More dungeons and dragons facts please?
It was originally played with only four sided dice, but grew to include other dice as numbers larger than 4 were invented.
The first edition included not only Fighters, Clerics and other currently used classes, but a few anachronistic ones such as helicopter pilots, media moguls, and electrical engineers.
D&D has inspired “LARPing,” an activity in which people dress according to their characters and fight across parks and cities to involve themselves in the game. This is how the sports of hunting and fencing began.
Several books, films and TV shows have been made based on the game, including Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones, and oddly enough, Oliver Stone’s JFK, which is not based on the assassination of president Kennedy, but on the RPG “Military Industrial GURPlex.”
Water buffalo have been known to play Dungeons and Dragons when they think humans are not watching. They are not said to be very good at it, but they have fun and that’s the important part.
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If you only accept the queer identities that you deem acceptable, you are no different than outright homophobes
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Thursday Thoughts: Microlabels
Almost ten years ago, when I first told someone who loved me that I was demisexual, he replied, “Do we really need all these labels?”
I don’t remember what I said back then, but my answer now is, “Well, I don’t know about we, but I need this one.”
Labels are the words we use to describe the world around us and our experience within it. Language is full of labels. Our earliest language-learning activities include sorting things into categories. This is the red block; this is the yellow block. Elephants and giraffes are zoo animals; horses and cows are farm animals; cats and dogs are pets. Toothbrushes and toothpaste are bathroom objects; forks and knives are kitchen objects.
Some of these distinctions are more important than others. It doesn’t really matter if you build a tower of red blocks or yellow blocks. However, leaving a knife in the bathroom is a bad idea, and so is attempting to keep an elephant in your house (not that I haven’t been tempted to try). You’ll also find that not all categories are universal. Is octopus an edible animal? Depends where you go in the world and who you ask!
The point is, it’s natural to use labels to define our place in the world and how we interact with it. I call myself a writer because I am someone who writes; this is important to me. Calling myself a writer explains something about who I am. It makes it easier for me to apply for writing jobs. When I hear other people call themselves writers, I know that we have something in common that we can connect over. I know that these are people I might be able to talk with or who might be interested in having write-ins or book clubs with me. In this way, labels help us find and create community.
Now, “writer” is a pretty broad category, so our experiences won’t be exactly the same. However, I can use a more specific label. I can call myself a fantasy fiction writer, a poetry writer, or a themed entertainment show writer, which helps me find people who identify with those more specific labels and have even more in common with me.
People who are not writers and are not interested in finding other writers don’t need the word “writer.” It doesn’t help them as much as it helps me. It’s not their label.
Demisexual is an asexual spectrum microlabel. Asexual describes someone who experiences little to no sexual attraction. It’s a broad label that covers a variety of experiences. Demisexual describes someone who only experiences sexual attraction towards someone after forming an emotional bond with them.
Before I read the word “demisexual” about ten years ago, I didn’t know that there were other people like me. I thought that there was something wrong with how I experienced attraction towards others. Knowing that there was a label not only made it possible for me to understand that there were other people like me, but also made it possible for me to find them and find community with them. Having words like ace and demi in my vocabulary make it easier for me to explain my experience to other people. People who aren’t demisexual don’t necessarily need this word. But I do.
When you hear a microlabel for the first time, especially if it’s one you do not identify with, it’s easy to dismiss it. It’s easy to think, “That’s not really a thing,” or, “Do we really need a word for that?”
The answer is, “Maybe you don’t need that word, since it doesn’t describe your experience, and that’s okay. But clearly someone needs it. We all have the right to put our experiences into words. We all deserve the chance to know that we are not broken and to find other people who are like us.”
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Why do people find the need to invalidate aro/ace characters' identities just because they want to ship or simp for that character
As someone on the aroace spectrum, I've only ever seen allos mention the spectrum and microlabels to use as loopholes to ship. They also dont use queerplatonic relationships right. I am not against these bc i identify with aro and ace microlabels and i like to see microlabels and queerplatonic relationships getting recognized properly but not as loopholes
Its like me shipping a gay and lesbian character and calling it queerplatonic as an excuse
Its aphobic and arophobic. Especially when the character shows no interest, and even disgust, at romance and sex
Why do we, the aromantic and/or asexual community, excuse nsfw/ship drawings/fics? It wouldn't fly if you made ship art or fic of a gay and female character, so why does it fly to make an aroace character allo or sexualize them? We deserve respect
Idc what your headcanons are. It still upsets me as someone on this spectrum who uses microlabels
I just had to get my thoughts out
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WHY THE FUCK ARE THERE SO MUCH S*X BOTS IN HERE?! You are in your own bed, trying to read about people's life, laughing at memes AND THEN-
If you experience this struggle, give a thought about rebloging this post, spread the word, 'til THE Tumblr @staff makes something about this. If possible, reblog this with your own opinion about it.
Let's make Tumblr a safe space for everyone!
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One of the things that allo society did wrong is using the term "sexual needs". These are not needs. Drinking is a need, sleeping is a need, eating, resting and breathing are needs. If you don't do them, you die. Sex is not a need, it is a want (a valid want, don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with wanting sex) and I'm tired of hearing someone has "their needs". It's a gross thing to say that is often used to excuse not just aphobia but also r*pe (especially domestic), cheating and treating women like properties.
For anyone who thinks sex is a need I want to point out that celibate monks are among the healthiest people in the world. They haven't died out yet
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Repeat after me:
Labels are not rules
Labels are not promises
Labels are not fixed
Labels are not necassary
Labels were created to be helpful, if they are not, you can get rid of them and do what you want
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Greyrose 🌹
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You are now trapped in the last movie you watched with the last person you texted. Reblog and put how screwed you are in the tags
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Obviously Velma sucks but if we do ever make a more adult Scooby Doo I want a semi realistic period piece from the late 60s where the Scooby Gang are draft dodgers and hippies that just happen to stumble into the crime fighting business because there is just a fresh stream of con artists when you’re drifting town to town in a van.
Freddie and Daphne start it all. Instead of showing up at boot camp when drafted, Fred Jones got the van he bought with his summer job and ran off. Daphne, his girlfriend (who frankly has the least strong feelings about Vietnam but for gods sake are they not taking Freddie there) runs along to be supportive and to get away from her strict, stuffy family.
Velma catches wind of Fred and Daphne’s plan a few days before it happens. They invite her along but she has to consider it. A staunch feminist and the brightest girl in school, she has the most to lose if she leaves. However, she grows embittered by the fact she’s never gonna get into her dream college since it doesn’t admit women, and decides to go along. Besides, if Fred and Daphne leave without her, there won’t be anyone like minded in their hometown for Velma to be friends with.
Shaggy wasn’t originally part of the group, but they find him and Scooby hitchhiking and pick him up. The gang learn he has similar circumstances to Fred for running away from home, being a conscientious objector who ran off when they tried to put him in a non combative position instead. He opposed even this as it still meant he would be part of the war machine. He comes bearing plenty of 8 track tapes and some real good pot, so he’s welcomed along happily.
Along the way they become friends and use their combined skills to solve cases of supposed hauntings. Every single one is shown to be some kind of capitalist fraud.
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The camera captured the light reflecting off the water droplets of the steam at the right angle to make Magical Corn 🌽
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hey i have a favor to ask from astronomers, can y'all put little krakens on the edges of maps of the observable universe to denote that we don't know what's past that
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