iamthehamburglar · 11 months
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ilovetheideaofu · 12 days
Nicholas Hoult teases Bill Skarsgård’s "transformative" role Count Orlok in Robert Eggers' latest film Nosferatu out Christmas 2024.
[🎥: Indie Wire Instagram at TIFF 2024]
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skullvgirl · 4 months
isagi at the met gala : garden of time
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incl. my favorite omg, when is season 2 coming out i wonder 💔
warnings. none
an's. i saw this from somewhere and also just wanted to post. its fluff, hopenu enjoy. might make a part two somewhere soon
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MAY 30th, Thursday : Arrival
SPEAKER : and now, coming to you live from Newports Canada, the new and impressionable team members for BLLK have just arrived !
as you can hear in the background there are a multitude of screams going off from the many fans of this new group has, thankfully i was lucky enough to book a registered speaking time with the players as well as their manager and head coach.
[ the camera pans to Anri and Ego next to her. Anri smiles and waves, Ego stares blankly ]
SPEAKER : Oh my gosh its so great too meet you both, Anri and Ego right?
[ they both nod ]
SPEAKER : Great, so tell me about what you two have on today, I'll start with Anri if that's okay.
ANRI : yeah, yeah—excuse me if i stutter, this our first time being here ever—
SPEAKER : oh no, no, you're totally okay
[ Anri giggles nervously, Ego continues too stare quietly ]
ANRI : so today I have on customs from V-KULL and Marc,—my shoes are from Marc, dress is from V-KULL, I'm obviously not the star of the show so I don't do anything too crazy, don't @ me, but I still think the garden look represents, kinda what the boys will bring to the table yeah?
[ what she's wearing ]
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SPEAKER : wow! yeah no, you look amazing, and don't worry i think its a very chique and straightforward look that you went with, you look great !
ANRI : [ flushed ], oh really? thank you !
SPEAKER : no problem! and moving on too you Ego, describe your look for us will you?
[ Ego yawns into the camera with unfiltered apathy ]
EGO : Suit is from TOGS, boots are from Marc, Tie is from V-KULL,—watch is from Versacé. [ he lifts his watch to the camera approvingly ] Anri picked it all out. She also forced me here so.
[ what he's wearing ]
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SPEAKER : hahaha, okaayy, well thats great It looks like Anri did a great job. I see you have a more the more emphasised look on the sunflowers, could you tell me about that?
EGO : What? Oh yeah, sun flowers grow in gardens right? That's the inspiration, pretty much. [ deadpan ]
ANRI : his mom—also, [ she glances over to Ego for a moment ] used to love sunflowers, so there's that too. [ nervous laugh ]
SPEAKER : oh, we'll thats beautiful! thank you for sharing—oh and would you look at that ! the BLLK team players have just arrived, I'll pass it onto you Y/N.
[ Ad. Coming back from break with Y/N in her interviewer dress next too an all smiles Isagi ◡̈ ]
YN : thank you, SPEAKER—and to pick up right from where you started I'm here with Isagi Yoichi, our D1 forward and first interviewee of today, so Isagi—how are you?
ISAGI : well thank you for asking, I'm doing pretty good. [ thumbs up, glance at camera ] I'm just so greatful me and my boys had the privilege to be invited out here and uh, yeah my great manager and coach have really been helping me with that also so yeah. [ slightly awkward smile ]
YN : well thats great ! Im glad to hear you're feeling good, while the rest of your teammates arrive can you tell me about the look you have on today?
ISAGI : yeah no problem I uh, so I'm actually in a set with two of my buddies from the team, when they get here I guess you'll see that, but uhm suit is from TOGS, all the little embroidery was done by V-KULL apparently, shoes are from MARC and gloves are from MARC as well [ smiles ]
[ what he's wearing ]
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YN : wow, yeah no thats beautiful!—
ISAGI : like yourself. [ straight face, not making eye contact ]
YN : [ eyes buldge, professional voice, suddenly nervous ] PFFT—why thank you, this is only my interveiw dress, but in case anybody was wondering, dress is custom from V-KULL, everything else is from ALL SAINTS haha. [ nervous laughter ]
[ what you're wearing ]
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ISAGI : [ glances at your shoes, is now locked in on your shoes ] Thoes are cute too, matches your skin really well. [ the camera zooms in on his face, his skin is a pretty tinted red ]
YN : [ you look at your shoes ] Thank you! Like I said their from ALL SAINTS so. Ya' know, it's all facy smancy and stuff. [ laughs obnoxiously ]
[ a moment of silence passes as you and ISAGI both stare at each other. then the two of you suddenly burst out laughing ]
ISAGI : TAHAHHAA—ahem, well I think my teamates have just arrived—sorry guess my time it up. Why don't you take it from here YN?
YN : AKKAKAK— [ fake cough ] yeah, that'd be great—I'll see you around probably [ =͟͟͞͞(꒪ᗜ꒪‧̣̥̇) ] ! Love you, bye !
[ ISAGI had already began to turn around but turns his head and smiles [ ദ്ദി(˶‾᷄ᗜ‾᷅˵ ᵕ) ]
ISAGI : Bye, Love you too !
[ camera pans back towards YN, struggling to keep it together ]
MAY 31st, Friday : The Day After
many, many, many people people were already estatic when it waa revealed that some of the BLLK players were or had been invited too the MET GALA as guests of honor so imagine their faces when everyone across the world waa telling them that one of these said players was flirting with the very beautiful YN. no really go on, imagine. thats right, they went ballistic. edits left and right, requesting interveiws from both sides, and lord the buckets of fanfics poured and dumped onto the already growing fanbase the BLLK players had. isagi specifically, alot comments were made about his attempt too be smooth.
"he was so adorable looking at her like that, wish someone would look at me that way..."
"and don't even get me started on YN and the way she was acting, all shy and cute like it wasn't her job to be talking to him. it was funny really."
"isagi is such a simp it's crazy, although it makes sense why someone would act that way–i'd be the same if i got a chnace to stand so close too YN"
that is only a snippet of what this oh so daring interview had to offer. interviews with the whe team ( coming soon ) revealed that not just ISAGI had eyes for our precious interviewee. but enough about that, back too YAGI or ISAN ( ship name, deal with it ) something we couldn't forget, and I quote.
YN : AKKAKAK— [ fake cough ] yeah, that'd be great—I'll see you around probably [ =͟͟͞͞(꒪ᗜ꒪‧̣̥̇) ] ! Love you, bye !
ISAGI : Bye, Love you too !
how crazy is that? like I said, the edits go crazyyyyy.
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an's. shhhh, noooo, shuuush I don't have bigger responsibilities than finishing this....events?? whats tht???
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bethanysnow · 5 months
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hermagneto · 7 months
Voldemort/Bella/Author - Interview
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A: I would like to thank you for meeting me today Vold-
A: Let me rephrase...I would like to thank you for meeting me here today, Mr Dark Lord, sir.
V: My Lord will do.
A: I do not worship you.
V: It's a title. Nothing more.
A: Right, but you are not my lord. You are A lord.
A: *swallows* My blood is clean. *sighs* I would like to thank you for meeting me here today, my lord.
B: Better.
V: You're welcome, this is all well and good. But why am I here?
A: In order to write chapter 6. I am going to need some information from you, my lord. Information that I need so I can move on to better things.
V: *crosses his arms across his chest* What information is that, my dear?
A: How are you going to infiltrate the Ministry of Magic?
V: Right to the point, I like it. Simple, I won't. My followers are doing it for me. They are in the works of imperiusing key players to obtsain control over the ministry.
A: You are being blatantly honest, that is refreshing.
V: You are the one who writes my lines. I am just establishing the fact that YOU are the one who makes it possible for me to have a better outcome than the dreadful Harry Potter Books/Movies.
A: This is true. I appreciate your candid responses. When will you finish taking control over the ministry.
V: By the end of the night Thickness will have murdered Minister Scimigor, and he will take his place in the ascension order. From there, my followers will take over the ministry: kicking out any who oppose us.
A: Just like that? You just kick them out? Or kill them?
V: I am not going to kill anyone, if I don't have to. If they leave quietly, I will allow them to proceed breathing.
A: So why are you taking over the Ministry?
V: The ministry was run to keep the popularion under control. I plan to demolish it after all our goals our accomplished.
A: What are your goals?
V: 1) Take over Ministry 2) Take over Hogwarts teaching curriculum. 3) Reinstate Dark Arts as well as Defense. 4) Capture all muggleborns for case studies. 6) Capture all muggles for case study to determine if muggleborns have squib blood. 7) If squib blood is determined to be the factor that allows muggleborns to exist we will work on reinstating the exstinct lines to those muggleborns that qualify. If squib blood is not the factor we will do more case studies of the families of muggleborns currently in our camps. 5) Kill Harry Potter 6) Infiltrate other countries and proceed with the first 4 steps once again.
A: Is it truly necessary to kill Harry?
V: In order for me to live, yes.
A: *sighs* What if killing Harry leads to your demise?
V: Why would it do that?
A: You made him a horcrux.
B&V: What?!
B: What's a horcrux?
V: not now Bella. Tell me more Author.
A: You placed a piece of your soul inside of Harry. If you kill him, you are going to die.
V: will you be allowing me to learn this knowledge?
A: Yes. It is important that you know. Knowing this will your plans change?
V: They will have to change. I cannot allow the boy to die by anyone's hands, not mine, or anyone else's. If one cannot live, while the other survives...I am the one surviving. He cannot have a life with my soul inside him?
A: exactly. he cannot live a full life. You should have never followed through with the prophecy, it just gave you a weakness.
V: then the only thing to do is to kidnap the boy, and study the scar on his forehead. If a piece of me is tethered to him it will be there.
A: I would imagine you are correct as he can share your thoughts.
V: you gave me alot to think about. Bella, we attack the ministry at dawn. Author, if you warn anyone...I know where to find you.
A: I understand.
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A: *raises hands in surrender as they both leave* ......Now, what will happen when they realize their is more than just no-majs they will have to contend with...mwahaha! I cannot wait to see the interaction between Voldemort and Magneto. M: You know, I could have just came and sit in this meeting. You didn't have to hide me from him. You determine if he will remember anything from this meeting.
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A: I know...but I thought it was more clever, with you listening in so you can see where you stand.
M: I think he needs to be exterminated...his talk of muggleborns...leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Considering Hermione, is said to be muggleborn. I don't wish for her to go through the camps like I had as a boy. We must prevent that from happening in the Wizarding World. So the Wizarding World can help Mutants escape that from the no-maj world.
H: Well, I'm glad that my well being and mutant kind go hand in hand with you. Erik.
M: You already knew that the moment you shown me what you could do.
H: True. Thanks, for allowing us to sit in on this meeting Author.
A: No problem, Hermione. I hope it helps you with your own plans.
H: Oh, it does a bit...I am concerned for Harry's safety...if you allow Voldemort in on this knowledge...he will trap him in a cage, to never be able to live a full life. I don't want that for him.
M: We won't allow it.
A: Now let's hope chapter 6 comes out of me already.
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earlyblackparade · 1 year
Frank Iero of My Chemical Romance on Downloading Music
February 23, 2007 | Reporter Magazine (RIT) | Link
Pink Floyd, Styx, The Arcade Fire, The Who, and now…My Chemical Romance? Yes, that’s right, My Chemical Romance can now be listed among those most audacious of bands who have aspired to write the epic concept album.
My Chemical Romance recently released their third studio album, The Black Parade, an album with a plot that parallels the life of the band’s singer Gerard Way. The main character experiences growing up in a bad town, a fast ascension to the ranks of rock royalty, and the resulting spiral into a pit of alcoholism and drug addiction.
Reporter got a chance to catch up with the guitarist Frank Iero and talk about the new album, as well as MCR’s niche in the current music scene.
So, why a concept album? “I’ve always been a fan of those type of records that you couldn’t just throw on as background music,” Iero explained. “You had to set aside a portion of time and listen to the album as a whole.”
In a day when most artists bicker about how downloading hurts their profits, Iero takes a different angle. “Today, a lot of people have the mentality of ‘oh, well I heard that song on TV or the radio, I just want that song to put on my iPod.’ That sucks because computer speakers are some of the worst speakers in the world to listen to music on!” Iero exclaims. He is truly more concerned with your ears than his pocketbook.
“Everybody is starting to give a shit again,” he said. “I think people are taking notice and getting sick of this single-driven market where a band says ‘I gotta write one hook that everyone is gonna like and that’s gonna make me a lot of money.’ People are tired of that.”
“Where do we fi t? I’d like to think that we’re a part [of] this new revolution of doing things from the heart and for the right reasons,” Iero said. Intentions aside, it will take a listen of The Black Parade for you to decide whether MCR should be listed among the greats. Whether you buy the album or download it, the ultimate decision is still up to you. •
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variety-vibes-radio · 2 years
Frankie Interviewing Montria Walker
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trashblog-things · 9 days
idk if its in the show but its in the books and I think its funny. armand reads like an absolute freak. like he picks up books, flips through them and reads them in seconds. lestat describes being able to hear him reading from rooms away because this guy is ripping books off the self, flipping through them and then throwing them on the floor just to pick up another and do it again lmao other vampires don't read like that its just him. all vampires read fast but not like armand and they also think its odd lol
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arifpatel13 · 1 year
Interviewing with Arif Patel - Case Study
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lukelemon-art · 2 months
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I love him, your honor ❤️
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brotherconstant · 3 months
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He said “I will not harm you.” And I never have.
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ilovetheideaofu · 12 days
See I told you all Bill Skarsgård could have played ‘Young Bill’ in Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again!, but no one listened!
Look what they took from us!
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Forever upset!
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holographic-abstract · 3 months
"Maitre in the bedroom. Maitre only when it's hot or convenient."
Daniel Molloy I consider you one of my cherished mutuals
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mooncalf87 · 5 months
Oh hey I actually started sobbing by the way
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vkylociferart · 11 days
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How could you deny this adorable little gremlin? 🥺 💐 💗
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donnapalude · 2 months
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interview with the vampire (2022-ongoing) // big little lies (2017-2019)
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