thequinnfapray-blog · 12 years
Good. And I'd watch out in English class if I were you; Ms. Saunders has a habit of eating her students alive if they slip up. Napping in class would definitely qualify as slipping up.
thequinnfapray replied to your post: Fell asleep in class today…
Better watch out. You might end up like, say, Puckerman if that becomes a habit.
Oh, I definitely won’t end up like Puck. That is for sure. Haha.
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thequinnfapray-blog · 12 years
DOn't be terribly bored, love.
Telling a person not to be bored isn't going to really make much of a difference.
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thequinnfapray-blog · 12 years
Text to: Quinn
Puck: Just saw this really hot chick give a guy this attitude, made me think of you and your hot ways.
Quinn: I really don't have the time for you being a moron, Puckerman.
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thequinnfapray-blog · 12 years
Text → Fuinn
Finn: Woah, Quinn your scaring me! What's wrong?
Quinn: To be honest, you probably should be a bit scared.
Quinn: I'm pregnant.
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thequinnfapray-blog · 12 years
I don't think Monday has a theme, but that's no excuse. I'm terribly bored and would definitely like a distraction, so you all know the drill. Surely there's something you've been itching to ask me. But keep in mind, I can choose not to answer anything I please.
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thequinnfapray-blog · 12 years
Text → Fuinn
Finn: Oh? What's up?
Quinn: It's kind of a big deal...
Quinn: If anything went wrong, you'd still... stay with me, right?
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thequinnfapray-blog · 12 years
OOC: Just wanted to say that you are like the best Quinn rper I have ever seen.
ooc: Sorry if this is considered spamming the dash, but asdjfkhedskgj thank you so much cupcake! You can consider my day made. :)
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thequinnfapray-blog · 12 years
Oh, angelface, you're definitely pregnant.
Obviously, you've never attended a basic health class in your life, but I'll give you a lesson right now. Virgins can't get pregnant. There was only one immaculate conception in the history of ever, and I don't think there'll be another any time soon, if at all. So thank you for your concern, but you're wrong.
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thequinnfapray-blog · 12 years
Didn’t your father ever tell you that? Didn’t he? 
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thequinnfapray-blog · 12 years
Text → Fuinn
Quinn: We really need to talk.
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thequinnfapray-blog · 12 years
59: Where were you yesterday?
I was lots of places yesterday. If you want specifics, my house, Cheerios practice, school, more Cheerios practice, home, an evening jog, and then home again.
60: Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?
Seeing how the walls of my room are entirely pink, you could definitely say that.
61: Are you wearing socks right now?
No. Call me OCD, but I have this thing where I can't stand to wear socks to bed. It irritates me to no end.
62: What’s your favourite animal?
Admittedly a good question. I tend to like birds, doves the most at the moment.
63: What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you?
I don't really think I need a "secret weapon".
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thequinnfapray-blog · 12 years
Diary Entry #2
October 7th, 2012
I took the test last week and I still can't wrap my head around this. It makes since, of course - I sinned on about twenty different levels, and now I'm paying the price - but that doesn't make this any more bearable. Girls like Santana and Brittany can break their vow of celibacy as many times as they want, but I slip up one time and a guy like Noah Puckerman gets a girl like me preg
I don't really want to finish that sentence.
What am I even going to do? I'm sixteen, at the top of the social ladder, and getting fitted for my Chastity Ball gown next week. I can't be... that. 
But I am.
But I can't be.
In a few weeks, I'll explode, and it'll be obvious to everyone that I'm with fetus. I mean, already I have to make an elaborate cover just so I rush to the bathroom every hour. Oh my God, when everyone finds out... when my parents find out...
I can't deal with this right now.
I'll have nine months to, anyway.
Quinn Fabray
P.S. Oh my God, I just remembered Finn. I can't lie to him, ruin his life like that. He's a good guy. But what else can I do? Let the guy who got fired from a fast food restaurant act as a father to... this? No... Finn's my only option. As long as he never finds out, it'll all be okay. Kind of.
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thequinnfapray-blog · 12 years
Sorry for my absence, I suppose.
On top of still being a bit sick, I've been tremendously busy lately, what with Cheerios, church work, keeping up my grades, that sort of thing. But it's reassuring to see that nobody else seemed to have gotten a life in the meantime.
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To make up to my followers for how long I've been gone, I'll leave some numbers under the cut. Do your worst, anons.
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thequinnfapray-blog · 12 years
Being the leader of the Christ crusaders and the unholy trinity seems a little contradictory. Doesn't it?
Not at all. We were nicknamed that because of a few people who thought we could be a bit mean at times. I'd think it would be evident from my involvement in my church and all three of us's involvement in the club that we're far from "unholy". It's just a name, after all; nothing more, nothing less.
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thequinnfapray-blog · 12 years
Positive → Quinn Fabray
TAGGING → Quinn Fabray
TIME FRAME → Thursday Evening, 9/29/12
LOCATION → A drugstore in the outskirts of Lima and Quinn's bathroom
GENERAL NOTES → Regrets and mistakes, they're pregnancies made.
Oh God, that sounded both creepy and incredibly narcissistic, all in one sentence. Quinn was probably just being ridiculous; she was just a teenager in a drug store, simple as that. There was absolutely no reason for anyone – not even Jewfro – to watch her come here, or be suspicious of what she was doing. It’s not like she was buying cocaine or anything. Nope. Just a pregnancy test. Quinn didn’t know if it was the possibility of pregnancy on her mind or the apparent stomach virus she’d been having lately, but she felt sick again. Either way, the girl rolled her shoulders back and braved herself into the store with her head held high, the confidence once again lost shortly after entering.
She told herself before and she’d tell herself again – there was nothing, and no one, to worry about. Quinn even took the extra step of changing out of her cheerleading uniform before driving over to make her seem less conspicuous. And she parked her car as close to the entrance as possible to make for a speedy get away if spotted by her peers. And she drove for an hour before deciding that she was far enough away from where anyone she knows may live to actually stop. A head cheerleader’s pride truly could move mountains. Still, she couldn’t help but tug at the ends of her sleeves when making her way to the back, finding a shelf containing the neatly packaged pregnancy tests. The beauty queen glanced from left to right, seemingly checking every nook and cranny of the hardly populated store to make sure no one was looking, before finally examining the shelf in front of her. Figuring she only had so much time to carefully read every label on every pregnancy test the store offered and make an informed decision on which brand would give her the most accurate results before her parents got home, Quinn grabbed each kind she saw. It was only by the time she got to check out that she realized she grabbed seven, pulling her wallet out of her purse to pay for the bulk (this was not an expense she would allow to be on the credit card Daddy got her) and smiling awkwardly at the bored cashier.
Getting back to her car and into the Fabray house was pretty much a blur. That’s normal, right? That’s something people do under stress. Go into auto-pilot mode. Right. That makes sense, she must of read that in one of those psychology books she read. Or something. Before she knew it, Quinn was tearing the tests out of their packaging, lining them up on her bathroom counter. She had absolutely no idea how very excruciating it was to wait for the results of just one individual test. The fifteen minutes gave her just enough time to think about everything wrong she had done that night, bits and pieces flashing through her mind. It wasn’t a… horrible experience, she could admit that, but it was without a doubt the worst decision of her life never the less. Cheating on Finn with his best friend, breaking her vow to God, her Daddy, herself, forgetting something as simple as protection… All so she could feel good about herself. Wanted. By Noah Puckerman, of all people. And now fast forward a month or so later and here she was, pacing her bathroom floor with a pregnancy test in hand, at the risk of being a mother at age sixteen. There was no way on Earth this could seriously be happening to her, especially considering all of the things she has going for her as is.
As much as the celibacy club president would have loved to sit and mope for the rest of the evening, the alarm she had set went off and it was time to see if this really was her personal hell.
Plus sign.
But it was only one test, right? There were six more tests, and that one was probably just a defect or something…
Apparently, the store was only had defects in stock that day, because seven, incredibly unholy, pink plus signs stared back at her. This, Quinn supposed, was what paying for your sins looked like.
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thequinnfapray-blog · 12 years
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thequinnfapray-blog · 12 years
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