therecordsoftis · 3 years
Alexa, Play “A Whole New World.”
I’ve been doing some world-building and field-guide making while working through edits and writing lately. I’ve been playing with superstitions, plant/animal life, holidays - it’s been a lot of fun.
And now, I’m asking for your help! I would love to collect some of YOUR stories. As the folklorist in me would call it, “Field Work”!
I’ve left some examples, and questions for you below the read-more.
I’m currently working on Good Luck charms - my biggest one right now is that, while under a tree if an acorn/pinecone etc. falls on you, you’ve been “blessed” by the spirit of the tree and you’re in for good fortune, especially if it happens to hurt a little. A twist on this, to “Knock on Wood” is to ask the tree spirit for help specifically with a little extra luck and to scare away the “Jinx”. Bonus if knocking on a tree trunk causes an acorn to fall on you!
I remember skipping over cracks in the sidewalk, chanting the “Step on a crack - and you’ll break your mother’s back” rhyme as a kid. So because my streets are mostly paved in cobblestone (and avoiding the cracks between them isn’t realistic), I’ve come up with “Broken or loose, there will be no Goose.”. Essentially, avoid upturning/disturbing loose or broken stones from the street or you’ll go without/be in for hard times ahead.
Black cats are not bad luck, but helpful warnings. If they cross your path, they’re trying to alert you to potential danger ahead, so maybe pick another route into town or, at the very least, proceed with caution.
Lots of my buildings have gargoyles, so it’s best to avoid walking under ladders, because they like to swoop on people who aren’t aware of their surroundings and could cause an accident under their ledges (Just doing their best to fulfill their role as protective spirit guardians, you know).
I’m also looking at what a burial service/funeral might look like. Do they have an annual festival/holiday like Halloween or Dia de Los Muertos where the dead/ancestors are met and celebrated? How about births/weddings? 
Questions for you:
Tell me how you feel/what you think of my examples above I’ve already worked through!
Talk to me about your favorite good luck charms/superstitions. Are you superstitious? Are there some you follow and some you don’t? If you’re not, is there a specific one you like/find entertaining anyway? Do you carry a good luck charm and how do you know it’s extra lucky to keep around?
I’d also love, if you’ll share them, recipes you bring out specifically for special occasions. Your favorite memories from events like funerals, baby showers, weddings. I want to hear/collect your stories, and I’d love to let them inform how the same function in my own writing.
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therecordsoftis · 4 years
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Moodboard 4/4 {Jay} {Miles} {Lora} {Cordan}
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therecordsoftis · 4 years
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Moodboard 3/4 {Jay} {Miles} {Lora} {Cordan}
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therecordsoftis · 4 years
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Moodboard 2/4 {Jay} {Miles} {Lora} {Cordan}
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therecordsoftis · 4 years
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Moodboard 1/4 {Jay} {Miles} {Lora} {Cordan}
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therecordsoftis · 4 years
🌻💚🌻Hi There!🌻💚🌻
Hey Everyone! It’s been a hot minute since I’ve done a blog post like this. So, it’s update time! 2020 has been undeniably chaotic for the entire world. Myself and my story included. While finishing my spring term of Uni online, moving back home as my campus shut down, and quarantining my chronically ill self as best as possible, I’ve continued doing revisions, making art, writing, and researching publishers, agencies, and doing what little I could to keep the process moving to getting this book on the shelves. 
Firstly, as far as my personal journey to getting published goes, I sent out another query letter this afternoon, and should hear back within three weeks whether or not they want to read my manuscript. So, wish me luck!
Things get a little more serious beyond the read more - so, click at your own discretion.
- Jay
This year in general has been so hard. I was separated from my best friends at school, and more often than not lately the weight of the world is too heavy for me to take. The struggle to keep my mental health at a place where I am able to create and do the things I love most has been never ending. Writing, painting, reading, gardening, and playing video games/watching movies has been the only thing keeping me together, and even then, I often do not have the energy for them. I am too medically fragile to join the protests in my city, though I support them and their cause wholeheartedly. The risk to my chronic illness and imuno-suppressed self is too great. Sign petitions, donate when possible, and most importantly - yesterday marked 100 days until Nov. 3rd. VOTE. Vote in federal elections, vote in local elections. Vote. Vote. Vote. Vote. Vote. Follow the links { HERE } for resources on how to check your registration and eligibility, supporting the #BLM movement, and assisting small/local booksellers through this undeniably hard time. Message me for some quarantine reading recommendations, if you’re looking for some new books to get your hands on!
Black Lives Matter. Disabled Lives Matter. Queer lives Matter. Women’s Lives Matter. Children/Student Lives Matter.
We have a lot of work to do. Your support of me and my story through these times has been everything to me, and I will never be able to express my gratitude for the people who have supported me and been there for me through it all. Not if I wrote a thousand books. 
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therecordsoftis · 4 years
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~ More Sim Edits! ~
@clumsyalienn made my OC Sims SO BEAUTIFUL. LOOK at them in these hairs. Thank you so much for the gorgeous work, the kids look FABULOUS.
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therecordsoftis · 5 years
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YOU GUYS @rosymiche has DONE IT AGAIN. This is THE BEST EVER. 
Art belongs to her, characters belong to me.
Reblog do not repost. Do not be an art thief. 
{Click Click!}
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therecordsoftis · 5 years
These are SO BEAUTIFUL @rosymiche​. Congrats, my best friend and beta reader on the 1st piece of fanart re blogged on this page! They’re gorgeous! B and I are so proud of you!
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So, I made some posters for my digital arts final. @therecordsoftis owns the "Records of T.I.S." one obviously, and "Legends of Rise" belongs to my friend Bailee who doesn't have a tumblr that I can credit. They turned out pretty cool, though! I made lineart on paper and scanned it, before using the "trace image" function on Adobe Illustrator and coloring it in Photoshop.
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therecordsoftis · 5 years
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You can count deleted words! You just have to use the strikethrough function on your word processor of choice, and they still count. I was told this three years into NaNo by a very kind butch at an event, so now I guess I’ll spread the knowledge ‘til I die. Go forth and win, writers!
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therecordsoftis · 5 years
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🖤 Sim edits pt. 3 🖤
This time it’s a punk! AU. MCR has risen from the grave, 2000′s Punk/Emo pop is alive and well! Miles has convinced Jaymi to adopt his aesthetic for the night. The kids are going to a concert!
{Click Click!}
Art and Characters belong to me. Reblog do not repost.
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therecordsoftis · 5 years
It’s HERE! NaNoWriMo 2k19 has officially arrived. It’s time to brew the coffee and dust off those notebooks and .dox files! 
Happy writing, everyone! I hope that you enjoy, protect, and take advantage of all that beautiful creativity. Whether you are editing last years draft like me, starting a new project from scratch, or already have a set plot line and writing schedule, NaNoWriMo is the time to work on your art and set that productive creative time aside for yourself! Have fun with it and I can’t wait to see everyone’s projects!
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therecordsoftis · 5 years
Hey, Wally! What's the weirdest case Archie has ever sent you on? Aside from the most recent, I mean.😉
So, there was this one where I had to go to a planet of blue alien lizard folk? That one was weird - just me sort of babysitting these tiny velociraptor triplets for a couple days while their mother, who was a resistance leader, was wrangling soldiers to overtake their restrictive government after a Fog coup...yeah.
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therecordsoftis · 5 years
Happy HALLOWEEN! Brace yourselves, writers! NaNoWriMo begins tomorrow!
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therecordsoftis · 5 years
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~ Alter Egos ~
These are so fun to make! Now, if only I could actually spend this energy on actually writing, right?
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All art and characters belong to me, The Sims 4, and CC Creators, reblog do not repost
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therecordsoftis · 5 years
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🌻💚🌻Art Haul/Blog Post #3, Simblr Edition!🌻💚🌻:
As many of you may already know, the publisher I have been working on up until this point did get back to me with a no. After some deliberation, and giving me some invaluable constructive criticism, I have a few more edits to make (Hello, #NaNoWriMo 2k19!) and I am back to researching agents/publishers to take me on. I am disappointed,of course. I was so excited for this opportunity, and I love how many of my beautiful friends and family were as well. Despite all that, I’m still feeling inspired, energized, and ready to head into November with a solid direction. These edits and planning will, of course, only help make something I’m already so proud of even better. 
I spent tonight making some Sim edits of my characters for my journal, and thought I’d share them along with the news of late! I’ve also done a few days of Inktober in my journaling, just to keep myself inspired and the creative juices flowing so do let me know if you want to see like, a “Sketchbook tour” type thing of those pages, they’re just little doodles, and I didn’t do all month but if you guys are interested, I’ll happily share them!
{Click for HQ}
Reblog do not repost, All art and characters belong to me, The Sims, and the CC creators (Bless you, CC creators)
Love as always,
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therecordsoftis · 5 years
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🌻💚🌻Another Art Haul!🌻💚🌻
I...don’t know how to wait for things. I made a bunch of new pieces over vacation, so...here are the new drawings!
Reblog don’t repost. Don’t steal my work. All art and characters belong to me.
{Click for HQ}
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