#cinderella era
Details of Taylor Swift’s latest Speak Now gown.
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The gown was custom made by Nicole + Felicia. It took over 2,100 hours to complete.
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scurviesdisneyblog · 1 year
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𝙳𝚒𝚜𝚗𝚎𝚢 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚌𝚎𝚙𝚝 𝚊𝚛𝚝Iᴛʜᴇ ꜱɪʟᴠᴇʀ ᴀɢᴇ (1950 - 1967)
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bethanydelleman · 3 months
Speaking on the Ellen Show, Knightley said her daughter (who was born in 2015) was “banned” from watching Cinderella, which Disney produced as a cartoon in 1950 and a live-action film in 2015. “[Cinderella] waits around for a rich guy to rescue her. Don't. Rescue yourself!
Says the woman who starred in a trilogy that said, "No murderers and theives were good actually because they wanted freedom."
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catsofyore · 1 year
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Cinderella. 1843. Source.
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cinderellaheist · 26 days
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Planning the Grand Tour by Emil Brack
huge thank you to @slugsketches for sourcing the artist! 💕
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aioliravioli-69 · 3 months
aight, so uh.... I haven't posted art in a while and I'm sorry💀
I will be doing this months challenge, I'll just have to see when
In the meantime, have some old sickfic sketches of an AU I never finished
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I'm begging you to excuse the hands
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Originally, Buddy travels to Chase house after Ex Libris finds his location but underestimates the climate of wherever Chase lives. After not being appropriately dressed for a bunch of rainstorms he ends up getting horribly sick and passing out on Chase's lawn, right before he arrives at the house.
The next morning Prunella finds him and non-chalantly tells Chase that there's a stranger in his garden.
Naturally, Chase if conflicted and runs to get Deacon and right after telling Deacon off for wanting to get Buddy inside to take care of him(he's TOTALLY not projecting) they carry the unconscious goth into the house and lay him down on the couch until he wakes up.
There are some more things I want to draw for this
(Buddy cries after eating good soup; Buddy takes a hot bubble bath for the first time in his life -> it's a luxury for him, as Ex Lirbis only had cold rain water ig lmaoo💀💀)
But I'll see lol
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papayasreturn · 1 month
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Quickly made something for the August cb challenge. Just a silly little thing.
C: YEEeessS, this tea really IS deliciouss
B: Quite right you are, Lord Chase, it is absolutely scrumptious! If only your presence was equally as pleasing.
C: Well, as we know, vampyres remain cold as ice, never a drop of warmth in sight, so I suppose we both remain un- tea- like. (Also, I’m quite aware that you want a cake, but you must wait, otherwise the tea will run cold before you get to it)
B: (Do not concern yourself with such a qualm, i eat at such a pace that the tea will run hot even at the last sip)
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bimoonphases · 2 months
@wolfstarmicrofic July 19 - prompt 19: Fairytale [word count 941]
“Mother! Mother, please!”
Sirius banged both his fists on the door, but the only sound he heard were Walburga’s footsteps descending the tower stairs. He rested his forehead against the wood, feeling the tears prickling his eyes. It had all been a dream, a wonderful dream.
The castle, glimmering in the lights of the thousands of candles lit up for the nameday of the heir to the throne, Prince James. The feel of Uncle Alphard’s ceremonial suit Regulus had left in a corner of the kitchen so that Sirius could find it when the rest of the family had left that evening, fitting him like a glove. The whispers surrounding him when he had walked in the ballroom, his parents’ work so thorough no one there even remembered who he was. And the best part of it all. The man who had made a beeline for him as soon as the orchestra had started playing. His soft smile, his hand on Sirius’s back while they danced, his warm eyes. Sirius had forgotten everything in the man’s arms, letting himself just be happy for the first time in years. At least until the bells had tolled midnight and the guests had cheered the biggest birthday cake Sirius had ever seen being brought right in front of Prince James.
“I have to go stand by the prince for a moment,” Sirius’s companion had said. “Wait for me?”
“I have to go,” Sirius had managed to say.
Walburga wouldn’t linger after toasting the prince’s health, and he had to be back at the house before them, he knew too well what would happen to him should his parents come back and not find him as usual in the kitchen, asleep by the fireplace. The other man’s expression had crumbled so fast Sirius had only been able to turn around and run out of the ballroom.
“Wait!” he had heard as he was descending the staircase as fast as he could. “I don’t even know your name! How will I find you?”
Sirius hadn’t stopped. He knew he couldn’t let himself be found again, no matter how his heart was screaming the exact opposite. The man was obviously part of the prince’s inner circle with his embroidered clothes and impeccable manners, and Sirius had been even less than a servant to his own family for years. He had nothing to offer him. And yet when a royal herald had come to the house announcing Prince James would pay Lord and Lady Black a visit in the afternoon, Sirius had dared to hope. He had begged his mother to let him be present, to let him watch from afar, in the hopes the man he had dreamt about for two weeks now would be there and he could look at him once more. But all the begging had ended up with him being locked up in the small room at the top of the tower so he couldn’t stumble on the royal visit and embarrass his parents by reminding someone they had managed to make their firstborn disappear from public record.
“It was a beautiful dream,” Sirius whispered. “Time to wake up now.”
A squeak made him turn his head towards the rat nestled on the windowsill.
“What would you have me do, Wormtail?” Sirius wiped his tears away. “I can’t break the door down.”
The rat squeaked again and Sirius walked up to the window, sitting on the windowsill and looking down at where his parents and his brother were standing, watching the royal guards on horseback enter the courtyard.
“Yes, I suppose I will able to see him if he’s coming here with the prince,” he sighed.
Soon enough, a white horse stopped in front of the house and Prince James dismounted while Sirius’s parents and Regulus immediately dropped into the most perfect curtsies. Sirius watched the prince walk up to his father, and his heart skipped a beat as he saw the man from the ball climb down from his chestnut horse and stop right behind the prince.
From up there he couldn’t hear a thing, but soon enough he saw Orion clasp his hands behind his back, which he only ever did when something was not going his way, while Walburga planted one hand on Regulus’s shoulder, a clear sign she needed to assert her control on someone because she was losing her footing in another field. Then, Prince James looked at Regulus, and from where Sirius was he saw his brother slightly move his head up, the prince following the movement and looking up at the tower. A second later, the prince was waving a finger right in Orion’s face while the other man had broken into a run and had gotten inside the house. Sirius frowned, wondering what was really happening down there, when a crash made him whirl around. The door had been broken down, and the man from the ball was standing on the threshold, panting.
“It’s true then,” he whispered, eyes fixed on Sirius. “Imprisoned and treated like a servant when you should be heir of this family.”
Sirius blinked.
“How did you find me?” he whispered.
“You have the good luck of looking way too much like your younger brother,” the man walked up to Sirius, extending his hand. “My name is Remus. Will you allow me to escort you to a safe place?”
Sirius took his hand, letting himself be drawn up from the windowsill and almost against Remus’s chest.
“As long as the safe place is with you,” he whispered.
“Always,” Remus smiled. “Let’s go now before the prince starts flirting with your brother.”
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quirrelmorts · 2 months
i love that i never have to be too sad about starkid shows closing because this is just the beginning. the majority of the fandom hasn’t seen it yet and there’s so much more fun to come. it’s really special
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st3ddie-starchas3r · 4 months
Cinderella AU but it’s pre transition/coming out MTF James and her fairy godmother gives her everything she ever wanted (to ‘truly’ be a girl) but not permanently. Then FTM Regulus who is caught up on his deep hatred for his brother best friend while simultaneously falling in love with a mysterious girl.
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August Art Challenge
Ok, ok, I know I'm late and I'm sorry
I was kinda busy yesterday ans forgot to ask Iz 😭😭
Victorian Era Au it is!
As always we invite all writers and artists and any interested individuals of the cn community to join!!! And maybe if your currentlu considering starting an artistic hobby, feel free to use the prompts!!!
Well, I'm excited to see your creative interpretations!!
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waterlilychaser · 8 months
marauders era as ballets
sirius black - cinderella
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the story of someone trying to better their fate.
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novel-navigator · 1 month
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If you can’t read the text here’s what it says:
Deacon: *Tut tut* Should’a learned history the easy way while you had the chance, Chase…
Chase: *Wheeze* This corsets too tight!!!
Buddy: *Hehe*
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I’m not sure if I did this monthly challenge correctly, but I think this is somewhat Victorian era styled.
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eleanor-bradstreet · 2 years
Young at Heart: The Prince (Benedict Bridgerton x Reader)
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Benedict Bridgerton x fem!Reader Rated: G, the fluffiest fluff that ever fluffed Word count: 1.6k
Summary: A bedtime story for the children takes an unexpected turn.
Author's Note: This beautiful idea came from none other than @angels17324 who knew exactly how Benedict would charm a lady under the guise of entertaining children. I had a lot of fun with this. 💙 Enjoy!
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As punishment for their prank in the hallway, the boys were sent straight to bed after dinner and denied their usual bedtime story. They fussed and groaned as you tucked them into their small beds, closely arranged in parallel. Even though they had heeded your advice and insisted they were only following their uncle’s orders (much to Benedict’s horror, their parents’ chagrin, and everyone else’s amusement), they were being disciplined for failing to know better than to disturb the Viscount. 
Thus, the following night they were clamoring for a story, bouncing in their beds until you agreed to act out one of their favorite tales. Neddy pointed you to a well-loved volume of fairy stories and you allowed the boys to push their beds together, the three of them snuggling amidst a fortress of blankets and pillows until they resembled a nest of blinking baby owls. The atmosphere was ripe for magic, with the light of a full moon bathing the room in soft shadows. Your mind was drawn to thoughts of a midnight ball and a shimmering evening of dreams come true. With a candle at your side, you settled into a chair opposite the eager faces and knew precisely which story to turn to. 
The children listened with rapt attention as you relayed to them the sad origins of Ella, a kind heroine forced into a life of servitude by her wicked step family. They giggled as you adopted the whining inflection of the ugly stepsisters, and cheered as you described the array of woodland creatures who sang and danced to help Ella through her chores. Their mouths hung open as you described the transformation of a pumpkin into a carriage, mice into footmen, and rags into a sparkling gown. Performing all the characters’ voices and heightening all of the dramatic action, you led them through the story, feeling a growing sense of pride as their heads slowly began to droop and they burrowed deeper into their blankets. The shadows in the room had grown long and each boy was fighting to keep his eyes open when you reached the final scene.
“From house to house went the Prince. One young woman after another tried to put her foot into the glass slipper, but none could fit. And so the Prince moved on. At last, he came to Cinderella’s house. The first step-sister tried to place her foot in the glass slipper. She tried with all her might, but it simply would not fit. The second step-sister tried to place it on her foot but failed too. ‘Are there no other young women in the house?’ asked the Prince. That is when Cinderella stepped into the room.”
You reverted to the shrill rasp you had devised for the evil stepmother, “‘None who matter!’ hissed the stepmother.”
“I’ll be the judge of that.” 
Startled, you nearly dropped the book as you spun to see the source of the unexpected voice from the doorway. The tall figure stepped forward and the moonlit illuminated Benedict, walking toward you with a playful smirk on his face.
As you sat frozen in confusion, he began narrating the story for you. “‘Come here,’ said the Prince, and Cinderella moved to him, sitting in a chair.” He reached your side. Even with the dark and his height, you could see the cheeky points of light in his eyes. You cast a look back at the boys to find their interest mildly piqued by the appearance of their uncle, but they were undeniably hovering on the brink of sleep, reclining back on their pillows. 
“The Prince got down on one knee,” Benedict continued, his tone steady. You held your breath as he knelt to a knee beside you. He was playing the part, acting out the roles as you had. 
“And he tried the glass slipper on her foot.” He raised his brow in a gentle request for permission, which you granted him with a breathless nod. Lifting your skirt just an inch, his long fingers wrapped around your ankle and he held it lightly, miming slipping a shoe over the one you already wore. He beamed up at you with that lopsided grin that made you feel knotted inside. “It fit perfectly.”
When you realized the silence between you was growing unnaturally, perhaps inappropriately long, you cleared your throat, remembering yourself. You glanced quickly down at the book in your hands. “Then, from her pocket, Cinderella took out the other glass slipper.”
Benedict never broke your gaze, his hand still warm on your ankle. “‘I knew it,’ he cried. ‘You are the one.’” 
He was quiet enough that you weren’t sure if the children could hear him. But you also found that you were no longer concerned about the quality of your performance. All your mind could process was the tethering feeling of his soft grip, and the dance of light in his eyes which refused to leave yours.
Some rote part of your memory continued through with the story, though you ceased any attempt to adopt voices. “‘This cannot be!’ yelled the stepmother.”
Still grinning, Benedict concluded the tale. “But it was too late. The Prince knew that Cinderella was the one. He looked into her eyes, and he did not see the cinders in her hair or the ashes on her face. He had found the woman he loved, and they lived happily ever after.” 
The silence that followed was so complete, you could hear your heart pounding in your ears. His smile, his eyes, the ease infusing everything about him, it held you under a spell. Thank goodness for Barney’s small but dramatic yawn which snapped both of your attention back to the children. Benedict carefully placed your foot on the floor. The boys were all fast asleep, limbs sprawled over one another and blankets kicked aside. With a chuckle between you, Benedict held the candle overhead while you gingerly rearranged the children as best you could without waking them, tucking them each beneath their own blanket.
When you were satisfied that they would sleep undisturbed, you led Benedict back out into the hall. 
“Mr. Bridgerton,” you whispered, unsure of precisely what to say. “Thank you for your help with the story. Were you listening the whole time?” You felt yourself start to blush and hoped the dim light would hide it. 
“Long enough,” he shrugged. “You have been untruthful with me.”
Bewildered, you shook your head. “I beg your pardon?”
He crossed his arms and leaned a shoulder against the wall. “You said you weren’t an actress, but I just witnessed an exceptional performance.” His quirked brow and unfailing smile clued you in. There seemed to be no limit to this man’s cheekiness, or perhaps it was charm. 
You chose to demure. You already felt odd enough, flustered by the lingering memory of his fingers pressing through your stocking. You would be friendly, but not engage in blatant flirtation. “It’s easy once the story is already written,” you explained. “I’m sure someone read to you like that when you were small.”
He softened. “My father did, yes. Once upon a time.” His smile broadened, coaxing one from you.
“He must have made quite an impression for you to memorize the story. I’d wager not many gentlemen could recite Cinderella if called upon.”
His smirk finally faltered. “I memorized it later. I read it constantly to my sisters when…well, when he passed. From that very book as a matter of fact.”
You bit your tongue. You didn’t know the precise details of the Bridgerton family history, but knew that the former Viscount had died too young and that Neddy was his namesake. To imagine he had left behind children still young enough to need bedtime stories, and to picture Benedict tending to them while managing his own grief, it seized something in your heart. You were ashamed at bringing up such memories and turned your eyes to the floor. “I’m sorry.”
“You don’t need to apologize.” The kindness in his tone drew your gaze back up to find him grinning thoughtfully. “Look how useful it is now that the house is full of children again.” Then he squared himself in front of you. “And now that I have found my stage partner, I believe we shall have to combine our theatrical prowess if we’re to keep those miscreants occupied tomorrow. A repeat performance at the puppet theater.”
Your heart climbed into your throat. His proposal made you equal parts terrified and excited. You had never ventured behind the nursery’s puppet theater yourself, but couldn’t deny how appealing it sounded to find yourself crowded into the tight space with him. You tried to keep your voice steady. You shouldn’t be imagining such things. “Mr. Bridgerton. I told you, I cannot improvise.”
He shrugged again, always airy with his demeanor. “Then we shall plan the story ahead of time. What is your schedule for the day?”
“Their parents are taking them to the lake actually, and then they will be mine in the afternoon.” You didn’t have much of an excuse to give him. In fact, some extra hands to help you entertain the children would be a welcome relief. 
He was glowing, creases etched around his eyes from his easy smile. “Perfect. We’ll rehearse and then surprise them.”
You arched a brow. “But if I’m in the theater, who will be minding the children?”
“Colin,” he said dismissively. “It’ll give him something useful to do.”
You wavered, chewing on your lip. There was no reason to refuse his plan other than the fluttering feeling he elicited every time he looked in your direction and your fear of enabling it. He clearly sensed your hesitation and dropped his swaggering stance, gently offering you the choice. “Only if you want to, Miss y/l/n. Perhaps it would be nice to break up your routine.”
You probably should have declined, but your heart spurred on your tongue before your mind could interfere. “Alright. I’ll meet you in the nursery after tea.”
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Tagging: @angels17324 @bridgertontess @broooookiecrisp @desert-fern @fiction-is-life @kpopstanthot
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cookiekat-blogz · 29 days
re-announcing my existence in this fandom
i decided doomed yaoi was the way to go (I've never written anything like this)
I was writing a Stargoth fanfic and was told that Victorian era AU was this months theme so take with this as you will heheh (angst/doomed relationship)
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A Ball That Will Change Lives - Chapter 3
Fandom: Harry Potter (Marauders characters)
Pairing: James/Lily, but the beginning of James/Lily/Reader
Characters: James Potter, Lily Evans, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Flemaont Potter, Euphemia Potter, Regulus Black, Evan Rosier
Plot: James and Lily's arrival is announced and they start dancing with potential suitors as you arrive.
Notes: This account is anti-JKR and her beliefs. This is a safe space for all.
Masterlist - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Epilogue
I do not give permission to anyone to repost or translate any of my stories. I also do not give anyone permission to feed my stories through AI or to be posted to any third party website or app. If anyone sees any of my work posted anywhere but here or my AO3 (simplyreflected), then it has been posted without permission.
Read on AO3 here.
The gif here is to illustrate the ball in the chapter, not the characters.
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Remus and Sirius walked in together, descending the staircase nodding towards the King and Queen.
The King stood up and everyone became quiet. “Everyone, may I present my son and his fiance, Prince James and Princess Lily.” With that, James walked in with Lily on his arm. King Fleamont looked directly at his son. “May you find who your heart desires tonight.”
James looked at Lily, with her looking back at him, before the two of them descended the staircase.
At the bottom of the stairs, Sirius walked over to the two of them with a woman on their arm. “May I present to you, Lady Gabrielle, who I thought might be a good match for the two of you.”
James bowed, kissing Lady Gabrielle’s hand before he stood back up to full height, holding his hand out. “Would you care to dance, my lady?”
She giggled as she took his hand. He turned to Sirius. “Take care of her, Sirius.”
He then turned to Lily, kissing her lips gently, before whispering in her ear, “I’ll find you later. When I find someone I like, I’ll introduce you.”
He pulled back smiling at both of them, before turning to Lady Gabrielle, guiding her onto the dance floor.
You arrived at the castle. Regulus came down and opened the carriage door for you, helping you out, so you didn’t slip or ruin your shoes or outfit.
He leaned forward, hugging you. “Go and have fun. You deserve it.” He paused. “Remember, no one will recognise you, and come back to us by 12, so we can get you back safely.”
You nodded before turning and waving at Evan who saluted back, before turning and walking up to the castle.
When you reached the top of the palace steps, the guards nodded at you and opened the doors for you. You didn’t know what to expect when you walked through the doors to the ballroom, but what you saw was tasteful decorations that weren’t overly done, but made everything really pretty. The music was so beautiful.
You walked down the stairs carefully, making sure if people noticed your entrance that you would seem somewhat elegant and poised.
When you got to the lower set of stairs, you noticed a stunning redhead walking towards the bottom of them. You stared at her as she smiled at you, when you got to the bottom two steps, she held out her hand.
You took her hand as she guided you down to her. She lifted your hand to her lips. “Hello beautiful. May I have the pleasure of your company?”
“Hi,” you breathed out, a little flustered at her attention, before you smiled. “I-I would like that.”
She linked arms with yours and guided you to the front of the room. As you moved through the room with her guiding you, you realised neither of you had introduced yourselves. You took the initiative and introduced yourself to her.
She guided you over to a table near the front of the room, before she stopped, turned to you and introduced herself, “I am Princess Lily Evans, fiance of Prince James.”
You gasped before you bowed to her. “Please forgive me, your highness. I didn’t recognise you.”
She guided you to stand. “You do not need to worry. I was happy to meet someone and not have them treat me any differently than they would anyone else.”
When you stood, you saw a handsome figure standing next to Lily with his arm around her waist, smiling at you. Lily introduced you to him and you instantly recognised him as Prince James. Before you bowed to him, he held out his hand to stop you.
He asked you, “would you like to dance with either one of us?”
You blushed at their attention. “I would like the chance to dance with both of you, if that is alright.”
He smiled before he took your hand, kissing it. He turned to Lily. “You have the first dance with them, love. I’ll sit this one out and watch. I think I’d like to sit down for now.”
He smiled gently at both of you as you thought he was definitely different than you thought he would be. You thought he would be arrogant and stuck up, like your step sisters and your stepmother.
As you and Lily danced, the two of you spoke about whatever you could think of. You enjoyed dancing with her, and the two of you spoke so effortlessly with each other.
Not long before the song was to end, you asked, “the way the Prince presented himself before, is that what he’s usually like?”
“Yes, darling.” She smiled at you, before looking quickly over your shoulder. “I’ve never met anyone like him. He loves with his whole heart and when he’s with the people he loves, his attention is only on them. His family is a big thing for him. He may have been born into this, but he loves the people of his kingdom.”
She looked back over your shoulder as she curtsied and you bowed as the song ended. You thanked her when the music finished, and standing back up, you saw both Princess Lily and Prince James standing next to each other. Throughout the night, you would switch between dancing with James and then dancing with Lily.
During your second dance with James, he told you, “I really love the ring on your right hand. It matches you and your outfit so well.”
And when you weren’t dancing with them, other suitors would dance with them.
As it got closer to the end of the night, Prince James held his hand out for you. “Would you care to take a walk with us, darling? I’d love to get to know you a little more without having to speak over the music.”
You smiled as you took his hand, with Princess Lily linking her arm through yours. You felt content in this moment; so safe and so happy.
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