always-together · 2 years
@queenverdigris liked for a Halloween starter! (So glad to see you again friend! I chose to start with the Queen herself but we’ll see where this goes)
“Good evening, Your Majesty,” Garnet the monk Orc greeted with a toothy smile. “All Hallows’ Eve is fast approaching, correct? Me and my comrades have put together a gift for your Highness in honor of the occasion.”
From a satchel she retrieved a pumpkin, carved with a smile and friendly eyes. A flickering green Faerie Fire burned inside.
“I hope it is acceptable,” she said softly. Daring to walk to up to give it to the dragon.
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springvaletales · 3 years
Vashael didn’t often get to play tourist outside of his mother’s borders.
He traveled often, but it was always for work, or business and occasionally the end of the world. He never got to wander through local markets in cities he didn’t know, lost on streets he could barely pronounce, wondering which one of the many, many handicrafts he still had enough coin for. He rarely had so much free time as to get well and truly lost - and yet there he was, anyway, far from any landmark signs or buildings he may have recognized as being nearby the place he and his friends were staying that week.
The dark-haired man cast his eyes around the marketplace, wondering if it would be worth the time to try and retrace his steps, or if he should simply ask for directions. Michael would forgive him if he were late getting back, but Naoka might not...and he had promised her that he’d be back before it got too late. Looking around, his eyes were drawn toward a woman with some of the reddest hair he’d ever seen, standing beside a nearby stall, and he made up his mind.
“Excuse me, ma’am,” Vashael raised one hand to catch the woman’s attention. “Do you know how I could get to the Tradewind Inn from here?”
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justassorted · 3 years
(Closed starter for @queenverdigris !)
Mirian stared into the dark gash of the cave in the side of the mountain. She’d have liked to say that she was just catching her breath, but it would have been a lie; she’d been standing there for several minutes now, and her breath had long since evened out, sweat drying cold and clammy on her skin in the brisk mountain breeze. 
She was still exhausted, her legs trembling and achy, her head spinning slightly, and the scuffs on her hands stinging where she clutched her makeshift walking stick. But… while Mirian might be new to this whole “climbing a mountain” thing, even she didn’t think that any of those things were going to change just from spending a few extra minutes standing still.
    No. The truth of it was that while all of this had seemed like a brilliant and defiant plan at the start, it was quite another thing to have actually succeeded at it; to be quite literally staring into the black depths of the dragon’s den, the smell of sulfur sharp in her nose.
    Her parents hadn’t caught her. They hadn’t sent anyone to catch her.
    No one on the path here had stopped her, either—though, admittedly, she’d done her best not to draw attention to herself.
    And now it was just Mirian, and the cave, and maybe a dragon, and she didn’t want to think about it but she was scared. 
    But she was more scared of going back, and that thought made her furious. Mirian grit her teeth and stomped into the cave. She couldn’t hear any movement, and the dim light wasn’t doing her already terrible vision any favors, but the soft scuff of her feet and the flow of air around her meant that she could feel just how immense the space was. If the dragon actually needed all this room, it must be enormous.
    Mirian slowed to a stop, a horrible image of walking straight into the dragon’s open, waiting mouth burning in her mind. But she’d come this far. Before she could think better of it she took a good grip on her walking stick and swung it furiously into the wall of the cave, her voice lifting into a shout. “Hey! Dragon!”
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cosmicdreamt · 4 years
@queenverdigris​ - Ferdinand || Short Starters
“You look tired. Are you sure you don’t need a break?”
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“Ah, s-sorry!! That’s really none of my business is it? Um....do you have anything for sale than can be used in charms? Preferably ones that would sit in charged moon water?”
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chainxdancer · 4 years
Closed starter for @queenverdigris from Tiyeri!
Tiyeri was starting to get the feeling that she’d been duped.
It wasn’t the first client who had complained about this alchemist guy... Chr--something? It was a long name, she hadn’t bothered to remember it. After the first couple of rants about worrying explosions, weird noises, and so on, however, she had finally decided to check it out on someone’s behalf. Technically, noise complaints were enough to bring someone in, right?
The Tabaxi felt like a damn town guard, not a bounty hunter. Still, she didn’t want to ruin her reputation by refusing on the grounds of ‘this is a stupid thing to hire me for,’ so she swallowed her pride and took the job. Fortunately, they knew where the alchemist’s house was.
Right now, she was peeking at the place from a nearby alley, trying to find out if there was anything she could pick up from a distance before moving in. So far, though, there was nothing overtly suspicious about the place, so she crept closer--one hand on the hilt of her rapier, just to be safe.
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crestfxllenfxte · 3 years
Send © for a muse fact! - Accepting Fate was originally left handed, before losing her left forearm and hand. She adapted to it fairly well, and can do quite a few things rather easily with her right hand and occasionally uses her tail to assist in tasks that might require both hands. However... she never bothered learning how to write again. She knows how to, in theory, and probably could in a pinch- but it wouldn't be the elegant script you might expect of someone who was once queen, it would very likely be nearly unreadable chicken scratch.
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pinevalley · 4 years
“I don’t understand any of this.” Which wasn’t new — in fact, it was a typical mood for the ghost — but sometimes confusion swept to the forefront of her mind and overtook every other scattered thought. Her casual demeanor slipped to reveal frustration and weariness and uncertainty beneath; not unlike the first time she’d encountered Dinah, really. Dirty sneakers scuffed the asphalt beside the car she leaned against. “Sometimes I... I just hope it’s all a bad dream. The kind you wake up from with a stiff neck and a bad taste in your mouth, y’know?”
|| @queenverdigris liked for a book dialogue starter!
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ceruleanscarred-a · 4 years
     The old dragon had figured it was a good day to lounge outside his desert den, bringing a few of his books along with him, which was a bit of a comical sight. The half blind blue really looked like a character from a children’s story, putting out the books far to small for his huge hands and adjusting a monocle on his good eye to actually read the tiny little tomes.
     Once he was comfortable, he cleared his throat and began to read aloud. He figured why not? It wasn’t like anyone else was around....
     “ I sit and hear the desert wind, sand hissing past, winging by on the deserts breath. The moon hangs still above the earth, enshrined in vaults of darkest black, an infinity of stars to frost the sky. I sit here, on the shifting crest of a tall and windswept dune, contemplating the majesty of starry sky, and the silence of the desert winds. My mind empty, wanders, and I seem to hear, in the howling of the desert wind, the yipping cries of jackals, and a strain of music, faint and thin, riding, on the whisper of the desert winds. “
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etherealintimacy · 4 years
🔞 (about Sahirah)
Send 🔞 for a NSFW headcanon
Sahirah is actually really into being praised. However, she’s not the type to admit that she’s into that nor that she likes it. It’s more of a thing you’d notice during sex by how her body would react to it. If you praise her a lot during it she will actually get more turned on and a little more affectionate.
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the-expatriate · 3 years
Ferdinand drops a few hundred dollars' worth into the kitty bank as well. Anything for the animals!
“Aww, thank you. You’re very kind, you know..”
And so, Ferdinand gets a great big kiss. 
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always-together · 2 years
Tagging both people Garnet already has friendships with and mutuals I haven’t had a chance to interact with yet: @serpentine-rogue @ethereallyloved @queenverdigris @advnterccs @monmuses @gemsandmore @castleofmxses @docozoxo @thenihilistofthevoid @ssatxr @automaton-otto @the-expatriate @manenimittliv @redlineoffate @kaiju-crimson-storyandask
Finally. After hours of procrastinating and having no muse, many many apologies, and lots of feeling sorry and horrible over abandoning you guys like that, the time is finally here.
I’M BACK!! FOR REAL THIS TIME!! Subject to college and life stuff getting in the way but yes! I hope to be back for real from now on!
Once more, I’m sorry I just kind of up and left for a few months. Especially to all of the lovely mutuals that followed me and then I never did anything with you. I hope to rectify that as long as you’re still willing to write with me!
And that starts right now! Since it’s spooky season, like this post for a Halloween-themed starter with Garnet! Please specify which muse if you’re multimuse, and which blog if you have multiple blogs like me!
I hope I never do something like that to you guys again; I genuinely feel horrible. But for now, let’s get some festive stuff going! I’m gonna be a bit busy today, but after I get to my preexisting threads on my other blog I’ll be writing up starters here!
Thank you all for your infinite patience! I’m happy to be writing with you all again ❤️❤️
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hexadacttyly · 4 years
Honestly, so far Ford was loving this dimension, it reminded him a lot of his favourite game, Dungeons, Dungeons and More Dungeons. It was a nice change in pace from the more recent dimensions he’d been through. The last had left him with a nasty scar and bitter taste in his mouth. He’d like to avoid dimension 97 for the rest of his life.
Now, he just needs to get his bearings.
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Blue eyes fall onto a lady... He hadn’t seen anyone even slightly like himself for at least a few years. He approaches with caution. Usually Ford would avoid communicating with others unless it was absolutely necessary but, he couldn’t ignore her, not if she was another human being. Perhaps she was lost out here too, or maybe humans reside in this dimension. ‘Um. Hello.’ He calls, cleaning out his throat, speaking his mother-tongue to anyone but himself feels strange by this point. God how long had he been alone?
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ethereallyloved · 4 years
💖 Magnus and Sahirah!
A Less Spicy Shipping Meme
Send a 💖 and I’ll tell you what a relationship would be like with my character:
How likely they are to enter a relationship with them:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
//Sahirah never thought that much about relationships before so it can go either way.
Would they…
Make the first move? Yes | No | Maybe
 Say “I love you” first? Yes in Arabic though so that he won’t understand it | No 
Cheat on them? Yes | No 
Be the jealous type? Yes | No 
Plan the dates? Yes |No 
Initiate the first kiss? Yes | No
 Remember anniversaries? Yes or rather more or less| No
Their Relationship Is:
friends to lovers | rivals to lovers | enemies to lovers | still just enemies | mutual pining | star crossed lovers | old married couple | perpetual honeymoon phase | stable and boring | stable but not boring | secret lovers | best friends hiding their feelings | and they were roommates | friends with benefits | coworkers avoiding HR | one-sided affection | weird sexual tension | it’s complicated | toxic relationship | a secret affair | an actual dumpster fire | other
PUBLIC Displays of Affection:
hand holding | kiss on the hand | kiss on the cheek | kiss on the forehead | kiss on the lips |  cuddling | hugging | affectionate messages or comments | pet names | pictures together | no displays of affection
PRIVATE Displays of Affection:
hand holding | kiss on the hand | kiss on the cheek | kiss on the forehead | kiss on the lips |  cuddling | hugging | affectionate messages or comments | pet names | pictures together | no displays of affection
Do they stay together?
yes, this is endgame | yes but someone is gonna die tragically | something is keeping them apart | they part ways as friends | they part ways as enemies | they’re on-again-off-again | they have a super messy breakup | it was just a fling | other aka I have no idea
What terrible pet names would they give each other?
She’d probably call him Muffin..in Arabic at times because there is no way she’d say that outloud at first.
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dimensionaljumper · 4 years
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@queenverdigris​ said: ❣ (Graún, for Scribe)
Send me a ❣ and I'll gauge my character's attraction to yours at this point in time
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✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ | Sexual Attraction ✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ | Romantic Attraction ✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ | Crushing ✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ | Squishing ✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ | Sensual Attraction ✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ | Aesthetic Attraction
Low ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦ High
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frozen-hearts · 4 years
♦ (for Kris, to Sir Patrick!)
“Probably... powdered sulfur, because you’re a pyrotechnic, and sulfur dust is so explosive.” He paused. “Some time ago my friend Gerard was doing alchemy and I was present... so he could keep me in check. He got too distracted by my conversation and ended up blowing something up... and that’s where my mind went. Two friends who are distracted, and explosive substances.”
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drifter-verse · 4 years
Pass the happy! 🌻 When you receive this, list 5 things that make you happy and send this to 10 of the last people in your notifications 💖 (No obligation to do this of course!)
((Thank you!! I’m not gonna pass this around to inboxes, but to whoever reads this, this is for you!))
((Edit: missed the 5 things part, lemme add those now))
((1. My black leather jacket. that thing is the peak of my confidence))
((2. Music))
((3. RPing here))
((4. I like to play dnd as evidenced by my sideblog soo...))
((5. My big dumb doggo Cooper, he’s weird and I love him))
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