therealsumiii · 2 years
It's not easy to realize that your life is just passing by, while you're waiting for the right opportunity. I've let so many in exchange for "THE ONE" opportunity, and I feel nothing but regret.
the more I age, the more my eyes are wide enough to witness the unpleasant reality. the idea of safety fades away, even when I am surrounded by my own blood.
Father is no longer a hero, Mother nothing but a wrecking ball. PeterPan was a wise Child, he saw it through, and calculated the misery of "ADULTHOOD". seeking the affection of a stranger to keep the none existing shameful diary of my life, and I quote; "Dear Diary when it all went wrong"
therealsumi 22
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therealsumiii · 2 years
It's been a while since I felt this broken, devastated, frustrated as well.
I know that a sad day only lasts for 24 hours, but what about anxiety, how many hours till its fades away?
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therealsumiii · 3 years
Just remember perfection doesn't exist. Depression and anxiety does.
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therealsumiii · 3 years
Black & White.
we knew as we kept growing, that one day, all of this will become a memory.
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therealsumiii · 3 years
To the unknown, unsent hopes.
I am at a great loss, I feel uneasy and burdened.
I have so much potential, but few opportunities, i was to be great, but my limits, whatever society is throwing at me, it's just suffocation, I want freedom, and the sky, but all I am in right now, is underwater. 
at first, I was willingly to be silenced, more like happy, because I knew it's just a period of time, in the end, I will be noticed, my time will come. I feel so much shame feeling this way, but I am human too, my feelings matter too, no matter how strong you feel I can be.
in the end, I have desires, I have hopes, I have "DREAMS". I have something to offer too, I have a lot to do too, it's always someone's turn but me because I am the *understandable* child. 
being a third child culture, in a world, or even a community that won't accept me as their own, itself is a huge burden. we sacrificed a lot... who am I kidding, it's our own fault, we did this to ourselves, we have the sky as a limit, we choose the ground hoping for tomorrow's sky. 
by: Shunned Toddler (sumi)
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therealsumiii · 3 years
You will never find a place that's safe enough to build a lifetime, you just have to live in the moment, see history in the making, and try your best to spread awareness and goodness.
It's the only way.
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therealsumiii · 3 years
Multitasking for me sometimes means sipping iced black coffee in a wine glass, under the burning heat of UAE, while singing everything’s sucks 🥺🤏
" you get to enjoy the little things"
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therealsumiii · 3 years
Yeah 🙂🤏
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therealsumiii · 3 years
August 2021 was the most weird month ever, after 2020 pandemic thingy.
For the first time i had the covid like "officially" , then my whole family got it, just when i thought life couldn't get any worse, my brother got sclerosis, my mom had a high risk of developing thrombosis, now you would think oh shit that's bad, well, my dad have covid pneumonia, and pulmonary fibrosis.. So September shine on me, i beg of you.
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therealsumiii · 3 years
i cant get this quote out of my head
" I am in love you, and I am not in the business of denying myself the simple pleasure of saying true things, I am in love with you and I know that love is just a shout into the void, and that oblivion is inevitable, and we're all doomed and that there will come a day where all our labor has been returned to dust, and I know the sun will swallow the only earth we'll ever have, and I AM IN LOVE WITH YOU “
- Augustus Waters (the fault in our stars) 
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therealsumiii · 3 years
I've always been an observer in this platform, and today I created a new account to share, I am not sure yet if I can go all the way, but writing is something that amuses me, so enjoy, and feel free to share your thoughts.
have a beautiful and stunning day.
your friend the shunned toddler 🌻
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