everything?
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M.S. (via coffee-crinkled-pages)
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i think we should make it a category of hangout to go over to someone’s place and use all of the random stuff they’ve had lying around for ages that they said they’d use eventually but never have.
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in the light of day, i can see hopeful glimpses of a world where i don’t want you anymore. i can pretend that you don’t haunt my every action.
but as the sun dips into the horizon and the moon rises, the darkness of night brings back the truth of my longing for you. long past midnight, i lie in bed, stare at my ceiling, and silent, treacherous tears pool up in my eyes. i imagine you, in your own room, in your own city. i wonder if you’re ever looking up at your ceiling, too. do you wish i was there with you? i wipe away the tears, and i resist the urge to call, to say all that i so badly want to say to you.
but i think the universe hears my heart whisper, “i miss you.” i hope you hear it. i hope you’re well. i miss you.
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