There are plenty artists in electronic and indie music alike that favour texture from damaged, muddy, or grainy sounds in order to gain a particular characteristic. Additionally, many genres such as reggae, grunge, and metal are rooted from a lo-fi, “bad” quality sound.
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Hills and Mountains
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This has been a HUGE year for music, especially hip-hop and rap alike. The top 50 list includes Lana Del Rey, Antony and the Johnsons, Cat Power, Crystal Castles, Death Grips, Jack White, and more.
Check it out at: http://theseshatteredglasses.wordpress.com/2012/12/12/top-influential-albums-of-2012/ and leave a comment.
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The Future of the Internet is On the Agenda
A closed-door meeting of the world’s governments is starting today. The future of the internet is on the agenda. Some governments want to use this meeting of the International Telecommunication Union to increase censorship and regulate the Internet.
I am concerned, and I am not alone. More than 1,000 organizations from 163 countries have raised concerns about this upcoming closed-door meeting in Dubai. They are joined by hundreds of thousands of Internet users who are standing up for a free and open Internet. These people are in just about every country around the world — take a look.
If you agree and support a free and open Internet, join them and raise your voice: google.com/takeaction
Together, we can protect the free and open Internet. Please make your voice heard and spread the word.
Vint Cerf Google
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Due to the Internet, underground artists and genres have greater freedom to express themselves in the three-dimensional space, however that also means mainstream music is plastered in our faces even more.
Read the full article at:
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Generally, significant and poignant four-minute promo works are rare at best. Flying Lotus’ Until the Quiet Comes homogenously combines the perfect mixture of surrealism and realism; love and hate; life and death. Everything feels incredibly authentic and visceral.
Read the full review at:
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Rare Chandeliers offers itself as two prodigies united, and the album’s core quality speaks precisely to the level of talent involved. 
Read the full review at: 
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Questioning art is an important factor because we tend to rationalize our cognitive dissonance away, or turn our back on the offending artist, instead of finding a way to embracing art, while acknowledging its disruption of order. It’s not honorable to discount art solely because one may have a problem with the artist. 
Read the full article at: 
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Clockwork Angels is challenging on many accounts: its musical density, 66-minute length, and ferocious pace. It's arguably this year’s biggest progressive rock album.
Check it out here: 
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Loving the Action Bronson and Alchemist collaboration project. The production is sublime and constantly evolving.
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Layered MRI Self-Portraits Engraved in Glass Sheets by Angela Palmer
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Crystal Castles still delivers the usual unusual mix of swelling bass, aggravated keyboard screeches, and dizzying electric hooks.
Check it out here: 
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