thesimcat · 8 years
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Wooootttt!!!! ALICE HAS BEEN ABDUCTED!!! Goal down. :D
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thesimcat · 8 years
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If you're wondering if Alice needs to work, the answer is no. We are still reaping the benefits of the money trees Drizella planted, which apparently are extremely hardy plants.
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thesimcat · 8 years
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So this is what these two have been doing for days. Mind you, Mr. Snowman I moved so he wasn't in the middle of the kitchen. He moved back.
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thesimcat · 8 years
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Bailey Swain has passed on. Just Alice and Tristan left.
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thesimcat · 8 years
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Yep. I was wrong. It didn't change his outfit. There's two gnomes. Two. One in a bunny costume. One in a snowman costume. I don't remember any gnomes and suddenly there's two! O.o
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thesimcat · 8 years
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WHY IS IT EVERYONE BUT ALICE??? Also I Googled it,and sadly, abducted females will not get pregnant.
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thesimcat · 8 years
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I was literally just thinking how quiet it was with only three Sims in the house. Then, I heard noise of a tv and happened to glance over. This would be cute if I couldn't see its murderous face!
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thesimcat · 8 years
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@madegeeky I'm starting to wonder if Cinderella didn't steal a gnome and I just forgot about it because I automatically put everything she stole in the house. I do remember gnomes could move. I thought it was under certain circumstances but maybe not. And now they've apparently decided to dress them in a horrifying outfits.
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thesimcat · 8 years
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I don't know if this has showed up before in the Spring, and I've just never noticed, but this is fucking terrifying. I hope someone created this knowing it was scary and not thinking this would be a cute variation of the Easter Bunny.
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thesimcat · 8 years
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This house was one I originally bought to make Cinderella's life harder. However, it's beginning to feel unnecessary with its 4+ bedrooms and 4+ bathrooms. I'm thinking it might be time to downsize soon. I don't I'll do it right away, but maybe after my non-vampire roommate, Bailey, dies. Tristan will probably never die (stupid long life vampires), and I think it'll be more entertaining to keep him around. But if it's just Alice and Tristan, plus whatever baby Alice bears for the next gen, we don't need this big a house. Just some thoughts.
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thesimcat · 8 years
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So I look away for a moment and Tristan is flirting with Alice. Seriously, man, keep it in your pants. Then when I finally tell Alice to go back to looking through the telescope, he precedes to stand in front of her. I know Alice seems nonplussed by these actions, but why Tristan why? I mean, he's complaining of being tired so it's not even like he doesn't have something better to do then be weird.
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thesimcat · 8 years
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SERIOUSLY??? Tristan, how did you manage this??? If you get pregnant, I'm not taking care of the child!! (If you don't remember, Tristan is the baby daddy for Snow, lover of Drizella, and now just Alice's vampire housemate. In case you were trying to keep track.
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thesimcat · 8 years
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Alice is getting busy searching the galaxy. Though I’m not sure I’m doing this right. I am going to at least wait until she reaches true adulthood before I Google how to get abducted. Meanwhile, Cinderella never ceases to amaze me. She is currently swimming in the middle of the winter. Oh, and she’s 106. She will just not die.
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thesimcat · 8 years
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thesimcat · 8 years
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Meanwhile, in the real world, my one year old plus cat decided to lay where I normally have my mousepad. So.... compromise. He seems satisfied with this arrangement.
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thesimcat · 8 years
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And another one has dropped off the map. Grumpy White has passed on.
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thesimcat · 8 years
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ABOUT DAMN TIME. But that pose.
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